
Wed, 19 December 2012
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-- posted at: 5:12am EST
Wed, 19 December 2012
I created this artwork with a combination of Photoshop Touch and Photowizard.
Ben (iosstuffandreviews.com).
Transcript for Episode 252
With Christmas coming up - here is a quick tip for keeping your kids in line - I think I mentioned it before so long timers bare with me. Get a free conference call line - say at k7.net for example - and then put the number in your iPhone with the contact as Santa. Add in a picture of Santa for the contact. Then set up your call in number with a recording saying it is Santa's Naughty and Nice line. And when you kids are acting up or acting good. on your iPhone activate siri and say - Call Santa - and it will dial away for you. It is a nice little Free tip you can do to help around the holidays. It is amazing what impact it has on your young kids when they see Sanata's picture pop up on your iPhone. They really do act much better rather quickly.
Do you use the instagram app or should I say did you use it past tense. Yeah - Well this next item is for you. Quote I’m writing this today to let you know we’re listening and to commit to you that we will be doing more to answer your questions, fix any mistakes, and eliminate the confusion, As we review your feedback and stories in the press, we’re going to modify specific parts of the terms to make it more clear what will happen with your photos. Legal documents are easy to misinterpret. unquote Kevin Systrom Instagram co-founder.
quote Some or all of the Service may be supported by advertising revenue. To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, you agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you. If you are under the age of eighteen (18), or under any other applicable age of majority, you represent that at least one of your parents or legal guardians has also agreed to this provision (and the use of your name, likeness, username, and/or photos (along with any associated metadata)) on your behalf. # You acknowledge that we may not always identify paid services, sponsored content, or commercial communications as such. unquote
Because You know I can see how quote without any compensation to you unquote and quote if you are under the age of 18 unquote can be misinterpreted. Problem for Instagram is that people did not misinterpret the new terms - but rather actually read them.
So what Instagram and Facebook were doing is allowing it where any photo you upload they can sell without having to compensate you. Think the largest online stock photo library - where no one that uploaded the photos gets paid - just Facebook and Instagram - Brilliant. Or I mean - EVIL.
So let me know based on the new Terms in place are you sticking with Instagram or are you giving it up - and if so - what apps are you using in its place?
206-666-6364 thats 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
And an Update on this - Seems the user revolt hit Facebook and Instagram hard enough for them to say ooooppps we messed up - we are changing the terms of service again.
Still let me know if you jumped ship or not.
If you have an iPhone 5 or an iPad Mini - Apple has just released iOS 6.0.2 update - which you can get by going to the Settings App - then General - then Software update and you can do an over the air update. As always I do recommend you force quit out of all open apps - and then do a sync and backup. Once you do that - then go to settings app - then general - then reset - then reset network settings. Once your device reboots - make sure you have a good wifi connection and then do your update. Now this update is to fix issues with Wifi - so you may not be able to get a wifi connection - in which case connect your iOS device to your computer via your lightening connector and update via the computer. I don't recommend updating over LTE - as it will eat up a nice chunk of your bandwidth limit.
Apple also just released iOS 6.1 beta 4. Now one article I read said this might mean we will get iOS 6.1 Gold Master for public release before the end of the year.
I really don't think that will happen - as Apple basically will be shutting down over the holidays - so I really don't see them doing a major update right before all the help goes home for the holidays - that would be kind of stupid. Now not saying it can't happen - just saying it better not happen. Plus Apple just lopped off some heads for iOS 6 issues - can't imagine to many people in Apple would be pushing for or allowing a major release anytime before Jan 7th.
Nothing New in iOS 6.1 beta 4 that I have seen quickly looking it over - but I was looking on an iPhone 4.
If anyone finds anything new and exciting in beta 4 let me know.
Thanks to many on this next one - which would be funny if it was not so sad. And this is one that just really goes out and highlights the issue Apple has with iOS Maps and that is the perception issue - and ok - maybe some technical issues to boot - and this story is one many probably heard about as it had gone main stream - again adding to the perception issue. It is the story about a police department in Australia that is warning iOS users not to use the Maps app in iOS 6 - because it has been sending people to a remote wilderness location 70 kilometers away instead of the town of Mildura. Problem is people have been stranded for up to 24 hour without food and water. Think the 2nd crocodile dondee movie. And again the Perception issue grows. Because even after Apple fixes / fixed this issue there will not be has not been wide spread news of the fix - just the memory of the issue. Eddy Que might be asking himself what has he gotten himself into.
Into the email bag - Hi Rob, I thought this was interesting, that Apple may try and acquire TomTom. It sounds like a positive move to me, but maybe I'm overlooking some aspect. Regards, Ray from Richmond.
Thanks Ray for the link to an article about a rumor of Apple looking to buy TomTom. And rumor it likely will stay - at 1.2 Billion dollars that is over 2X the value of anything has ever acquired - obviously it is possible given the issues they have had with Maps - but why spend 1.2 billion to buy the company that is likely the cause of many of your issues. Better to buy someone that is not giving your issues.
Plus as many of you are probably aware Google Maps is back - or here for the first time depending on your perspective. Any way a Map App on the iPhone by Google - called Google Maps is now available for free to download. So with Google Maps now available for the iPhone - it actually should buy apple some time to get their ducks in a row - with out having to buy TomTom.
Quite a few sites have put up their reviews of the Google Maps App - The Verge has a very good and detailed report - many of the reviews say Google Maps app actually looks and runs better on the iPhone than it does on Android phones. Oh and it uses vector graphics like Apples own Maps app - not tile graphics - which means it is quick. I think the biggest reason for going with Googles Maps App is if you need mass transit information. Clearly that is one area Apple is well embarrassed when compared to Google. IF you have not downloaded the google maps app - it is free and available now in the iTunes App store.
Here is some initial feedback from a couple of listeners.
Hi Rob,
I don't think the ui on the Google Maps app is as good as the apple iOS stock Maps app. But the Google Maps app does load pretty quick and smooth. Probably going to be a bit buggy for some but I think I will like it. Has voice prompts. Can do sat 3D view with voice. Major +. But Still like the ios 5 stock map interface better. 1 major down side for google maps app is that it does not pull up contacts. I do that a lot for work. This should put that last nail in apple maps coffin.
Levi in Riverside CA
Hi Rob,
Per the new google maps app It doesn't use my address contacts but has a shortcut to google earth which isn't 4" friendly yet. They do disclose the navigation is in beta with many disclosures unlike apple! Can't wait to try the navigation but use this mostly for business listings since yelp sucks & since apple maps forces open when running which I hate!!! In the business listings it shows no ph#. It only calls when taped on call. Maybe I just want to write it down or use a landline or Internet phone, they didn't think about that google. I like the old one better so far. Weird to swipe up/down & side ways on the info bars that appear. No contacts or recents or bookmarks other than home & work, WTF?!
Hi Rob,
I just downloaded the new Google Maps app and immediately noticed a missing feature that doesn't seem to be written about by anyone doing a review. You cannot search for a local contact. This is very annoying and hard to believe they couldn't work in. I hope they add this in an update to the app soon.
Hi Rob,
Per the new Googles Map App I was surprised to find when I tested the app on my way to work the turn by turn directions automatically interrupted the radio and played the directions over the car speaker. I do not have the standard bluetooth audio (A2DP profile) but only have the phone bluetooth. The turn by turn directions actually act like a phone call being received without the ringing. This was amazing.
I really did not have any issues with the Apple map app but was always leery that I might not get the correct address.
Jim from Lakewood CO
Thanks all that sent in reviews / info on the Googles Map app - my best suggestion is since it is free - to download the app and give it a try - and if you live in an urban area and use mass transit - well then it is a must download app.
Not saying too many people were looking forward to getting Google Maps - but it seems it was downloaded over 10 million times in the first 48 hours. Yikes - You know that has to hurt more than a few egos at Apple. On the flip side the only thing on Android that downloaded 10 million times in a 24 hour window is said to be Malware - Just sayin.
If you use Find my iPhone feature and are running iOS 6 - there is a new feature for you - turn by turn driving directions to your lost iPhone. Of course if you have not turned on this feature - I need to ask - Why NOT!!!
I mean really - why not? It is important if you want any chance of retrieving your iOS device if it is stollen to have find my iPhone turned on. Just sayin.
If you are the type that does not like to be naked in public - well I should say does not like to have your iPHone naked in public and you like to have a case on your iPHone 5 - be careful what case you pick - I guess one of the incase slider cases when sliding on or off was scratching the side of the iPhone 5. Now this likely from dirt and I know in the past we talked about slider cases and dirt and scratches - and guess what we just talked about them again except for the iPhone 5 this time. Long of the short if you put a case on your iOS device to keep it from getting scratched it might actually be what scratches it.
Thanks to Kevin K for this one. Which is a post about Passhack - which allows you to hide some of your stock apps directly from the Passbook app.
There are a bunch of steps of which I will not go over on the show - other than to say look for the link titled Passhack Tutorial in the show notes for ep 252 over at today in iOS dot com.
Thanks to Walt and Mike and others that sent in the link to the tim cook interview on Rock center - link for it in the show notes.
Hi rob,
This is a problem with all iPhone 5 and automobile Bluetooth technology. The source is that Bluetooth has been upgraded in iPhone 5, but automobile has not.
I know that Nissan-Infiniti is coming out with a patch in the next few weeks. I expect other manufacturers will follow.
Here is a temporary workaround. On your iPhone, change:
General>Accessibility>Incoming Calls
Change from "Default" to "Speaker".
This fixes the problem for now.
Chuck R
Hi Rob,
Just wanted to give you a heads up that starting today the iPhone 5's are all $50 off right now at RadioShack with new line or upgrade. Limited time offer. The iPhone 5 16GB is $149.99, 32GB $249.99, 64GB $349.99 and the iPhone 4S's are also $50 off for 16GB $49.99, 32GB $149.99, and 64GB $249.99.
Regards Travis F.
Looks like Sams Club is also offering $50 off - based on an email they sent out and forwarded to me by Robin. This $50 off offering is valid just through Dec 30th.
Of course Walmart is doing them all one better and offering up the iPhone 5 for just $127 in store purchase only. IE they want you in their store buying other stuff.
Hi Rob,
Just listened to the current show. Not sure if you had a reply to the child safety on YouTube. But here is what I understand.
At the bottom of any youtube page you will find safety mode. You can change the mode to on when you are signed into your youtube account. You can choose to lock the mode for all users on that computer on that web browser. If you have more than one browser be sure to do the same on both (such as safari and firefox). Just remember to be signed out when you finish with the computer. Otherwise anyone can change the settings.
On the iPhone YouTube App the New One. When signed in. You can go into settings and change the restrictions to Off, Moderate and Strict.
Not sure about the iPad but assume its the same.
Chris in london
Per the request for voice apps for the iPhone 4 to give functionality similar to Siri - Paul H sent in the following apps to look at - TalkTapp - social voice assistant - $1.99 in the app store, Then there is Voice Commander - Facebook, Twitter and websearch - also a buck 99. Next is SocialSpeech - one word - it is a speech to text and voice recognition for facebook status updates and twitter tweets - it is just 99 cents. Next is MyAssistant - one word - a Personal Secretary - at a buck 99 in the app store. Look for the review of that one from CNET in the show notes. Next is Speaktoit Assistant - with speaktoit being one word. And luckily so is assistant. It is free in the app store. Paul - Thanks for the heads up on all those apps - links ofcourse in the show notes for ep 252 over at today in ios dot com.
On your last podcast a gentleman with the "golden voice" inquired about Siri like equivalent apps.
I now has iPhone 5, but missed Siri when I had an iPhone 4.
Search for "voice assistant" or "voice commands" in the App Store.
Siri - substitute apps
Here are some I found and my favorites are at the top of the list
Paul Hughes
Speaktoit Assistant
Voice Assistant + Personal
Assistant - Voice Control Calendar
Voice Commands
Voice Notes
Voice Actions
Google Search
Dragon Go
Dragon Dictation
Voice Ask
Voice Answer
Voice Brief
Voice Commands+
Voice Assistant Plus
Dictate Everything
My Voice Assistant
Voice Dictation
Speaking Cal - with voice reminders
TalkTapp Social Voice
Voice Tweet
Super Voice Assistant
Voice Command Camera
Voice Camera
voice calcu+
Vocal - Vocally control Mac
Dictation Clock
Taking Self Timer
Vocal Photo
Voice Tweet
Today's episode is sponsored by the free app squrl - spelled s q u r l - squrl as I said is a free app that is focused on Video searching - but not just time shifted content - but also live streams. And it is not just searches in Youtube - but also vimeo, AOL videos, Blip, Ted Videos, Hulu, Netflix and more. Plus they have the live option. So you can see what is live right now on say TWiT.tv or if you want real good content - there is puppy cam tv - where you can see live streams of puppies. Per the search - what I really liked is when you search for a subject - say - Big East - which I did - it then found videos of stories about the Big East and the 7 schools breaking away - and once one video is done playing it automatically transitions into the next video - so you can just set this up hit play and it goes from story to story. I did the same thing for a search for Dayton flyers - and it game me all kinds of videos of Dayton flyers and it was neat watching it go from one video to the next. Type in Star Trek for a search hit play and it may be hours before you come out of the stream. They also have a neat recommendation engine that predicts what videos you'll like based I am assuming on past searches.
I asked my wife to also play with the app on her iPad and give me some feedback. I expected her to come back 30 minutes later a couple of hours later I had to go up to her and she apologized she got caught up in the app and videos. So be careful it can be a time sink - which is what it is designed to be. Her thoughts were it is really easy to use and find videos and get caught up in - The easy to use says a lot coming from my wife - a true self-proclaimed flashing 12.
Again this is a free app and the app is universal and requires and iOS device running iOS 4.3 or later - and yes it is optimized for the iPHone 5. Search for s q u r l in the App store - or look for the link in the show notes for ep 252. Per Netflix - you do need to log in to your accounts to see those videos - and that is part of the app - so for us Netflix users - that is cool. Thanks squrl for sponsoring the show today.
There were a lot of people saying the iPhone launch in China was underwhelming - because quote there were no lines unquote. That lack of lines was because Apple changed how the iPhone is distributed in China do to issues with past launches and Grey market resellers. So this time around by Apples design there were no lines. But that definitely did not mean there was no demand. As Apple announced they sold over 2 million iPhones 5 over the first weekend. Yeah and the anal-ists were scrambling to update their forecasts for iPhone 5 sales this quarter. To put that 2 mil iPhone 5's sold in one weekend in perspective - that is roughly what Apple sold in the US on its opening weekend. If China can become a market close to the size of the US market for Apple - that would well kill all the bears on wall street that have spent the last 3 months trying to kill apple stock.
Surprise Surprise the iPad Mini is selling well and being used well already - or so it appears - as iPad Mini Ad Impressions grew an average of 28% every day in November during its first month of release. This compares to the average of 19% growth that Amazons Kindle Fire grew last year during its first month of release.
Lots of the reviews out there on the iPad Mini mention the non-retina display as a or the major issue with the device. You know who does not agree with that - Consumers. As they appear to be buying up the iPad mini in droves - which is why it is still supply constrained. NPD is reporting that the iPad mini is going to out sell the iPad maxi this quarter. Other reports say not so much - that the iPad Maxi will prevail - either way both are expected to sell very well. Will be interesting if Apple breaks out iPad Maxi and Mini sales in the next quarterly report.
And Speaking of iPad mini sales - one of the things those down on Apple want to say is that iPad mini sales are just cannibalizing sales from the iPad Maxi - well not so fast there pilgrim. Seems a survey of 1000 US consumers shows that those looking at getting the iPad mini 47% roughly are new to Apple and that many are choosing the iPad mini instead of another 7" tablet not instead of the iPad Maxi - yes obviously some are buying iPad Mini's instead of iPad Maxi's but it may be a smaller percentage than most apple bears want you to believe.
Personally I was at a best buy store on Saturday with both my boys and we were looking at some accessories in between where they have the iPad mini and the other tablets - when I heard a person talking to a blue shirt at best buy about what small tablet to get - first he looked at the iPad Mini - then went over to the Android tablets - Of course at this point I am listening to what the Blue shirt is saying and the second he did not answer correctly - I was like a duck on a cheetoo and jumped all over the customer and let him know that getting the Android tablet he would be greatly disappointed - especially when it came to apps - and that the iPad mini was the much better device - with much better battery life - better cameras - two - and overall - his kids would be very happy with the iPad mini purchase and with the Android purchase not so much. The blue shirt gave me a dirty look - and the guy went over and got the iPad mini. Again this guy was not thinking iPad maxi vs iPad Mini - but small tablet vs small tablet.
hey and speaking of iPad's - Apple just was approved for LTE on the iPads in China. Expect the iPad Mini and Maxi with LTE to be available in China with in the next 60 days.
Thanks Kevin K and many others - And that is the bat dung crazy rumor from Anal-ist Peter Misek that the iPhone 5 will be coming in june 2013 not the fall and it will come in many colors. It will supposedly have an improved Super HD camera and screen, NFC, a better Battery, and will come in 8 colors. Apparently the partridge in the pear tree was already spoken for. For support of his statements Misek offered up Air - evidently the same thin air he pulled these predictions from - what you thought I was going to say he pulled them from his BLEEEP - This is why I love Anal-ists so - just making crap up do they. Like when Misek said last summer the full size Apple TV was already in production. Yes folks this guy gets paid for saying this stuff. Sadly others seem to listen to him - Why I have no idea.
Hey and speaking of people pulling stuff from their - ok well speaking of people saying crap - comes a recent interview of Eric Schmidt where he is speaking about the iPhone and Android and he proclaims that Android is quote winning that war pretty clearly now unquote Unless of course you talk about what platform developers develop for first. What platform developers make the most money on, or what platform people actually use the most. Yeah in those cases - iOS is still the king.
And per the App revenue point - there is a really nice article in the Guardian out of the UK titled iOS v Android App revenues, downloads and country breakdowns and a link for it is in the show notes for Ep 252 over at today in iOS dot com.
Hey Rob,
I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4S, currently my wife uses the iPad with her own iCloud account for email, FaceTime etc... and I have my own account on the iPhone, we share the same iTunes account for apps and such, my question is my 2 year old son lives on our devices all day, and recently my company gave me a iPod touch 5th gen 32gb, that we are going to set up for him. What would be the best way to set this up so he can use the FaceTime function to call myself or mom on the iPad? Please any help and advice you can give will help.
Brad , Virginia
Hi Brad - set up a gmail account for your son - and then use that email for his face time account on your iPod touch 5th gen - make sure each iOS device has its own email set up for it - and then you can FaceTime to one another by setting up contacts for each person with the email you set up for each device for FaceTime.
Hi Rob, I remember in one of your episodes you went over the process of requesting a return for an app purchase and I can't seem to find it on your website or apple's for that matter. It's low priority, so if you have time I'd appreciate it, but don't let it interfere with a new episode!
Thanks again for your work
Regards, Jason
Hi Jason as it is multiple steps - I will just point to a good tutorial on how to do this - look for the link in the show notes titled How to Get a Refund From the iOS or Mac App Stores - you can find that in the show notes for ep 252 over at today in iOS dot com - or in the link list in the tii app for ep 252.
Hi Rob,
I was writing to let you know about my kickstarter project which is currently up and running. The project is for my handmade Ipad Mini cases, they are called the Kalonn Ipad Mini Case and I love it and the Ipad just the same!
Christopher Goodwin
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the heads up on your Kickstarter project - which folks you can find by searching for k a l o n n in kickstarter. Kalonn mean strong in irish in case you are wondering.
I like that he has a very modest goal of $5,000 - rare to see goals below 10k anymore.
This project runs until Jan 1st at 12:47 AM ET.
There are still some early backer options available for just a pledge of $20.
They are a nice looking case and I already know of one person - a friend of my wifes that already has dropped and shattered her glass on her iPad mini. So a case is a good idea - and $20 is a pretty nice price for a handmade case.
Chris good luck with this. And folks again search for k a l o n n in kickstater or look for the link in the show notes.
Hi Rob,
A new kickstarter project, well new for the iPhone 5 is up - it is the Trygger.
Tuscaloosa AL
Hi Thomas thanks for the heads up - I remember the version of this for the iPhone 4 and 4S. And what I ilke most about this kickstarter project - it is the pledge levels - 3 as in 1 2 3 of them that is it - and one is a $1 or more pledge which is sold out - the other two are both $30 dollars one for white and one for black. And they have a pledge goal of just $10,000 - Again nice to see a low pledge goal and Kudos for this team for keeping it simple with regards to really just two pledge options black or white. I hope they get funded of which funding will last until Jan 25th at 8:59 AM ET - oh for those that don't remember the Trygger spelled very web 2.0ish as t r y g g e r - it is a polarizing filter for your iPhones camera. Last time it was a case - this time it is just a clip. Again pricing is only $30 and if you are someone with an iPhone 5 and do lots of out door photos - and want to take those photos to the next level - this project could help you out a bunch.
Hey Rob,
Just a couple of kickstarters u want to talk about.
First up is the iPad smarter stands that I got sent recently from a funded project.
Brilliant add on to any smart stand user enabling you to have multiple viewing angles & position using a simple clip on the actual smart stand.
Next up is a project I've just pledged my money on.
The project is The PhoneJoy Play Bluetooth controller.
Can't wait to get this as it can be used by clamping on side of your phone or used as a regular controller when playing on your iPad or even on the Apple TV.
I wish apple would just make a standard controller so all the gaming devs on iOS could program for one device.
Sheffield, England
Hello Ryu thanks for the heads up on PhoneJoy - This one has a total pledge level of over $46,000 with a goal of $50,000 and will finish pledges on Jan 3rd at 9:01 AM ET. So this one should easily make it. Price of the device is $60. Search for PhoneJoy in kickstarter if you are looking for a bluetooth gaming controller for your iOS device. They set this one up to work like the iCade - so games that support iCade are supposed to support this. And for those that have a jailbroken iOS device they also say it will support Blutrol compatible apps - but there are limits there - make sure to read over the kickstarter page and watch the video before pledging - duhhh
More rumors about Office for iOS have been floating out there - now there is a report from the verge that microsoft has confirmed the existence of its office mobile app for iPhone and iPad with Word, Excell and Powerpoint part of the app or apps. When can you expect this app to launch - well not to 2013 and likely March of 2013 for the iPhone and iPad versions.
While personally I think with pages, numbers and keynote you are covered - there are those that want to have the MS app - and on the iPad I can see why especially with excel. Anyway no official announcement of when or how much for that mater. More to come on this in the future.
Last month after black friday there were a few different reports about the iPad kicking butt and taking names during the weekend with regards to online sales made on the devices - especially when compared to other tablets. And some of the numbers did not make sense like the Nook being responsible for more sales then the Kindle Fire. Well I guess Amazon did not like how things were being reported and had their engineers work with those at Chitika - which measures ad impressions on mobile devices. And in doing so they were able to get the Kindle fires traffic to go from 9th place for tablets with out an I to start their name to first. Essentially in October the Kindle fire was showing 0.59 impressions vs each 100 for an iPad. And in November that number went up to 4.05 ad impression vs each 100 for an iPad. And this I guess makes Amazon happy. But still it means the iPad is still getting 24 times more ad impressions on the web than the Kindle fire.
Hello Rob:
My name is Conrad. I just started listening to your podcast and am enjoying it! I am a band teacher and would like to create an app where students could tap rhythms, tap in fingerlings and other things. Problem is I do not know where to start. Could you tell me what I would need to read to learn to do this? Is this something you mentioned in another episode?
Hi Conrad - yes this is something I have mentioned a few times before on the show - but I could not tell you which episodes - but I can tell you what I basically said - go look at the free iTunes U courses on iOS development from Stanford University - to find these simply search for stanford and iOS in iTunes and you will see the iTunes U collections for this. If you watch these videos it will give you a good understanding of what you need to do. There are also many many books out there and more being released each month on this - and when you get your iTunes developer account - there are resources there as well.
If you have the time, energy and basic understanding of developing - you should be able to get a basic app put together.
Good luck and send promo codes when you get your first app up in the store.
Thanks to michael for the heads up on this one. Which is that Gifting of apps is back in the App store. Users can buy or gift an app store app for another iTunes app store user via an iOS device once again. This feature was in there for iOS 5 and early - but did not make it over for iOS 6. No reason was ever given - nor is one likely to ever be given - but gifting of app in iOS 6 is back and just in time for the holidays.
Hi Rob - I just got an email from AT&T about $100 of any tablet. Regards Ron.
Hi Ron - I also got the email and saw the flyer in my AT&T bill - between now and Jan 10th 2013 - you can get $100 off any Tablet from AT&T - including the iPad Mini and Maxi - if you sign up for a two year Data plan or by adding said device to any data share plan for $10 a month. Obviously you need to make sure you really want and will use a data plan every month for the next two years before signing up. Sprint is offering to its employees and friends and family of employees $130 off an iPad Mini or Maxi - if you commit to a 6 Month plan of $40 a month i.e. the 6 GB plan which seems to be a special plan for friends and family as well. Or so I was shown from my Sprint Poker buddies - that offer is good until December 31st. So if you have a sprint friend or family member and are looking for a good price and good deal - you have a short time to take advantage of this.
A quick reminder I will be speaking at blogworld new media expo in Las Vegas - which will be going on from Jan 6th to the 8th - I will be speaking about how to podcast 100% from an iPad and my speech is Monday the 7th at 10:30 AM Las Vegas time. We at Libsyn will also have a booth at the show - booth 517 - please stop by and say hi - and get your picture taken with me or if you are libsyn customer - with the libsyn team. If you want to save 20% off a New media pass - use promo code Walch20 - that is w a l c h 2 0 - that is c h - not s h. Walch20. Hope to see some of you at the show. I am also speaking on Tuesday the 8th again at 10:30 AM LV time - and that one is a panel about podcast distribution. But other than those times I will be at the Libsyn booth. Hope to see you there. Hey and I also got my press passes for CES - I will be over at CES on Wednesday the 9th.
As always if you have any comments questions answers to others questions tips tricks app reviews product reviews rumors speculations rants or anything else related to iOS is some way give us a call - 206-666-6364 that 206-moon-dog or email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com. If you have not purchased the Tii App - it is just $2.99 in the app store and not just the best way to consume this show - but with push notifications - you get to find out when there is breaking news or special deals. Plus it helps support the show. And speaking of supporting the show - I want to thank Squrl once again for sponsoring todays episode - You can download the free squrl video search and discovery app by searching for s q u r l in the iTunes app store. Again that is s q u r l and it is a free universal app that supports the iPhone 5 as well. And that folks wraps it up for us today.
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Sat, 8 December 2012
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And mixed it with Mixel.
Transcript for Episode 251
With out a doubt this has to be the strangest iPhone story I have reported on - and felt it was worthy of the top story. It is about people in Pennsylvania specifically those in the 717 area code - well some of them have seen the AT&T logo replace with Dan - Now this is not causing any real issue - other than your network showing Dan on the phone instead of AT&T - and it is likely a prank by some disgruntled AT&T worker - or better yet maybe a testing issue that got lose in the wild. But in any case if you live in 717 area code - have an iPhone and it is on AT&T - well it may now be saying it is on Dan. No word on if Dan allows FaceTime calls over cellular for unlimited customers - just sayin.
iOS 6.1 beta 3 has been released upon the devs and those of us with access to a dev account. and my thoughts are it is working fine - just like beta 2. Some of the new things I have seen mentioned about beta 3 relate to iCloud setup, Passbook Sample Card being updated, Voice dial only feature added and reset advertising identifier was tweaked. Yeah exciting times. But this does mean we are getting closer to the launch of iOS 6.1 - probably with in the next 4 to 5 weeks.
iPhone Ship times dropped early in the week to 2 to 4 days and now tonight are sitting at in stock. That's right the iPhone 5 has finally reached in stock status. Which is probably why Apple also removed the limit on how many iPhone's each person could buy - so now - if you have one of those extended families feel free to buy them each an iPhone for the holidays.
The iPad Mini has had its ship times improve as well - It is now down to 1 week for deliver times. This is for all versions black or white - and regardless of the carrier - at least here in the US that is.
The big questions for those on wall street is of course - is the reduction in lead time for these products a result of slowing demanding or increasing supply. These are questions not likely answered until next quarter. I will say in my family this holiday season - I have 3 out or 4 and maybe 4 out of 4 of my nieces and nephews that are getting iPad Mini's - not from me - but from my Parents or from their own parents. Now maybe my family is skewed towards apple products - but not overly likely as they live over 1,200 miles away. It just seems those that had iPod touches for presents in the past - are now upgrading so to speak to the iPad Mini. Which makes a lot of sense given the price points and that the apps all cary over and then some.
Well on the last episode I reported on a rumor that T-Mobile would announce they are getting the iPhone at the investor conference and that is what actually happened this week. Kudos to Scott Craig at Merril lynch for nailing that call. Now what was not rumored is how T-mobile plans to do the offering which their CEO says will be a dramatically different experience. And what exactly does that mean - well it likely means T-mobile is not going to subsidize the iPhone - but rather reduce the monthly rate you pay. No word yet on exactly what that monthly rate will be. It is also reported that T-mobile will not force everyone to upfront pay the $649 to $849 that an iPhone will cost. They will also offer a finance plan for the iPhone. Of course the CEO also said all the reports on how this will be different are wrong. So when is T-mobile getting the iPhone - well sometime between Jan 1st 2013 and December 31st 2013. Beyond that no other info on when in 2013 it will be. But if you have been holding out at T-mobile waiting and waiting for the iPhone - at least now officially your wait if coming to an end.
Speaking of people waiting for the iPhone - there are over 600 Million of them on China Mobile that are doing so - and by the sounds of it - that wait is not going to be over soon enough. Yue Li President of China Mobile - the world's largest carrier said that they have been in Talks with Apple about the iPhone since 2009 - however both sides are still far apart on getting a deal agreed to. It is reported he said they were even close to an agreement last year - but that the deal fell through. So when is the iPhone coming to China Mobile - well on the surface it might seem like don't hold your breath - but usually in these things - when the CEO's say one thing it often means another. So maybe these comments are just a little public posturing prior to an announcement about a deal. Or maybe I am being overly optimistic.
Missed it by that much - The official word about the iPhone 5 in China that is - Apple put out the press release announcing that December 14th was the official date as had been suspected just a few hours after ep 250 went live. Apple also announced December 7th as the official date for when the iPad Mini and 4th gen iPad would be available in Main Land China as well. Initial reports are that lines for those devices were well not there - of course many of those reports did not mention that you really could not line up and needed to pre-reserve your iPad - so those reporting on no lines - they might want to look a little closer.
And Yes Virginia the iPhone 5 will be in 100 countries before Christmas. With Apple officially announcing that more than 50 new countries will be getting the iphone 5 this month. I was going to read the 50+ countries the iPhone 5 would be in - but you know Ken from Mac OS Ken did such a good job - I thought I would just use his clip here - with his permission of course.
iPhone 5 will be available in South Korea on Friday, December 7 and on Friday, December 14 in Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ecuador, Grenada, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kuwait, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. iPhone 5 will also be available on Friday, December 21 in Barbados, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Egypt, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St.Vincent & the Grenadines, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam.
Thanks ken for allowing the use of that and folks check out Mac OS Ken if you are interested in a very good Mac / Apple Podcast.
I had the same problem with my iPhone 5 not wanting to automatically pair after upgrading from my iPhone 4s.
The way I found to fix it was to make the iPhone 5 the primary Bluetooth device on my car radio, now it pairs up automatically.
Tuscaloosa AL
Rob, I've had the same problem of my phone dimming. Mine dims after I've used the "flashlight app.
I wonder if everyone who has had this issue had it after using the flashlight?
Cary in Placitas, NM.
Hi Rob,
About the brightness problem with the iPhone 4S/5.
Prefences>screen&brightness and switch the automathic off. This will solve the brightness problem.
Tim from the Netherlands.
Hi Tim - yes - turning off the automatic brightness option should be one way for those suffering from the dimming issue to go away - the down side is if you use it a lot both indoors and out - you are going to either have to keep manually changing the brightness or you will need to just turn it up so you can see it out doors and deal with the extra battery drain.
Hi Rob,
On the email Mass Delete. A Jailbreak App 'Mail Enhancer Pro' does this from individual email accounts and or the All Emails selection. This might help the visually impaired guy.
Chris in London
For some of you over 40 crowd that does get an iPad mini - you may find the text a little hard to read - fear not there is a solution - well at least for many cases there is. If you go into the setting app and then General and then accessibility - you will see an option for Large text - tap it - and then select the font size you want from those displayed - I actually did this with my iPhone 4S . Once you do this - the text in apps such as mail, contacts, notes and messages will be easier to read - I definitely can see this being of help for those getting the iPod mini. Again - Settings - then general then accessibility and then large text.
Thanks to Jonathan for this next one - seems there were actually some features depricated in iTunes 11. Some of the features killed off are - 1. Cover Flow 2. The De-duper, 3. iTunes DJ, 4. Gapless playback editor, 5. Multiple Windows and 6 Quick volume control / song progress in mini player. Ok - really nothing I ever even used - hence why I did not notice they were missing when I played with iTunes 11 last week or this week for that mater. But when I said I thought all the features were still there - I really meant all the features that count i.e. - the ones I use.
Speaking of things killed off by Apple - lets talk about the Youtube app - and more specifically the Youtube app on the iPad - well as you know Google had a new Youtube app for the iPhone - and now they have a new Youtube app for the iPad. One thing I wish Youtube app would do - is add in parental filters / controls - if anyone know of any parental controls for youtube let me know. Right now I don't see anything. I would also really like to be able to block videos from the app / account from showing up. So yes there is a new iPad Youtube app - but no - it does not seem to be Kid friendly. Now some would say Youtube is not a place for kids - but I disagree - there are many good educational videos and interesting videos on there for kids - the vids of all the russian trucks is one of my sons favorites. Ok - I know I am rambling and ranting here - I just wish I could let my kids watch a couple of Youtube videos with out worrying about what they might stumble upon. Thanks by the way goes out to Netflix for making their app much more kid friendly.
