Update 1: This is for Jailbreaking - NOT for unlocking. If you want to take your iPhone to another carrier (unlock) then this is not the tutorial for you.
Note: This tutorial works for OS 3.1.3 and 3.1.2 for all iPhones and iPod Touches. It also works for the iPad and OS 3.2. This works if you are using iTunes 9.1.1 - but please note to make sure iTunes is shut down before running the jailbreak. The Spirit jailbreak is a very very easy jailbreak and if you can download and open an app you can jailbreak your device.
There are some very good articles on how to jailbreak but many miss a couple of steps that new jailbreakers need to know especially when it comes to using Cydia - the resource for finding and installing jailbroken apps. This tutorial tries to help those first time jailbreakers. If you are on an iPad regardless of your experience level read all the way through.
Do not try to jailbreak if you don't like when things go to (expletive). If you need your device for your business and being without it for any period of time will cause you to loose your job - stop now. If you get mad at your significant other at how they fold towels or put the toilet paper on a roll - Jailbreaking is probably not for your personality. Sometimes things break and your device will likely crash more often then if it was not jailbroken.
1. First you need to download the program Spirit. Make sure to download to your desktop. Download Spirit per the links below:
Windows (here)Mac OS X (here)Then Un-Zip the file once on your desktop.
You will then have the Application - Spirit - on your desktop. Connect your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to your computer. Quit out of iTunes. Then open the application Spirit. You should see the following.
Next simply click on the button "Jailbreak" inside the Spirit application. That is all you have to do to jailbreak. After just a few seconds the application will say it is jailbroken.
Your device will need to reboot. And when it does you will see it go to what looks like the beginning of a Dr. Who episode. There is a status bar as it loads. Once it finishes the load and reboot, your device should be jailbroken now. So what do you do next? Well first thing is to find the Cydia App on your device. It is brown with a white circle in it and says "Cydia" underneath. See the image below.
Tap to open it. The program will do some maintenance the first time you open it.
After it closes - you will need to reopen it. The second time is the charm and you will be ready to go.
Next you will be asked "Who Are You?" If you are reading this article - then you are "User (Graphical Only)" - select that option.
Per the screen - Welcome to Cydia.
One App almost everyone will want and that works on the iPhone's, iPod Touch's and the iPad is the app Backgrounder. This app allows true multitasking on your device and it is free. To install this app Tap on "Search" in the bottom row of Cydia and then in the search box type "backgrounder"
Next Tap on "Backgrounder from BigBoss" the second one - not the one that says "(2.x only)"
Then Tap on "Install" in the upper Right corner
Then Tap on "Confirm" in the upper Right corner
At this point you have installed your first jailbroken App. It is recommended you open up Backgrounder and adjust some of the settings.
First tap on "Global". After you make your donation that is.
Set all the switches to "ON". Then go Tap "Back" and then Tap "Control"
Finally scroll through and select how you want to be able to enable and disable backgrounding for apps. Personally I like the "Short Hold" of the Sleep Button. It makes it very easy to enable and is not likely going to be enabled by accident.
Thats it you are now jailbroken and have your first real jailbroken app running on your device.
Please understand sometimes installs of apps are interrupted - in which case you need to try and re-install. Things are not as stable when you jailbreak - expect some additional crashes and conflicts between apps.
Note: If you have an iPad - do not - repeat - do not - install Five icon dock - it will really mess up your iPad and you will need to restore it. However that app works great on the iPhone and iPod Touch. For iPad owners most apps at this point do not work.
Jailbroken Apps that work on the iPad:
Safari Download Plugin
If you come across more jailbroken apps that work on the iPad - please add them to the comments below.
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-- posted at: 12:04am EST