Apple Q2 2017 - Quarterly Report Summary: Rev = $45.4 Billion (vs $42.4 Billion a year ago quarter and $52.9 Billion last quarter) Total Cash = $261.5 Billion (Up $4.7...
Apple Q2 2017 - Quarterly Report Summary: Rev = $45.4 Billion (vs...

Apple Q2 2017 - Quarterly Report Summary:
Rev = $45.4 Billion (vs $42.4 Billion a year ago quarter and $52.9 Billion last quarter)
Total Cash = $261.5 Billion (Up $4.7 Billion for the quarter from $256.8 Billion)
Last Quarter Sales:
iPhones Sold = 41 Mil (vs 40.4 Mil a year ago quarter and 50.8 Mil last quarter)
iPads Sold = 11.4 Mil (vs 10 Mil as year ago quarter and 8.9 Mil last quarter)
Mac's Sold = 4.3 Mil (vs 4.3 Mil a year ago quarter and 4.2 Mil last quarter)
Misc Notes:
First significant uptick year over year for iPad for the past few years.
Total revenue high end of guidance - 7% increase yr over yr.
7+ sales up dramatically yr over yr vs 6S+.
Over 1.2 Billion iPhones sold all time.
iPad sales up over 15% yr over yr.
Apple Watch over 50% in June quarter (assumed vs previous quarter).
98% satisfaction for AirPods and still not meeting demand.
$11.7 Billion back to investors.
$7.2 Billion in dividends and
$4.5 Billion on repurchases on Shares.
Next Dividend of $0.63 per share will be paid on August 17th to owners of Apple stock on August 14th.
Apple is Projecting $49 Billion to $52 Billion in the current quarter.
Last year it was $46.9 Billion in Revenue for the same quarter.
The projected increase in Revenue for the yr over yr quarter points towards a new iPhone launch before the end of September.
PR from Apple
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