I guess the real issue here comes back to google - Google's customer is not the user - it is the advertiser. oh well nice to dream. Maybe someone can figure out how to skin an app that overlays on youtube and filters out content for kids. Or maybe someone from the don't be evil company will use their 20% of their time and develop something like that. Yeah right.
Ok - lets get into something more likely - the iPhone 5S rumors that is. And there have been some rumors the past week and by rumors I mean photos of what is supposed to be the back plate for an iPhone 5S - Seems on the outside it looks exactly like an iPhone 5 - but on the inside it is slightly different. with screw hole locations moved a little. Initial speculation by those posting the photos and those reporting on said photos is that this must be for the iPhone 5S. But my initial thoughts were that rather it was for an iPhone 5 for China Mobile - given that the CEO of China Mobile stated they were still Far apart on negotiating - as I stated earlier that might just mean the opposite - and either way - I am sure Apple has a device designed that works on China Mobile - which due to their unique TD-SCDMA network - would likely require a new device just for China Mobile. Personally If I have to choose between this back plate being for the iPhone 5S already or for China Mobile - I vote China Mobile.
Switching gears Another day another consumer watch dog group testing Tablet battery life claims - this time it was a UK group called which? - which did the tests and guess what - well ok - not much guessing if I am talking about it - the iPads won their categories. There were two groups - 16 different over 8 inch tablets and 10 under 8 inch tablets were tested. In Which's tests the iPad 4th gen lasted 811 minutes. That is over 13 and half hours for those of you that don't know how to divide by 60. Which was much better than 2nd place finisher at 590 minutes which was the iPad 2. Third place went Sony Xperia at 534 minutes. The Surface RT from MS lasted 501 minutes. or more than 5 hours less than the iPad 4th gen. ouch. And by the way they considered the MS Surface RT in the good category. Double ouch.
In the under 8 inch category - Standing heads and shoulders above everyone else was the iPad mini at 781 minutes or a little over 13 hours again for those of you not able to divide by 60. The Kindle Fire HD came in 2nd at 591 minutes or more then 3 hours less than the iPad mini. And yes the Mini weighs less then and has a larger screen than the other devices in its category. Yeah can't wait to Jan conference call from Apple to hear how many tablets they sold. Should be a good quarter.
It is that time of the show to put on my Apple fan boy hat ok in this case really Apple fan boy boots. Seems all those reports about Malware on Android and it not being something to really worry about - might be well not exactly accurate. Seems some nefarious types released some malware and botnets out on the world These applications were targeting Android, Blackberry and Windows PC's. The attack used the Zeus Trojan with is a keystroke logger and looked for people doing online banking activities. And then they did some real world stealing of money - to the tune of over $47 million dollars from victims accounts. Bet they wish they had an iPhone and mac right now. The attacks started in Italy and spread quickly to Germany, Holland and Spain. The article says there is no easy way to prevent these attacks - which I disagree with - get an iOS device and get a mac Or if you don't want to give up your PC or android device - then just stop doing online banking. Just sayin.
There was an article in Ad Age titled App developers shun Microsofts surface - and well ok - that is not overly surprising - There just is no uptake yet in the device - but the one developer or should I say company I found most interesting when mentioned as not developing an app for the Surface was Facebook - I mean considering Microsoft invested 240 million dollars in Facebook back in 2007. Awkward.
Hi Rob,
I want to share a solution that I came up with yesterday to a problem that I suspect many people are having. When I open iTunes and there are iOS devices connected to the same Wi-Fi, like for instance an iPhone, iTunes will find them and connect to them. However, if the iPhone is disconnected for some reason, it seems to be impossible to make iTunes connect to that iPhone again. This happens to me all the time and I don't usually carry my lightning cable with me so there is no way to reconnect without restarting my computer. You would think there should be a "Search for iOS devices" button but there isn't. Well yesterday I decided to try something: I disconnected my iPhone from iTunes, quit iTunes and then turned off Wi-Fi. When I tuned it back on and opened iTunes, it immediately searched and found my iPhone. This works every time.
So the steps are:
1. Quit iTunes
2. Turn off computer WiFi
3. Turn on computer WiFi
4. Open iTunes
After a few seconds, iTunes will search and connect to your iOS devices like it would when you open it the "first" time after turning on or restarting your computer.
Best regards
Eddy P, Sweden
Eddy - thanks for that tip.
Hi Rob - Thought I'd send a review of Fantastical for iOS…
I had heard about this app on the desktop but didn't see why a parsing of text would really speed up my calendar entry. I use BusyCal on the Mac and that works great. But when 4 people I follow on Twitter all said "buy it" I couldn't resist. (It's on sale for $1.99 right now)
The first thing I found was that in calendar view you can quickly swipe over several months and add or view events - and when you want to get back to today, you just hit the "Month year" top banner and it flys back. Perfectly intuitive and fast! The text parsing takes some reading to learn about: If I type "Concert 7p /J" it will put an event called "Concert" at 7PM and it will put it on the calendar I am subscribed to that starts with J - no extra dialog boxes or anything. I haven't learned all the ways this can help me but it really speeds up calendar entry. And gets me around the annoying endless scrolling of trying to look a few months out using the stock iOS calculator.
Rob - I just remembered a tip that I thought I'd share… I've got an 8GB iPod Touch that is pretty full. I've found that updating over the air requires a LOT more space than if you just pull the update down into iTunes and then update it from there. Somehow it never makes you clean up quite as much. Maybe this is obvious - but for those with limited space might need this tip. Also, I didn't follow your advice of shutting down all the apps and I had to boot it a few times before it worked.
Meanwhile another family member has a 32GB Touch and she doesn't shut anything down and just does the over the air update. I think with open space the over the air update works a LOT better.
What’s up with that user question about mail on his Mac?
I mean, the podcast is “today in IOS” and all.
Please, leave out Mac stuff; some of us truly care much less than not at all about the Mac.
Keep up the great work.
Kevin - his question was about iCloud - and iCloud is part of the iOS world - that is what it was designed for to tie together iOS device and computers. So I felt that fit on this show - just as if someone would have asked about iCloud and Exchange - I would have put that out there.
Now if he asked about the App Dragons lair on the Mac - which causes me to flashback to the 80's - that would have been a different story. But as long as a question for the most part is related to iOS - I will do my best to answer and or put it out for others to answer on the show. I definitely have presented in the past Windows questions about iTunes and other iOS related sync questions.
Thanks to Tash for this next one which is about a kickstarter project - yup we are at that point in the show again. And this one is called 1 second everyday app. It has already passed its goal of 20k with over 36k raised and has until December 27th at 10:03 AM ET for you to fund it. So what is 1 second everyday app - it is an app that will make it easy for you to record 1 second of video each and every day of your life and have that in a single video stream. sure you can look at photos you took - but photos miss so much of what video could have like the sound of someones voice you met on a specific day or a dog barking or birds chirping. The only thing I am not sure about on this is what the heck you get for pledging - with out a doubt some of the most confusing pledging levels I have ever seen. For example the $10 pledge states quote Reward #1 + reward #2 + exclusive access to a private FB group where backers can share their 1sec experiences together yada yada yada. any way it is a neat app and since he reached his goal - might be best to just wait for the app to make it to iTunes app store. Just sayin. Or you could you know pledge $250 dollars and get rewards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 and your choice of reward 5 and 7 and you get the app beta right now. Did I mention he hit his goal - yeah sometimes a neat idea can overcome confusing pledge levels.
Hi Rob,
here's the kind of news no Kickstarter backer likes to hear about,
Ray N
And what Ray is talking about is the issue with the Geode Kickstarter project - if you remember back in the summer we had reports from listeners who had received their geodes and quickly found out the cards for them were dead and had major issues - and new cards were sent and those had issues as well. Seems like they may have run out of funds before they fixed all their issues and shipped all or even many of their orders. Now some are reporting and by some I mean many - is that the guys took the money and ran - but I don't think that is the case - as reported by listeners of the show earlier this year - episode 234 to be precise - end of the episode to be really precise - there were issues with the Geode. I just think this guy ran out of money trying to fix a major design flaw. I know I have had other emails come in to the show since then from those that purchased the geode that they received multiple cards with multiple issues - and well that sounds like lots of money down the drain for the geode people - not like someone skipping off to the bahamas with peoples money like many of the articles are saying. Now that all said - the folks at Geode do owe it to their customer to say what is going on - and it should not be a case where their building is boarded up and no one can reach them - as that does not look good. Remember folks when ordering from Kickstarter - some projects will go like this - not everything is easy to do - if it was - probably would not need kickstarter.
Hey speaking of things that crashed and burned a horrible death - Remember the Daily - yeah - well if so - consider yourself in the minority - because definitely not enough did remember and more importantly pay to subscribe to Rubert Murdochs iPad only news magazine to keep it afloat. And now comes word it has officially crashed and burned. From a news corp press released buried near the bottom was the following gem.
Quote News Corporation also announced that effective immediately, Jesse Angelo, the founding Editor-in-Chief of The Daily and long-time Executive Editor of The New York Post, will assume the role of Publisher of The New York Post. As part of a digital restructuring initiative, the company will cease standalone publication of The Daily iPad app on December 15, 2012, though the brand will live on in other channels. Technology and other assets from The Daily, including some staff, will be folded into The Post.
Mr. Murdoch said: quote From its launch, The Daily was a bold experiment in digital publishing and an amazing vehicle for innovation. Unfortunately, our experience was that we could not find a large enough audience quickly enough to convince us the business model was sustainable in the long-term. Therefore we will take the very best of what we have learned at The Daily and apply it to all our properties. Under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief Col Allan and the business and digital leadership of Jesse, I know The New York Post will continue to grow and become stronger on the web, on mobile, and not least, the paper itself. I want to thank all of the journalists, digital and business professionals for the hard work they put into The Daily. unquote unquote.
See where mr. murdoch made a mistake was not getting me on board as a reporter - I did offer up my services - instead they went with highly paid journalists the types with degrees in journalism and you see where that got them. Ok just kidding - I love journalism majors. This ultimately was just a failed business model - which was to offer up general interest content for a premium price and hope people will pay for your general interest content vs consuming all the free general interest content with similar or close to similar levels of quality. In the end - Cnn.com and usatoday.com and huffintonpost.com won out for eyeballs.
The FTC put a little smack down on Google for their attempts to band apple products for getting into the US because of use of Standards Essential Patents. Now I am not a big fan of lawsuits by Apple to put it mildly - but at least when apple does sue over patent violations it is not per standards essential patents. The FTC in a brief filed this week stated that a district court was right to dismiss a request by Google for an injunction against sales of iPhones, and iPads in the US. And they went on to smack down google for these actions and said such actions can quote harm consumers unquote. Apple did not respond to a requests for comments - but Google did have the following audio comments per this ruling.
Hello! Love the show over the last several years!
I bit at the $99 iPhone 5 offer from AT&T to replace my iPhone 4S. The cable issue is not too much fun but my issue is with the otterbox defender. I have used this model since the 3GS. This one fits great, but the home button is Very hard to press and must use the tip of your finger. Has anyone else had this problem and any solutions? I tried the new griffin case but think its a bit too bulky. Thank you!
Sent from my iPhone
Daniel W
Hi Rob!
Just a thought, just wondering out loud... Reading about Apple's Maps division shakeup etc. They get the maps data from TomTom, right? So was that the wrong maps vendor to partner with, is TomTom that bad? Or is TomTom not sending Apple its best data?
-Phil from Green Bay
Hi Phil - Yes. ok - well I am not really sure if they partnered with Garmon if things would be any different. But I do expect we will see improvements soon on the Maps side - but sadly that improvement can not get hear soon enough and since it is more of an on going improvement - a little bit better here - and little better there and so on - it is not like one day a switch is flipped and everyone goes wow the Apple Maps app is now better than Google maps. So sadly even when the day gets here when Apple maps is better - it is likely going to be a day most people don't even realized past. At this point the perception is Apple Maps sucks - that is the general perception in the tech blogs and main stream media and what I hear from everyday people - it will take a lot and I mean a lot of work from Apple to change that perception and sadly getting maps up to snuff is likely going to be much easier than changing the perception around apple maps. If Eddie que can pull this one off - that will be an amazing feet.
Hey Rob
I was checking the amount of space I had left on my iPhone 5 16GB. I don't have that many things on it but I realized I had left than 200MB left. After checking for hours to see what was going on, I decided to unsubscribe to some shared photostream albums that people shared with me and saw that the amount of space went up. I thought that the shared photostream was in the cloud. I guess I would need to unsubscribe to a lot more to save space.
Love the show
Hi Rob -
I am looking for a way to stream video to my Apple TV, but to simultaneously have the audio on my iPhone, or even iPad. What I am trying to do is watch video on my Apple TV (such as Netflix streaming), while using my earbuds or headset on my iOS device. My wife goes to bed earlier than I do, and I want to be able to turn the sound up for me while keeping it quiet for her. Is there an app that can make this happen, or a setting in AirPlay that I'm missing? I know there is optical audio out on the Apple TV, but I don't want to have to hook this up through a stereo receiver.
I've enjoyed your podcast since the 3g days. Thanks for all you do.
Best regards,
Mark J
Little Rock, AR
Hi Rob,
Is there an app that you can view the apps that your children are using. Like Facebook or view text messaging from an 3rd party app? Thanks
Hey Rob, love the show. Long time listener. Question about jailbreak. I am currently jailbroken on 5.1.1 on a 4S. I believe I have found evidence that it is safe to update my Mac to 10.8.2 (currently 10.8.1) but I'm not sure. I'd like to update my Mac and iTunes but I don't want to lose my ability to restore to 5.1.1 if I need to. Any info would be great. Thanks. You rock!
Hi Daniel in the past upgrading versions of iTunes and other versions could cause an issue with jailbreaking - but not usually an issue with a current jailbreak - however if your jailbreak is corrupted it could become a problem if you needed to re-jailbreak. However with the most recent jailbreaks - I don't believe there have been those constraints. If anyone knows of any issues in updating to OS 10.8.2 or updating to iTunes 11 with regards to jailbreaking a iOS 5.1.1 device - please let us know. For now Daniel I would say wait on updating.
Hi Rob,
True or false? Your thoughts?
Steve from AZ
And steve was / is referring to a link he sent me titled DreamJB: Hacker Announces iOS 6.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak for 22 December - and this is on the ubber popular blog - Mobilespie.com - yeah never heard of it either. But that does not make it not true - just makes it suspect - plus the fact that this jailbreak team with quote around team consists of just one person - yeah that also makes it look suspicious. So for now I would say don't get to excited about this - and if and when this person offers up a solution - keeps an a good arms length away from this until others have tested it out. I definitely would not be upgrading to iOS 6 from your current jailbreak to try it out. That is one thing I can say for sure. More to come on this one after December 22nd.
Do you love robots - and no not in some japanese fetish type of way - but love reading about robots and what they can do or can't do - well there is a new app from the IEEE - which is the organization for Electrical engineers - I used to be a member a long time ago in another part of my life - but I digress - any way they have a 5 dollar app that goes over 100 different robots. You can search for ieee robot or the actual name of the app which is Robots for iPad and this weekend only the app is reduced to $0.99. So if you like all robots that are not androids - this could be a fun app for you and your kids. Oh and it is a big app at 430 MB.
A correction from the last show - I mentioned the App Slyde - spelled s l y d e - and said to search for said app using said word - well for some reason on iTunes s l y d e by itself does not find the slyde show app - you need to search for slyde first word and show second word at the same time to find the app or to look for the link for it in the show notes. And for those that did not listen on the last show or have short term memory issues like me - Slyde show app is an app for the iPad for showing real time flicker photo slide shows.
Hi Rob,
I do not need GPS directional services that often but I have been using Apple Map navigation to get a sense of how it works and how accurate it may or may not be. Last night, I ran directions from my workplace to Dick's Sporting Goods. It routed me to the doorstep of rival chain Sports Authority. I used the feature to report problems with maps and was able to place the map pin at the correct location. Presumably, if there is enough feedback, Apple will make the correction. That got me to thinking--what if a devious business owner decided to game the system by directing traffic away from a competitor. He or she could use their IOS devices to suggest map changes and also solicit conspirators to do the same. Just a thought. Just my nature. I should have been a spy.
Thanks for everything.
Matt S
Winston Salem NC
I just upgraded to a Verizon iPhone 5, switching from an AT&T iPhone 4. I used to be able to block my caller I'd from the settings>phone>show my caller id. On the iPhone 5 I no longer see this option.
Is this something new with 5, or with Verizon, or just my phone.
Sorry if I missed the answer on the show.
John, From my iPhone
Hey Rob, when adding an event to the iOS calendars, is there a reason you can't click on a time slot to bring up a new event screen for that exact time? It seems so logical when you're adding a new event, to just click on the time of day to add an event. Do you know?
Aric B
Hi Aric - actually you can add a calendar item by selecting the day mode at the bottom and then tap and hold on the time slot you want to add to. But you can't just tap - you need to tap and hold on the time slot you want and you need to be in the day mode.
Hi Rob,
I just got through listening to episode number 249. Thank you for responding to my email question, however, I believe, in your response, you interpreted my question to refer to the App Store, rather than the Apple Store. I hope I didn't lose out on a chance to get your input as to the question at hand. I've researched this online and found it's a frequently asked question that never gets answered. You are about the only source i know who might be able to shed some light on why there is no iPAD version of the Apple Store app available for download. Love your show, and happy holidays to you and your family.
Steve San Pedro CA
Hi Steve sorry for mis-understanding you original question - which I know understand to be why there is not an iPad optimized app for the Apple Store App. Not the App store app. And I guess the only reason is they are working on it still. Can't imagine why it would have any priority it is only an app that helps you buy more apple products - kind of a low priority app - probably best to add some features to the compass app or the newsstand app first. tongue firmly planted in cheek - in case the sarcasm did not shine through. But if anyone from apple that listens would like to drop us an anonymous email letting us know when or if an iPad optimized Apple store app is coming for the iPad - we would appreciate it.
There is a long interview in Businessweek with Tim Cook - and I have a link to it in the show notes - look for the one titled - Tim Cook's Freshman year. If you are a Tim cook fan or just Tim cook curious - then probably best if you read it yourself. Some items are best not summarized by me - I think this article falls in that category. Tim also was making the rounds on TV as well.
A quick reminder I will be speaking at blogworld new media expo in Las Vegas - which will be going on from Jan 6th to the 8th - I will be speaking about how to podcast 100% from an iPad and my speech is Monday the 7th at 10:30 AM Las Vegas time. We at Libsyn will also have a booth at the show - booth 517 - please stop by and say hi - and get your picture taken with me or if you are libsyn customer - with the libsyn team. If you want to save 20% off a New media pass - use promo code Walch20 - that is w a l c h 2 0 - that is c h - not s h. Walch20. Hope to see some of you at the show. I am also speaking on Tuesday the 8th again at 10:30 AM LV time - and that one is a panel about podcast distribution. But other than those times I will be at the Libsyn booth. Hope to see you there. Hey and I also got my press passes for CES - I will be over at CES on Wednesday the 9th.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Fri, 30 November 2012
Direct download: tii_0250.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:12am EST
Fri, 30 November 2012
I created using Skitch by Evernote. It's a photo of the Patent for the iPhone. I went to the Los Angeles County fair in California. There was a Exhibit on Steve Jobs with all the patents he had his name on. Regards,
DJ Medina
Transcript for Episode 250
Ok - All of you that use iTunes - and I count myself in that group - Apple finally released iTunes 11 on Thursday the 29th. It is a major redesign for the look of iTunes. As near as I can tell so far - it looks like all the features are still there. However some are moved and hard to find.
If you want to say subscribe to an RSS feed manually - since iTunes 4.9 - that was under the Advanced menu option - however in iTunes 11 - there is no Advanced menu option. To manually subscribe to a podcast RSS feed now - go to the file menu and there in the drop down you will see "subscribe to podcast" - Then as before you will see a pop up menu - put in the feed and click ok.
Now if you would like it to look more like iTunes 10 - especially with regards to the side bar on the left - go to view menu and then select show side bar. And all will seem right in the world. or at least close to how it felt in iTunes 10. At least that is how I is going to roll with iTunes 11 - even if it is not what Apple wants - it is what I know and like. My advice when you first launch iTunes 11 - take a deep breath and then set it back to the look you are used to - and that might mean taking a few minutes to get it out of icon only mode and into list mode - if you were like me and had it at list mode.
Per what Apple had to say about the new features in iTunes 11.
Quote Introducing the new iTunes. With a dramatically simplified player, a completely redesigned Store, and iCloud features you'll love—this is the best iTunes yet.
• Completely Redesigned. iTunes makes it more fun to explore and enjoy your music, movies, and TV shows. You'll love the beautiful edge-to-edge design, custom designs for each album, movie, or TV show in your library, and getting personal recommendations any time you click In the Store.
• A New Store. The iTunes Store has been completely redesigned and now features a clean look that makes it simpler than ever to see what's hot and discover new favorites.
• Play purchases from iCloud. Your music, movie, and TV show purchases in iCloud now appear inside your library. Just sign-in with your Apple ID to see them. Double-click to play them directly from iCloud or download a copy you can sync to a device or play while offline.
• Up Next. It's now simple to see which songs are playing next, all from a single place. Just click the Up Next icon in the center display and they'll instantly appear. You can even reorder, add, or skip songs whenever you like.
• New MiniPlayer. You can now do a whole lot more with a lot less space. In addition to showing what's playing, MiniPlayer now includes album art, adds Up Next, and makes it easy to search for something new to play—all from a smaller and more elegant design.
• Improved search. It's never been easier to find what you're looking for in iTunes. Just type in the search field and you'll instantly see results from across your entire library. Select any result and iTunes takes you right to it.
• Playback syncing. iCloud now remembers your place in a movie or TV show for you. Whenever you play the same movie or episode from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple TV, it will continue right where you left off.
GM had previously stated they would integrate Siri into some of their vehicles and this week they finally said which would be the first of those vehicles. To start with it will be the Chevy Spark and Sonic that have some models available early in 2013 that will support Siri via a button on the steering wheel. You will need the iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 and they will interact with the MyLink radio connection via bluetooth. Again GM is just the first to announce specific models of vehicles that will support SIRI - but they are not the only ones that will do so. BMW, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Audio also confirmed that SIRI will integrate with some of their vehicles some time in the near future. I have already had a few people email in about this news and some have said when picking their next vehicle - support for the iPhone and SIRI is at or near the top of their list of features they are looking for.
Here is some listener feed back on this.
Hi Rob,
Yes! I would buy a Chevy just because of this feature.
Jonathan M
Apples latest Ad in Time is getting some buzz. Mostly positive as an example of a simple ad well done.
The add is simple a picture of the iPad Mini actual size on the back page of the Time magazine - on the screen of the iPad Mini - is the cover of that same time magazine issue. and around the iPad mini is lots of white space with just iPad mini and the apple logo next to the iPad mini at the bottom of the page - very minimalist - very well done. Makes me want to go and purchase that issue of Time magazine to throw in my collector bin. You know the bin - the one my kids will either throw away or sell at auction when I kick the bucket. Along with my Tick comic books - so sad. Any way if you want to see the ad - click on the link in the show notes for ep 250 titled iPad mini ad in Time is pretty fantastic over at today in iOS dot com.
Thanks to Michael for the heads up on this next one. Which is about another head at Apple rolling. This time it was Richard Williamson who was apparently a Maps supervisor at Apple - Seems Eddy Cue is taking names and starting to kick butt to get Apple Maps dare I say it pointed back in the correct direction. Oh that was much more painful to say then to write. Any way - It does seem Eddy Cue is becoming the mister fixit of Apple. I will say this talking with some Apple folks - they had nothing but admiration for Eddy Cue - saying he worked his way up from the lowest rungs at Apple doing night call support. He is looked at kinda of like the every day guy that put in the hard work and has been rewarded for that work. And if he can get people to stop talking about Maps and Siri in a negative way - he will be a ok in my book as well.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for that push. I told 3 friends and my mom and they all got 1.
Sean M
Sean glad to help and he is talking about the Push I sent out about AT&T offering up refurbished iPhone 5's starting at just $100. Basically they are offering $100 off the iPhone 5 models they have refurbished units for. Not sure if the deal is still going - I could no longer find it on the AT&T site. Again another reason to have the Tii app - so you don't miss out on deals like that. just sayin.
Hi Rob,
Frank Rau from MN here. Just wanted to let you know AT&T is NOT letting us old timers with the unlimited plans use FaceTime over cellular. I called today and even after elevating the issue up a couple of levels in their support department I was told that even if this supervisor wanted to, they are not able to activate the FaceTime calling feature for those with the unlimited plans.
Feeling really unappreciated after over 10 years of being their customer
I have a iPhone 4S and I'm grandfathered in on the unlimited data plan. I can not get FaceTime to work over 3G. Is there a trick to it that you know of or is it only users with a iPhone 5 on LTE that can only do it?
Let me know.
Thanks for all you do.
ÐaVîd D Ð
Thanks David and Frank and all the others that sent in similar emails - Seems the rumor about FaceTime over cellular for any AT&T iPhone 4 or 4S or 5 - even on an unlimited plan - was just that a rumor.
Hi Rob,
I've discovered the solution to the podcast problem that was described in my audio rant / app review which was featured in TII - this is per the smart play lists and iOS 6.
I got this tip from one of the reviews for the Podcast app in the iTunes Store.
This worked for me. Delete the Podcasts app. Sync the iOS 6 device with iTunes. Power device on and off, Sync device again, turn on/off again, sync again, and NOW your iOS 6 Device should be fixed. That is, it will correctly play a playlist you've created which is a mix of podcasts and music, using the Music Player.
Hope this helps someone.
Greg from Poughkeepsie
If you are looking to get someone an ipad Mini for Christmas - do not - repeat do not wait until the last minute. iPad Mini ship dates are now two weeks in the Apple store. ORDER NOW. IF you wait until December 10th or later there is a really really really high probability of not being able to find the specific iPad Mini you wanted. So again if you were waiting for some special pricing offering for Black Friday or Cyber monday - you can stop waiting - there was no special pricing for the iPad Mini - If you want the best deal - it still looks like Target when you use your Target card and get 5% back is the best deal out there. If you don't want to go that route - then order from Apple ASAP - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. So please no emails on December 23rd asking where to find an iPAd mini for your tween or significant other who is going to be a wholy terror if he or she does not get their black or white iPad mini 32 gb version. Just sayin A quick update - Apple has on their site right now. Now being the evening of November 29th - Well they have the following quote Order iPad mini by midnight December 5 for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. unquote. So it is not just me saying get it now - it is Apple as well.
Here is an email from someone that did not wait for his iPad Mini.
Hi Rob,
I was lucky enough to snag a 32GB Black WiFi iPad Mini Friday. I just happened to be at the store, walked in and they had one in stock.
Im loving the Mini, sure it has some shortcomings but over all I like being able to hold it with one hand and not sprain my arm.
I want to get a warranty from Squaretrade. Do you have a code I can enter so you can get credit?
Hi John - yes you can go to square trade dot com / tii2 - that is square trade dot com slash tii2 - that is t i i and the number 2 - and that will save you $35 on your warranty. Which would be just $84 for an iPad mini or iPad maxi warranty for 2 years. Initially on the site it will say it is $89 - but when you click Protect it now button it changes to $84 and you get the full Tii2 special discount.
Again go to square trade dot com slash tii2
Thanks John for the email
Lead times drop for the iPhone 5 - as it looks like FoxConn has finally figured out how to produce the iPhone 5. Lead times on Apple.com are down now from 3 to 4 weeks to just 1 week for all models and carriers - at least for the US. Some Analists are going back and changing their changed forecasts for iPhones being sold this quarter. Originally some were in the 45 to 50 mil range for an estimate - then they dropped down to the 35 to 40 mil range and now they are up in the 45 to 50 mil range again. You know what will help them get to 45 Mil iPhones sold this quarter - a launch in Main land China. And that is what will be happening on December 14th. At least according to Taiwan Central news agency. This is kind of backed up by the fact China Telecom is already taking pre-orders for the iPhone 5. The only official word from Apple on this matter is that the iPhone would be launched in China prior to the end of the year. 2 plus weeks of iPhone 5 sales in China could go a long way towards pushing iPhone sales for the quarter close to that 50 mil mark. In the US it is already reported that for the 6 plus week period from when the iPhone 5 launched - there were more iPhones sold in the US than all Android smartphones combined.
Sticking with the iPhone 5 sales rumors - 9 to 5 Mac is saying that that unlocked iPhone 5's could show up as soon as Now in the Apple store - with now being the evening of Nov 29th. And as of now at least that is not the case. But by the time you hear this Now will be a different time and right now for you it may be the case - just not right now for me. Follow.
And hey why not one more rumor with regards to the iPhone 5 and sales availability - and this one comes from the folks at Merrill Lynch - and by folks we mean anal-ist Scott Craig - and he is suggesting that the iPhone 5 may be about to be launched on T-mobile USA. He did not state when he thought the iPhone 5 would be available at T-mobile USA - just that T-Mobile not USA parent company would announce the deal next week on December 6th or 7th at their Analist day or is it days. Either way - next week we might hear that the iPhone 5 is finally coming to T-mobile USA or not.
Warning to those with the Google+ App. If you are the type that has those private naughty photos on your iPhone - seems that with a recent update of the Google+ App your photos are getting uploaded to google+. I found out about this the other night - I noticed an email from Google+ with photos I had taken earlier in the day. I showed my wife the email and she was like that is creepy. I then went and looked in at the Google+ app and found this.
quote The Instant Upload feature on your phone automatically uploads your photos to a private album on Google+. You can change your Instant Upload settings at any time on your phone. unquote.
I instantly turned off that feature and came to the realization that this email from google+ pretty much dashed any hopes I ever had of getting any of those private type photos on my iPhone. Whannnt whaaant waaaa.
So if you have the google+ app - I highly recommend you turn that feature off. If you have any private photos - and you don't really use the google+ app - then I would suggest you delete it from your iPhone.
And it is not only Google+ you need to be concerned about - Facebook just updated their app that also will upload your photos to a private photo album on Facebook. To facebooks credit the new feature is not automatically enabled like it was with google+ but watch out if it asks you about enabling photo sync service. Mind you - you still need to go into Facebook and choose which photos you want to share after they are uploaded to the private folders - but me thinks at some point we might hear about a bug where someones or somemany's private photos went not so private. Either way - putting private photos on your iPhone probably not a good idea as I have said in the past. Not saying it is not a fun idea - just not a very good idea.
Uncle Gene Munster likes to hang out at the mall watching teen age girls and teen age boys - and if I stopped there he would sound kinda creepy - but he also likes to watch anyone else that happens to be in the Apple store at the Mall of america. And this year he even took out a couple of hours to watch people at Microsoft store also at the mall of america. So what did he find - well with 8 hours of observing the Apple store - he observed 6.7 iPads per hour being sold, 4.3 iPad mini's being sold and 3.9 macs per hours being sold. No data on iPhones or iPods. Overall he did say there were 17.2 items per hour sold - which means just 2.7 items per hour that were something other than an iPad or mac. His observations at the Microsoft store - well not so good for MS. only 3.5 items per hours were sold at the MS store. And all but two of those purchases were X-box games. So really he saw 7 items sold at the MS store 5 of which were X-box games. Does not sound like good sales per square foot on black friday.
Of course what I found more interesting than what people were buying is what people were using to buy on line. Yeah all those Android devices out there - yeah they did not add up to much when it came to buying stuff. Android represented just 5.5% of online orders. Vs 8.7% for the iPhone and 9.8% for the iPad. Yup iOS devices were responsible for 3.4 times more sales than all the android devices.
When you look just at tablets it gets even more impressive for the iPad. 88.3 % of tablet sales came from the iPad. Which goes along with other studies in the past that had the iPad at around 90%. The nook came in with 3.1% of sales. The kindles at 2.4% - the Galaxy tabs 1.8% and that leaves 4.4% for all other tablets combined.
Back to Tim Cooks comments - yeah there might be a lot of Android devices being sold - but many of them seem to be in a draw somewhere not getting used.
And what about all those Android phones - with their big screens - why are they so far behind the iPhone - even though there are quote more android smartphones sold than iPhones unquote. Ok not sure who I was quoting - guess just chalk the quote up to generic android fan bois. Any way -- Yup I think this comes back to my generalization. People get Android phones because they just need a phone -and people get iPhones because they need more than a phone.
And the number one most searched phrase on Microsofts bing for 2012 is/ was - iPhone 5. That was search for more than 2012 election, 2012 olympics and hurricane Sandy which came in 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. Ok and now to completely kill the validity of Bing search queries - Honey boo boo reality show was the 5th most searched phrase.
Hi Rob
The other day I plugged my Apple USB -Lightening cable into my car dock
When I tried to remove the cable, I found that I couldn't pull it out at all
Turns out there is a flaw with the new cables.
To remove the plug from my car - I needed to use a thin knife on both sides of the plug to release the locks on the USB plug
Please let your audience know about this problem
Rick M
Hi rob
I have A question do you think any one will port age of empires to ios. And is any one haveing difficulty getting there blue tooth to connect to there car properly. I have a iphone 5 and it not as car friendly as the 4s.
Kevin b in the uk
Hi Kevin - I am going to guess the company that make Age of Empires is not overly motivated to update it for Apples devices - since it is Microsoft that owns Age of Empires. So it might be a while with might in quotes. Per not being able to pair with cars. It might have something to do with the new Bluetooth 4 standard the iPhone 5 uses and the version of Bluetooth in your car. I have not seen any emails I can remember with people complaining about getting their iPhone 5's to pair with their car - but I will send out a request for anyone with an iPhone 5 that is or better yet was having an issue - and you can share what you did to fix the issue - please email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com - or give us a call at 206-666-6364. that's 206-moon-dog.
Hi, Rob
I received a kickstarter project last week called Smarter Stand. It's a set of 2 clips that stay on the iPad Smart Cover and allow the user to position the iPad in several configurations so that the cover can be used as a stand for the iPad. It works great and allows the iPad to be positioned at 33 and 45 degree angles depending on where the clips are placed on the ribs of the cover. My wife particularly likes it for cooking...she can have her iPad positioned so that she can easily read recipes while she cooks. The clips come in multiple colors to match the Smart Cover and a single set costs $14.95. The web site is smarterstand.com
Thanks bob - and I had another bob email in and also say he got his and he is loving his as well.
