The Verizon iPhone rumor started back on November 27th 2007. I have since that time been saying 2012 for the Verizon iPhone. I am now changing my tune and officially jumping on the Verizon iPhone rumor Bandwagon. I think the Verizon iPhone will be announced on 1/11/11 at 11:00 AM ET at Verizon's Special event - Just 1141 days since the original rumor surfaced. Here are the reasons why I think this will finally happen.
1. The Verizon Event is 2 days after CES - why not have the event at CES with all the press there already. It would mean the event needs to be something that does not fit in with CES - Like an Apple Announcement.
2. Gizmodo is not invited to the event.
3. MG Sigler is invited - personally and not through tech crunch. MG is the biggest iPhone proponent at Tech Crunch and sometimes the only iPhone Proponent at Tech Crunch.
4. The Event is in NY - the city that is by far the worst of all the Cities for the iPhone on AT&T. What a nice little Jab at AT&T to have it there. I mean invite the press most of which have iPhones to the one place their iPhones will not work. Both Evil and Brilliant at the same time.
5. AT&T just lowered the pricing of the iPhone 3GS to $49, plus you had the lower prices in December for the iPhone from Radio Shack, Best Buy, Sams Club and Radio Shack again. Seems like AT&T is trying to get as many people locked into two more years as they could before the Verizon announcement.
The Stars are all aligning for a Verizon iPhone announcement on 1/11/11 at 11:00 AM. If Verizon does not announce the iPhone at the event, they will have jumped the PR shark even more so than Apple did with their lame Beatles Announcement last year. But at least with that Apple had the good foresight not to invite the press to a special event - just a web page.