Thanks to Jorge for the heads up on this next item which is a kickstarter project with the name - AERO 3D Bird Flight Game with Bill Nye and GameDesk. It has a goal of $100,000 and has 28 days left - at this point it has only raised $9,000 - what this is a science game as they call it. or quote - Aero is a beautiful open-world 3d bird-flight game that teaches the physics principles behind the power of flight. unquote
You can pledge $5 which gets you nothing but a warm fuzzy you helped out. Or you can pledge $10 and get a download of the game for your iPad. Or you could pledge $2,750 dollars and get an island named after you. Or if you really don't care much about money you can pledge $10,000 and you get to name the main character of the game. Or you could just pledge $10 and get the game. They also talk about other things they will do if they get to other pledge levels like at $165,000 they will port it to Android or at 345,000 dollars they will add new rocky islands and more learning challenges plus other features. Any way if you are a bill nye science guy fan - you should check it out. Look for the link titled Aero - Kickstarter in the show notes or search for aero - a e r o at kickstarter dot com.
Previously we mentioned the Brydge kickstarter project on the show - I think it was back in the early spring. This is one of the keyboard / case combo that when combined with an iPad looks and acts a bit like a macbook air. Well these are shipping now - and you can read about one persons experience with their over at time.com.
Back to Kickstarter projects still going on. This next one is called ORA - spelled O R A - This one runs until Sunday Dec 30th at 12:00 PM ET. It has a massive goal of $450,000 and a pledge amount of $62k so far. What is ORA - well it is the quote ultimate sound system for the iPad. Think iPad case meets wrap around speakers with a cover slash stand. The case it self has 8 speakers that are around the iPad - all facing forward - I know novel idea - are you listening Apple. Pricing on this starts at $99 limited quantity at that level - But that is sans the cover slash stand - if you want ORA and cover it will set you back $129. If you want to find this one at kickstarter search for ORA ultimate sound system or look for the link in the show notes for ep 250.
Thanks to Tash for this next one. Which is also kickstarter related - well in the sense the original product got its start on kickstarter and that is the Glif - which was for the iPhone 4 and 4S - well now those folks have a Glif for the iPhone 5 - for those that don't remember what the GLIF was - it is a tripod mount and stand. IT is $30 and you can buy it now at their site studio neat.com or look for the link titled studio Neat - GLIF in the show notes for ep 250.
This next one is not a kickstarter or indiegogo project - it comes from the fine folks at Belkin - and it is an iPad Mini keyboard case - and the first one I have seen that is shipping now. It is $80. Lots of specs on the device at the belkin site - but nothing about weight. The keyboard is as you would expect a bluetooth keyboard that pairs with the iPad mini. There is a link in the show notes to the product on the belkin site. There is also one announced from Clamcase - but no word on when it will be shipping.
Thanks to Tash for this next one - which is a tutorial on how to create retina graphics for your web designs - so if you have a website or do website design this is a pretty good article to read. I will not go into any details other than to say check out the link in the show notes.
I had an email asking about the camera access from the lock screen and it changing to sliding up to activate in iOS 6 - and actually that is a change that happened in iOS 5 - but I figure I would mention it once again - and what I am talking about in clearer detail is when you tap the power button or home button when the iPhone is in sleep mode and you see the lock screen - if you slide up on the camera in the lower right of the screen it will take you right to the camera app - no need to type in your password if you are password protected. But it used to be you tapped the camera - so if you are someone that upgrade from iOS 4.x to iOS 6 - and you can't get the camera app to open from the lock screen - it is because you are not sliding up on the camera.
Another email I had which I will summarize was about the persons 4th gen iPod touch having apps constantly crashing. Well the issue was he was jailbroken and running iOS 4.2.1. Here is the thing - and I have not mentioned it in a while so I need to mention it again - if you jailbreak your iOS device and put jailbreak apps and tweaks on your device - the more of them you put on the more likely you are to have issues. If you are having issues with a jailbroken device - remove off all apps and tweaks you are not using. Get it down to just the core jailbreak apps and tweaks you need. Then if it is still acting up - start removing the remaining apps one at a time until the issue goes away. Remember Jailbreaking is not for those that don't like when things don't always work right - it is for those that are willing to trade a little stability for added flexibility and features. It is not for those that get mad at their significant other with how they fold the towels or hang the toilet paper - just sayin.
Hi Rob,
I am the Project manager for the Tripomatic App.
It’s an easy-to-use app, synced with trip planning website (www.tripomatic.com), to help you sort out your travel plans before you leave and also on the go. With pre-planned travel suggestions, access to maps offline, and a database of more than 30.000 attractions, the Tripomatic app is key to leisurely travel.
The Tripomatic app is a great tool to help you plan your next trips abroad and not miss a thing.
Download the new free app directly from the App Store or have a look at a short video and some screenshots we have prepared: http://www.tripomatic.com/iphone/
Vit Janis
Hey Rob
Just picked up a 4th gen iPad wifi model and I'm thinking about jail breaking my iPhone 4S so I can use as a tether. Do you have a suggestion as to the best way to go about this. I'm on iOS 6.0.1.
Thanks for any info you can provide.
I'm a new listener and quickly becoming a big fan of the podcast.
Just saying.......
Chris G
Hi Chris thanks for listening and I am sad to say at this time there is no jailbreak for iOS 6.x that is untethered and the tethered one is really flakey and just meant for devs. Hopefully there will be an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.x soon - but soon at this point really means mid to late Q1 2013. Sorry.
Hi Rob,
i take advantage of this all the time, easiest way, but quarters whenever you are at the bank.
William H
And what is it you ask that William is taking advantage of - it is the Coinstar & iTunes $10 bonus promotion. Between Nov 26th and Dec 9th - you get a $10 iTunes gift card bonus when you change up at least $40 in a coinstar machine. so Yes - he is getting $40 in quarters from the bank to go to the coinstar machine and get $50 iTunes gift card - Only one thing I can say to that - Brilliant!
Thanks to Chris for this next one. Normally I don't like to talk about Apple Patents - because either they are already doing it or it likely never will happen. And this one is one they are not doing yet - but I really hope they do some day make available - it is about wireless charging - but not lay it on some matt type wireless charging - this would be near field wireless charging - where the device just needs to be near the charging station and it says it is for devices that require from a few watts to a few hundred watts. Any way not something we are likely to see this year or next or even the one after - but it is nice to dream of what the 10th or 11th or 12th gen iPhone might be like.
I have promoted my apps on your show before and here is another app. Unfortunately its a FREE app but I'm pretty sure your listeners will love the app
Slyde is a FlickR viewer like no other. Sit back and 'Watch the World Slide By" with Slyde for iPad. Slyde shows recent images uploaded to FlickR. The images presented are always updated.
Each users experience is unique. Slide Setting allow you to enable, Yahoo News Slides, Yahoo Finance Stock Quote Slide, and Weather Slydes. You can also choose from PhotoStream or Device photos.
One trick to only see FlickR images is to disallow Slyde access to you photos in your device settings.
Rob. I know my app does not meet the criteria for presentation at the beginning of your show. But, if you could check out the app yourself, I hoping your like the app enough to share it with your listeners.
Thank you for all you do.
I hate to wrapping up on a sad note but I wanted to take a moment to mention the passing of Zig Ziglar - His podcast is one at libsyn we are very proud to have on board and he has hosted with us for over the past 6 years. Those that do not know who Zig Ziglar was - well he was one of the pioneers in motivational speaking for business. He is the person seth Godin learned from. He has many quotes that are requoted by business people all the time but the one quote of his that I think sums up why Apple has been so successful at sales over the past decade is the following - quote People don't buy for logical reasons - they buy for emotional reasons unquote - and that is something I think you can say sums up how apple has geared their marketing for years - not on specs but on the human emotions to their products. Zig Ziglar will definitely be missed - if you want you can still find his podcast in iTunes - search for Zig Ziglar.
A quick reminder I will be speaking at blogworld new media expo in Las Vegas - which will be going on from Jan 6th to the 8th - I will be speaking about how to podcast 100% from an iPad and my speech is Monday the 7th at 10:30 AM Las Vegas time. We at Libsyn will also have a booth at the show - booth 517 - please stop by and say hi - and get your picture taken with me or if you are libsyn customer - with the libsyn team. If you want to save 20% off a New media pass - use promo code Walch20 - that is w a l c h 2 0 - that is c h - not s h. Walch20. Hope to see some of you at the show. I am also speaking on Tuesday the 8th again at 10:30 AM LV time - and that one is a panel about podcast distribution. But other than those times I will be at the Libsyn booth. Hope to see you there.
As always if you have any comments questions answers to others questions tips tricks app reviews product reviews rumors speculations rants or anything else related to iOS is some way give us a call - 206-666-6364 that 206-moon-dog or email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com. If you have not purchased the Tii App - it is just $2.99 in the app store and not just the best way to consume this show - but with push notifications - you get to find out when there is breaking news or special deals. Plus it helps support the show. And speaking of supporting the show - thanks to Squaretrade for supporting the show - if you have a new iPad go to square trade dot com slash tii2 for your special discount as a tii listener - and if you have a new iPhone go to square trade dot com / tii also for you special discount on a square trade warranty. Links in the show notes for both. And that folks wraps it up for us today.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Fri, 23 November 2012
Direct download: tii_0249.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:32am EST
Fri, 23 November 2012
I Created this with the Image Chef app on the iPad.
Mark S
Transcript for Episode 249
Ok- I was at walmart tonight for their pre-black friday deals - we were getting an electric ATV for our youngest son. It was a pretty good deal. But one deal at Wal-mart I just did not get - and saw lots and lots of people lined up for was the iPad 2 for $399 with a $75 gift card from Wal-mart - so that made the final price really $324 - vs say the $329 you can get the iPad Mini for. Really?? - I don't see why anyone would line up for it. Compared to the iPad 2 - the iPad Mini really is the better deal. Better Pixel per inch density. Half the weight - it is in my opinion what you should buy if you are spending around $330. Not the iPad 2. Sure you are talking about 7.9 inches vs 9.7 inches - but so what. You get better cameras with the iPad Mini and stereo speakers - ok stereo speakers are not all that useful - but you do get much better cameras - and better blue tooth and siri.
Yeah when you add it all up - I just don't get why anyone would wait in line to get the iPad 2 for $324 when they can get the better iPad mini at $329. And if you can get the iPad Mini at Target - and that is a big if - you can save 5% by using your Target Card. So that is a price of $16.45 for the 16 GB wifi version up to a saving for $32.95 for the 64 GB Cellular and wifi version.
Doubtful Apple will have any discounts on Black Friday for the iPad mini - I will check when I am near the end of the episode to see if they did offer anything on the iPad mini.
Now if you are looking for a good deal on the iPad 4th gen - then Black Friday might be a good day for you - with regards to Target - if they have any available. One Order with your Target card to get 5% off and two on Black Friday they are giving a $60 gift card to target for any iPad that does not have mini in the name and they have available. Again I say stay away from the iPad 2 - but if you are looking for the iPad 4th gen - then the deal from Target is the best I could find. For a 64 GB wifi version of the iPad 4th gen - you save a total of $95 by getting it at target.
At best buy they are offering a free $50 gift card with the 32 GB 5th gen iPad touch.
Again if you hear of any good Blackfriday deals let me know and I will send out a push message. And of course please check the Apple website to see what they are offering up today - especially if you are interested in a laptop - of course if you are near a fry's - definitely check out their best deals.
Hi Rob,
The app I use to get the best Black Friday deals is called
Black Friday Survival Guide by Sazze, Inc.
Jeremy N
Hi Jeremy - Thanks for the heads up and folks it is a free app in the App store. Just search for Black friday survival guide - 4 words in the iTunes app store.
Hi Rob,
Sam's Club is having a $20 off sale on $100 packs of iTunes gift cards on Black Friday. Not sure if this will be at ALL Sam's Clubs as they sometimes differ by location.
Tim, Wisconsin
Under the not so good fellas category comes word there has been at least one arrest with regards to the iPad thefts at JFK last week. Apparently the suspect kinda tipped his hand a few days earlier by asking his co-workers when the iPads are coming in and where he could find a fork lift. Yeah - not the brightest bulb on the tree.
For those of you with the iCade - There is a free version of Midway Arcade now available that supports iCade - it is called Midway Arcade Free - aptly named. Basically it gets you Joust for free - which makes it totally worth the download. You can then do an in app upgrade to get the Space & Espionage pack - which offers up Defender and Spy Hunter. They have some other game packs are well - but really none of the others come close to the one with Defender and Spy Hunter. I am holding off trying this until I get the episode out - as I don't want to well delay getting the episode out. I really loved Joust and can remember blunking down more than a few quarters on it in the arcade with Greg, Joe and Robby back in my earlier years.
Hi Rob,
Yes, I do have Smart Cover and it works perfectly, as designed.
Wifi only is not a problem. I use my iPhone hotspot if needed (on bus). And my iPad 3rd gen is LTE.
Although I miss retina and usually have iPad 3rd gen with me, I use Mini 90% of time I use an iPad. But the 10% I use the 3rd gen is CRITICAL due to screen size (e.g., reading, annotating PDFs, certain websites).
Robert N
Hi Rob,
I just recently discovered I can customize specific signatures for each of my emails.
I can now have my work email signature be for work and my business or personal email be something different.
I'm not sure when this became possible but it is now.
Hi Rob,
With regards to the iTunes App store App and showing purchased apps history.
I agree with the caller as mine never populates either, been months since it worked.
Alex N
Hi Rob,
I love using the Apple store app to buy my stuff and check on things,
but can somebody please tell me why there still is no freaking iPad version of this app? I can't even view it in landscape mode! How does Apple, of all companies, not highlight the iPad's mighty graphics with a showcase app of their own products? It's like a bad joke! Is there any history on this?
San Pedro, Ca.
Steve - in iOS 6.0.1 - at least the App store app for me on the iPad 3rd gen does go into landscape mode - so I am not sure why you are not seeing that - granted the app runs slow. Much slower than I think it should - it still seems to work for me.
Hey Rob,
This is in regard to the App Store Purchased list not loading/crashing to the home screen. I had this same issue I am convinced it may be related to the amount of apps you have downloaded in the past. I have over 600 and a good majority were deleted after I decided I did not need/ want them or ran their course of usefulness. I think it is a bug in the iOS 6 overall. I went into my iTunes App Purchased list on my computer and hid previous purchases that were things I never wanted to download again. I noticed when I got my purchased list down to about 500 apps, I could access my purchased list again on my phone albeit a lengthy loading screen of over 20 seconds. There is a bug/lacking feature where you can no longer swipe to hide apps from the purchased section on your iPhone/iPad, so I hope this returns soon as I would immediately hide apps I didn't want from my device.
Hi Ron - thanks for the tip on over 500 apps causing an issue - for those not seeing their purchase history in the iTunes app store app - do you know if you have more than 500 apps in your download history - that includes free apps as well.
206-666-6364 that 206-moon-dog or email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Now I should say for me - I am not seeing this issue - testing on the App store app on my iPad 3rd gen running iOS 6.0.1 - my iPhone 4 running iOS 6.1 beta 2 and my iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1.1 - on all three devices I could see the apps I have purchased or the free ones downloaded. And that list is much greater than 500 apps. So not sure why some are seeing the issue and others are not.
We can talk about rumors from un-names sources per Apples likeliness to include NFC in a future iPhone or we can look at what they do or in this case have someone do they are about to acquire - and that is with regards to the company Authentec - which we previously mention Apple was acquiring for $358 mil - which is a huge amount for Apple with regards to an acquisition. Well they just had Authentec sell off part of their company to Inside Secure - and what is left is NFC and Fingerprint authentication. Again no sure way to know what Apple will do - but they clearly are spending the $358 million for something and that something is now more specifically centered around NFC and fingerprint authentication. Maybe if the iPhone 2013 is called the iPhone 5S - the S will mean secure.
And speaking of Apple acquisitions - we also mentioned recently that Apple was rumored to buying some part of Color Labs. Well that rumor is now confirmed in Legal documents filled in a lawsuit between Bill Witherspoon one co-founder of Color Labs and Bill Nguyen the other co-founder. The legal docs say key assets of the company have already been sold to Apple.
Ok - Not sure what is going on with AT&T and FaceTime. First there were reports that if you had any LTE device - i.e. iPhone 5 and any tiered data plan you could now use FaceTime. Next came a report that if you have the iPhone 4S and any data plan - even the old grandfather unlimited plan you could use FaceTime. Supposedly in order to get FaceTime running on the iPhone 4S, users must turn your handset off and then back on. I did this and nothing - it still tells me I need to get on wifi to make a FaceTime call - Now it may be that you need to be running iOS 6.x for this work - as I am still jailbroken and running iOS 5.x on my iPhone 4S. If anyone with an iPhone 4S running iOS 6.x does a re-booth and is able to get FaceTime to now work for them over cellular with AT&T - please let us know - 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Here is one email already on this.
Hi Rob,
I Tried it this morning as I got into grand central station in NYC worked well picture was crisp not perfect but no lag or pixelation . Btw I am on grand fathered unlimited data plan and just got the iPhone 5 .
Happy thanks giving to your entire family.
Carlos D
Hi Rob,
From AppAdvice.com:
Hostess Twinkies Aren't The Only Hot Items On Ebay As Apple Joins The Fun
Jim M
And what Jim is referencing here is an article about Apple setting up show on Ebay to offer up refurbished Apple ware.
The pricing and warranty offerings are identical as what you will find on Apples site - but Apples site tends to kinda sorta bury the refurbished product offerings. And most people don't even know to look for them on the Apple site anyway. But on Ebay - that is where people that are looking for a deal go - and it makes perfect sense for Apple to set up shop there. And well if you have a pay pal account and like to use it to pay for things and are looking to buy refurbished apple product - you might want to head over to ebay and search for refurbished Apple ware - look for the seller with the name refurbished underscore outlet. Or look for the link in the show notes for ep 249 titled - Apple Refurbished Outlet store on eBay
I don't like to talk about apps until they are released - and this falls into that case - It is Nokia's Map app called Here - h e r e - It is free and now available for download - and it is considered a very good Map App by some. Just not the majority putting up reviews on iTunes - where it has 266 one star reviews vs just 117 five star reviews. But did I mention it was free and if you are looking for something to use instead of apples new map app in iOS 6 - then you might want to try this out to see if it meets your needs. Would love to hear your thoughts on Here - and if you think it is better or worse than the iOS 6 maps app - especially if you are an urban dweller 206-666-6364 - thats 206-moon-dog - or send an email to today in ios at gmail dot com.
Thanks to Chris in London for this next one - which is about some cool new tech from Japan Display - that shows off a phone integrated with a touch screen that is just 1.5 mm thick - thinner than a US dime.
There is a video showing it working. And while the article says they think they could be in production of this in about a year - I think there is a couple of key things that make a 1.5 mm thick phone not overly practical at this point. The Top one is the Camera Module - how many people are going to be willing to give up their camera on their smartphone at this point? Now we are all trained to take pics anywhere and everywhere with our smartphones - yeah - I for one would not upgrade to an iPhone 6 if it was sans a camera - regardless of how thin. Then there is the issue of a headphone jack - I really don't want to have to have bluetooth headphones - I like not having to worry about charging up headphones. And finally the issue of the dock connector - Sure I guess you could make it where it inductively charges and syncs via wifi and then get rid of the dock connector altogether - but I don't want a phone I have to carry around an inductive charging mat for. You really do need a dock connector for a smartphone so you can plug in to charge up when needed.
So from a technology point - what Japan display did was very cool - and I think some of that tech will make its way to a future iPhone - I don't think overall it is a practical solution. What I think it does in the future is help the iPhone get thinner - like say as thin as the iPod 5th gen or iPod nano. The iPod nano is at 5.4 mm - not as thin as 1.5 mm - but I think practically speaking 5.4 mm is as thin as the iPhone can get in the future - and really that will depend on the camera module tech more than anything else. By the way the current iPhone 5 is 7.6 mm thick vs 9.3 mm for the iPhone 4 and 4S - so with the iPhone 5 we really are pretty close to the practical thinness level of about 5.4 mm.
Thanks David for this next one which finds its want into the too funny category and it is a story about Oprah and her tweet which was quote Gotta say love that Surface have bought 12 already for christmas gifts unquote - And the funny part - is that tweet was sent from an iPad - Doooohhhh.
Hi Rob,
I was surprised to find out while traveling and using my Bose® Bluetooth® headset Series 2 with my iPhone 5, I had pulled over to deal with a phone call.
Well after the phone call; the music that was playing resumed and I decided to walk away from the car to read a public land information sign that was over 30 feet away from the car were I left my iPhone 5.
Well I assumed I would lose the Bluetooth connection as I moved closer to the sign but it kept playing clear as a bell to the sign and on the way back to the car.
On some of the other iPhones & headsets (Jawbone’s) I would almost lose connection by turning my head or having the iPhone on my left side with the headset in my right ear.
This is an improvement over the past devices. I am going to test how well they do at home with the iPhone sitting in one place, I will update you on that test some time after Thanksgiving.
Tuscaloosa AL
Hi Rob,
I held my first iPad mini this past week. I was picking up the new 12W charger and was standing by a table full of mini's. The size and weight were a mind blower. Brilliant display and I held it all so very well in one hand.
Despite all the pros and cons I think once more people can hold the mini a lot more will be sold by Christmas.
I continue to enjoy your show and look forward to more news.
On Ep 247 - I mentioned the Kickstarter project with a bad name from Dock+ - well bad name aside they have reached their goal of $75k - so if you are interested in this one - you can order now. It is $59. And the name of it for reference is Charging Dock for iPhone 5, iPad and iPod touch 5th gen. Or something like that- just search for dock+ d o c k and plus symbol.
This next start up project is from Alex of at Gizmosis - which is offering up the project OTTO - which is an android car infotainment system - so if it is android why am I mentioning it - well because it syncs with the iPhone as well. And well in the video they show Stitcher integration and at Time code 2:46 - you see the Today in iOS podcast listed - Yeah Team. Ok - so I am a sucker for getting the podcast some vid time. Anyway - if you are looking for a voice controlled in car infotainment system - check out the link to OTTO in the show notes - Also this is on Indiegogo - so you can search for OTTO on indiegogo as well. Good Luck Alex with this project - email us and let us know how it goes.
It looks like lightning accessories are finally starting to roll out. So if you have an iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad 4th gen or 5th gen iPod touch - and you have been frustrated by the lack of accessories supporting the new lightning port - well your frustrations may be abating a little bit now. Pricing still seems a little high vs what you can find with the traditional 30 pin ports however. Look for the link titled Lightning accessories Macworld in the show notes for ep 249 over at total in iOS dot com or in the links section of the extras of the Tii App for ep 249. Either way you will see some examples of lightning accessories from Belkin, iLuv, Scosche and Harman Internations. Obviously many more to come in the very near future - as I am sure accessory manufacturers are doing all they can to get them out before Christmas. If you have a favorite lightning accessory for you Fall 2012 iOS device - please let us know. 206-666-6364 thats 206-moon-dog or email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Rob this is the latest favourite of ours .. Kinda chess meets boggle. It takes a while to understand the strategy ( or even to develop one) but when the penny drops ... It's brilliant. This game has provided much needed distractions - LOVE IT.
It is called - Letterpress - one word. It is free in the App store.
Thanks to Gary for the heads up on this next one which is if you are using Messages app on your mac running lion - you may have seen a message letting you know that the messages beta on lion ends on Dec 14th. So essentially if you need to run messages on your mac - you need to upgrade to mountain lion prior to Dec 14th. I am still running Lion and have not upgraded to mountain lion - But I am getting close to the point where I need to do that. I kinda hold back on the upgrades - as when I do upgrade - I always worry that one of my pieces of my podcast production work flow will get busted - and then it is a bunch of work to find a work around. So one of these friday evenings after a new episode has gone out the day before - I will do the upgrade - just so I have all weekend to work things out.
Hi Rob.
I have an iPhone five iOS 6.0.1. It was easy creating the issue that you referred to about rapid diagonal scrolling causing the screen to lock up. It hasn't been an issue day to day use but I just thought I would try and see if I could create problem. The screen lock up was only temporary. It felt like the processor was trying to catch up.
If you are an App dev or thinking of becoming an App dev - there is a really good article in the New York times from Nov 17th titled As boom lures app creators, tough part is making a living. And well I think it is a must read for anyone thinking of developing apps for iOS. App development is a lot like podcasting - don't quit your day job to do it - not until you are a point where you are making more than you make from your day job. It is a long article and I will not get into the specifics - just look for the link in the show notes for ep 249 titled - Boom Lures App Creators.
The New York daily news just did a hit piece on an app called Snapchat - which some are saying encourages Sexting - especially among teens - why they say it is among teens and not older folks I can only imagine has to do with the older you get the less likely someone is to want to see you naked. Anyway the app supposedly works by letting a user time how long a picture can be displayed - so if say a teen is sending pictures of their private parts to another teen - they can set it for the image to stay live for only 10 seconds. Of course that is more than enough time for the recipient to hit the home button and the power button at the same time to take a quick screen shot. So that is why I say supposedly works - not sure what the value is in this. Since the recipient can easily and quickly snap a screen shot. So not really sure when The Daily News decided to go after this app - especially now since it has been out for over a year. But really it is not apps like this that cause teens to sext - it is a little thing called hormones. When we were teens we would have sexted if the tech was there - well at least the same % of us would have compared to those now. Overall Kids today are no more or less morale then those of any other generation - But the ones on the less morale side of the spectrum - they just have better tools then those of past generations.
Hi Rob,
now that you have broken your new iPhone, how much is it going to cost to fix it and where will you send it to get fixed?
Hi Robin - I am still in between trying to get a good price on a screen and fixing it myself or just leaving it as is and keeping the screen protector on it or deactivating it from my account and using the iPhone 4 I have instead - at least until when the next iPhone launches. For now I am sticking with option 2 which is using it broken / cracked with a screen protector - there to protect my fingers from getting cut.
I and others have been having an issue with the screen brightness after pressing the home button to show the lock screen, the iPhone 5 sometimes goes half dim or almost full dark. Auto brightness is turned off. The only way to return it to normal brightness is to go in to settings and move the brightness slider.
Non-jailbroken, running iOS 6.0.1 but this has happen in 6.0.
Any help from you or your followers :) would be helpful.
Tuscaloosa AL
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Fri, 16 November 2012
Direct download: tii_0248.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:47am EST
Fri, 16 November 2012
Made using PhotoFunia for the iPhone and with Sketch on the iPad.
and I used the I'd Cap that app to put the text on the pic.
Carl from iamthereforeipad.com
Transcript - iTem 0248
Looks like Apple has recalled some of their B1 Bombers that were headed for Taiwan and HTC headquarters - As Apple and HTC have given some of their lawyers a 10 year furlough. Apple and HTC agreed to cross license their patents with HTC reportedly paying out between $6 and $8 a smartphone to Apple. This on top of the roughly $5 per smartphone they HTC already pays out to Microsoft. The agreement is reported to be worth about $280 Million dollars per year to start for Apple. Now that might sound like a lot. But really when Apple has 121 Billion+ dollars in the bank - yeah not so much. And when you think Apple just paid out $21 Mil to the swiss railway for one clock design in iOS 6 - yeah - $280 mil sounds like even smaller - and when you think about Apple just loosing a $368 Mil patent case to a Patent Troll in TX for FaceTime - Yeah - $280 mil now sounds down right like a steel for HTC. What this means to all of us - Well absolutely nothing - unless you were wanting one of those HTC phones that were banned from import into the US. But for iOS users - it just means one less court case I will be reporting on or choosing not to report on in the future.
I guess this next one goes in the category of when pigs fly. Or maybe it is just proof of the 2012 appocalypse - I am talking about in this case That Mr Paul - overly featured in the how wrong were they section - Thurrott and his glowing almost jubiliantly positive review of the ipad min. Where he ends the review with quote While some Apple products lend themselves to easy criticism, the new iPod touch and iPad mini are pretty incredible.... the quality of these devices leaves me speechless. Both are beautiful, thin, light, and remarkably well-made. Both are market leaders. And yes, both are highly recommended. unquote What the Frack - When did we enter Bizarro world.
One thing people are doing with the iPad Mini is testing and comparing it to other Tablets - especially in the 7 to 8 inch range. And one of the most important specs to me on the iPad has always been battery life - so how does the iPad mini compare - Best in class of course. The Nexus 7 in testing came in at 7 hours and 26 mins on a full charge. The Kindle Fire HD at 7 hours 30 mins. The Nook HD was a full hour better at 8 hours and 30 mins - but that was nothing compared to the 10 hours and 33 minutes of the iPad Mini. So yes - the iPad Mini is every inch an iPad.
Well that is unless you compare the iPad Mini to the iPad 4. Which is what MacWorld did - and they also through in the iPad first second and third gens along with the iPhone 5. So how did the Mini and iPad4 do. Well in Geekbench score - the Mini had a score of just 751 vs the 1769 of the iPad 4. But compared to the iPad 2 and 3 - it is about the same speed in the benchmark tests. And in testing on frame rates - the iPad mini was better than the iPad 2 and 3 - but not even close to the iPad 4. So overall - the iPad mini will give you performance close to what you saw speed wise with the iPad 3rd gen - but with a screen resolution a bit better than the iPad 2.
Per the iPad Mini and pixels per inch here is how it matches up to other iPad's and the iPhone 5. iPad 2 - 132 pixels per inch, iPad mini - 163 pixels per inch - the ipad 3rd and 4th gen - 264 pixels per inch. The iPhone 5 is 326 pixels per inch. So the iPad mini - if you are used to using the iPad 3rd gen or the iPhone 4, 4S or 5 - well it is much lower.
For perspective the Nexus7 and Fire HS are both 216 pixels per inch - but the screens are much smaller and lets face it they are not ipads - and if you buy one of those for your kids instead of the mini - you will be the parent that gave the Action Jackson doll when they really wanted a GI joe with kung fu grip - don't be that parent.
Rumors already abound about the iPad Mini with Retina - ok well not abound so much as are in some post in china on the DoNews site you need to translate.
I am sure the iPad mini rumors will be kicked around for some time. But my feeling is we are a bit away - at least the 3rd gen of the mini before we see retina. Remember the iPad 3rd gen needed to be increased in weight and width to support the retina display - and that means right now with current tech - the same and more would happen to the Mini - and I still firmly believe weight and thickness are too big design goals for the mini - as in keeping it lighter and thinner than the comp. Even at the expense of not having a retina display. So while you hear people - some even very knowledgeable - I looking at you leo - talking about wanting a retinia display for the mini - the reason it is not there is obvious - weight and thickness. Pick up the mini and you will realize for the vast majority of the population - that was the right call by apple.
Some interesting numbers coming out of a survey of iPad Mini buyers. The survey was done be Cowen and Co. Yeah not sure who that is either - but hey they have company in their name so I am game. What their survey found was only 16.6% of those buying an iPad Mini were buying it to replace another device. But of those buying the mini to replace a device 42% said it was replacing a PC. vs 29% saying it was replacing another iPad vs 13% saying it was replacing a Kindle Fire. Anal-ists are starting to report that the iPad Mini is not so much a fine young cannibal on the iPad ecosystem as it is a veracious Man Eater per the PC Market. As a personal note - I know that in my Family - my Parents are buying two iPad Mini's at least for grand kids this year and that could swell to 4 iPad Mini's when all is said and done. The iPad Mini at $329 - might be more than the $199 Kindle Fire - but when you can give an iPad vs a Fire - that is the difference between giving a GI Joe with kung fu action grip vs an Action jackson. Get your Apple stock now when it is down in the low mid $500's because after the holidays - yeah - it is likely going to be much much higher than that. Full and fair disclosure I am long on Apple and have been for over 18 months - And yes I own Apple shares. Thankfully.
Thanks Tash for the heads up on this next one which is a review of the new iPad Mini smart cover - and it is not good. What are your thoughts on the new smart cover for the iPad mini? Actually in the Apple store - it is now up to 3 and half stars - but there are some one star ratings. Seems those complaining are complaining about the fit of the smart cover and the strength of the magnets. Again those of you that have an iPad Mini - did any of you get Apples Smart Cover and how is it working for you. 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog - or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Those of you that ordered the iPad Mini with LTE - should be getting yours starting on Friday the 16th. Well except for a few that live on the east coast of the US - If you live on the east cost and have an open order for an iPad Mini and it shows it shipping in from China - Well you might want to check again - as 3,600 iPad Mini's were just stollen from JFK airport from the same building where the famous Lufthansa heist featured in GoodFells took place. The 3,600 iPad Mini's are valued at around 1.5 Million dollars - so not quite as big a heist as the 5Mil taken in the luftansa heist. Actually the thieves only made off with two out of five pallets of iPad Mini's - they were detected part of the way through the caper and took off early.
So if your Tracking report suddenly shows your iPad Mini not coming in when expected - it might be because some wise guy in NY gave it to his goomar
AT&T is making it a little less expensive up front to buy an iPad - by Offering $100 of any tablet with a two year AT&T data plan. That includes if you are on one of those shared plans. For the shared plan it is a $10 adder per month. For stand alone data plans for tablets they are
- $15 for 250MB
- $30 for 3GB
- $50 for 5GB
I don't know why I even mention the $15 a month plan - with only 250 mb - don't even think about it.
For Comparisons sake - Sprints LTE data only plans for tablets are
$15 for 300 MB
$35 for 3GB
$50 for 6 GB
and $80 for 12 GB per month.
And Verizon is
$20 for 1 GB
$30 for 2 GB
$50 for 5 GB
and $80 for 10 GB
So to start - if you are thinking around 3GB of data will be good - AT&T actually has the best offering of $30 for 3GB and you get $100 off the Tablet to boot.
A Tip from the Dev of Podblaster App we mentioned in the give away section earlier.
Hi Rob,
I was able to remedy my horrible network speeds introduced with ios6 by limiting my router to the b band. Just a temporary fix I hope, but changed download speed from 1 mb/s to 20!
Hi Rob-
The listener with the sports team doesn't need to install an app, just needs to turn off "group messaging" in the settings. It will send each message individually and if somebody responds it will just come back to him (not the rest of the people he sent it to).
The default setting is an annoying "feature" if you ask me.
Hey rob,
In your last show you had a caller that had a problem in iMessage, when he got a reply the notification sound it too soft to hear & he wanted to know how to fix this. I've noticed this myself and it seems to occur only when the app is left open. So if I close iMessage by hitting the home button, the normal notification volume is used.
- Jessi D
Hey Rob,
At the end of last episode. Caller Bob asked about turning up the volume for a received iMessage. I have an additional tip that could help.
LED flash for alerts
If you go to settings > general > accessibility then scroll down and turn on LED for flash alerts. Whenever you receive a iMessage, email, text, even phone calls the flash of the camera will flash it's light and visually notify you. Hope this helps. Also good for meetings where even vibrate could be to loud.
DJ Medina
Hi Rob,
I found by accident a gesture the other day on the IPad 3rd gen iOS 6.0.1. When I go back and forth between two apps I use a four finger swipe but some times I am using more than a few ie) invoicing , checking calendar, email, good reader ect. You can use a four finger swipe up and the app switcher pops up instead of having to double tap the home button. I though someone may find this handy and it saves some wear and tear on the home button.
Hi rob,
As asked in today's episode, here's my feedback on iTunes Match.
Overall I really like iTunes Match, however, there is a new bug in iOS 6 that is affecting me. When I am on wireless, iTunes Match works great. When I am not connected to wireless I get an error that my iTunes Match subscription has expired (which it hasn't) and my playlists disappear. Some people have reported that all of their music disappears. From what I read, this issue is generally limited to 3G on AT&T.
One other big issue is that you can no longer delete music when iTunes Match is turned on. You have to turn it off to delete anything, then turn it back on again.
Myron U
Dear Rob,
My experience with Itunes Match was very lackluster with iOS 5. What I thought I was getting was a service that would stream music to my phone from my home collection, music that I liked but either couldn't fit onto my stuffed Iphone 4 32gb or just didn't want as a go to.
But instead I got a a badly implemented service that downloaded songs any time I wasn't looking and I would constantly have to turn off match and empty my phone.
But since ios6, Itunes match has been acting exactly as advertised, making it clear that you are streaming music unless you specifically select to download it. It's terrific and makes me think I really didn;t have to spend the xtra 100$ for the 64 gb version of my iphone 5 which I also love.
Hi Rob,
A couple of times over the last few episodes of TII, you've mentioned iPhone 5 battery issues.
When I first received mine, the battery was horrible.
All that I did to fix it was to completely drain in down until it shut off. Then I recharged it over night.
My battery is AWESOME now.
I believe that it's called "conditioning" the battery.
You might want to pass that info on.
SE Wisconsin
Hi rob! Per the comment about Clearing Recents in email in iOS 6.1 beta This is already available in iOS 6.0 - not just for the beta.
Hi Jose - thanks for the correction - which leads me to say - well then what the frack is new in iOS 6.1 beta? Well actually it is beta 2 as Apple released the 2nd beta of iOS 6.1
Ok - now lets talk about an issue with iOS 6 - There is an issue with excessive bandwidth with requests for podcasts. Initially this was thought to be an issue with the podcasts app in iOS 6 - but really this seems to be an issue with iOS 6.0. This is something PRX labs put up a post detailing - and it is something I have seen at my day job since iOS 6 launched - and I am seeing being less of an issue since iOS 6.0.1 was released - but still not perfect.
I think the easiest way to explain what is happening is iOS does not request a single file for download - it does byte range requests - which means it pulls down small pieces at a time. Which normally is fine - saw you segment a file into 100 pieces - and the first request is for segments 1 to 10 and the next 11 to 20 and then 21 to 30 and so one - at the end you downloaded 10 segments - equal in size to the original file - makes sense to do this as cellular connections are not as stable as wifi. Problem is what iOS 6.0 seems to do - is it requests segments 1 to 10 and then say 3 to 12 and then 6 to 15 and so on. With the segments overlapping so to speak - at the end when it is all said and done instead of downloading say 10 MB of data your iOS device downloaded 28 MB of data for that 10 MB file. This is an issue - for the end use - especially if you are getting podcasts or media files via cellular - as it eats up more data from your plan. But where this is a much much bigger issue is for those hosting media files. Their bandwidth bills were up anywhere from 2X to 5X in october vs say August.
This is something almost all podcasts hosts saw - many did not understand why - but again most know of it. As a user if you are seeing excessive bandwidth usage since upgrading to iOS 6.0 and you like podcasts - then it is best to upgrade to iOS 6.0.1 ASAP.
Link in he show notes to the PRX post titled - iOS 6.0 causes CDN overages.
Speaking of issues - the latest issue dejur on the iPhone 5 - is one that has to do with note precisely vertical scrolling. Essentially you slide your finger back and forth diagonally on the the screen - say when in a long list of emails - and you may eventually see the scrolling stop and sometimes the screen lock up all together.
This appears to happen when you are going diagonally up or down - but not when you are going straight up or down.
And this issue is appearing for iPhone 5's only - and for those running both iOS 6.0 and 6.0.1.
If you have an iPhone 5 - please let me know if you can duplicate this issue - and if you are a dev - let me know if you can duplicate this issue with iOS 6.1 beta 2 as well.
There was a post on Ars Technica titled Where are all the iPhone 5 app updates. And it was bemoaning that the iPhone 5 has been out almost 2 months - but most apps are not updated for the iPhone 5's larger screen. The article tries to guess why - and ummm really did they not talk to some devs. I think the biggest issue of not upgrading is if you upgrade the App to iPhone 5 - that means you are going to
the new Armv7s instruction set as well as the increased screen size. Which means you are no longer able to build apps that run on second generation (or earlier) iOS devices (iPhone, iPhone 3G, 2nd generation ipod touch). and you will no longer be able to support iOS versions before iOS 4.3.
So my feeling is the delay was a lot of devs going hmm - should I really upgrade the app to get rid of letter boxing at the expense of those earlier devices.
I know that is a debate we had internally - and we finally decided - yes - so since a couple of you started asking recently - we are working on a new version of the Tii App - which when released will only work with devices running iOS 4.3 and later. Sorry for those about to be left out in the cold. It is not many of you - and rest assured your sacrifice will pave the road to a new and faster Tii App - with out letter boxing on the iPhone 5 - I hope you know your sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
But yeah - My guess is many devs are just debating the issue - and not looking to be the first group to piss off users of the older devices.
Let me know your thoughts on our plans to upgrade the Tii App - would you rather have a faster app that is optimized for the iPhone 5 screen but does not work on iOS devices running anything older than iOS 4.3 - or would you like to stay with the older slower current version that works with older iOS devices.
206-666-6364 - 206-moon-dog or email today in iOS at gmail dot com
Hi Rob,
I noticed many 4" optimized apps seems to have used the extra height for "nothing" but putting ads rather than more tools/buttons or lines of text! Evil or immoral? Smart lol? So I got a new phone for ads basically. That was part of the reason with 3.5 " with iAds, google ads or other ads for needing a taller screen. Why not ads at top & bottom?!! That would be Sarcasm.
Thanks to Tash for the heads up on this next one. It is a post by Anthony Agius - whom had a little extra time on his hands and decided to check ebay for the winning bid prices for iPhones recently. These were all unlocked iPhones in working conditions and the average prices he found were.
16GB iPhone 4 - $354.59
32GB iPhone 4 - $381.76
16GB iPhone 4S - $488.78
32GB iPhone 4S - $521.84
64GB iPhone 4S - $562.60
That's right - that one year old iPhone 4S 64 GB - still has a value of $562.60 in a free and fair market. Not that ebay is exactly free cost wise. I wonder how many one year old Android phones have that type of value today.
There was a post over on CBS's local site in Chicago about if tablets and touch screen devices in general and the iPad in specific is a good or bad thing to help young kids with fine motor skills.
My feeling is it is like anything else - you need to use in moderation - but if asking if I want my kid interacting with his iPad or sitting and just watching TV - clearly - I want the interaction.
The key I think is finding those apps that teach more than the swipe skill set. Swipping is easy - it is the pinching and fine motor skills I want my youngest working on - and many times those skills are best worked on in the dare I say it real world - picking up blocks and little objects and working on writing.
Anyone with any thoughts on this subject let me know.
And speaking of kids and iPad apps and iOS 6 - we must again mention guided access - which allows you to lock down certain functions and even lock you into a single app with the home button turned off. Which is very nice when using the iPad as a baby sitter - umm I mean when you have you toddler working on their fine motor skills.
To set up guided access do the following.
- Open the Settings app, tap General and then tap Accessibility.
- Tap Guided Access and move the slider to the On position.
- Set a passcode that will be required to disable Guided Access. close the Settings app.
- Once you’re in an app, triple-click the Home button.
- The Guided Access options screen appears
- Here you’ve got several options. Simply draw a circle around the button or element you want disabled.
- Click Start. The settings screen recedes and the altered app runs.
Very cool. Link to those instructions over at 52tiger.net in the show notes for ep 248.
Michael Wolff - Wrote an article for USA today that a couple of you sent my way - It was titled the Age of Apple may be over - and basically it was another of the pile on apple and kick them while their stock is down type articles - where he says they peaked and are falling just like others Microsoft, IBM and GM for example. Here is my letter to Michael about his article.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the article in USA today - it made my day - I have not read such a funny - tongue-in-cheek article in a long time.
Design as an illusion - Classic.
And mentioning the 50% market share for tablets - oh double snap classic. I mean even IDC said those numbers were suspect last quarter as people waited for the new iPad.
And avoiding mentioning that Apple became the most valued company in the world - while not even having a 20% market share in its core businesses - actually not even a 10% market share on the computer side - brilliant. I mean sure you mention IBM and Microsoft - both at about 95% market share at their peaks - and GM - somewhere around 50%. So bringing up what Apple did with such a small market share and large available market share going forward would have confused those looking to understand the topic at hand.
Again great article - very funny. Not accurate - but very very funny.
Thanks for the laugh.
Rob Walch
Today in iOS
Surprisingly Michael did not reply to that email - I guess he is busy doing detailed research for his next article.
CEO Steve Ballmer told the French daily Le Parisien on Saturday that Surface sales quote "are starting modestly, unquote
Compare that to Tim Cooks comments of quote Customers around the world love the new iPad mini and 4th gen iPad. we set a new launch weekend record unquote. Yeah when you do that comparison -quote are starting modestly unquote - just does not sound so good. Actually is you google or bing the words are starting modestly with quotes around them - every result is attributed to Balmer - it is like that phrase will not and forever be his. Amazing no one had ever really combined those three words in that order where it registered in any search results.
Hi Rob,
Just wondered whether you might have any news on the new iTunes 11 as I seem to remember reading that it was supposed to be released in October?!
Stephen S
Hi Stephen - Yes - it is late. Ok - not really news as much as a general observation. But yeah - it was supposed to be out in October and well not so much. Ok Apple did actually have an official statement and went like this
“The new iTunes is taking longer than expected and we wanted to take a little extra time to get it right. We look forward to releasing this new version of iTunes with its dramatically simpler and cleaner interface, and seamless integration with iCloud before the end of November.”
Given recent history - probably best right now for Apple to be slightly criticized for releasing something a little late - then it is for them to be raked over the coals for releasing something bloggers think was released too soon.
Hi Rob,
Best explanation of the mobile / cell network search option I found:
"It works with location services and keeps note of your regularly passed cellular towers, so that you are always getting the best signal quickly, on say, a commute. Not really something you will notice in London, but a bonus for me, living in Deliverance-ville. Means I don't get significant 3G dropout that I used to"
Thanks for the show.
Hi Rob,
Here is a little tip.
If you have a @me or @mac e-mail address, now @icloud is automatically available. When sending an e-mail, tap the "From:" field to switch to it. No setup required at least not for iOS 6, I haven't checked older versions.
Lou V
Hi Rob,
In case you haven't seen this one yet:
It is called the Flojack and it is an NFC add on for the iPhone in Kickstarter.
Though it looks somewhat funny attached to the iPhone.
It's not something I'm interested in right now as there are no NFC
devices where I live that I know of.
Hi Sebastian Thanks for the heads up on flojack - one word spelled f l o j a c k
And here is the situation with NFC - They have a goal of 80k - they have until Nov 26th at 11:59 PM ET - and they only have $33k at this point. It is not like there is a huge pent up demand for NFC on the iPhone - I remember one person saying NFC was a solution looking for a problem. And that is why there is not NFC on the iPhone 5 - and why this project likely will not get approved - but hey if you are a ardent NFC enthusiast - and felt the iPhone 5 should have had NFC - well you can put your money where you mouth is and pony up $50 bucks and then tell your other NFC enthusiasts to do the same - because short of some late night heroics - Flojack is going to prove Apple Right about NFC.
Hi Rob,
There are many activity tracker now on the market, but I think this is the first waterproof one that will track swimming.
Take a moment to check it out the 'Misfit Shine' on Indiegogo. All the tools are there.
San Francisco
Hi Tony - Thanks for the heads up - now this product is not something that tracks actual milage or steps per sey - more that you actually were moving enough. At least that is what I got from the video - and it does sync with your iOS device by placing it on the screen of the iOS device.
It does look cool - but I just don't see me using it. But then I don't see me using the nike fit or Jawbone Up either - and the up is back by the way. Folks however if you are looking for a water proof activity tracker check out the link to Misfit shine in the show notes for ep 248 over at today in iOS dot com.
Help me and others with the best Black Friday deals this year. Please email me with any good Black Friday deals you see for Apple products - and I will update a post and send out pushes. Initially it looks like Target will be offering up a $60 gift card with the purchase of an iPad with Retina. No word on if / what they are offering up with an iPad Mini.
But as you see any good Thanksgiving day or Black Friday Sales deals please email me and let me know and I will share with the audience. Make sure you have your Tii App downloaded and on your iOS device.
Also remember the only day of the year where Apple actually offers a discount is on Black Friday in the US. No telling what this years deals will be - but me - I am hoping there will be a deal on the iPad Mini LTE version.
Each year Christmas Sales get earlier as do iPhone rumors for next years model And the rumors for the iPhone 2013 are already starting up. And as usual it is Digitimes reporting and as usual - the link baiters are biting. Computer World, Mac Rumors and even the washington post are jumping on. Just ignore any rumors going back to Digitimes as always. I did put up a page / post to track the iPhone 2013 rumors this time around - and you know where you can go to see that - well iPhone 2013 dot com of course - yeah - it is a domain I purchased at Hover. I think I might also add at the top of the list - most wanted features for iPhone 2013 - let me know what you would like to see in that list.
Hi Rob.
On ios 6 with latest update and I can't see any purchased items in App Store / updates / purchases. 90 percent of my friends have the same problem. Any ideas. It just never populates the list and crashed Back to home screen.
It does this on my iPad mini as well.
Many thanks
Hi Chris - I tried this on a couple of my devices running iOS 6.01 and 6.1 Beta 2 - and it worked fine for me - and by fine I mean it took 15 to 20 secs to start showing a list of purchased apps. And I have a lot of those. But no crashes for me. If anyone else is having an issue seeing their purchased apps or apps for updates - let us know - today in iOS at gmail dot com - but again for me - no issues on either device I checked.
Hey Rob,
Just wanted to let you know that I've been picking up some 3G signals from my iPhone 3GS on the T-Mobile network. It hasn't been consistent, but it should be rolling out officially sometime soon. Included is a snapshot. Been dealing with the Edge speeds for about a year and a half, but worth it having an iPhone. Now it makes it a better experience. Long time listener, love the podcast and keep up the great work!
Mike from Phoenix, AZ
Hi Rob,
Another tip for you. You may already know you can copy a phone number to the clipboard, then in the Phone app, go to the Keypad, tap and hold on the display above the keypad to paste the number. But did you know if you have a number with letters (such as 1-800-FLOWERS), it will be translated into digits (1-800-356-9377).
Lou V
Thanks to Jim for the heads up on a scam app - called IntelliScreenX in iTunes - this is not the Cydia app by the same / similar name. This is in the iTunes store - approved by Apple - and well not offering up what users are excepting.
Actually this was pulled from the app store finally - every so often an App dev will try and slip an app around Apples approval process that is not what they promised. Which is totally befuddling on why they would try this. Apple does not pay out right away. It takes well over a month to get paid from when a month ends. So if you have a scam app like this - and people go and buy it and then complain to Apple - well guess what - Apple is not going to pay the scammer. As it is likely they will be reported long before a check is cut. So again not sure the thought process on the scammers. Maybe it is more just proving they can do it - then trying to actually monetize from it. Who knows. Well at least it ain't mal-ware.
I mentioned the Laser keyboard recently on the show - well know there is another virtual key board - this time it is a piece of paper you place next to the iPhone that has all the keys on it - you then tap on the paper per the associated key and it trains the iPhone by sound and vibration where you are typing and it then learns you and the keyboard - and you can then type on the piece of paper and the iPhone registers the correct keys - or so it goes in theory and if you have a jailbroken iPhone. The accuracy they state in an article on NBC News dot com site is about 80 % - yeah not the best when typing up an email. But if you want to see it in action - there is a video at the link for the item titled Type without a keyboard - NBC News
A quick update on the status of a real jailbreak for the iPhone 5 - Yeah not there yet - but getting closer. Still not likely we will see it this year - more likely for some time in Q1 2013. They are at a point where the technical proof is done so to speak - but right now it is not yet at the point where it is ready for an untethered user friendly jailbreak.
One complaint I am still seeing from a few iPhone 5 users is that when it comes to connecting to Wifi - forget about it. Even if an iPHone 4S or 4 works fine on a router - some are seeing the iPhone 5 choke and fail. Gizmodo has an article that goes over some setting changes you can do to get your iPhone 5 and your wifi to play nice together.
As they state in the article this is a temp patch - until Apple puts in a real fix in iOS 6.x
Hi Rob,
With the new Update for the Apple Podcast App I decided to give myself 100% to the App, all my settings are for wifi only & yes no podcasts download via 3G but the App is STILL talking to Apple constantly & in only 4 days had it not been for the Onavo Extend app it would have talked to Apple for just short of 100mb (10% of my monthly allowance) but with Onavo Extend only 26mb was used. However even that is 26mb too much. Short of airplane mode can you think of any way to shut this bad boy up? I've left Downcast behind now 3 times. Looks like I'm gonna be back soon.
in Liverpool
Hey we are now finally ready for the Kansas City Startup Weekend. I have my idea - and will do a wait and see approach to see if I do my pitch - based on those others pitching. Even if I don't pitch - I still hope to have some reporting to do. Really interested to see what people say about what platforms to dev for first and why. If you are going to the KC Start up weekend - please let me know. Switching gears For those interested in blogging or podcasting or internet video - The New Media Expo will be in Las Vegas Jan 6th, 7th and 8th 2013 - and I will be there speaking about how to podcast 100% from an iPad. If you are interested in taking your blog or podcast to the next level or just getting started with one - there is no better event - and once you are done with that show - stay an extra day or two to enjoy or experience CES. Do a search for New Media Expo - or email me if you are interested and I will let you know what discount coupons are available for the show. I hope to see you in vegas.
Thanks again to today's sponsor - Squaretrade. If you have just purchased an iPad or iPad mini - get it insured by going to square trade dot com slash tii2 - that is tii and the number 2.
If you have just purchased an iPhone go to square trade dot com slash tii - and as Tii listeners you will get the best deal on a square trade warranty.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Wed, 7 November 2012
Direct download: tii_0247.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:49am EST
Wed, 7 November 2012
Hi Rob,
Here's some artwork I created for the show, I used the vector graphics app Inkscape to create everything.
- Ben (iosstuffandreviews.com)
Transcript - iTem 0247
I really really really need to stop trying to guess what Apple will or will not do sales wise on opening weekends - I am either tooooo high or toooo looooow. This last time I was toooo low. I really did not even expect Apple to announce numbers for this past weekend. Part of that was from checking around and talking to some non-apple stores where they had iPad Mini's - Sams Club for example - received a total of 5 iPad Mini's - 64 GB versions only on Friday - on Sunday Afternoon - they had sold a total of 1 out of those 5. So again I was not expecting Apple to announce numbers - meaning sales would have been south of 1 Mil units. But nope I was wrong - Apple did release numbers - kinda sorta - They released numbers for the iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen combined - and combined they sold 3 Mil units over the first 3 days. In the past Apple has defined Selling as putting units in customers hands - not just shipping them to someone like Sam's Club. So those other 4 iPad Mini's sitting on the folding table when they closed up shop on Sunday - those would not have counted towards sales. At least based on how Apple explained sales in the past. And I did sent Apple an inquiry for clarification on what "sold" really means - no reply yet from Apple on that request.
Per that 3 Mil - for these Wifi only devices - Apple reportedly only sold 1.5 Mil iPad 3rd Gens the opening weekend earlier this year - They actually report at that time 3 Mil sold - but that counted both Wifi and LTE / cellular models. Interesting that they sold exactly 50% Wifi models.
One other difference on sales number is that was just in 10 markets vs the 32 Markets the iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen opened up to this time. However 3x the number of markets in no way shape or form means 3x the number of available buyers. And when you look at the extra countries - it is clear they maybe gave an extra 20% pop to available sales. Spain and Korea being the biggest potential new markets added this time. Overall I am surprised by the likely level of sales of the iPad Mini Wifi only device. I am assuming at least 80% of opening weekend sales were for the iPad Mini. And I am sticking by my original assumption the real sales numbers for the iPad mini are going to be for the LTE / Cellular versions. Of course I am not kicking myself to much almost all the anal-ists sans one had sales numbers in the 800 to 1.5 Mil range. Only BTIGs Walter Piecyk predicted the 3Mil number and it was not so much a prediction as a line in the sand that he said apple needed to get to make Wallstreet happy. Which ironically after the numbers were announced he was about the only one not happy with the numbers. Go figure.
Per the feel of the iPad Mini - Wow - I got to hold one - and it is amazing how much lighter and easier it is to hold. Luckily at the Sam's club - they had it where it was not connected to a tether - like at the apple store. So you could really feel the true weight or lack there of. And they had it next to the iPad 4th gen - so you could pick one up in one hand and the other in the other and really feel the difference. The iPad mini seemed just as snappy and responsive as the iPad 3rd gen we have. I thought the screen looked great - sure not quite as great as the iPad 3rd gen with retina. But for the apps I looked and played with - and with my older eyes - it looked great - plus I still use the original iPad and compared to it - there are more pixels per inch - so it is a little sharper than it. If you are going from a 1st or 2nd gen iPad to the iPad mini - the pixel density actually gets better for you. My wife played with it - and she really liked the weight and feel of it. I will be looking at the LTE version - most likely from Sprint. So Christmas gift this year for the wife - My Main gift idea is done.
Here is some feedback from listeners that received their iPad Mini.
Hi Rob,
My iPad mini is now my go to. Bigger screen, I don't care for retina on these smaller screens, as I wear bifocals.
I love the experience so far, hate Facebook app! other apps that are meant for iPhone are very fuzzy (crappy looking) = Google Voice, Messenger for Facebook.
Bejeweled games are fine looking to me, not that much of a gamer. The only issue with the iPad mini, getting text messages and having to grab 4S :(
The only downside to lightning connector, I have to get the adapter so I can use iHealth's BP3 to do blood pressure readings.
Next funny, but don't know why, hope Apple will tell: the power adapter is the iPhone power adapter not the iPad one. I just did a charge cycle and it takes about 4 hours with the supplied adapter, but faster charging is done with the iPad adapter.
Downside, the camera sucks, up against the 4S camera, in lower light conditions. Noise is very noticeable. So 4S will be my camera, FaceTime calls on iPad mini.
iPad mini is replacing my Original iPad.
Hi Rob,
Per the iPad mini I think since I touched it I'm "downgrading from iPad 3?! The iPad 3rd gen feels like a thick brick! How long till next iPad & how long till next mini my friend Rob? Regards Mike.
Hi Mike - I have no idea what Apple is planning for upgrades - but I would guess it will be at least until August / September before we see an update iPad. But if sales start to wane - well then maybe we see an update sooner. But doubtful.
Hi Rob
I got the 16GB Wifi version.
You can type two handed like iPhone.
Slim and light.
Fits in cargo pants pocket.
Shorter battery life than iPad.
Tiny menu font size in Apple Apps.
Hangs in 3rd party Apps that were updated - maybe poor updates?
I was able to use it with my iPad's iWorks suite due to iCloud.
PaulG in Lawrenceville
Hi Rob,
First love your show. Thanks for all you do.
I got the iPad 3rd gen the day it came out. I expected to like it, but I am still surprised at how much I use it. My son also seems to like it. When he comes for a visit he will pass me my grandbaby and grab the iPad.
As soon as the rumors for the iPad mini seemed to take on substance I decided to get one for the kids for Christmas. I really wanted to like it. But not having the retina display was really a deal killer. If it had come out for $249 I would have considered it. But at $299, no way. At $329, it was FAB Universal to Apple!
That Friday I found myself ordering a 4th gen iPad for the kids. Afterward, I felt that maybe this was Apple's plan all along. Just sayin'.
Rob in Orlando
Hi Rob - Have you actually seen the iPad mini in person - the display looks really good. Better than the iPad 1 and 2. No not as good as the iPad 3rd or 4th gen - but still pretty good.
Hi Rob,
I bought the mini last night & returned it this morning. I use my iPad for magazines, knitting patterns, books, web surfing, etc. I couldn't read the font (too small) most of the time! I didn't remember this being a problem on my phone. So, I pulled up the exact same thing on my phone & the mini & sure enuf - the font was much smaller on the mini! Too bad & a big miss for a world full of boomers!
Laurie B
Hi Laurie - Did you try changing the font size in Accessibility. Go to the Settings App - Then General - then Accessibility - then select a large size Font - say 24 pt. Then for Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Message and Notes - the default text is larger.
I had a few people email in an say they are waiting for a retina display for the iPad mini before pulling the trigger. Well here are my thoughts on this - I don't think you will see a retina version for a couple of years min.
There is the issue of battery life with a retina display - and what that would do to battery life.
I think the 10 hr battery life is a mandate for the iPad line - everyone has had a listed battery life of 10 hrs or more - and I think that if Apple went retina - the only way to get 10 hrs of battery life is to up the amount of battery - and that will add thickness and weight.
For the iPad Mini - I think the current weight and thickness are two big selling points for the device.
So end of the day - we are talking 2014 maybe / likely 2015 before you see a retina iPad Mini - IMHO
Some interesting bench mark tests done with the iPad 4th gen over at Ars Technica - I know lot of bench mark tests. But what was interesting is in head to head comparisons between the iPad 4th gen and the Quad core Tegra 3 processor of the Nexus 7 tablet or the Surface from MS - the iPad 4 kicked butt and took names - beating both handily in every head to head test. So if you get any android fan boys tell you the Nexus has a quad coooore chip vs just the dual coooores of the iPad - simply remind them that the dual core A6X kicked the quadcores butt so hard it is had to go to costco to stuck up on preperation h.
Oh and anandtech also put up some benchmark tests for the iPad 4 vs other tablets and smartphones - and the iPad 4 kicked everyone butt. Yup lots of Prep H going out the door for the Android Fan Boys. It is safe to say if you want the fastest most powerful Tablet by a wide margin the winner is the iPad 4th gen. for now. Looks like Apple caught more than their consumers off guard with the update.
Seems if you go to the Apple.com site and type in iPhone 5 factory unlocked and do a search - you get a response of quote no results were found. please try a different search unquote - except if you happen to look to the right - there are search results found and it shows a few different versions with pricing. And Pricing is not surprising at all - $649, $749 and $849 for the 16, 32 and 64 GB versions.
I have reached out to Ting.com to see if they would support a factory unlocked CDMA phone - we shall see.
my guess is if you have a low cost MVNO and its backbone is on one of the Apple approved carrier networks - the unlocked iPhone 5 should work on it - assuming they can get you the proper nano sim card for their service.
Ok so whether you get an new iPad or a new iPhone - you want to protect them if they break - you can put all kinds of crazy cases on them - or if you are like me you can go around el natural - Naked as in no case on. And if you do that and still want protection - look no further than Sqauretrade for your warranty. Unlike Apple Care Plus - Squaretrade covers you even when your are jailbroken - Big kudos to Squaretrade for that. I often get questions about some specifics of square trade and I pass those along for answers - one recent question was Quote What happens with our Squaretrade warranty when an iPhone is replaced by Apple ? What happens when the phone is stolen and we get a new one ? unquote. The answer back from square trade on this was quote We cover multiple replacements by Apple and we even waive the deductible when you go to the genius bar for a replacement. We do not cover stolen devices but we will refund the unused portion of your warranty so you can use that to help pay for a new one. unquote.
If you just purchased a new iPad and you go to square trade.com/tii2 - that is slash tii and the number 2 - link in show notes for ep 247 - you will be able to get a 2 year iPad warranty for $84 - it will initially show as $89 - but if you went to the URL and then click through you will see it drop to $84 - that is a special discount for Tii Listeners.
If you go to the original url - if you have an iPhone - square trade dot com / tii - you can get your iPhone warranty for just $94 - even if it shows at $99 - just click through and as a tii listener your will get the extra discount.
If you have kids or are clumsy or plan to be out and about with your iOS device - you owe it your self to protect your investment - and square trade is a nice piece of mind to have - it removes a little bit of stress when you use your iOS device. Thanks Squaretrade for sponsoring this episode.
Hi Rob,
Per your request of new features in iOS 6.1 Beta - I found the ability to clear "previous recipients" a LONG overdue feature has been added. Now when you start typing in a name into the to field in an email - in the list of possibilities there is an arrow to the right pointing right that if you tap takes you to a screen where the option to quote remove from recents unquote is available.
Willy AppleSeed.
Hi Rob,
Per the person recently asking about group messaging. I use GroupMe as a group text messaging app for the same reason as your caller. Excellent app.
Chuck R
Thanks Chuck - hopefully that helps out the listener.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for using my song on ep 246 I was totally surprised when I started to listen to your podcast to hear my song. I was wondering what listener's song you were going to choose.
When I buy an app I head mentioned on your podcast I make sure to reference you in the "Write a Review" part to give you credit for the download and to give the app dev a review, which I know how important they are. I encourage your other listeners to do the same.
Neil S
Hi Neil - Thanks for the feedback and for your song on ep 246. Per your comments about reviews - Folks - if you have a favorite app - one you use a lot - it really does help the App devs if you can put in a review. And if it happens to be an app you heard about on this show - well it definitely helps this show to mention us in said review. Plus letting Devs know where you heard about their apps is very very important info for them - well it is if they are actually marketing their apps. Some devs are great devs but not so great marketers. I just talked to one Sunday and he was telling me he basically does zero marketing - he just wants to code. I said to him you need to spend as much time marketing your app as you did developing it. Yeah - that did not go over very well.
Back to the email bag:
Hi Rob,
In iOS 6.0.1 Per the Podcasts App I did discover a trick/work around for the Podcasts app for those that don't want to use it. I was thinking you must have already known about it, but if not here it is. If you uninstall the Podcasts app the Podcast option reappears in the More tab in the Music App. Sweet!
Mike in Ohio
Hi Mike - I am not sure If I mentioned that on the show - I know Gary Leland called in / emailed in with that tip before - but I think I may have not gotten it up on the show. But either way it is good to mention it again or for the first time now. Mike and Gary thanks for that tip.
Last episode I mentioned briefly the issue with the iPhone name in Mexico. Thanks to those that sent in confirmation that the iPhone 5 did go on sale in Mexico as planned - And by went on sale I mean of course mean sold out quickly at most retail locations. So if you are in Mexico looking to buy the iPhone 5 - and can't find it - that has nothing to do with the iPhone name lawsuit and more about restricted supply and un-restricted demand. Yo quiero iPhone 5.
Thanks Tash for this next one. Which is for AT&T users in the US - ATT and now offering AT&T locker - it is a free offering of 5GB of cloud storage. There is a free app available now in the app store called - you guessed it - AT&T locker - well with a little ™ next to locker. So if you are looking for yet another free 5GB of storage in the cloud you can get this if you are in the US and are an active AT&T customer. If you think AT&T is doing this so that you are less likely to churn away in the future - you would be correct. So if you are an AT&T customer now but don't plan to be one in the near future - you will want to make sure you have a copy of anything you upload on their cloud - but overall - I do want to say Kudos to AT&T for this offering.
I came across a post this past week on ZDnet titled - Oh Apple Lightning connector how do I love thee Question mark. I assumed it was going to be a hit piece on the Lightning connector - it was not - it was actually a very good post on the lightening connector and how this author shows it to be a much superior connector than a micro USB connector. His key argument is Wattage - We mentioned recently the 12 W iPad charger. While the iPad can trickle charge with a 5W charger - a 10 W or better yet a 12 W is what your really want. With Micro USB 9W is your limit. He mentions the issues some Android Tablet and phone manufacturers are having in this area where some like Sony have gone to a strange barrel connector to get to 10W charging for their tablets. Problem is these manufacturers are going with different chargers for different products offerings even among their own portfolio. At least with Apple they are taking all products to the new lightening connector. Now don't get me wrong I am still pained by the thought of all my 30 pin dock connector accessories no longer working or at min needing an adapter. But it is nice to read this article for some good info that with the lightening connector - it is likely going to address our connector needs into the foreseeable future. I will call this article step 2 of my 12 step plan to get over the 30 pin doc connector.
Thanks to Stephen for passing this one along. And it goes out to all you Google Fan Boys - It is about Mal-ware - or is it mall-ware - ok it is mal-ware - Anyway it is not something we on the iOS side are really concerned about - but on the android side it just keeps getting worse and worse - despite Googles efforts to turn the tide - it just seems they are destined to have this problem. There are now over 51,447 unique mal-ware versions out there for Android. That is up from just 3,063 version in Q1 of this year. Ouch. So if you are wondering exactly what type of robot Android is - might I suggest you watch a few episode of Futurama with a heavy study on Bender. Just sayin.
I saw a blog post with the title - iPhone 5 vs Lumia 920 Why Nokia has a Shot and I realized the title was missing AND OTHER THINGS THAT CAME TO ME AFTER EATING THOSE WILD MUSHROOMS.
I mean to me that is the only thing that can explain that post - just sayin.
Hi Rob,
I'm really frustrated with the reliability of the keyboard shortcuts as of lately. I just updated to 6.0.1 & was hoping that maybe this would help but unfortunately not. I'm wondering if you could give any insight into this. I'm a new listener so forgive me if you've already covered this.
Shannon H
Hey Rob,
Just started using a To-Do App called "Clear". What a great UI.
Loren from Atebits developer of Tweetie. The inventor 'Pull to refresh' loves it too.
Try it out if you haven't.
Chris in london
Hi Rob,
You should showcase this kickstarter project. Looks great and I think I'm
going to support it.
Cheers. Quintus.
Hi Quintus thanks for the heads up on the Charging Dock for iPhone 5, iPad and iPod by Dock+ in Kickstarter - Yeah a mega crappy name - but luckily it actually looks like a nice product. They have raised a total of over $47k towards their goal of $75k - with Friday December 14th at 11:00 PM being the cut off date and time. Pricing on this is $59. It comes in a choice of three different colors - Black / white and Raw Steel. Not to be confused wit bayne Steel. To find this in Kickstarter either look for the link in my show notes titled Dock+ Kickstarter. Or search for dock+ in kickstarter - that is d o c k and the + symbol as one word.
i know there are lots of posts and articles about Samsung selling more smartphones than Apple - but Samsung sells lots of different types of smartphones - and since they don't break down sales - there is no way to know for sure how many Galaxy S3's they shipped or how many smartphones over all for that matter. Some Anal-ists looking at profits for smartphone sales - and I am assuming they did this by dissecting quarterly reports - found that apple had 59% of all smarphone profits vs 47% for Samsung - so yes it is likely Samsung sold more smartphones - but when it came to profits - Apple still had them beat. Assuming the Anal-ists are close to reality. Per how can you have more than 100% of the profits - well most other manufacturers of smartphones are loosing money.
Thanks to Tash for this next one. Which is one of those concept videos - maybe this would be something we could see in iOS 7 or iOS 8 or maybe not until iOS 78.
The concept is that you could essentially turn App iCons into App Widgets that you could resize. So for the Tii App for example - maybe it transforms into a player right on the home screen. They show as an example the Settings app being expanded to fit the width of the iPhone screen and to have a slider for the brightness with buttons to toggle on and off Bluetooth and Wifi along with do not disturb. Obviously this is a way to meld in widgets into the iOS world. I am sad to say it might be closer to iOS 78 rather than iOS 7 or 8. Who knows maybe someone listening at Apple will pass this on to Sir Johnny Ive and he will take a liking to it.
Look for link titled Resizable App iCon Concept Video in the show notes for ep 247 at today in iOS dot com.
I found this one while I was looking for the Field test mode to help me install a cell booster exterior antenna in the best location.
It allows you to keep the db reading showing while not in Field Test mode also gives you the tweak to switch between db and bars [No Jailbreak required].
Scroll down to the section: Enabling Signal Number as Reception Indicator Rather Than Signal Bars
Tuscaloosa AL
P.S. it works on my iPhone 5
Thanks Thomas. I will recommend you go to the link - Use Field Test Mode in the show notes for ep 247 for today in iOS - but I will also go over quickly their instructions.
To always see the signal numbers rather than the signal bars, you’ll use the Force Quit app function to kill Field Test when it’s open:
1. Dial *3001#12345#* and hit “Call” if you haven’t done so already to launch Field Test 2. Now hold down the Power button until the “Slide to Power Off” message appears, then release the Power button and hold the Home button until Field Test quits 3. Tap the signal bars or signal numbers to switch between the two
To remove the tap-to-switch signal indicator ability, you can either reboot the iPhone or go back into Field Test and close out of it as usual.
So you can either play that over and over a few times to you can go to the link in the show notes.
Dear rob,
I just listened to podcast 246 and wanted to let you know that Per the swipe to move the cursor feature you mentioned - well they have this available already if you are jailbroken that is. it's called swipeseletion all one word in cydia it a free tweak I believe and it is available for iPad and iPhone as long as you are jailbroken. I have had it installed for a few months and I love it and I can't believe apple hasn't done this already. Just thought I would let u know so u could pass this info along to your listeners so they can start enjoy writing or text on there jailbroken iOS devices. Also just wanted to let you know I have the iPhone 5 and have just updated over the air to its 6.0.1 and so far as I can tell all the bug fixes seem to be working for me and have improved the phones functionality just wanted to pass that info along to the listeners as well. Thanks for all ur help and advise rob.
Ryan R
Rob -
I have toyed with several ideas for iOS apps over the years but really never moved forward with any of them. I now have two solid business apps ideas that I want to make for iOS that are targeted for the small business service industry. Because of its lower cost and size, I think the iPad Mini is going lower the threshold so smaller businesses will start venturing into the IOS ecosystem. I am an avid iOS user but have never developed an app before. I have finally come to the point that I that I either dive-in and teach myself how to use x-code or find a company that i could partner with to make an app. Could you give me some advice on the pros and cons of each approach? and maybe point me to some resources.
Thank you for your show - I love to see that alert pop up for a new show. Do you ever release the content from these conferences you speak at? I am interested in the talk you are going to do on podcasting 100% from your iPad.
John Robison
Hi John thanks for listening and the kind words. Per your questions on Apps - one thing you can do is put your ideas together very tightly - figure out a one minute pitch of you idea - practice it and present to trusted friends and then go to a local Start up Weekend and get up on stage and pitch your idea. If it is a good one and your present it well - you may get some developers to work with you that weekend to take your idea from thought to functional App in about 54 hours. If nothing else going to these events you will get to see and be part of other teams developing an app in a really short time period. And more importantly maybe you make connections with your local app devs. just go to startup weekend.org If there are none near you - then your choices are learn to develop and do it yourself - or fork out the cash and pay someone else to do it. Because outside of these startup type events - Devs are not going to work for you pro-bono. But per the start up weekends - they are all over the place - with about 100 planned just in November. So take a look at the site for one near you. Good luck
Hmmmm - How do I talk about this next one - do I just bang my head against a wall - do I scream What the Frack - or do I just shake my head in quiet puzzlement. Seems The US Government more specifically the Librarian of Congress just made it legal under the DMCA for smartphones to be jailbroken - that is not the puzzling news or even new news - a similar ruling was made a couple of years ago - no the puzzling news is the same person in the government at the same time also said jailbreaking a Tablet - yeah that is not legal AKA it is illegal and same with unlocking Smartphone. Never mind that the librarian of Congress ruled in 2006 and 2010 it was legal to unlock smartphones. Yikes - what is going on in DC. The only thing that makes any sense is the Librarian of Congress needed to put a kid through college and One or more of the carriers and tablet manufacturers figured out how to help that person find the funds needed to get their kid through school, and for them to take a vacation in Fiji and maybe buy a small island in the south pacific - Just Sayin - because - logic and fairness - yeah - that just does not seem to play here.
Rumors about the iPhone 2013 are starting up already and the latest one from Ed Valdez makes the argument about why the iPhone 2013 will be launching in June 2013 and not Sept or Oct 2013. He highlights 6 reasons he thinks the iPhone 2013 is coming in June - 1. Apple needs the wow factor. 2. Apple wants to lead - not follow. 3. Apple sales S-curves are too short. 4. Apple is at war with Samsung. 5. Apple leads in operational excellence and 6 Been there done that with the iPad 4. My issue with item 6 is the upgrade for the iPad 4 from the iPad 3 - is about as far as you can get from the Wow factor as apple has ever done for any iOS device. But overall my thoughts on this are well I hope there is an iPhone 2013 launched in June - as that is when I am eligible for an upgrade. And right now with all of Apples products upgrading in the same 3 month window - it causes another issue for Apple - many fan boys need to pick which apple product they are updating / upgrading to. While many of you listening have multiple iOS devices chances are most of you did not buy the latest and greatest of each in a 45 day window. So right now apple kind of has a fan boy bottle neck they created by releasing all the products so close. Apple would be well served to get the iPhone back to a june release schedule. But likely what you would see this June is not a wow factor upgrade - but rather something very incremental like we saw with the iPad 4. Plus it is sooo much nicer weather to wait out over night in late june vs late September.
Thanks to tim for the heads up on this next one. Which really should be part of the how wrong were they - but in this case we can talk present tense and say how wrong is he. With He being Steve Balmer. He said essentially that the surface is the tablet consumers really want and that no one has done a tablet that customers want. Because you know over 100 million iPads sold in under 3 years - yeah nobody is wanting the iPad. Lets see how many tablets were sold in the 10 years leading up to the launch of the iPad - if you said 10 Million you would be much much much to high.
But you have to love balmer and his ability to say just about anything no mater how much that anything flies in the face of what do they call that - oh yeah - facts - flies in the face of facts.
Hi Rob.
When I get an iMessage I get the ring tone notification that I chose in the settings, which is good. However when I get a reply I get a very faint sound that I can barely hear. As a result, I sometimes miss the incoming reply.
My question: is there a way to change the REPLY iMessage notification sound?
Like everyone else I love your show and I anxiously wait for the next episode. Thanks again have a good one.
Hey Rob:
I ordered an iPad mini, 64gb, an extra lightning cable and an iPad mini Smart Cover at the same time from Apple.
Understandably, they were shipped via UPS in separate shipments. I found it frustrating though that the cable and the cover EACH required a signature to accept the shipment from UPS, but the mini was just left on my doorstep.
I just find it somewhat ironic that a $500+ iPad mini is okay to just leave sit on my step and I have to be physically present to receive $75 of accessories.
M in Iowa
Hi Rob,
private web browsing in iOS.
there is a switch to toggle in the settings menu and it does eliminate the browsers history. BUT if you press the back button on the safari browser and keep your finger pressed down it lists all the previous webpages.
is there a way to eliminate this? it makes the private browsing feature pointless as I'd have to manually delete history, cookies, and data anyways.
Hi Rob,
My wife got the iphone 5 and just the other day we tried to use the turn by turn navigation system, but there is no sound. Checked the volume ok, checked settings and everything looks ok.
Went to google and I am not alone on this one, some people say that it may work only on wifi? And some others that only works when its plugged in only to the wall?
Anyway, got home and yes it works.
Any ideas?
Hi Rob,
Just found your podcast after it was recommended to me by my dentist. Love it!
I have a question... I have several programs for hiking that use iPhone GPS to track your distance, speed, etc. The problem is the continous use of GPS on my iphone runs down my battery too quickly. Is there a hiking/navigation program which allows me to set the interval at which the GPS takes a fix? I have to think that if I could take a fix only every 5 or 10 minutes, or some other user-selected interval, my battery would last a lot longer. Of course, my distance and speed would be more of an estimate than with the continuous positioning of current programs, but that is okay. At the end of the day, I will have a rough estimate of my hiking data and enough juice in the battery to find my way back to my car or campsite.
Thanks for such a great podcast!
Hey we are getting close to the Kansas City Startup Weekend. If you are in the area Nov 16th, 17th and 18th will be this event and I will be there - hopefully reporting back on some cool new iOS app ideas. If you are going please let me know. For those interested in blogging or podcasting or internet video - The New Media Expo will be in Las Vegas Jan 6th, 7th and 8th - and I will be there speaking about how to podcast 100% from an iPad. If you are interested in taking your blog or podcast to the next level or just getting started with one - there is no better event - and once you are done with that show - stay an extra day or two to enjoy or experience CES. Do a search for New Media Expo - or email me if you are interested and I will let you know what discount coupons are available for the show. I hope to see you in vegas.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Sat, 3 November 2012
Direct download: tii_0246.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:18am EST
Sat, 3 November 2012
I created this artwork with: ReTouch for iOS
Regards, Lou V
Transcript - iTem 0246
Since this is an iOS podcast - well at least by virtue of what is in the title - kind of fitting we start today's news off with news about iOS 6.0.1 being available for download as of Saturday. So what is in iOS 6.0.1 - well as with any .0.x update - bug fixes and just bug fixes.
According to Apple Quote This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:
• Fixes a bug where horizontal lines may be displayed across the keyboard
• Fixes an issue that could cause camera flash to not go off
• Improves reliability of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) when connected to encrypted WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
• Resolves an issue that prevents iPhone from using the cellular network in some instances
• Consolidated the Use Cellular Data switch for iTunes Match
• Fixes a Passcode Lock bug which sometimes allowed access to Passbook pass details from lock screen
• Fixes a bug affecting Exchange meetings
• Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates wirelessly over the air
unquote And per that last item - if you have an iPhone 5 and the bug fix is an update per a bug that prevents said device from doing over the air updates - well guess what you can't do an over the air update - well not supper easy peasy like the rest of us.
It is best if you can - to do the upgrade via iTunes on your computer. But if you can't or never sync to a computer - then there is a nice article at Cnet that goes over how to do the upgrade to iOS 6.0.1 directly on your iPhone 5 - look for the link titled How to update the iPhone 5 to iOS 6.0.1. Listener Myron did that and it worked well for him.
Per iOS 6.0.1 - it does seem to be working well - I did the upgrade on two of my devices and I had no issues. Feedback from other listeners has also been very positive.
As always - make sure you back up before doing any updates.
Actually - update - force quit apps - then do a reset network settings - then do the update once you get your wifi connected again and you have your device plugged in to a power source.
As always jail breakers - stay with iOS 5.x if you want to keep your jailbreak.
Here is some feedback.
Hi Rob,
I just updated to iOS 6.01 over my wireless. It took about 5 minutes and I didn't even have it plugged in. So far it is working great.
Phil thanks for the voice mail - not sure if you meant to say iOS 6.1 update or iOS 6.1 beta. But either way - there is an iOS 6.1 beta update available for devs. And unlike the iOS 6.0.1 which was all about bug fixes - the 6.1 beta is more about features and tweaks.
In the Maps App - there is a much bigger button for Report a Problem or as it is being called the Scott Forstall memorial button - but more on that later in the show.
There is also a change in the spacing of the buttons for the player control from the lock screen - moving them apart from one another making it easier to tap the button you wanted.
And most excitingly there is an update for Map Kit searches - Quote the map kit framework now lets you programmatically search for map-based addresses and points of interest unquote. So for example say you search for Donation - you should now be able to find places to donate things - like say this Rats backside that I would now like to give away after reading about these new quote features unquote.
Wow - I bet you all can't wait to get ahold of iOS 6.1 to use all the new quote features unquote.
If you are a dev and actually find you know a real useful and exciting new feature in iOS 6.1 - please let us know. 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog.
I will of course not reveal who you are so that you don't break any NDA's with Apple per talking about unreleased iOS features - but at this point - if you found something exciting in iOS 6.1 - I am sure Apple PR would give you a kiss. Just sayin
One other major update - well major update if you are a podcaster or interested in podcasts is the new Podcasts App v 1.1.2 which was available on Nov 2nd. Key bug fixes include ones I have heard from many of you.
Fixing the issue where it unexpectedly plays a podcast after a phone call or alarm. Or where previously deleted episodes keep showing back up. And it has supposed additional stability and performance improvements. I did not get a chance to play with this yet prior to recording this show - as the show was late enough already - but I will be playing with the next version next week - and would love to hear back from anyone that was having issues with excessive bandwidth problems with the podcasts app. ok well I played with it a little. One nice thing is show notes from the lyrics tag show up when you play an episode from the Top station. But for now that is the only place I see the show notes from the lyric tag showing up. Which hey is one more place than before. Let me know your thoughts feedback on the latest update. 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog
hey Rob, long time listener, just listened to the new podcast and heard stories of apple stores and applecare over the phone replacing rattling iphone 5s. i can assure you that apples stance on this is that it is normal and they are not to replace those devices. i am a senior advisor for AppleCare and have internal documentation with this information. Good luck to those of you trying to get it replaced, but as far as Apple is concerned this is expected behavior.
Johny appleseed.
HI Rob,
I Not only lost Safari but also lost iTunes and the app store icons. I am running version 5.1.
Any ideas? I thought these were apps that could not be removed. Regards,
Hi Kevin,
Check in the Settings App - then General - then Restrictions
Likely those apps are turned off - turn them back on.
Rob W
And kevin did confirm indeed that was the issue. Remember if any of your stock apps disappear and you can't find them - there is a good chance they are turned off in restrictions.
Hi Rob,
I wrote this post for my (newly created) blog and figured it might help a few people out. Regards, Lou V
And the post Lou Wrote is titled top 10 reasons why an iPad is a great christmas gift for your kid. Look for the link in the show note. But a couple of reasons from the list not in order - 1. Any kid over 12 months old can operate it. 2. It is easy to wrap 3. It will not disappoint unlike say a kindle fire did last year.
Thanks Lou for the list.
Per the iPad Mini and Pre-Orders - it took 20 minutes for the Wifi Only White Models to sell out in all configs. It took 35 hours for the black 16Gig version to sell out and a little less than 3 days for the other two versions of the Black iPad Mini to sell out. Right now all iPad Mini Wifi models are listed as 2 weeks for delivery.
So does this mean Apple sold millions upon millions of units - probably not - just that they sold out of what they did have inventory for. Since Apple did not do a press release this week on first weekend pre-sales - it is safe to bet they did not break any sales records. If they don't do a press release on Monday Morning giving numbers for iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen sales - then we know for sure they did not break any records - not that I really expect them to.
The Apple A-listers got their iPad Mini's right after the event and were embargoed until mid this week from talking about the iPad mini - but when the embargo lifted - they all posted quickly. For the most part most of them really liked it - thus ensuring they would remain A-listers for the next Apple product launch. Just Sayin. So if you want to read their reviews - there are links in the show note to a couple of posts that aggregated the reviews - look for iPad Mini Review Roundup and iPad mini review roundup. Personally I care less and less about these pre-release reviews. What I care about are the ones from you the listeners that actually paid for said iPad Mini and are not incentivized to stay in apples good graces. What really you don't think they feel pressure to kiss a little but - come on - get real. So that all said - folks if you received your iPad Mini - please call or write in with some short - pithy likes and dis-likes about the iPad mini that you have. 206-666-6364 that's 206-moon-dog or email to today in iOS at gmail dot com
Phil Schiller is reported to have responded to an email inquiry about the speakers on the iPad Mini and if they were mono or stereo. Phil responded that the Mini does have stereo speakers.
If you look at the bottom you can see the two speakers one on each side of the lightening port - so now all you have to do to enjoy those speakers is place the lightening port right on the bridge of your nose - that will get one speaker on the left side of your head and one on the right. And man what a great stereo experience it shall be.
The one review I always like the most is kind of a component porn type review and it comes from iFixIt - and keeping with tradition they did one of their great tear downs on the iPad Mini - And it did confirm that yes if you place the iPad mini's doc connector on the bridge of your nose you too can hear the stereo speaker goodness in the iPad mini. Overall iFixit gave the iPad Mini a 2 out of 10 for repair ability. They did note the LCD and glass are not fused together so if you crack the glass it does not mean you have to change out the more expensive LCD. One other thing of note is that the lightning connector is soldered to the logic board - so if you break the connector - Ka Ching on the repair bill - but then again I am sure no one will ever damage the lightning port. Ummm Yeah.
So the big question after the iPad mini event was what will sprint offer for data plans for the iPad mini - ok well not the big question - but at least a question.
Sprint announced their new LTE tablet data plans shortly there after - which we assume means data plans for the iPad mini 4G and iPad 4th gen 4G. The monthly plans are $14.99 for 300 MB, $34.99 for 3GB, $49.99 / 6GB and $79.99 for 12 GB. This is for new users non smartphone users of sprints. These plans are cheaper than Verizon or AT&T's Off contract tablet plans.
For those with a smartphone plane on Sprint - AKA an iPhone on Sprint - you can add a 1GB monthly plan for $15 and a 100 MB plan for $10 a month - but why you would choose the later I am totally clueless.
If there are any last minute changes to the Sprint data plans - I will try to let you know prior to the release of the iPad Mini 4G.
If however - Price is not your only deciding factor and you are not in one of the 32 markets Sprint currently has LTE in - then you will want to read the post in light reading titled
Deciding On a 4G Operator for Your iPad Mini
It talks about AT&T's current 77 live LTE markets and Verizons 419 live LTE markets vs the previously mentioned 32 live LTE markets for Sprint.
Which LTE carrier that will be best for you will depend on where you live and where you travel too.
I just love all the articles about lines be shorter for the iPad mini or quote surprisingly shorter lines greet the iPad mini unquote as one title put it. Really here would be my title if I did a post on this quote Surprisingly there are lines to greet the ipad Mini unquote. Really any lines for the ipad mini are surprising to me - it is a smaller slower version of the iPad with lower res screen. Don't get me wrong - I think is is much much better than the comp in the sub 8" category of Tablets - but Lines for this device - ummm no. And the real reason I did not think there would be lines is that the iPad Mini that will be most in demand - is not the Wifi version - it is the LTE slash 4G slash cellular version. To me that is the one that stands out. After all the reason to want a smaller iPad that weighs less than half the amount as the iPad Maxi is not to sit in bed with it - but to take it out and about. When I asked my wife if she wanted an iPad Mini - her first response was Quote does that mean I have to give up my current iPad - because that is the one I want to use in bed unquote - which ok could either say little or a whole lot about our sex life depending on which apps are used the most. But points is while she really likes the idea of getting a Cellular enabled smaller ipad Mini for checking email and surfing the web when out of the house - she still does not want to give up her iPad 3rd Gen when in the house. So point is - I don't see the wifi only model being as hotly desired at the LTE slash 4G slash cellular model. But hey what's your opinion on this?
Hi Rob,
We went to our local Best Buy today to pick up an iPad Mini. We got there around 11:30 am and they still had several of each model in black and the 32 gig in white, which is what we got. While we were there another person bought a 64 gig iPad, which I assume was the iPad 4.
The mini is a nice size for my wife as it will drop right into her purse.
Myron U
Ok - there are a bunch or reports and posts about people with the iPad 3rd gen feeling cheated by the iPad 4th gen coming out so soon. Three little words - get over it
Really - I mean it. Sure the iPad 4 is twice as fast as the 3rd gen - well ok a little faster than twice as fast.
Bench mark tests show it with a score of 1757 vs the 3rd gen at 791. The iPhone 5 for comparison sake was at 1571. Higher is faster. Actually I found a nice comparison for all the iOS devices using the Geekbench results. As mention the iPad 4th gen wins the day at 1752. the iPhone 4S comes in at 655 and the iPhone 4 at 375. the iPad 2 is at 781 so pretty close to the 791 of the iPad 3rd gen.
The original iPhone - it scored a 136. So the iPad 4th gen is over 12 times faster than the first iPhone.
Look for the link titled iOS Benchmarks - Geekbench Browser in the show notes for ep 246 over at today in iOS dot com.
Oh yeah - back to the point of this segment - get over it - get over that the iPad 4th gen is out if you have a 3rd gen - I do and I don't feel cheated. You know who is feeling cheated - it is the folks with the original iPad stuck at iOS 5.x. Yeah they where cheated.
Before Apple had their quarterly conf call AT&T had theirs - - AT&T reported sales of iPhone of About 1.2 Mil iPhone 5's last quarter and 4.7 iPhones overall - meaning about 3.5 Mil iPhones other than the iPhone 5. vs 3.8 Mil the quarter before - which is about the same drop Verizon saw. And also points to about 29 Mil iPhones sold last quarter. I will go over the actual numbers from Apple shortly. Overall AT&T sold 6.1 Mil SmartPhone - of which 77% were iPhones. So kudos to Apple for keeping the smartphone market locked up at AT&T. Sprint also had their call last week - some highlights of that call are that Sprint sold 1.5 Mil iPhones last quarter and are ahead of schedule to meet their requirements from Apple on iPhone sales. Sprint did not reveal or I could not find info on how many smartphones they sold last quarter overall. Sprint did say churn rate for iPhone users is materially lower vs other smartphones. There are lower support costs for the iPhone vs Android as well.
Moving on to Apples Call last week - Here is a very quick summary of the latest quarterly numbers from Apples Quarterly conf call last week:
Rev = $36 Billion (up from $28.3 Billion in the year ago quarter)
Total Cash = $121.3 Billion (up $4.1 Billion for the quarter even after paying out over $2 Bil in Dividends)
Last Quarter Sales
iPhones Sold = 26.9 Mil (vs 17.07 Mil year ago quarter and 26 Mil last quarter) but lower than the 29 mil I thought it would be and as I mentioned on the last show anything lower 29 mil probably meant bad news for apple stock. Which is proving out right now.
iPads Sold = 14 Mil (vs 11.12 Mil year ago quarter and 17 Mil last quarter)
iPod Touches Sold = Not given as usual but over half of the 5.3 Mil iPods sold
All iPod's Sold = 5.3 Mil (vs 6.8 Mil last quarter and 6.6 Mil in the Year ago quarter)
Misc Notes
iPhone 5 out to 31 countrie already - will be to 100 by end of the year.
iPhone Business was $17.1 Bil last quarter alone vs $16.01 Bil for all of Microsoft last quater. That was also larger than Googles over all revnue ($14.1 Bil) and Amazons revenue ($13.8 Bil).
iPad Business was $7.5 Bil last quater.
Apple TV sold 1.3 Mil units last quarter. Apple sold over 5 Mil units for the past 4 quarters vs 2.8 Mil units for the year prior to that.
The iPhone 5 launched in a few more countries this week including India, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Malta, Romania, Thailand and the Dominican Republic. It was also supposed to launch in Mexico some reports incorrectly reported Apple was banned from selling the iPhone 5 in Mexico because they lost a court case - more on that later - but that actually was not the case. And according to Apples Apple store website for mexico at least - the iPHone 5 appears to be on sale now. I know I have more than few listeners in Mexico - if anyone can confirm the iPhone 5 is now available in Mexico - I would appreciate it.
Gizmodo put up a video showing side by side comparisons of Siri vs the newly release google voice search. and based on the video it looks like Eddie Cue has his work cut out for him. From this Video - Siri gets her butt clearly and repeatedly kicked. I guess we should thank Google for raising the bar - or for showing how low it was. Either way - Apple needs to step up their game - because when Google Voice search on an iPhone 5 can totally trounce Siri on an iPhone 5 - something is clearly not well in Cupertino.
Actually the App from google is just called the Google Search app - which is free and now has the voice search feature in it.
And in all fairness - that video was totally staged and researched for specific search results before hand.
Because when you use Google search and go a little more human - it falls down. Say I need coffee and the results are humorous. Tell Siri you need coffee and she comes back with a list of local coffee shops.
Google Search Voice feature does work with the iPhone 4 - so if you have it - it is a much better choice than siri because well siri is not a choice.
Hi Rob,
not sure if you are following the mandated EU Apple Samsung apology, but the actually apology issued by Apple on its EU web site is exactly what you predicted - two episodes ago! In a polite way it's almost word for word what you had predicted ! :-)
And now Samsung has complained - and the judges agreed - the apology wasn't an apology and must be re-issued
Johnny Appleseed
Hi Johnny,
Yeah - When I read the "apology" from Apple I was in shock - because I totally made mine up Tongue in cheek - I did not think Apple would have the hutzpah to actually do that. I loved that they did - and think it was great - but I was really shocked they did it that way.
Per the UK judges not being happy - Yup - not surprised with that.
But you have to love that Apple did what they did - as it really was shockingly brazen of them - and brought lots of additional PR on this subject. But still very surprised they did what they did.
Now per what Apple had in their original apology which is now longer up - but which I pulled a copy of of course.
Here is some of it. First paragraph is the legal requirement and the rest is classic apple - lets get to the good part Quote
Samsung / Apple UK judgment
On 9th July 2012 the High Court of Justice of England and Wales ruled that Samsung Electronic (UK) Limited’s Galaxy Tablet Computer, namely the Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 8.9 and Tab 7.7 do not infringe Apple’s registered design No. 0000181607-0001. A copy of the full judgment of the High court is available on the following link www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Patents/2012/1882.html.
In the ruling, the judge made several important points comparing the designs of the Apple and Samsung products:
"The extreme simplicity of the Apple design is striking. Overall it has undecorated flat surfaces with a plate of glass on the front all the way out to a very thin rim and a blank back. There is a crisp edge around the rim and a combination of curves, both at the corners and the sides. The design looks like an object the informed user would want to pick up and hold. It is an understated, smooth and simple product. It is a cool design."
"The informed user's overall impression of each of the Samsung Galaxy Tablets is the following. From the front they belong to the family which includes the Apple design; but the Samsung products are very thin, almost insubstantial members of that family with unusual details on the back. They do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design. They are not as cool."
That Judgment has effect throughout the European Union and was upheld by the Court of Appeal on 18 October 2012. A copy of the Court of Appeal’s judgment is available on the following link www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2012/1339.html. There is no injunction in respect of the registered design in force anywhere in Europe.
However, in a case tried in Germany regarding the same patent, the court found that Samsung engaged in unfair competition by copying the iPad design. A U.S. jury also found Samsung guilty of infringing on Apple's design and utility patents, awarding over one billion U.S. dollars in damages to Apple Inc. So while the U.K. court did not find Samsung guilty of infringement, other courts have recognized that in the course of creating its Galaxy tablet, Samsung willfully copied Apple's far more popular iPad.
As expected by everyone and I am sure Apple - the judges were known to happy with Apple making a mockery of their ruling and forced them to redo their quote apology unquote. They then went and pulled down their first version and ran some ads in the UK with the mandated apology which is pretty boring. which goes like this quote on 9th july 2012 the high court of justice of England and wales ruled the Samsung electronics galaxy tablet computers namely the Galaxy tab 10.1, tab 8.9 and tab 7.7 do not infringe apples community registered design number yada yada yada. But really I do have to tip my hat to them on their pure Bravado in using the judges own words and calling the Samsung tablets not cool in their apology. I knew Apple People listened to this show - just did not realize it was Apple Legal as well.
Hi Rob,
What happens with our Squaretrade warranty when an iPhone is replaced by Apple ? What happens when the phone is stolen and we get a new one ( I have a insurance policy to cover thief on my phone)
Regards, Robin J
Hi Robin - here is the response from Squaretrade.
Quote We cover multiple replacements by Apple and we even waive the deductible when you go to the genius bar for a replacement
We do not cover stolen devices but we will refund the unused portion of your warranty so you can use that to help pay for a new one. unquote
Now if you go to square trade dot com / tii you can save on your iPhone and iPad warranties.
hi rob
in answer to the question in the last episode as to why verizon doesn't recommend the iPhone 5, the answer is simple: you can't sell what you don't have. there seem to be serious supply side issues for the verizon iPhone 5. our local apple store regularly gets at&t and sprint phones, but rarely if ever, any for verizon and verizon hasn't had any for a while and are only taking pre-orders. i don't know how apple is allocating their production, but did notice that the ship date of Nov 16 has been the same on Verizon's website for the last two weeks, which makes me wonder if they are holding off on production of cdma phones for either production efficiency or if there is a parts shortage which they expect to fulfill in the next week or so.
thanks again rob for a great show.
mill valley, ca
Hi Rob The reason why most sales representatives at Verizon don't recommend the iPhone is because
For every cell phone they sell they get a certain percentage commission off the device that they sell with the iPhone they only receive a five dollar commission off the iPhone that is why more people push for android phones And also they have to go through Apple to return any iOS devices I personally work at a cell phone store And know this to be the case! love the show
John Appleseed
Hi Rob,
Target is giving away a $40 gift card with every iPad 2, 3 or 4 purchased until midnight 11/3. Just bought an iPad 4 for my son for Xmas. The iPad mini is not part of the promotion. regards,
Thanks don for the heads up.
Hi Rob just a tip anyone in the northeast area affected by hurricane sandy . AT&T is offering a credit of $25 dollars to customers in the region , a quick call to customer service would do the trick just let AT&T know how their service failed in the time we needed them most. AT&T service was disappointing left us with no cellular
Regards, Carlos from Bridgeport Connecticut
In AT&T's defense - you still need to have electricity at each cell site for the cell network to work - and that is asking a lot in a hurricane in the north east.
For all those upset about Maps and Siri - and calling for heads at Apple - well your calls have been answered - with the removal of Scott Forstall as S VP of iOS. I am sad to hear this - as I thought the Maps issue was way way way over blown - and based on feedback from listeners - the majority of you felt the same way. But sometime perceptions rule the day at Apple - and the perception was is that Apple Maps suck - and someone has to pay the piper - and that someone was Scott Forstall - Scott we will miss you. Also now on the outside looking in is John Browett - the recently hired and now former head of Apple Retail. Apple says they are looking for a replacement for him. Per Scott's position of Senior VP of iOS - that job is being cut up with the pieces winding up in the laps of Sir Jony Ive, Bob Mansfield, Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi. This is kind of a very unusually shakeup of Apple Top management - I can't remember anything even remotely close in the past 8 years. Of course the past 8 years have been an incredible ride up. But with the recent dust up from Maps and the on going general Malaise towards Siri in the tech pubs - it is kind of something you can understand with Scott's removal. The removal of John Browett - is probably one of a person not fitting in the culture of Apple. Did anyone really think getting a retail head from a big box cheap retailer and putting them in charge of the highest end of retail stores in the world was a good thing. Remember Apple makes more per sq foot than Tiffanies. They say they have a search going on now for his replacement - lets hope that search goes nowwhere near Bentonville Arkansas or Issaguah Washington.
I just completed my 2nd instructable, this one is mod-ing a car cradle to use an Apple Lightning to 30 pin adapter for an iPhone 5.
Tuscaloosa AL
I was trying to figure out how to describe this next iOS accessory and well words kind of fail me. So I will be blunt - it is a rocking chair that charges your iPad while you rock. It has a price tag that you will need to be seated to hear - which is $1,300. Not sure the woman that took Whistler to term would approve of this one. But I could easily see a meme started from that thought.
They are calling this the iRock.
Now what I find most interesting is that for $1,300 you could you know buy a few iPad mini's - and since they have 10 hour battery life - you could just keep one plugged in and charging while you used the other one. And then swap them out when needed - and still have a bunch left over.
So no - I will not be buying an iRock anytime soon.
Just a heads up on a free app - Radio Alarm Clock - Free for a limited time - Search for Radio Alarm Clock - three words in iTunes - it allows you to listen to 50,000 radio stations from around the world. Which is always nice come college basketball season.
Into the email bag.
Hi, is it possible to make the font size on the iphone 5 apps larger? Is there an app that will do this? I love the phone, but this is a problem people are having especially as they get older. It is a little difficult to read because the letters are so small. I tried zooming in but this creates very large app sizing and it becomes difficult to manage. Please help straining eyes.
From: Jose
Hi Rob,
Just a quick question I know that there isn't a jailbreak for iPhone 5 but should we avoid this current update that is more of a bug fix in hopes to not ruin our chances for the future untethered jailbreak?
Justin - if your goal is to jailbreak - chances are iOS 6.0.1 vs 6.0 is not going to matter - that said - better safe than sorry and best to stay at 6.0 for now - if you main goal is to someday jailbreak your iPhone 5.
Now if you are having issues with your iPhone 5 - especially with Wifi - then you need to ask yourself is it work the risk of going to iOS 6.0.1 - again I don't think it will mater - but in your shoes - I would probably not upgrade to to be safe.
There is an article over at Fastcodesign dot com - yeah never heard of them either. They had a blog post titled - This dead-simple idea could fix iPad's lousy typing. Which I figured was just link bait with no substance. I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong. There is a video on the site showing how a Georgia Tech student named Danel Hooper created a nice demo of his idea to help iOS Typing - essentially what you do when typing - is slide with your finger left to right or right to left over the keyboard and it moves the cursor over what you typed - you stop where you need to insert a word or correct a mistake. If you want to select you hold down the shift key and drag over the keyboard. Brilliant and so so simple.
If you are with Apple and you hear this - please please please check out this video - and then send links to everyone you know above you at apple to get this added to iOS 6.X or iOS 7 worst case.
Please apple take some money and buy this idea and patent and lock it out from Android before Google does that to you. FYI - this video on Youtube has been viewed over 750,000 time already.
Thanks to Michael for this next one. Which is a heads up there is a new 12 W Charger from Apple for the iPad that helps charge the 4th gen iPad faster. If you want this more powerful charger for your iOS device - it is $19.99 from Apple. This charger is also supposed to come with the iPad mini according to 9 to 5 mac and others.
Just a quick reminder for those in the KC area - the weekend of the 16th - I will be attending the KC Start up weekend - hope to see some listeners there - please come by and say high. Hopefully there will be some neat app ideas that come out of it to report on.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Thu, 25 October 2012
Here is a very quick summary of the latest quarterly numbers from Apple:
Rev = $36 Billion (up from $28.3 Billion in the year ago quarter)
Total Cash = $121.3 Billion (up $4.1 Billion for the quarter even after paying out over $2 Bil in Dividends)
Last Quarter Sales
iPhones Sold = 26.9 Mil (vs 17.07 Mil year ago quarter and 26 Mil last quarter)
iPads Sold = 14 Mil (vs 11.12 Mil year ago quarter and 17 Mil last quarter)
iPod Touches Sold = Not given as usual but over half of the 5.3 Mil iPods sold
All iPod's Sold = 5.3 Mil (vs 6.8 Mil last quarter and 6.6 Mil in the Year ago quarter)
Misc Notes
iPhone 5 out to 31 countrie already - will be to 100 by end of the year.
iPhone Business was $17.1 Bil last quarter alone vs $16.01 Bil for all of Microsoft last quater. That was also larger than Googles over all revnue ($14.1 Bil) and Amazons revenue ($13.8 Bil).
iPad Business was $7.5 Bil last quater.
Apple TV sold 1.3 Mil units last quarter. Apple sold over 5 Mil units for the past 4 quarters vs 2.8 Mil units for the year prior to that.
Category: breaking news
-- posted at: 4:01pm EST
Tue, 23 October 2012
Direct download: tii_0245.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:44pm EST
Tue, 23 October 2012
I created this artwork using an iPad 2nd gen, iPhone 4S, Elecom laser keyboard and my favorite Podcast.Never leave without them…
Regards, Serge in Austalia
Transcript - iTem 0245
Philp Dewitt over at Fortune has pulled together 60 anal-ists guesses on what they think the iPhone will have done in sales last quarter - which ranges from a low of 21 Million to a high of 32.3 Mil. There really was no consensus of iPhone sales this time with guesses looking evenly spread out all over the place. The average of the 60 Anal-ists was 26.5 Mil.
Per my Predictions - well I am not guessing but simply taking the Verizon numbers - per what they sold of the iPhone 4 and 4s - which was 2.5 Mil last quarter vs 2.7 Mil the quarter before - and I am multiplying that ratio by 26 mil - which is how many iPhones sold the quarter before last and then adding the 5 Mil iphone 5's we know apple sold last quarter to come to a number of 29 Mil iPhones sold last quarter. I am looking at Verizon's drop of iPhone 4's and 4S's to be indicative overall of the iPhone market globally which is a big assumption - If it is that the Actual iPhone sales are higher than 29 Mil - I think it is good news for Apple - if it is lower - it is bad news - in my opinion - how far above or below that number will indicate how wild a ride the Apple stock price will go on over the next few weeks. Of course we shall see on Thursday what the real numbers are - I will send out a push message and put up a post on Today in iOS dot com on Thursday after Apple announces all their financial goodies. Might be late Thursday as I will be in Pittsburgh for business starting on Thursday. So not sure when I will have access to the quarterly conference call. Regardless - if you are one of those that is into Apple numbers - I will get something up hopefully with a little commentary as well on Thursday evening.
There is article over at Fastcompany - where they talk to a Dell exec - and normally these are like gold for the show. I mean Dell execs and quotes for my how wrong were they segment are like peanut butter and chocolate - this time it was with SVP of Corporate Strategy - David Johnson - and I have to say - he actually made a lot of sense and was very forthcoming - So a kudos to David Johnson - not often you get to read quotes from someone at Dell that are full of common sense and logical insight and don't appear their head is buried in the sand or somewhere else. Just felt compelled to say Kudos this time - given all the times in the past I had fun on this show at Dells expense with one of their quotes.
I saw a few headlines about the Jailbreak hacker - comex - who had gone to work for Apple a year ago - being no longer employed by Apple and I was like - Yeah - He is back in the game - working on a new jailbreak - and then I read some of the articles - and quick sad trombone was played. Whattt whattt waaaa - Seems He is more interested in going to college at Brown University and you know concentrating on his classes then he is in working on a jailbreak for iOS 6. Geeze - kids these days what is the world coming to when an ivy league education takes precedence over hacking iOS. If you want to read more about Nicholas Allegra - aka Comex - there is a really good article on Forbes by Andy Greegberg titled iPhone Uber-Hacker Comex is out at Apple - link in the show notes for ep 245 over at today in iOS dot com.
Into the Email bag.
Hi Rob!
Just wanted to say I just got the tii ios app and its great. Much more intuitive to use than the podcast app for downloading and listening to your show. I couldn't help noticing the stars look like little yellow Captain America shields as the podcasts download.
I've been going through the back episodes and downloading the ones that came out around all the iPhone launches, just to see how far the phone has come in terms of features, hardware, popularity, etc. I have had every iPhone except the 4S. I will be getting the iPhone 5 soon. Oh,by the way, I think it should've been called the iPhone 6 as well.
Hi Jim - Thanks for the kind words and for supporting the show - Folks if you would like to support the show - you too can purchase the Tii - App for just $2.99 from the App store - As Jim mentioned it is the best way to consume this show on your iOS device and a much better UI than the Podcasts App. Plus it will not cause you to use up all your data usage in a month. Just sayin.
Hi Rob,
thanks for the push. Just bought $200 worth.
Don G
What is Don G talking about - Well with the Tii App you also get Push notifications and Yesterday I sent one out about the $50 iTunes gift card at Best Buy dot com for just $40 for just Yesterday - so he saved more than the price of the app on that one push - actually he save many times the price of the App. Just search for the Tii App in the App store and thanks for supporting the show.
G'day Rob,
A gentleman mentioned last episode that when he used eMail addresses through a shortcut, the websites rejected them. After you type your shortcut and the address appears, press the delete button to remove the space that appeared after your shortcut worked. This should be what causes the address not to be recognised.
Thanks Ian - and everyone else that sent in that tip - there were a lot of you on that one.
Hi Rob,
To the listener that was talking to apple and they said it was meant to rattle.
My iPhone 5 had that rattle too, so I googled iPhone 5 rattle and saw reports of the battery coming loose and apple store swapping it out. I made appointment at local store. My genius opened it up and sure enough loose battery. He swapped it out for a new one. No rattle on this one. So listener go see a genius it's not meant to rattle.
Hi Rob,
Just discovered a really cool new feature in the Find my iPhone app. When you tap on a device to show it on the map, an icon in the upper-right shows you it remaining battery. It doesn't look like you need iOS 6 on the device to do that since it worked for my original iPad, which isn't supported by iOS 6.
Lou V
Hi Rob,
I have an app for the New Zealander who needed another music player app to check out.
It's called "SoundHound". I think it's free. It's like schzam, i.e. for finding music, but has easy access to my iTunes library and basically the same controls as the iPod in the phone.
The other recommendation I have is the audible audio books app for listening to audio books. It can see the books you have in iTunes and play them just as well an audible audio book.
- Jessi D
Hi Rob,
So, for audiobooks I use BOOKMARK, which not only ONLY lists audiobooks stored on my iphone, allows me to add book marks, keeps my place, and has a sleep timer. It's basic and it's great.
One point I thought of concerning iphone theft: I put a passcode lock with the "10 time and it erases setting" ON.
If someone steals my phone, I'm FAR less concerned about the phone itself than I am about my data, emails, phone numbers etc.
As far as I'm concerned, the phone can automatically erase itself and leave the thieves with an new phone, as long as they don't have my data.
Dennis C
Hello Rob,
Instead of finding an app to play music I suggest your listener could use either the Audible app which is free and which allows him to also play books from his music library from the Audible app.
Alternatively, he can spend a couple of Dollars and buy an app called Bookmark and this also allows him to play audio books he synced to his iPhone via iTunes and the app remembers the playback position.
Lastly, I would suggest also that he checks how the books are synced and whether they show up in the Audio Books category under “More” in the music app or whether they just show up like all the rest of his music. If the latter is the case this can be easily fixed. Once the books are in iTunes on the computer, select all the files from a book, then right click and click on “Get Info”. Select the “Options” tab and make sure Media Kind is set to “Audio Book” and not to “Music”. As soon as this is done the books will appear in the Books library in iTunes and not in the music library and if he plays these books on his iPhone the music app will remember the playback position for a particular book exactly where he left off even if you completely turn off the phone or listen to music or another book in between.
G'day Rob,
A gentleman mentioned last episode that when he used eMail addresses through a shortcut, the websites rejected them. After you type your shortcut and the address appears, press the delete button to remove the space that appeared after your shortcut worked. This should be what causes the address not to be recognised.
Thanks Ian - and everyone else that sent in that tip - there were a lot of you on that one.
Hi Rob,
To the listener that was talking to apple and they said it was meant to rattle.
My iPhone 5 had that rattle too, so I googled iPhone 5 rattle and saw reports of the battery coming loose and apple store swapping it out. I made appointment at local store. My genius opened it up and sure enough loose battery. He swapped it out for a new one. No rattle on this one. So listener go see a genius it's not meant to rattle.
Hi Rob,
Just discovered a really cool new feature in the Find my iPhone app. When you tap on a device to show it on the map, an icon in the upper-right shows you it remaining battery. It doesn't look like you need iOS 6 on the device to do that since it worked for my original iPad, which isn't supported by iOS 6.
Lou V
Hi Rob,
I have an app for the New Zealander who needed another music player app to check out.
It's called "SoundHound". I think it's free. It's like schzam, i.e. for finding music, but has easy access to my iTunes library and basically the same controls as the iPod in the phone.
The other recommendation I have is the audible audio books app for listening to audio books. It can see the books you have in iTunes and play them just as well an audible audio book.
- Jessi D
Hi Rob,
So, for audiobooks I use BOOKMARK, which not only ONLY lists audiobooks stored on my iphone, allows me to add book marks, keeps my place, and has a sleep timer. It's basic and it's great.
One point I thought of concerning iphone theft: I put a passcode lock with the "10 time and it erases setting" ON.
If someone steals my phone, I'm FAR less concerned about the phone itself than I am about my data, emails, phone numbers etc.
As far as I'm concerned, the phone can automatically erase itself and leave the thieves with an new phone, as long as they don't have my data.
Dennis C
Hello Rob,
Instead of finding an app to play music I suggest your listener could use either the Audible app which is free and which allows him to also play books from his music library from the Audible app.
Alternatively, he can spend a couple of Dollars and buy an app called Bookmark and this also allows him to play audio books he synced to his iPhone via iTunes and the app remembers the playback position.
Lastly, I would suggest also that he checks how the books are synced and whether they show up in the Audio Books category under “More” in the music app or whether they just show up like all the rest of his music. If the latter is the case this can be easily fixed. Once the books are in iTunes on the computer, select all the files from a book, then right click and click on “Get Info”. Select the “Options” tab and make sure Media Kind is set to “Audio Book” and not to “Music”. As soon as this is done the books will appear in the Books library in iTunes and not in the music library and if he plays these books on his iPhone the music app will remember the playback position for a particular book exactly where he left off even if you completely turn off the phone or listen to music or another book in between.
From the could have seen that one coming even in the middle of the night with video shot from an iPhone 3GS - there comes news that Apple is cutting back - has been cutting back in their orders of iPhone and iPad screens from Samsung. Shocker. Oh and can you believe this - they are also cutting back on orders of some memory chips from Samsung as well. It is almost as if you know the two companies are no longer buddies and locked in some epic legal courtroom death match. While Samsung claims in some comments not care about the cutbacks saying they are shifting manufacturing capacity to their own internal needs - from a basic accounting perspective - this is bad news for Samsung - it is always great to have an external customer to help cover your fixed costs of you manufacturing line - thus bringing down the overall costs for manufacturing for components you will use internally. And Apple was not just any customer to Samsung - Apple was Samsung's largest external customer. They can say all they want about shifting capacity to their own needs - reality is this will hurt Samsung's bottom line - will be interesting to see their financials long term. For Apple it is best to get those orders over to those that are not a competitor - like LG or Sony or ummmm - hmmmm - ok - lets just say less of a competitor are they than Samsung turned out to be. Sorry folks I come from a electronics Component manufacturing background - and this stuff I tend to geek out on.
Hi Rob,
App review; 1BGraves in the app store is the mobile app for BillionGraves.
Users take pictures of grave stones and upload to billiongraves from inside the app.
At the website www.billiongraves.com volunteers transcribe grave stone information.
Rating: Awesome!
Kevin S
Hi Kevin - thanks for the heads up on that - I am one of those people that likes going to old grave yards and looking around at the names and dates of those in there - especially the older grave yards. I will be downloading this and bringing it with me next time I go to one of the older grave yards near me. Sure beats bringing tracing Paper and tracing over the cool head stones.
Hi Rob,
I recently went to Europe with my unlocked iPhone 4 running iOS 6 for the first time and had a couple of surprises.
Before landing in london, i popped in a sim from o2 that i had previously used in an unlocked iPhone 3g. In the past, I had to change the APN before it would connect to o2's cellular data network by finding a hotspot and going to unlockit.co.nz. However this time changing the APN wasn't necessary. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if the APN had automatically changed to the correct settings. When i went to check the Network Settings, it was not where it used to be in General/Network Settings, nor could i find Network Settings anywhere in Settings. From what i saw in some forums, being able to view the Network Settings is dependent on what carrier you are using, but maybe someone else can confirm that.
On the other hand, my wife who was running iOS 5, did need to change her APN in order to connect to o2. When she did try to useunlockit.co.nz it would not allow her to create a profile without first deleting the previous profile in Settings/General/Profiles. That step wasn't necessary before using our iPhone 3g's running iOS 4.2.
mill valley, ca
Hi Rob,
I am about ready to buy a sprint iPhone 4s from a friend that just upgraded to an iPhone 5. The iPhone 4s should be off contract and legally unlock-able. I am interested in trying Straighttalk but wanted to make sure that I can move this phone over to it. On one of your shows you mentioned a website that you can log on to with the web browser ending in .nz but I could not find it in a search of your site. Is that site still valid. Will it work with iOS6. Shouldn't I be able to walk into any Sprint store and unlock this phone? If straight talk does not work I would like to be able to move this phone on to my existing ATT account. This should be feasible correct?
regards David
Hi David - First off - the site is per the previous email unlockit.co.nz to get the APN's needed or maybe not needed with iOS 6.
Second per taking an unlocked iPhone 4S from Sprint to Straight talk - it will greatly depend on if you can get Sprint to truly unlock it. In theory - you can run an unlocked iPhone 4S from Sprint on a GSM carrier in Europe - so you should be able to run it on Straight Talk in the US - in Theory - however my searching I could not come across anyone that actually has done this - if anyone has done this - please let us know - and more importantly let us know exactly what you needed to do to get your Sprint iPHone 4S on Straight talk.
FYI - those listening - no you can't take the iPhone 4 from Sprint to Straight talk - as that is a CDMA Phone - vs the iPHone 4S which is both a CDMA and GSM phone.
Hi Rob,
Is there an app that works with the gps feature of the iphone via bluetooth? It seems so possible. I'm hoping you or your listeners can help.
Cindy E
Hi Rob,
Listening to your show last week I heard that some other iPhone 5 users are experiencing problems with the lightning connector I have recently had an issue with my lightning connector when it decided to stop altogether whilst charging.
The symptoms were as follows:
- The phone started to alternate between charging and not charging.
- I removed the charging lead and needed to shut the phone off completely.
- When I reconnected the lightning connector it didn't charge the phone at all.
Fortunately I had purchased a micro USB to lightning adapter as a back up, which I was able to use in the meanwhile.
Strangely enough the failure of the cable occured without any stress on the cable whatsoever which is puzzling?
After contacting AppleCare they were able to send me one out to replace the faulty one , although I'm left a bit puzzled as to what caused the failure?
Steve S
Hi Rob,
I tried to charge my iphone 5, and nothing happened when I plugged in my phone. My lighting cable was broken. Thankfully, my tech shop at KU had some in stock. Will be stopping by att or an apple store and attempt to replace my broken cord.
Hi Rob,
I have had some issues with my Lightning connector.
The Genius Bar employee told me right away that they don't cover corrosion or normal wear and tear. I stated I've had it less than 30 days and it hasn't been subjected to water or chemicals. And if they are true gold connectors then they shouldn't corrode. I told him I believe this was an issue with how they adhered the gold to the conductors in the plug its self. He was still persistent that I pay service price of $17 for a new cord. They were out of the retail cords that hung on the shelves in pretty lil boxes for approximately $30. When he came back out to sell me the new service cord he told me his manager said not to charge me. I was happy. Lets see how long till this one wears out. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this is a one time incident.
Matt S
Hi Matt - thanks for the feedback - Do not repeat do not let Apple charge you for a bad Lightening cord or ear pod for a new iPhone 5 - definitely not this soon after release. Overall Apple is much much much better than any company out there on replacing bad product for no cost. But as with any store - some employees will give bad advice or service compared to others. Just make sure you hold your ground - politely and ask to speak to a manager. Again - overall - I think you will find Apples service is 2nd to none at the Apple stores.
Hi Rob,
Someone at my office recently travelled with their iPhone, put it on "airplane mode", and left it in a taxi. After realizing it was lost, they called me to use the "find my iPhone" app.
Well, guess what? With the iPhone still in "airplane mode", the "find my iPhone" app is useless; that is until the iPhone finder or thief turns "airplane mode" off!
Without a taxi receipt, this person could not even try to find the taxi where they left their iPhone 4S! Oh and by the way, this person did not have a pass code on their Iphone, which means the iPhone finder/thief (who never tried to find its rightful owner), had full access to this attorney's photos, memos, contacts, emails and anything on the iPhone that could be confidential!
I set the "find my iPhone" feature through www.icloud.com to WIPE the lost iPhone but this ONLY works when "airplane mode" is turned off and it starts using wifi. Sadly, we will never know if any of this iPhone's confidential attorney/client privilege information ever got into the wrong hands!
If the listeners have bosses who, while very smart in their profession, are not very tech-savvy, please stress the importance of putting a pass code on their Iphone! Especially when they store various usernames & passwords in their contacts! Hopefully the information on the iPhone is not used against this person or any if their clients. While using the pass code is a "PIA", the peace of mind is priceless.
By the way, this attorney had backed up their phone to the iCloud, so when they paid full price for a new iPhone, they didn't lose any information. But sadly, they still haven't put a pass code on their new iPhone.... Can you really teach an old dog new tricks?
Hi Rob,
Is there anyone else that is frustrated with the WiFi issues with iOS
6? On my family's 3 iPads and 2 iPhones we always get spotty wifi on
areas we have never had issues before. I have spoke with a few apple
Geniuses that say this is a known issue but it amazes me that a fix
isn't put yet when we are over a month since iOS 6's release. Any
feedback from you or audience on this would be interesting to hear.
Jeff B
Hi Jeff,
I had some wifi issues with my wifes iPad when it first was updated to iOS 6 - I mean some really really slow or spotty wifi - the trick that worked for me after trying multiple resets of the iPad - was actually to reset the Wifi Router - once I did that the iPad was humming along with no issues. So I would suggest trying a full reset of your router and see if that helps.
Into the email bag one more time.
Hi Rob,
Per the announcement on the 23rd - How about iPad Jr? And Why don't people be more optimistic & round up & say 8" since 7.85?
Well Michael per your prediction this is a good time to virtually pause and then transition into the October 23rd announcement.
For those with the Tii App - you received a push earlier on the 23rd letting you know the good news - that Apple was live streaming the event - along with the URL for the stream on Apples site.
Ok and now per the live event for those that did not see it. Tim Cook came out first and started with what is the traditional overview slash chest bumping slash back patting segment. He Repeated the 5 Million iPhone 5's sold opening weekend and a PR video from launch weekend that put those samsung line waiting commercials to shame.
He said Apple has Sold over 3 Million of the new iPods already.
And there are 200 Million iOS devices running iOS 6 after just one month.
Then some other yada yada numbers about iCloud docs, iMessage messages, Game center accounts and Photo Stream photos. Yeah we get it - people are actually using their iOS devices.
He Repeated App numbers - over 700,000 iOS apps and over 275,000 iPad specific Apps
There have been over 35 Billion App downloads from the Apps store. Not bad for something apple did not originally plan on doing.
And Apple has paid out over $6.5 Billion dollars to devs.
Tim Talked about iBooks - hmmm - set up for iPad Mini Maybe. We shall see. There are 1.5 Million Books in the iBooks store. Including 2 from me. Just Sayin - and Over 400 Million book downloads to date. The New iBooks version now has continuos scrolling - finally. And the new version of iBooks is available today for a free download.
Then Tim had Phil Shiller come out on stage to talk hardware.
First new products Phil talked about were Macs - And as expected he introduced the new 13" Mac Book Pro with Retina display. And then he went over the new iPad Mini - which I mention for App devs that need a new Mac to dev apps on. Then he went over the new iMacs. And handed the remote back to Tim.
Tim then started talking about the iPads. They have now sold over 100 Million iPads as of two weeks ago. Which means last quarter there were about 15.5 Mil iPad's sold - which is below most anal-ists expectations and below the 17 Mil in the Quarter previous. The Anal-ists had a range of 14.80 mil on the low side to 23 Mil on the high side. With an average estimate from Indie's of 19.23 Mil iPads sold vs Pro Anal-ists guessing at 17.57 Mil iPads sold - and per Tim cooks comments - of hitting 100 Mil iPads sold a couple of weeks ago - that means as I said only about 15.5 Mil iPad sold last quarter. But we will save the in-depth number speak until the next episode.
Tim then talked about the iPad web traffic - which represents 91% for all Tablets. And said the main reason the iPad is used so much vs others - is that people love the iPad. Kinda sorta implying people don't love those others.
Tim then talked about iBook Textbooks - saying there are 2,500 US schools with iBooks Textbooks already. Tim announced an updated version of iBooks Author which is available today for free from the Apple Mac App store - need to download that after this episode goes live.
Tim then brought Phil back to talk about iPad Hardware. First up was the announcement of The 4th Gen iPad - Yup - The 3rd gen is no more. Key changes from the 3rd gen are the A6X processor - Twice the speed - Phil claimed. But it keeps the Same 10 Hour Battery life. FaceTime HD front camera 720p HD.
There is an Updated LTE and new Carriers. Sprint in the US for example.
Updated Wifi - Now matches the Wifi on the iPhone 5. which is 802.12 a b g and n 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Bluetooth 4.0 as well.
Of course it is updated to the Lightening Port.
And there are new Lightening to USB and Lightening to SD cables replacing the old Camera Connection kit.
Black and White - same storage - Same price - 16 GB - $499
And then Phil showed the worst kept secret the iPad Mini - per what had been shown in image leaks. And it is the iPad Mini.
It is 7.2 mm thin
the iPad Mini weighs just 0.68 lbs
It Comes in white and black.
Screen size is 7.9" vs 9.7 on the iPad.
The screen resolution of the iPad Mini is 1024 x 768 - which is the same as the screen on the iPad 1st and 2nd gen. So apps for original and 2nd gen iPads will work with it.
Phil then compared it to the Android comp - and really it was about showing how while the devices are about the same size on the outside - the screen is much bigger and the apps for the iPad Mini are a much better user experience vs the scaled up phone apps you find on Android Tablets.
The Mini uses the A5 Chip - FaceTime HD front side camera - 5 MB iSight rear camera. 1080p HD video. Actually the Cameras on the Mini and iPad 4th gen are identical on the front and back. The Mini does have LTE and Cellular connections. Faster wifi and Lightening port as well And of course 10 hours of Battery life.
The iPad Mini Starts at $329 for 16 GB Wifi Version. $429 for 32 GB and $529 for 64 GB.
iPad 2 sticks around same pricing as before which is $399 for the 16 Gig wifi version.
The iPad 4th gen pricing is same as 3rd gen. $499, $599 and $699 for 16, 32 and 64 gig Wifi only versions.
Add $130 to any of the aforementioned versions if you go to Wifi plus cellular.
Pre orders for the new iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen start on October 26th - and then November 2nd they start to ship to a whole bunch of countries for the Wifi Version. Those countries include:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the US. That is 34 different countries at launch.
The Cellular version ships on November 16th to the aforementioned countries as well.
If you plan to pre-order - remember to use the Apple Store App to do the pre-orders - expect pre-orders to start some time early in the morning on October 26th east coast time - just like they did with the iPhone pre-orders.
But that is the new iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen in a nutshell - more detailed info is up now at Apple dot com.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Fri, 19 October 2012
Direct download: tii_0244.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:27am EST
Fri, 19 October 2012
Hi_Rob Just used my iPhone5 to take a photo of our front yard ghostly jack 'o lantern and worked it up with Doodle Buddy on my iPad2.
Episode 244 Transcript
Confirmed - October 23rd event it will be. This per the oft rumored event for Mid October. Which the iPad Mini is expected to be the main star of said event. Apples invite was pretty much as subtle as a brick through a window - with the words - quote We've got a LITTLE more to show you unquote. Yeah iPad Mini it is. It is interesting that there are many colors in the invite - Red, Orange, Violet, Blue and Yellow - hey if we are going to overly read into these invites I MEAN if I was the type of person that would do such a thing then maybe I would speculate that the colors on the invite mean the iPad Mini - like the iPod touch will come in multiple colors. Orrrr it could just be that a black and white invite does not look really good - yeah - I will go with the later reason on this as well.
I guess we should give some kudos to AllthingsD for you know predicting the October 23rd date - and by predict - I of course mean opening up the email from Simon Pope over at apple. Just sayin. Yeah - those of us outside the loop - are left having to look at calendars and events happening world wide to guess the dates on when Apple will do a special event. I guess I was wrong thinking Apple wanted to show up any announcements at ITU this week - when in reality showing up Microsoft and their launch of the Surface Tablet next week seemed much higher on their list - who would have thunk.
I really am not going to speculate on the specs of the iPad Mini - we will go over the full specs as told be Apple on the next show - We just know two things for sure now - it will be smaller and cheaper than the current iPad. How cheap - well that depends on what rumor sites you read. One rumor from the past week comes from a supposed screen shot of pricing from a retailer in Europe - in said screen shot - pricing roughly translates back to US - $249 for an 8GB Wifi Only model. With 16 GB Wifi only being $299, Then $399 for 32 GB and $499 for 64 GB. Then there are the wifi and Cellular versions - some saying there might be a Wifi, Wifi and 3G and Wifi and LTE grouping of units. So if you have 4 storage options, 3 Wireless options and 2 colors - you have a total of 24 different versions to choose from - Brilliant. Some other rumors have the 8GB version at $299 and 16 GB at $349, 32 GB at $399 and 64 GB at $499. Add another $130 for Cellular or LTE versions. Yeah - Pricing speculation is a mess. Can't wait for the real deal on this Tuesday.
As an FYI - Microsoft Surface RT pricing was made available this week - $499 is the low end price for the 32 GB version. So Microsoft did not come in at the $199 price some had speculated. Nope they did what they said they would do and come in with comparable pricing to the competition - i.e. iPad.
Pricing for the Surface Pro will likely not be released until close to the end of the year.
Either way pricing announced by MS will do nothing to influence or threaten the iPad's position.
Again if you want the full clip look for the link titled - SNL skit skewers complaints about the iPhone 5 in the show notes for ep 244 over at today in iOS dot com.
Speaking of pointing your iPhone 5 directly at bright light and getting lens flare - The following is what I'm sure is going to be the first of many of these type of cases - It is called CamHoodie one word and it is a $25 case that claims its helps reduce or as they say greatly reduce purple lens flare. Yup - expect a few more of these to launch any minute now.
So with all the tech bloggers on their high horses throwing crap at the iPhone 5 - you would think it is doing horrible - right - well of course not - those that are bashing the iPhone 5 are a bunch of nincompoops to put it nicely. In the real world - finding an iPhone 5 - is as tough as finding an article from Digitimes that is accurate. And the web traffic from the iPhone 5 in less than 3 weeks is already greater than the web traffic from the Samsung Galaxy S3 - Actually quite a bit greater. This according to data from Chitika - now don't mis understand those numbers - that is web traffic they are talking about - not sales. I am sure the iPhone 5 has not out sold the Galaxy S3 yet - that is probably a few more weeks before that happens. But from those surfing the web - well in that case the iPhone 5 has already kicked the S3's butt. Of course iPhone 5 users might all be surfing the web to find out how to filter out that purple lens flair - just sayin.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob
In the last episode in your section on increasing battery life you mentioned keeping the traffic setting active if you want the traffic information on your maps. This setting refers to your willingness to provide the crowd sourced traffic data used by maps. If you turn this setting off you still receive traffic data within the Maps App but you are not providing that data.
Hi Chris - I stand corrected - but either way good to turn that off to save battery life.
I know a couple of people asked why I did not talk about putting the phone in Airplane Mode - well that is fine on an airplane - but I am assuming most people still want to or need to get calls during the day. So that is why I did not mention that. But yes if you don't want calls - then put the phone in airplane mode by all means - just no - it means you can't receive or make calls.
Back to the emails -
Hi Rob,
I just heard the latest podcast. I wanted to say that I'm having the same issue as the guy who said his podcast started playing after a phone call.
I have had this happen many times. In fact when I'm in the other room watching TV I know someone has called even when my phone is on silent because a podcast just spontaneously starts playing.
I have long arms but not that long! No chance that I hit the button too many times all the way from the other room down the hall.
Definitely a real issue not user error. ;-)
Kind Regards,
Darren W
Hi Rob,
Per the caller looking for a way to track data - there is a jailbreak app called WeeTrackData - one word with We spelled W E E
Hank J
Rob, In response to a listener on the last show: the app Dataman will track data usage to include specific apps data usage at a particular time. It is in the App Store and requires NO JAILBREAKING. I've been using it for a while now and really like it.
Lou V
Hi Rob,
You do not need to jailbreak to monitor data. Onavo is an App Store app that does two things; first, it compresses your data so you're using less, and second, it reports how that data is being used.
That is how I was able to tell my wife to stop downloading apps when she wasn't at home and blowing her data limit.
John H
First time listener. Listened to item 0243.
You had a listener that wanted a Contacts replacement because she could no longer select only a single group, without first deselecting everyone of the other groups. Well, which made me feel like the user tapped each group, one after the other. There is however, this simple way:
1. Tap All Contacts, which selects all groups. 2. Tap again on All Contacts, which will deselect all groups. 3. Finally, tap the group you want to see.
Regards, Johan
Hey Rob, just want to report that the sailor is sobering up! With your help below I am now using less than 20% overnight - but still not the performance of my 4...
Im sure it will get better in the next update.
Did you look at the corrupt bookmark article? http://tidbits.com/article/13303 It gets a bit involved with DFU mode, and restoring, etc. Not sure if I have to resort to it.
thanks, John P
Well with the new 5th gen iPod touch shipping - it means the folks at iFixit were able to get their hands on one and open it up. Initial findings are - it is not easy to repair - actually it will be downright a pain in the home button. Speaking of Home Button - iFix it says the new design of the home button on the iPod touch 5th gen is not nearly as good as the iPhone 5. Also it has just 512 MB of Ram with its A5 processor. One thing the iPod touch 5th gen does not come with is a mic on its Headphones or should we say ear pods. Yes - it has siri - no it does not have a mic on the headphones. Brilliant.
One other thing the iPod touch is missing is an ambient light sensor - which means no auto-brightness. A supposed email exchange between an iPod touch customer and phil shiller - has Phil explaining that the iPod touch 5th gen does not have the light sensor due to the thickness or lack there of of the new iPod touch.
But barring all those issues - it is a really neat device and should sell well this holiday season. Being it is still the best MP3 player on the market - by a pretty wide margin.
Thanks to Michael for this next one. On the last episode - I mentioned you should turn on Limit Ad Tracking - as it is something Apple should have done by default - but they did not - so you need to go to the settings app - then general - then about - then scroll down to advertising and then turn on - Limit Ad tracking - which really means it is turning off ad tracking. Yeah - not only did apple have it set wrong from a users privacy perspective - they also worded it like Yoda would have. Nice Apple Nice. And by Nice I mean Limit Nice turned off. One other thing you can do is turn off Interest based iAds - this is the heads up Michael sent. To do this - in safari on your iOS device running iOS 6 - go to - oo.apple.com - that's the letter o - the letter o dot apple dot com. And then turn off the toggle you are brought to. Again that is from inside safari you do that.
It does mean you may get more iAds for the Twilight DVD collectors set - when you really want the 2 disc collection of the Expendibles ads instead. But hey you will rest assured no data base is tracking your ad preferences.
Hi Rob,
Long time listener - love the show.
I received a notice that my lightning adapter shipped and I should have it by tomorrow/Thursday sometime. Not sure if you were tracking the timeline on these.
Thanks Orland. The lack of those devices - reminds me of this past weekend - I was at Podcamp Topeka - doing one of my presentations when I wanted to show my setup of how to connect a good Condensor mic to an iPad - and I brought all my equipment sans one key part - the USB to 30 pin dongle from the Camera Connection kit. But luckily or my predictably - one of the people in the audience said no problem and pulled out the dongle from their lap top bag. Yeah for the next year plus - that is not as likely to happen if you needed it for a lightning adaptor. Just Sayin. I know know Rob get over it already.
Hi Rob,
I had the same problem with your app not working. But I also had this problem before with another app and I did exactly what you said, I deleted it and reinstalled it. Works Perfect now. Thanks, just thought you would want to know.
Thanks Robert and others that sent in similar emails - maybe it is not our app after all - maybe it is an issue with iOS upgrades.
Hey rob,
Just writing in response to the caller who's keyboard shortcuts do not work with iOS 6. I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 6 and I also have a lot of shortcuts. After the updates my keyboard shortcuts work pretty sporadically. Sometimes the come up if I wait an extra second or two and sometimes they never appear. My wives 4s with iOS 6 has the same behavior.
~ Jim
Hi Rob,
I have just noticed that my lightning connector plug that plugs into the phone itself is starting to show signs on the little gold colored conectors are starting to corrode break and becoming discolored causing me to think that there is already a bad electrical connection to the phone connectors inside the phone female socket. My Phone case has covers that go over the sockets to keep them dry and free of pocket material. I will be contacting the Genius Bar to find out what we need to do to get this resolved especially since you can't find lightning connectors by themselves aftermarket yet And I don't want to be left without my phone because it will not take a charge due to a bad lightning connector. :0(
Matthew S
Hey rob - the instore "app store" (!) crashes when you use genius ...
The folks working on this next Kickstarter project reached out and asked if we would mention it. It is the HiLo Lens for iPhone and iPad. Search HiLo - h i l o and then lens - should get your there on kickstarter. They have raised $6,500 toward a goal of $27,500 with pledges open until Nov 20th at 9:00 PM ET. What this is is a $65 external periscope type lens that lets you take photos and video at a 90% angle from the normal direction you are pointing. So now you can photo graph what is directly above your iPhone - I am not going to joke about this being purchased by all the up skirt photographers that ride the tokyo subway - because that would be you know wrong and much to easy of a joke. Nope - rather I will say it is good for taking photos of skyscrapers in NY while also being able to watch your bags on the ground next to you.
Well again search hilo lens in kickstarter if you are interested in this one.
A while back I talked about the Color App and the craziness of the 41 Million dollars in VC funds it was given - and said hey VC's you can through money this way if you want to just throw away money - or something snarky similar to that. And well Now the company Color Labs is reported to be shutting its door or is it. One report on the Verge had the doors being shut down and the money mostly gone. But another report from the next web just the next day has Apple's Eddie Cue ridding in on a white horse and saving the day for VC's and founder Bill Nguyen. If the later is true - my only questions are what type of Photos of Eddie Cue does Bill Nguyen have. They must be pretty embarrassing to say the least - because Eddie Spear headed Apples purchase of Lala from Nguyen and now he is reported to be doing it again with Color - both questionable acquisitions to say the least - especially given apples tight fisted approach to acquisitions. In my minds eye I am guessing the pictures involve Eddie Cue, John Trovolta, Tom Cruise, a turkish bath house and or one or more domesticated farm animals because outside of that I just ain't following the logic on this one - just sayin.
Over at Sprint - it looks like they will be getting a new over lord - in the name of Softbank - which is going to invest 20 Billion in Sprint for a 70% stake in the company. Good news to all of you that purchased Sprint stock with me back when it was just $2.19 a share in Jan - now it is at $5.70 - with a tender offer from Softbank for $7.30 a share. Not a bad ROI in 2012 for Sprint stock. Softbank by the way was the first carrier in Japan to get the iPhone - so if anything - this strengthens Apples relationship with Sprint. Not that it seemed like it needed it - but still it is likely good news for Sprint iPhone owners long term - as long as they don't kill off unlimited data that is. Which is not likely - the killing of that is. In other words - it should be status quo for a while now.
Ok - so Verizon gave us the first look at iPhone 5 sales last quarter. Overall Verizon sold a total of 6.8 Million Smart phones in the quarter. 50% were Android for 3.4 Mil units and 45.6% were iPhones for 3.1 Mil units. Leaving just 4.4% for Blackberry or Windows Mobile / Phone 7 phones combined. Of the 3.1 Million iPhones sold last quarter - just 651,000 were iPhone 5's. So really the iPhone 5 did not get a chance to fully impact the quarter for Verizon - as they stated that number was heavily constrained due to lack of iPhone5's. Last quarter - Android sold 2.9 Mil units vs 2.7 Mil iPhone units for comparison sake.
In the next week we will be getting news from AT&T and Then Sprint - on how iPhone sales went for them. In the case of AT&T - they usually give a break down of not just iPhone sales but smartphone sales over all. It does not look like the anal-ists have much to say here - but either way it will be interesting. Once all three of them get out their numbers - then Apple will give theirs.
But so far based on initial numbers from just Verizon - Wallstreet was not too happy with Apple shares down over $12 in morning trading. Now I do think Investors are over reacting. As I think the Verizon numbers are lower for two reasons - 1. Constraint of available inventory. 2. With Verizon if you want to keep unlimited Data and go to LTE - you have to pay full price for the iPhone 5. I think you will see much better numbers for this quarter in Jan for AT&T then you will from Verizon because of that 2nd point.
Hi Rob,
You mentioned a few stories about how Find My iPhone saved the day in a few recent cases of iOS theft. Find My iPhone can be great if you misplaced your phone, or say, left it in a taxi- cases of non-malicious iOS Device loss.
However, I've always wondered, in the case of theft, what's to keep the thief from turning off locations services for Find My iPhone? Has it just been the case that these thieves don't know enough to do that on stolen iOS devices?
Also, if a thief were to immediately do a "Reset All" and wipe your phone as soon as it was stolen, would Find My iPhone still work for the original if it were restored as a new phone with a different user (assuming that after the restore, they did leave location services on for Find My iPhone)?
Philadelphia, PA
Hi Matt, Thanks for the question. One you are correct if the device is not pass lock protected - they could go in and do a full wipe / restore or even turn off find my iPhone. That is if it is not protected. But if it is pass lock protected - and it is an iPhone - even if you quote turn off the phone unquote - it is not fully turned off - it still gets a wireless connection. This is the brilliant part about the iPhones - you can't remove the battery. One of the first things knowledgeable robbers do when they swipe a Galaxy Smartphone - other than curse because they though they were grabbing an iPhone - is to remove the battery - now the phone is un-trackable - with the iPhone they don't have that option.
With a wifi ipad - tracking is not as easy - you need for the device to be turned on and scanning wifi locations that have their geolocation submitted to the data base Apple uses for location info to gets its approximate location. If the iPad is turned off - you can't find it.
Again - Find my iPhone works best when you have the lock code on your iOS device so the bad guys can't turn it off or wipe the device. I mean sure I am sure there are some dumb criminals that don't know about wiping the iOS device for those that are unlocked - but they are probably the smaller subset of criminals. Key is if you are traveling - put in a passcode for your iOS device. Remove it when you get back from your trip if you must.
I keep getting questions on Jailbreaking iOS 6 - and I will say this - there is NOT - repeat NOT currently an untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6. There is a Tethered Jailbreak for iOS 6 kinda sorta - but only for select iOS devices running on an A4 processor - ie iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and 4th gen iPod touch . So No - in my mind there is not a jailbreak available for iOS 6. And until there is an un-tethered jailbreak - there will be no tutorials from me - as I do not ever recommend doing the tethered jailbreak - that is just for devs to test out.
The other question people are asking is when will there be a jailbreak for the iPhone 5 with iOS 6 - and well at this point it is really hard to say - it is not an easy thing - It is looking however - less and less likely an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S will be available this year - and maybe not even in Q1 2013.
There are updates to Redsnow v0.9.15b1 - that will help some to do a tethered jailbreak - but again that really is only for those devs that need to do testing.
There are some other features - with that version - but really it is rather confusing on what exactly you can and can't do with it - and if you need blobs or not - so lets just say this - An untether jailbreak for iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 specifically - yeah - that is not going to happen any time soon - if you are holding off getting an iPhone 5 for the jailbreak - time to stop holding your breath - it is going to be a while. Sorry
Thanks to Thomas in Tuscaloosa for the heads up on his Instructable post about his modifying a ProClip iPhone 4/4S car cradle so that an iPhone 5 would fit. Link is in the show notes for ep 244 - look for the one titled - Mod iPhone 4 Car Cradle for iPhone 5. Thanks Thomas for the heads up.
Not sure how big a fish story this next one is - but here goes - A person 6 months ago - accidentally dropped his iPhone 4S in a lake - well I am assuming it was an accident. The lake was murky and dark - and he could not find it. 6 months later the water levels have lowered and the water is clearer - and there is his iPhone in the lake. He plucked it out - dried it off - was able to power it up. Now it is not without issues - but at least when connected to a power source he could power it up - I don't recommend testing out this urban myth on your own.
Hi Rob, Looks like if you don't have a Mac you have lost the ability to share new Reminder lists via iCloud or to stop existing shared reminders.
Have you heard anything about this?
Hi Rob,
In episode 243 you mentioned going to the iBookstore to find the iPhone User Guide for iOS6. Just wanted to let you know that this is also available from your iPhone by opening Safari>Bookmarks>iPhone User Guide.
Tim, Wisconsin
Thanks Tim. Brilliant.
In Australia all cell phones start with 04 and then eight digits after that. Unfortunately my iPhones don't always correctly look up the names of the person who is calling you, because it appears the iPhone only looks at the last six digits for matching. I get the first person on the list with the matching last six digits, while in some cases it's an entry of another person with the same last six digits, so incorrect entry is displayed. Storing number in full international format does not help.
I wondered if you knew of a way around this problem?
Serge in Australia
Hi Rob. I have an odd request, I tend to listen to audiobooks, played on the ipod app. But sometimes I would like to listen to music, but here's the problem, if I listen to anything from my music library, I instantly lose my place in the audiobook (the app keeps the played information, yes, but not which chapter I was up to).
So I'm basically looking for an extra app that will allow me to play music from my library on the iPhone but doesn't use the native player.
I need the native ipod app to be the audiobook player, as I use another app to play the audiobook when I go to sleep, and I like the way the app works (NodBot).
I have found an app called LouderLogic, but I really don't like it. I just occasionally want to play music, don't need flashy display and detailed controls, basic is just fine.
I honestly thought it would have been easier to find something, but who knew!
New Zealand
So Apple as you may remember lost a case in the UK where it said Samsung copied the iPad with their tablet. In that case the Judge said the samsung tablets were not as cool as the iPad and no one would mistake them as copies - and later ordered Apple to put out print ads apologizing to Samsung for saying Samsung Copied the iPad. And now that judge has said those apologies - need to be in at least 14 pt Arial font. So I ask you what wording meme can you come up with for this apology - send me your thoughts.
My initial thought is to use the judges own words in the apology. Some thing like this.
Dear Samsung,
We at Apple are sorry we accused you of copying the iPad when you designed your tablet. If we had been thinking more clearly we would has seen what Judge Colin Birss saw when he said quote Galaxy Tablets do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design.. They are not as cool. unquote. I guess when we said you copied what we really meant was you attempted to copy but fell way short. Again per the Judges ruling we just wanted to say we are sorry we accused you of copying. Reality is you give real copiers a bad name. We should have said you vainly tried to copy the iPad but came up with a shallow shell of a device whose sales are a joke and now sit ideally in the draws of those few poor souls that were unfortunate enough to have purchase one.
Again sorry for implying your successfully copied the iPad - you definitely did not.
Tim Cook
CEO Apple Inc
Again - if you have a short and sweet apology for Samsung - in 14 pt and arial - let me know.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Wed, 10 October 2012
Direct download: tii_0243.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:08am EST
Wed, 10 October 2012
Greetings from LA! During the iPhone launch day, another historic event also took place. Endeavor flew over us on its way to the California Science center! I was at work and was afforded an excellent view of it as it flew right over head. Here's a one of my pics, Endeavor was atop a jumbo jet and had 2 itty bitty (by comparison) jets as escort.
Taken with the native camera of my iPhone 4S and edited with snapseed and InstaFrame.
Episode 243 Transcript
Apparently there was some sort of work stoppage at one of the foxconn plants last week - and depending on what report your read - it was as bad as 3 to 4 thousand people on strike shutting down an iPhone 5 line for an entire day on Friday or it was just 100 quality inspectors refusing to work for an hour some time last week. The issue may be a result of Apple raising the quality control standards in the wake of user complaints with regards to fit and finish and that resulted in workers beating up one of the quality inspectors which caused a group of 100 quality inspectors to stop working. I guess basically they feared that if inspector number 5 could get a beat down so could they.
Foxconn for their part issued a press release denying any work stoppage at any Foxconn plant and stating production has continued on schedule.
Seems that Wall Street tended to believe the 3,000 to 4,000 workers on strike and shutting down the facility for a day story over the 100 QA inspectors for one hour story. If you look at what happened to the stock since this story broke.
What is the truth - well we may never know. But if Apple keeps dropping in price - it may be an opportunity to buy some more Apple stock.
For those of you with the iPhone 5 - Apple released an update to the App store app which adds support for the larger screen on the iPhone 5 - so no more letter boarding on the iPhone 5 when in the App store app.
So for all that sent in emails and screen shots of your Apple App store app letter boxing - well those days should be over for you now.
Per iPad Mini Rumors - The first site to give the October 17th date for the iPad mini event would be well Today in iOS dot com - and now it seems others are starting to finally catch up. Philip DeWitt over at Forbes is now reporting October 17th as well. And others are piling on. I guess better late then never. Actually DeWitt claims to have a big time apple investor as his unnamed source that stated invites would be going out on the 10th - one day later than my Oct 9th prediction for invites - nope no source on my side - other than a calendar and looking at the past. DeWitt then extrapolated the 17th date for the event as he said he source only said the 10th for invites - and no firm date is given for units to start shipping and going on sale in the stores. I had speculated Nov 16th. WE SHALL SEE
More rumors on the iPad front show that a new unknown Apple tablet started showing up in server logs - this one known as ipad3,6 and is speculated to be a faster version of the 3rd Gen iPad. With people saying the iPad 3rd gen will be replaced this month with a new version of the 3rd gen iPad with the A6 processor and lightning dock connector. While I agree that the next iPad - the 4th gen iPad will have an A6 processor and lightning dock - I don't see it being unveiled at the iPad mini event. I think the iPad 3rd gen will stay as is until the March time frame if not a little longer depending on how sales work out for the mini and the iPad 3rd gen. If the 3rd Gen sales stay strong don't be surprised to see the 4th gen iPad pushed out until the june time frame.
For the iPad mini it is speculated it is the iPad 2,5 and iPad 2,6 that started showing up a couple of months ago in server logs.
On the last episode I said that on September 28th the iPhone 5 in addition to launching in 22 different countries - which I named - would also be launching in the US on carriers I do not think I named - so lets name them - Cellcom, nTelos, Appalacian Wireless, C Spire GCI and Cricket.
Speaking of Apple Ware being available The new 5th gen iPod touches have started shipping. Of course the Apple store still says just October for the delivery date for the iPod touches.
If you are one of those that have received the new iPod touch or if you do before the next show - let me know your thoughts - the good the bad and the not so pretty. Give me a call - 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com
The following is an email - that I have received a few of with the same theme - it reads
Rob Help! My iphone 5 is using battery power like a drunken sailor! I even run thru 50% in my sleep.
And you already called it... There are no Lightning cables available yet, so I have to drag my only cable everywhere I go!
Please give us some help in your next show.
John P.
Ok - So this is actually similar to emails I see with each new iPhone and update of iOS. There are added features - and that means added ways for battery drain.
So lets go through a list of 13 different ways you can save on your battery life with your iPhone or iOS device. Some are oldies but goodies - others are new and more specific to iOS 6.
1. Turn the brightness down on your iPhone and turn off auto brightness. Do this in the Settings app under Brightness and Wallpaper.
2. Turn off bluetooth - this is another battery drainer - if you don't need bluetooth turn it off. This is now in the Settings app - in the top section.
3. Turn off wifi if you are going to work or driving in your car and don't expect to be somewhere where you plan on using Wifi - just turn it off. This is still near the top of the settings app.
4. Turn off Raise to Speak with Siri - in settings - for Siri - turn off Raise to Speak option - unless you actually use it - no reason to have it on.
5. A big Battery drain is Location Services - this is the one in iOS 5 that caused the most issues on battery life. In iOS 6 the controls for location services moved - go to Settings App - then Privacy - then location services. Then scroll down and select System Services. Other than Traffic I would say turn all of them off - and if you don't use traffic in the maps app - turn it off to.
6. Staying with Location services - when you first got to that page you could see services for Camera, Maps, Weather, and Find My iPhone. For most - just turn off Weather. If you are not using the maps app - you can turn that off as well. I would highly recommend keeping on find my iPhone. That one is important.
7. A new one to turn on actually is Settings App - General - About - Advertising - and Then Turn on Limit Ad Tracking - ok not really sure that will help on battery life - but it is something Apple should have had turned on by default - and we are just getting that set up correctly now. Plus if you are limiting ad tracking that does mean less data sent from the iOS device - so yeah it should help in battery life.
8. Next Settings App - General - About - Diagnostic & Usage - Select Don't Send - which will keep your error messages and data from being sent to Apple - yeah you are not doing your part to help out the community - but enough others are that it does not matter - hows that for narcissistic community spirit.
9. Mail - set it up to manually update. Settings app then select Mail, contacts, calendars. Then Fetch new Data - then Turn off Push and change Fetch to Manually. While you are at it you can also click on Advanced then iCloud and change that from Push to Manual. Especially if you don't use iCloud much or at all.
10. In the settings App - podcasts - turn off use cellular data.
11. Also in the Settings App - General - Auto-lock - change that to 1 or 2 minutes. That will put your screen to sleep quicker.
12. In the Settings App for Notifications - look to see what apps you have set to get notifications / pushes - do you really need to be able to get notifications from your games - I mean do I need messages from Tron or Trucks & skulls - nope - so I turned them off.
13. Finally - close out all your open apps. For those that don't know how to close out apps - double tap on the home button - you should see a tray open at the bottom of the screen - tap and hold one of the apps - the apps in the bottom tray should start to wiggle and in the upper left corner of the icon there should be a red circle with a minus sign in it - tap on those red circles until there are no more open apps.
If you do most if not all of the above - you should see a great improvement in your battery life.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob, My iPhone 5 won't charge with anything but the computer , thought it was the cord. Just won't charge. Any thoughts. Regards
I replied to him asking about what other chargers he was trying to plug into. And needing to contact Apple.
He replied saying Apple had him to a restore and everything works now.
So folks if you are having an issue when your iPhone 5 does not seem to be charging or something else is not working with regards to the new lightning port - maybe a good old fashion windows type re-boot is what you need - Great now that the port is all digital - it brings in a whole other way for things to go wrong.
Nice. Must bite tongue am not going to complain about 30 pin dock going away - not going to complain.
I was in an AT&T store a couple days ago and the sales rep informed me that if there are any open upgrades this year coming up for a Customer then they will go ahead and give them an early upgrade for the iPhone five so if the upgrade is not due until say December 15th they will go ahead and give you an early upgrade today. Regards,
Matt S
Hi Matt - thanks for the update on that - and folks again you can check your update status from your iPhone by dialing *639# and hit call - you will get a text message. it will tell you when you are eligible.
Hi Rob, A subtle new feature I noticed on iOS 6 is now when searching for an app on your phone using the Search iphone function, it lists the name of the folder the app is in.
You may have already seen this...
Keep up the good work!
Thanks, john
Apples investors Quarterly call will be on October 25th - which is a Thursday this time around. iPhone sales, iPad sales and more goodies will be talked about that day. It also bodes well with my rumor of October 17th for the iPad Mini announcement. This gives Apple Press each week of the month. Last week speculation about the iPad mini invites. This week the actual invites and speculation about the event - then next week the event itself - and the last week will be the quarterly call.
On the last episode per the issue of the Purple Haze / flare - I said the following quote Per the Purple Haze - yeah - that one they are not likely going to take back the phone for - if it is just showing up when the bright light is just off frame - but rather they will likely tell you that is not how you want to take a picture. unquote. And well now apple has responded and they said
quote Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources. This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor. Moving the camera slightly to change the position at which the bright light is entering the lens, or shielding the lens with your hand, should minimize or eliminate the effect. unquote.
Or what I said they would basically say on the last show - which is If you are seeing the effect when pointing the camera at a bright light - stop pointing it at a bright light. Duhhhh.
Hi Rob, First time writing in here. Anyhow, I've had a Verizon iPhone 5 since launch day. In fact, I bought three - one for my wife, myself and my son. We all have 64gb Verizon iPhone 5s. All of our iPhones, including the one I sent back to Apple, have had an issue with incorrect date and time randomly occurring on the phone. For no apparent reason, all of our phones (but not all at the same time), will shift backwards in time 12 hours and 14 minutes. This breaks iMessage and other apps that require a correct time in order to function. Since I use my iPhone as an alarm clock, this caused me trouble when my alarm never went off the first time I noticed this issue. I've toggled off and on every setting possible: location services, auto time, time zone in location settings, wifi, cellular network, I've done four or five (lost count now) restores. I've reset network connections. I've set the iPhone up with no back ups - in effect as a brand new device. Nothing has prevented the time shift from occurring. I've been in contact with an iOS Senior Tech and to no avail. He escalated the problem up to engineering and I heard back from him today that the engineers are going to be in touch with Verizon. Apparently, this is only affecting VZW customers. Other than this issue, which is really huge, I love the new iPhone and would definitely recommend it. There's a growing thread on Apple Support Communities about this issue: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4347494?start=105&tstart=0
Thought I'd point this issue out to you since I hadn't heard it on your show yet.
Thanks, Jim
Hi Jim - thanks for the email - and looking through that discussion - it sounds like the issue is not isolated to iPhones - also some droids are having the issue and it is an issue with Verizon - which one poster claims Verizon said they hope to have fixed by the end of this week.
Ok - now in addition to the time issue - there is another issue a bigger issue that seems to be an iOS 6 or iPhone 5 or some combination there in issue - and it is about wild data usage. That iOS devices are using cellular data when they should be using Wifi. And people are quickly going through their data caps. Apple push our a Carrier update for Verizon iPhone 5s last week. If you got it and did the update - how did it work for you? Again overage of data for iOS devices running iOS 6 seems to be a bigger issue - with the podcasts app being one likely villain in this data usage issue - where it is downloading extra episodes and actually requiring more data per download than should be needed - about 3 times more bandwidth. So for a 10 mb file - it looks like the podcasts app using byte range requests is taking up to 30 mb in little pieces what should be an aggregate of 10 mb in data. More to come on that in the future. Of course the big issue for users is that it seems cellular data is being used even when Wifi is available and connected to.
And this is not just Verizon users - AT&T users are reporting this as are those with Rogers, Bell and Telus.
Some think iTunes match is also a big contributor to this data overage loosing wifi - borked my monthly data bill gate issue. What ever the case iOS 6.0.1 and Podcasts 1.2 can not get here soon enough.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob
I tried dumping Downcast for the Apple podcast app! Well I'm back using Downcast after about 600 mb of data downloaded over 3G for no other reason that the Podcasts App felt like & it randomly starts playing when I finish a phone call even when I've not been listening to anything. Apple should buy Downcast! Regards.
and also thanks for Tash for the heads up on a review of the app - Where to - the review is over on TUAW - and Where To is a $2.99 app that is a complement to the Apple Maps app that gives you more detailed local info for a specific destination location. So now you can be sure to see all the different self serve yogurt and smoothie locations for any specific area.
Thanks to Chris in London and Thomas in Alabama and others for the heads up on this next one - and it is for us Apple TV owners out there 2nd and 3rd gen apple tv owners that is - there is an update waiting for you. Here are some of the features we get in this update.
Shared Photo Streams — this lets users share photos and albums from their device and invite others to comment on them Airplay-enabled speakers and other devices can now play audio from Apple TV Subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing Easy iTunes account switching When viewing movie trailers you can see local theater showtimes (U.S. only) - Brilliant. Ability to reorder onscreen icons - YES - this is the one I like best. This might mean an App store for Apple TV is not that far away. You can rearrange the app icons for the most part. I say for the most part - because the top row - Movies, TV shows, Music , computers and settings - can not be moved. But all the rest can. To move an icon select it and then press and hold the center round button the icon will then start to wiggle and you can move it around with the arrows outside the center button. I changed mine to Netflix, Podcasts, youtube, photostream and trailers in the second row.
Hey it ain't much but it is at least something.
Thanks to those that sent in a link to the article on Appadvice where they compare Podcasts app vs Instacast vs Downcast. Little spoiler alert - Downcast won. If you would like to see the details - look for the link titled Podcatcher App Showdown in the show notes for ep 243 over at today in iOS dot com And then Gigaom also had a podcasts app show down with a comparison between the Podcasts App, RSS Radio, iCatcher, Downcast, Pocketcasts, Instacast and Podcruncher. Spoiler Alert - nothing to spoil on that article - as it is more a here is some info about rather than them you know getting a pair and making a decision. Just sayin. Anyway if you want some info on those apps previously mentioned look for the link titled Podcasting 101: iOS podcasting apps in the show notes for ep 243.
If you have a kid - and you have an iPad and you have netflix - you probably have had your kid abscond run off with - steal your iPad to watch some pheneas and Ferb or god forbid some might machines. And if you have Apple TV as well you also know there is a section in Apple TV's netflix app called just for kids. Well now that section is here for the iPad app as well. When you update the app - launching it just requires tapping on the new Just for kids button in the upper left and then you can hand over your iPad and not worry so much about your 4 year old finding The Walking Dead, Tudors or Breaking bad in your queue.
Thanks netflix.
Oh and again that is for the iPad right now - not for iPhones and iPod touches.
Seems those missing street view on their iOS 6 devices may not have to miss it anymore - From the Google maps web app - you can now get street view views for many locations. just go to maps.google.com in safari on your iOS device - and then zoom in on a destination - then tap on an item on the map - when you get the bar at the bottom with in on that location - if you see the stick man at the right of that bar and his is not faded out - you can click on him and it brings up google street view for that location.
I mentioned iOS 6 adoptions rates last episode as a big deal. Chitika has some updated info for iPhone adoption of iOS 6 - as of Sept 30th - 60% of iPhones were on iOS 6 - Seems the maps thing is a big to do in the tech world and not so much in the real world. Also speaking of updated numbers - Google updated their numbers as of October 1st - 1.8% of Android smartphones had been updated to Jelly bean. That is after 90 days of availability vs the 60% for iPhones after just 11 days. Ouch - sucks to be on Android - if you know like getting the latest and greatest that is. Oh and speaking of Android and Google - because hey the best time to kick someone is when they are down - not much chance of them fighting back. Well Google via their Motorola division - just let users know that updating their Atrix smartphone to the latest Android OS - as they promised buyers they would be able to do - ummm Yeah forget about it. Thats right those who purchased an Atrix with the ancient Gingerbread ie Android 2.3 it seems are destined to not upgrade to Android 4.x. Even though you know Moto ie Google originally said they would be able to - Nice - could you imagine the Crap storm Apple would be in if they did the same with the iPhone 4 saying sorry it can't upgrade to iOS 5 or iOS 6. Yikes. Well another reason for those of us with iPhone to feel sorry for those stuck with an Android device - remember folks don't be haters of the Android users - feel pity for them. Because either they want an iPhone and for some reason are unable to get one or worse yet - they don't even realize the OS dungeon they are living in. Pity folks - that is what we must show to the Android kind - not hate. just pity and lots of it.
Hey Rob,
I came across this story online and saw it as more fuel for your argument that Apple will be perceived as the bad guy in the wake of the Apple vs. Samsung case: http://discchord.com/blog/2012/9/19/grainbender-protests-apple-patent-abuses.html
Chris is Canada
Thanks chris - and the article he sent a link to is titled GrainBender Protests Apple Patent Abuses - and it is about an App dev that in protest over what he sees as apples abuse of the patent system - he is removing all his apps from the App store. Hmmm - lets see how do I describe this - Nose Face Spite cutting off. Yup - that sums it up. I am sure if the dev was knocking it out of the park with app sales - he would not have done this - But I do agree All of Apples lawsuits do put them in a bad light - it does not matter they are sued way more then they sue - and most patents they get are defensive to protect them from Trolls - it is the high profile case of Samsung the most people only know of. When a Rovio - pulls their apps in protest - however that is when you really know there is a major issue.
Hi Rob,
Here is a List of the most sold phones in September by Telia in Sweden, after just a couple of days since start of sales of iPhone 5 it was the topseller.
Här är de mest sålda telefonerna hos Telia: 1. Apple Iphone 5 (Ny) 2. Apple Iphone 4S (1) 3. Apple Iphone 4 (2) 4. Samsung Galaxy S llI (3)
Regards, Johan O.
Thanks Johan - amazing the iPhone 5 was the number one selling device and it was only for sale for 3 days in September. Amazing.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
wanted to let you know I can't get into your app no matter what I try.
Laurie B
iPhone 4S
I sent an email to laurie telling her to delete the Tii App from her iOS device and then from her computer and then to sync the two - then to redownload the app from the app store making sure to use the same iTunes account - so she was not charged again. After doing that the Tii App worked fine - so if you are someone that upgrade to iOS 6 and saw an issue with the Tii App - try uninstalling and re-installing. Sorry about the issue - are devs are not sure why that happens to a very very small percentage of users - but again if it happens to you - it is 100% you and that is a big percentage.
I see a lot of Confusion from new owners of the iPhone 5 if the new Lightning to 30 pin connector will work for their car radio.
Car radios wired interface with the iPhone(iPod) in one of three ways:
1. iPod interface (serial) [iPod out] and line/audio out. The serial interface is to control and get song title, albums, playlists from the iPod in the iPhone, line out is used to supply the playing audio back to the radio.
2. USB interface and line/audio out. The USB is to control the iPod in the iPhone, line out is used to supply the playing audio back to the radio.
3. USB interface (control and get song title, albums, playlists from the iPod ) and stream playback to the radio. Only the USB cable is required.
It sounds like the new Lightning to 30 pin adapter will support #2 & 3 but not #1. Case in point older Sony' car radios that use a Unilink adapter to interface with the radio, this setup has the Unilink cable and RCA line cable to connect to the radio. The Kenwood add-on for old car radios use setup #1 above.
Most newer cars and car radios use #2 or 3 setups.
If the only plug in a USB cable between your car radio and your iPhone, then it is #3 setup and the Lightning to 30 pin adapter is not needed. Just the Lightning to USB cable.
The Lightning to 30 pin adapter would be needed if your car radio uses #2 setup, My 2011 car radio uses this type of setup.
Type #1 will not be supported by the iPhone 5. Used around the time of the iPhone 1, 3G & 3Gs.
Type #2 would require the Lightning to 30 pin adaptor.
Type #3 would only require the Lightning to USB cable if there is a USB jack to plug in to, if the car has a 30 pin cable from the dash then the adaptor would be needed.
Tuscaloosa AL
I mention Kickstarter projects close to every show - would have mentioned them on the last show but ran out of time. Anyway - Kickstarter has changed some of their rules - one is Product simulations are prohibited. Essentially you can only show how your product works now showing the product - not some detailed computer simulation. Internal simulations are fine for the purpose of showing what is going on inside where it is impossible to show - but external shots that could be mistaken as a working product are not allowed.
Also offering multiple quantities is no longer allowed. So if you are selling a $20 or $25 Lightning to something adapter - you can only sell in quantities of one. No more of these 10 or 20 or even 100 packs I have seen. Now if you product works best in pairs or groups of a larger number - then you can sell in a group - but only one group size and then no singles.
These rules kicked in for new projects as of the end of September - so some we talk about still offer multiple quantities and / or show a product simulation.
Ok and now into some of the kickstarter projects.
I got the following email from I assume it is this kick starters teams PR company. So grain of salt take with it should you.
Smidgeco, a San Francisco based startup, has announced its plan to bring the Tabzu, an iPad Cradle/Case into fruition via Kickstarter, combining innovation, functionality and creativity, all wrapped into one sleek, eco-friendly package.
Designed and developed by Leo Garza and Martin Meunier, Tabzu is the duo's newest installation in a long history of engineering cool stuff. Some may have seen their work in The Life Aquatic, The Lord of the Rings, RoboCop, Starship Troopers, Terminator, Indiana Jones and even Mythbusters. Armed with this knowledge, they decided it was time to design something for themselves - an iPad Case with the functions they were looking for, but could not find in stores.
Tabzu is different for many reasons. First, it features a unique patent-pending leg grabbing system that allows you to use it hands-free. The device also features a 360-degree Presentation mode, the ability to cater to tablets of different sizes, and a customizable cover, allowing users to express individual creativity via their tablet case. Tabzu is not only durable, lightweight and water-resistant, but it’s also eco-friendly.
Search for Tabzu at kickstarter dot com - that is t a b z u
Derrick Stembridge
Hi Derrick - thanks for the heads up - it looks like Tabzu has hit its goal of $20k with over $21K in pledges and until Oct 28th to get more funds.
Congrats to the folks behind Tabzu - and if this sounds like something you are interested in - it is just $30 over at kickstarter. Hey he mentioned Mythbusters and Robocop - I had to mention it.
I like talking about kick starter projects - and one of the things I recommend is that the people doing these projects keep their goal as low as possible.
This next one - clearly did not head that advice as they have a goal of 500,000 dollars - Yikes. With just 10 days to go - they have only raised $65,000 - This ones pledges shut down on Saturday October 20th at 3:48 PM ET - Officially that is - but in reality this one shut down the moment they put up the 500,000 goal.
This project by the way is called Airbridge - it is for streaming content from you iphone or ipad - but really does that even matter - what matters is that the people that put this project up - killed it themselves with such a high goal.
I know a few of you sent in links on this one - and while it may be a really cool product - the project is DOA. Put feel free to let the guys know that you like the project but they need to lower their goal.
Back on Ep 241 - we mentioned icontrolpad 2 - it was the crazy complicated bluetooth controller with more buttons than a google TV remote - and well congrats to the folks behind it - as they just hit their goal of 150k - if you want this - you have until October 13th at 9:33 AM ET to pledge for it - search for icontrolpad one word at kickstarter to learn more.
Of course if you want a game controller now for an iOS device there are other solutions - including a new one - not from kickstarter - but actually straight to market and this one has Apples blessing. with the made for iPad, iPhone logo on the box. It is the Duo Gammer game controller for iPad - which plays exclusively with Gameloft games. Games such as NOVA 3, Modern Combat 3 and Asphalt 7. It has a sticker price of $79.99 - look for it for sale in January for $29.99.
Link in the show notes for ep 243 to an article over at forbes titled Meet Duo Gamer - for more info.
Sharp is one of a reported 3 suppliers of the new iPhone 5 Screens - which many consider to be the bottle neck of the iPhone 5 supply chain - or put another way the chink in the armor of the iPhone 5 supply. An executive at Sharp when commenting on his companies deliveries of displays did not have what was the most reassuring of replies saying quote Sharp Corp is making adequate volumes of displays unquote. And I wonder how he would feel if his wife said he was an adequate lover.
Macworld UK did some benchmark tests - for various iOS devices running iOS 5.1.1 and iOS 6. What they found is for the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 - there was basically no different in performance between the devices with iOS 5.1.1 or iOS 6 - which is good - as in the past some X.0 upgrades seemed to slow down devices. This time not so much. Actually for the iPhone 4S and iPad 3rd gen they saw a 20% and 7% increase in performance respectively. So if you were holding off because of fears your iOS device might slow to a halt like it did for some going from iOS 4.x to iOS 5.0 - you can at least put that fear aside and actually if you have an iPhone 4S - one way to get it running faster is to upgrade to iOS 6.
Rob, This is Paul from Mississippi. I have a friend that is on Cspire and is wondering if she can use one of my unlocked iPhone 4s on their network. When she contacted Cspire they told her no but everything I've read online says She can. Could you or your listeners help us out? Thanks love the show,
Hey, Rob,
I once had a comfortable relationship with my Contacts List App - the native iPhone contacts list - until iOS 6 had to go and mess with a good thing.
It seems that now, instead of just one friendly click to show the contents of each individual group, I must un-check all the other groups except for the group whose contacts I want to see listed.
Do you know if there is a replacement contacts list app that can still perform the original function of showing the contents of each individual group and also integrates seamlessly with the iOS platform? regards, - Tammy, near St. Louis, MO.
Hello- any idea when the iOS 6 jail break will be up?
Thanks to Kevin in Canada for the heads up on the iPhone 5 already being jailbroken - Which means it is possible - but probably some time off before we get a simple - easy to use public untethered jailbreak - so don't to excited yet. This is not one step of many before joe public gets a chance to jailbreak their devices. Please note - I have had a few people email in about articles out there for people offering up jailbreaks for iOS 6 - many of the links are to a press release about this - Ummm Yeah - run away - run away. There is not at this time a consumer friendly jailbreak for iOS for all iOS devices that can run iOS 6. It looks like it will be possible - but it is not ready or close to ready yet - once it is - I will let you know. For now stay away from any company putting out press releases about iOS 6 jailbreaks - they are crooks.
Tmobile stores are now stocking iPhone 5 friendly nano sims - so if you have one of those iPhone 5's from Verizon - you could now take that unlocked iPhone 5 and get a nano simcard for it from T-mobile and be one of the first iPhone 5's on T-mobile - it also means when Apple does offer up unlocked not contract iPhone 5's for sale - you will be able to get one and go to t-mobile.
Been quite a week for find my iPhone - or really - find my iPad - First there was a flight attendant - who pilfered an ipad from a traveler - and had it tracked to their house via find my iPhone feature - then there was the news story from ABC that talked about wide spread theft with TSA agents - and had an iPad they purposefully left behind at an Orlando airport - that they then tracked to the TSA agents house. The TSA agent denies that he had it - then they use the audio ping feature and guess what it was in the agents house. The TSA agent does the honorable thing - and throws his wife under the bus and says she stole it. To which the ABC reporter says - Ummm No - we saw it in your hands at the airport. The TSA agent was promptly fired the next day. I should point out most and I mean the vast majority of TSA agents are not thieves - but there are still many bad apples in the TSA - with almost 400 being fired in recent years over the issue of theft. Moral of the story - always make sure you keep your eyes on your iOS goodies. If you walk away from your iOS device at the security check point there is a 10% chance according to ABC - that said device will not be returned to you. And of course always make sure you have find my iPhone enabled.
Hi Rob,
I find it interesting, and I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but in iOS 6, in the Podcast app, there are buttons to jump back 10 seconds and ahead 30. However, when you go to the controls in the multitask bar, they're 15 seconds each.
Lou V
Well lou it is all about giving a consistent user experience. Ummm Yeah.
Hey Rob,
Here’s my take on the maps flap.
As I am blind I use my iPhone etc with voiceover.
The previous maps app was totally inaccessible.
The new one is accessible.
Ergo, those who complain about the new app can well have not nice things done to them.
I already purchased navigon some time ago which is accessible so perhaps some of the complainers can also shell out cash in order to improve their experience.
Kevin Barry
Hey Rob,
Wanted to report a bug in iOS 6 to see if anyone else had this problem. I use a lot of custom keyboard shortcuts. They all carried over from iOS5 however none of them work. I tried deleting one and adding it again, but that didn't work either! Looking forward to hearing about the new iPad mini announcement.
If the last episode was not so long - well soo long in notes prepared - I actually cut it off at an hour - anyway if I had made it to all my notes - one was going to be about how if you were a mobile me user - After Sept 30th Apple was going to knock off your extra storage for being a mobile me users in the past - and well that is now not the case - thanks to Shavan for the heads up to a post from Apple saying - you know what forget what we said about Sept 30th 2012 being the cut off for the extra storage - lets make it sept 30th 2013 - how much extra storage 10gig or 20 gig or 50 gig depends on what level account you had for mobile me.
Thank to Michael S for this next one - which is an article about a new feature in iOS 6 that was there in the beta - but some how when the gold master for iOS 6 came around - well this feature was no more - it is the WiFi Plus Cellular feature which was to allow apps having trouble with a Wifi connection to use cellular data instead. Look for this to show back up in a future release of iOS 6.
A quick note for those using iOS 6 - there is now a free ebook from Apple called the iPhone user guide for iOS 6 - which you can find in the iBook store.
I want to remind those with in driving distance of Topeka KS - I will be speaking at Podcamp Topeka a bunch - 1 keynote and 3 sessions. And I hope to see some of you at the event. Please make sure to say hi if you listen to the show. Again just google podcamp topeka for more info.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Tue, 9 October 2012
Rob Help! My iphone 5 is using battery power like a drunken sailor! I even run thru 50% in my sleep.
And you already called it... There are no Lightning cables available yet, so I have to drag my only cable everywhere I go!
Please give us some help in your next show.
John P.
Ok - So this is actually similar to emails I see with each new iPhone and update of iOS. There are added features - and that means added ways for better drain.
So lets go through a list of 13 different ways you can save on your battery life with your iPhone or iOS device. Some are oldies but goodies - others are new and more specific to iOS 6.
1. Turn the brightness down on your iPhone and turn off auto brightness. Do this in the Settings app under Brightness and Wallpaper.
2. Turn off bluetooth - this is another battery drainer - if you don't need bluetooth turn it off. This is now in the Settings app - in the top section.
3. Turn off wifi if you are going to work or driving in your car and don't expect to be somewhere where you plan on using Wifi - just turn it off. This is still near the top of the settings app.
4. Turn off Raise to Speak with Siri - in settings - for Siri - turn off Raise to Speak option - unless you actually use it - no reason to have it on.
5. A big Battery drain is Location Services - this is the one in iOS 5 that caused the most issues on battery life. In iOS 6 the controls for location services moved - go to Settings App - then Privacy - then location services. Then scroll down and select System Services. Other than Traffic I would say turn all of them off - and if you don't use traffic in the maps app - turn it off to.
6. Staying with Location services - when you first got to that page you could see services for Camera, Maps, Weather, and Find My iPhone. For most - just turn off Weather. If you are not using the maps app - you can turn that off as well. I would highly recommend keeping on find my iPhone. That one is important.
7. A new one to turn on actually is Settings App - General - About - Advertising - and Then Turn on Limit Ad Tracking - ok not really sure that will help on battery life - but it is something Apple should have had turned on by default - and we are just getting that set up correctly now. Plus if you are limiting ad tracking that does mean less data sent from the iOS device - so yeah it should help in battery life.
8. Next Settings App - General - About - Diagnostic & Usage - Select Don't Send - which will keep your error messages and data from being sent to Apple - yeah you are not doing your part to help out the community - but enough others are that it does not matter - hows that for narcissistic community spirit.
9. Mail - set it up to manually update. Settings app then select Mail, contacts, calendars. Then Fetch new Data - then Turn off Push and change Fetch to Manually. While you are at it you can also click on Advanced then iCloud and change that from Push to Manual. Especially if you don't use iCloud much or at all.
10. In the settings App - podcasts - turn off use cellular data.
11. Also in the Settings App - General - Auto-lock - change that to 1 or 2 minutes. That will put your screen to sleep quicker.
12. In the Settings App for Notifications - look to see what apps you have set to get notifications / pushes - do you really need to be able to get notifications from your games - I mean do I need messages from Tron or Trucks & skulls - nope - so I turned them off.
13. Finally - close out all your open apps. For those that don't know how to close out apps - double tap on the home button - you should see a tray open at the bottom of the screen - tap and hold one of the apps - the apps in the bottom tray should start to wiggle and in the upper left corner of the icon there should be a red circle with a minus sign in it - tap on those red circles until there are no more open apps.
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:28pm EST
Sat, 29 September 2012
Direct download: tii_0242.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:20am EST
Sat, 29 September 2012
Hey_Rob, This artwork is for the Jewish audience of the show. Apple and Honey for a sweet new year. Per the photo I added Tii to the picture using the app Aviary.
Episode 242 Transcript
So how many iPhone 5's did apple sell in the first weekend. over 5 Million - which seems to be all they had to sell. Anal-ists were expecting it to be from 6 to 10 million. But 5 million plus is over a million more than the iPhone 4s last year on its first weekend. But since Anal-ists had over hyped the number to 6 to 10 million with a couple saying 12 or even 15 million - you should not be surprised the stock took a big hit this week.
The 5 Million iPhones sold or the Stock price drop really were not the big news from last weekend or even from the Apple press release. And no the big news has nothing to do with Maps or Youtube apps or where you find your podcasts. Nope the big news from the press release was the number of devices now running iOS 6 - 100 Million!!!!
Don't get me wrong 5 Million iPhones sold in the first 3 days was very impressive - the only launch close was last years iPhone 4S launch. But that 4 Million sold in the first weekend logistically was not nearly as impressive as this years 5 Million. And Apple said they could have sold more if they had more iPhone 5's to sell. Why I think logistically it is more impressive this year. Last year the iPhone 4S had the luxury of using some of the same components as the iPhone 4. This year thecase is brand new, as is the screen both in size and technology. There is even a new dock connector (don't get me started on that). This time around Apple's supply chain did not have the advantage of a previous generations device to borrow capacity from. This time it was from zero to 5 million units and components for said units at launch. That is pretty impressive. Congrats to Apple and its suppliers for pulling that off - even if it was still not up to demand.
But again to me the biggest news was not about the aforementioned 5 Million iPhone 5's - nope - it was about the 100 Million iOS devices that are now running iOS 6 after just 5 days. To compare that to when iOS 5 launched last year Apple announced only 25 Million devices had upgraded. A 4X increase year over year is really impressive and great news to devcelopers of iOS Apps.
If you want to see how big a deal this is vs say Android. Jelly bean - aka Android 4.1 launched in early July. Through early September - over 2 months after the launch of Jelly Bean - Android had 1.47% adoption. (And Android fan boys thought that was good news - Yikes!!). Working out the numbers 1.46% of about 450 Mil Android devices is about 6.6 Million Android devices in 60 days that have been able to be updated to the latest version of their OS vs over 100 Million iOS devices in just 5 days now running the lastest version of iOS. This is again why it is so important if you are a developer to develop first for iOS. You can be assured that when you are developing for the latest version - there is actually an audience for your app.
After every iPhone launch and I mean every one - there have always been some report of a very small % of new owners having an issue. Heck on the iPhone 4 I first purchased had the issue of it overheating before I even left the parking lot At Apple - I walked back in and showed them the issue and was handed a brand new iPhone no questions asked.
And guess what this time around it is no different. Not that I got an over heating iPhone 5 - but rather that some % reporting issues. With the key issues this time being. 1. Slow Wifi 2. Scuffing of the antenna and scuffing of the back of the black iPhone 5. 3. Leaking light around the edge of the white iPhone 5. 4. Battery life issue - where it looses its charge quickly. 5. A Purple Halo in photos when you take a photo and have a bright light just out of the frame. Be it the Sun or a bright lamp.
As always - the press loves to make hay with these reports - but remember a very very small % out of 5 million users - is still a big enough number for many reports of issues. If you have an issue the best thing you can do is take it immediately to an apple store if you are lucky enough to live by one. If not call Apple. Don't take it back where you purchased it yet if said place is not an Apple store - first make the call to apple care and explain the situation you are having and see what they say. Apple is going to be more likely to offer a replacement than AT&T or Sprint or Verizon - as Apple does want to get back any bad units so they can trouble shoot them and make improvements - if there is a manufacturing or design issue at fault. Per the Purple Haze - yeah - that one they are not likely going to take back the phone for - if it is just showing up when the bright light is just off frame - but rather they will likely tell you that is not how you want to take a picture.
The sixth issue reported - is that for some the lightning cable that came with the iPhone is seeing the USB side of the cable getting caught in laptops. Seems there may be an issue with the connector not getting crimped correctly - look at your usb side of the cable and make sure it is smooth.
A seventh issue is that some are seeing some static lines across the screen - Especially when the keyboard is up. Ken Ray at Mac OS Ken reported having this issue.
So I finally reached my goal weight of 175#'s this past week - that is over 65#'s from my peak weight of 240 #'s - I actually over shot my goal and weighed in at a low of 173#'s and a couple of ounces. This was hard work on my part more so on the discipline side than the planning side. But again I was very proud of this achievement and I was talking to my Mother - my italian mother from New York - and I told her of my achievement and her reaction - was Oh Robert you are too thin - what are you now down to a size 32 in jeans - Well Mom actually I am down to a 30" waist down from a 40. But her over all feeling was I am too light - Ironically Just a year and a half ago she was on me for being way to heavy - and I bring this up because this next story is about one of the more common complaints about the iPhone 5 - and that is people are complaining it is too light. There is an article over on Gizmodo with some twitter quotes from those getting their hands on the iPhone 5 such as quote This new iPhone is way too light. I feel like its gonna just fly outta my hand with the slightest breeze unquote from at rbeavs or quote Held the iPhone 5. Way too light for this spazz-attack. I need a heavier phone so I don't completely destroy it. unquote from at luciana_D
So just like my mom - there are some people you just can't make happy no matter how proud you are you lost a bunch of weight.
Ok - When it comes to the iPhone 5 - Apple lied to us. Well ok - maybe not lied - but Apple did not accurately define some specs on their website for the iPhone 5. Remember last episode when I said if you wanted a world phone for the iPhone to either get the AT&T version or wait and see which one Apple announces is unlocked. Well those that weighted are happy they did - those that got the ATT iPhone 5 probably are not as happy right now. My assumption about the AT&T iPhone 5 probably being the better world phone - was based on the specs still up on the apple site - which shows there to be 3 versions - 2 for the US and one for ROW. The two US models are clearly labeled as GSM and CDMA - making it look like the CDMA version does not support GSM - well making it look that way at least - because where Apple mislead us on their site - is with the Verizon CDMA iPhone 5 - seems people have been able to test it and they found it does work already on a GSM network. Yes - the Verizon iPhone is sold unlocked - and Verizon not only confirmed it - but said they will not be locking it in the future. So if you need an iPhone that is unlocked - for world travel - the Verizon iPhone 5 is clearly the best one.
Now it will not work fully on the ATT network - as in LTE will not work - but you can make calls and get a 3G connection on data. On top of that the LTE bands for the Verizon iPhone 5 - which are bands 1, 3, 5, 13, 25 - over lap the ROW iPhone 5 - which has bands 1,3 and 5 only. So in theory - anywhere in the world out side the US where LTE is working for the iPhone 5 - the verizon iPhone 5 should also work - in theory.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
With all Verizon's iPhone 5 unlocked - Could I use it on straitalk????
Hi Rik - in theory - yes - you would still need to get a nano sim card from Straightalk to use in the iPhone 5 to work on their network - and I don't think they have one yet available - but there are supposedly tools to cut one down - but I think even then - it is too thick. So I believe the gating item will be the nano sim card. If anyone listening works for Straight talk - pleased give us the straight pitch on if and when you will get a nano sim card.
And Speaking of iPhone 5 in new places - the iPhone 5 just cleared a big hurdle in China - by receiving the needed regulatory certifications needed to go on sale in China - this means it is likely to go on sale prior to the end of the year. According to someone that was not Digitimes or BGR - Apple had two device models A1429 and A1442 which received certification. The A1429 - is the CDMA version - which would likely be destined for China Unicom's WCDMA Network - once Apple lists a couple of more specs for that model they have not listed so far. And the A1442 would likely be the one for China Telecom and their CDMA2000 network. Regardless of the exact specs - it does look like the biggest hurdle is cleared for Apple to get the iPhone 5 officially into the hands of Mainland China customers through China Unicom and China Telecom. What is still missing is any word about China Mobile - and that is likely to come via a special announcement by Apple at a future date.
iFix it has their traditional tear down post up - this time obviously it is for the iPhone 5 - and you can find it by looking for the link titled - iPhone 5 teardown - iFixit - in the show notes for ep 242 over at today in iOS dot com. I will not get into much detail here - and leave that to iFixit when you visit the site. But the one big take away from the teardown I had - was that they were impressed by how much easier the iPhone 5 will be to repair this time around. Getting the glass and screen out is much easier this time around - which is good as that is as you know the most likely reason to have it repaired. The down side is now the glass / touch screen are all in one - so it is not just replacing the glass - it is replacing the screen - so it is a little more pricey to replace when you do break the screen. Hey I guess this is a good place to mention Squaretrade dot com slash tii - to get $30 off your 2 year warranty - just $94 or $30 off a 3 year warranty for just $124. Which one screen break is likely to cost at least that much. Again go to square trade dot com slash tii - for that discount or click on the banner at today in iOS dot com. As I have said in the past - Squaretrade is the place to go to get your warranties. You get 4 instances / service repairs - vs just 2 from Apple care+ and Squaretrade covers you even if your iPhone is jailbroken. So no need to worry about that if you plan to jail brake in the future. Tii listeners have been using Squaretrade since the iPhone 3GS came out is not earlier - and the feedback I have received from any listeners that needed a repair has always been very positive - So if you are looking for a reputable company with a great warranty and great customer service - Squaretrade is the company and warranty for you - Please visit square trade dot com slash Tii to get $30 of your iPhone 5 warranty or if you get a new iPhone 4 or 4S - you also get $30 off at that URL. Thanks Squaretrade for sponsoring the show.
Ok before we start getting into listener feedback - I need to say this - there is no way I can get to all listener feedback or even most or even close to most - you guys and gals are great - this last week what incredible on feedback - normally I get between 45 to 60 minutes of audio feedback - in the last week it was close to 3 hours of feedback - just on the audio side. And emails are over 3 x as well. So if you don't hear your email read or voicemail played - I am sorry - I will do my best to get some on the next episode. That said - don't stop sending them in - please keep calling - 206-666-6364. Too much voice mail is a great problem to have. FYI - if you want to get yours played over the others - keep them short and pithy - and if you want to talk about multiple subjects send in multiple voicemails - sending one long 5 minute voicemail covering 5 different topics - vs 5 one minute long or less voicemails covering just one topic each - well the shorter ones are more likely to get played on the show. I know there are a lot of new listeners - so thanks for bearing with me on that - Actually the audience more than doubles in the last 2 episodes - so welcome all new listeners.
Ok - now into some of that feedback.
Thanks Wes for that feedback and for all the others that sent in feedback on the crescent moon being that DND is turned on.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
Per the listener on the last show asking about the app to get weather of a past day for a city.
They could use the website or app for WolframAlpha and then ask it quote what was the weather in boston on may 5th 2001 unquote - and it should give you all the info you need. You can check it out on the website first before buying the app to see if that is what he wants.
Thanks Rich - sadly - Siri does not give you past weather info - even thought it reference Wolfram Alpha for other items.
Hi Rob, Just wanted to share my experience doing a cross upgrade on AT&T with my iPhone 5. I used my moms upgrade eligibility to purchase the iPhone 5 from the Apple Store app. When my iPhone came, I called AT&T to process the swap which involved telling the rep the IMEI and ICCID of the old iPhone 4S I was using and the new iPhone 5. I confirmed that the micro-SIM was disabled on my old 4S and active in my 5. Couldn't be happier with the short steps. Thanks AT&T, for once. Tyler H
Hi Rob,
The download speeds with the iPhone 5 on LTE are unbelievable.
Speedtest.net test has a download speed of 26.61 MBps and an upload speed of 22.22 MBPS
Jim in Orlando.
Thanks Jim and also congrats for getting your self on the local news report for waiting in line.
Hi Rob,
Just got my iPhone 5 so I ran a speedtest and all I can say is its incredible. With speedtest.net - I had 27.9 MBPS down and 8.2 MBPS up. I then saw your podcast was available to download and did it on the LTE network it took less 23 seconds. I cannot wait for AT&T to have wider coverage.
John in Secaucus NJ.
One more piece of feedback on Maps - this one via email
Hi Rob,
While Apple distances itself from all things Google, iOS users for the first time will have to admit that there is something better out there on another platform.
As a professional driver I rely heavily on the map app, sometimes I need to quickly glance at the map to check traffic conditions unfortunately the new map is hard to see. The red dotted lines are too faint and I find the maps are too beige, hard to see at a glance. I feel these maps with the useless flyover feature are more for the casual user than for someone like me who needs a more practical map. Street view was a fantastic innovation that will be missed greatly.
The turn by turn feature was an improvement but it's too bad we had to lose Google Maps to get it. I tried Google Maps on Safari but its not as good as the native Google Map App was.
Apple has indicated that their Maps will improve over time, too bad they didn't wait until they were better before they released them.
I hope Google can produce an app for the App Store that can give us back the user experience that we have grown to love. Regards, Nicko Glendale NY
Thanks to all that sent in feedback on Maps that I used and did not use.
I was going to give my thoughts - and rant a bit about this being a way overblown by the media and Apple haters. Granted Apple maps vs Google Maps were not as good - but I still don't think they are nearly as bad as people in the press make it out to be. That all said - Apple actually chimed in on this topic by putting out the following letter on Friday Morning. This is from Tim Cook
He said the following quote.
To our customers,
At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible to our customers. With the launch of our new Maps last week, we fell short on this commitment. We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better. We launched Maps initially with the first version of iOS. As time progressed, we wanted to provide our customers with even better Maps including features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, Flyover and vector-based maps. In order to do this, we had to create a new version of Maps from the ground up. There are already more than 100 million iOS devices using the new Apple Maps, with more and more joining us every day. In just over a week, iOS users with the new Maps have already searched for nearly half a billion locations. The more our customers use our Maps the better it will get and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback we have received from you. While we're improving Maps, you can try alternatives by downloading map apps from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web app. Everything we do at Apple is aimed at making our products the best in the world. We know that you expect that from us, and we will keep working non-stop until Maps lives up to the same incredibly high standard. Tim Cook Apple's CEO unquote
So that is the word from Apple - I actually reached out to Apple Friday morning and requested an interview with Tim Cook or anyone at Apple about the letter - Apple was nice enough to reply that they did not have anyone available for an interview - I guess a guy can dream - but hey at least they replied. Look the letter hits the key things a PR specialist would say to do - 1. Be apologetic
2. Say how important the issue is to you
3. Promise to make it better
4. Offer something to those that want a solution now.
I think Tim Cook's letter did a good job in addressing those issues.
Again I still think this blown way out of proportion - but per the letter - I also agree that the Maps App from Apple could and should be better. That all said - lets not forget about why Apple changed to their maps when they did. Google would not give in on some of their demands of Apple with regards to allowing Apple to do turn by turn voice commands - which according to All things D - involved Apple turning over more user data - than apple felt comfortable doing. So Apple was kind of in-between a rock and hard place - They could give in to google - and send you off to the Google slaughter house - remember with Google you are not the customer your are what they serve to their customer - the advertisers - So essentially you are the cattle being sent to the google data slaughter house. With Apple you are the customer. And well Apple did not want to give out your info. So apple decided that what was best for the customer was to offer up their own Map app - and well if their Map App was up to snuff - we would not have had the letter I just read. And we would not have people tripping over themselves to chastise Apple. Here is hoping Apple gets their Maps app updates post haste. And until then - I will try to stay away from Articles about it either way - but I will continue to look to you for your feedback on the Maps app. I think you are all a better source than anything from the link bait headline using sites out there. 206-666-6364 that's 206 moon dog to give me your feedback on actual Apple maps usage. Or recommendations for 3rd party maps in the mean time.
FYI - Some have asked about downgrading from iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.x to get back the old maps. Well there is a nice article titled 3 reasons not to downgrade to iOS 5.1.x - which you can see in the show notes. I will just add this - from what I have read - don't try it. Don't do it. Stick with iOS 6 if you already upgraded - and get a 3rd part maps app if you don't like the Apple Maps App.
Hey a quick tip for iOS 6 - You can stop ad tracking by going to
Settings > General > About > the scrolling down to Advertising.
And then you will see - Limit Ad Tracking - which will be set off by default - you should turn that on.
By turning this to on - you are not permitting the advertising identifier to serve you targeted ads. This is the replacement for the ad programs networks that were using the UDID - now they use the advertising identifier.
There were a lot of reports about violence at a foxconn factory - first off the violence was not on the factory floor - it was at 11:00 PM local time at the Dormitory which is on Foxconn property. It involved about 2,000 people. And exact causes are vary from issues between two different group of workers from different areas clashing. Kind of a jets and sharks type clash. To reports about abuse by some of the security guards on some of the workers at the dormitory.
This however is not - repeat - not about working conditions.
Now the violence did appear to spill over near the factory with windows being smashed - and the factory shut down the next day.
While some or many of the reports say this was an iPhone assembly plant - it 100% was not an iPhone assembly plant.
It is northern China - iPhone Assembly is done in and around Shenzen china - which is in southern China.
If this plant is involved with iPhone production at all - which has not be verified by Foxconn - but is likely - it is about building components or a sub-assembly for the iPhone.
That said - most titles had it listed as an iPhone plant. Which is just so mis-leading.
Obviously Riots at Foxconn facilities - is not a good thing - ever. Regardless if that facility is making iPhone parts or more. And FoxConns CEO Mr Gau flew off to the town of Taiyuan to help defuse this situation which recent articles says is still very tense.
I was going to make a tongue in cheek comment about if they worked them harder they would be sleeping at 11:00 PM and not fighting - but seems lately some people or person has a hard time understanding that whole tongue in cheek humor thing. So I will pass this time - just sayin.
Ok - now on to another type of Butt kicking fight altogether - and that is the slew of iPhone 5 Performance reviews that have been done since the iPhone 5 was released. Anandtech which is not an Apple site by any means - did a bunch of bench mark tests on the iPhone 5. And no matter how you looked at it or sliced it - the iPhone 5 kicked the Samsung Galaxy S III's butt. It was not even close - I like to say it is not all about the specs - it is about the overall experience - and that is why people choose the iPhone ecosystem - well now we can also say - the specs are also in the iPhones favor - at least this month.
For BrowserMark test where higher is better - the iPhone 5 scored a 191,726 vs the S 3's International 172,237 which was in 2nd - 3rd went to the S3 on Tmobile USA at 114,812. But drop off. The 4S was at 106,029 - remember higher is better.
For the sun spider test - where lower is better the iPhone 5 was first with a 908 ms score. S3 international was 4th with a 1443 ms score. 4s had a score of 1726 ms.
the iPhone 5 won at the Google V8 and Octane benchmarks tests. Which are bigger java script tests.
For a whole slew of tests the iPhone 5 on average was 2.13 times faster than the 4S - backing up Apples claim the iPhone 5 is twice as fast as the iPhone 4S.
When it came to some of the video tests - the iPhone 5 really blew away the S3. with some scores 3 times or more faster.
Again according to Anatechs testing iPhone 5 is the clear winner of the bench mark tests - hands down - no contest.
Now everything is not just about benchmark tests - there is this thing called real world. And in some side by side tests done by Mashable - link in the show notes for ep 242 titled - iPhone 5 Zips Past Galaxy S III in Speed Test - their title not mine - well the iPhone 5 zipped past the S3 again.
Thanks to Alon for the link on this next one. Which was a youtube video comparing the iPhone 5 vs the S III - and once again - the iPhone 5 beats the S III in speed tests - this video showed a few apps launching and then a benchmark test. With the iPhone 5 faster and the S III slower - that is the take away and what you see in all the speed tests out there.
But it is not just about speed tests - there is also the issue of screen displays - And Well the good folks at Displaymate.com - did an iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S III comparison. Lets cut to the chase - bigger is definitely not better. Not only did the iPhone 5 clearly and resoundely kick the S III's butt - even the iPhone 4 - kicked the S III's butt. They compared all kinds of technical specs - But to summarize into our outdoors - bright light or low light - close or farther away - images just look better and more natural on the iPhone 5. Even more so then with the iPhone 4 and 4S. Actually the iPhone 5 got a grade of an A over all for Display grade and screen readability in bright light. The iPhone 4 received an A- in both categories and the S III received a B+ and a B respectively. Not saying the S III is crap when compared with other smartphones - just when compared to the iPhone 4 and 5 - and when compared to the iPhone 5 - it really falls down. Hey maybe all those shattered screens of the S III in all those recent videos were just the S III committing suicide out of embarrassment - Just Saying. Actually if you want to read all the specs and results and there are a lot. Look for the link iPhone 5 SIII display shoot-out in the show notes for ep 242 over at today in iOS dot com.
Thanks to Ben for the heads up on the iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S III drop test - which the iPhone 5 totally trounced the S III. This is the one done in Hong kong - As a Side note - I know where they did that drop test. It was in Kawloon harbor near the Peninsula hotel. Ok - that aside - this test was done by Android authority and they clearly wanted the iPhone 5 to loose - but after 2 drops the S III screen was cracked and the iPhone 5 survived 4 drops with no screen cracks. It was quite embarrassing for the S3 - just sayin.
And finally there is the drop tests video done by Squaretrade - with once again the SIII clearly showing it is the cheap more flimsy design that breaks much easier than the iPhone 5 - with the iPhone 5 even semi-surviving a drop in water - not that I suggest you ever do that - but it may be much better at surviving the drink knocked over next your phone real world test smartphones sometimes need to survive. Interesting part about the square trade tests - is they want to sell warranties - and their video makes the iPhone 5 look like it needs a warranty a lot less than the S3. That said if you want a warranty for your new iPhone 5 or 4s or 4 - don't forget to go to square trade dot com slash tii to get it.
This video and the one mentioned in the previous article - you need to watch - especially if you are on the fence about the iPhone 5 or S3 - or if you know someone that is - send them the videos.
But it is safe to say - between the S3 and iPhone 5 - there is NO contest - the iPhone 5 is clearly the faster device - with the better looking display - better lowlight camera, and the much much much better design - that is much much much more durable than the S3's cheap plastic design.
And for all those of you that have an S3 and now want to switch over to the iPhone 5 - there is an article titled How to transfer your most important data from Android to iPhone. in the show notes for ep 242 at today in iOS dot com. Actually that is for anyone on Android that now realizes the iPhone 5 is clearly the best choice - spec and ecosystem wise.
Obviously is you are an Android fan boy and you are still with us - you are either switching or trying to figure out how to spam my Facebook page. Hopefully you will switch - life will be better trust me.
Anyway - to all those that have an iPhone 5 - congrats looks like you have one kick butt highly durable device.
Groups SMS, Mail and Manage Contacts App.
Hi Rob, Well I found a way to get anIPhone 5 earlier than I expected. I like it a lot! So far the press is having to work really hard to find bad press on it this time too, but it is amazing how much they insist on finding a way, any way possible, to put a negative spin on it. They will never do that to an Android device. Yeah yeah, it doesn't have NFC. What do people do with their undefined standard NFC anyway? Yes the lightening port breaks compatibility, but what is the alternative? Stay with the 30 pin port for ever? The one that really kills me, when they complain about that, they put it along side "who said I wanted a thinner phone?" Then they brag about how thin their beloved androids are. Obviously they want the world on Android. I think maybe they want the world on anything but Apple really.
Hi Rob,
When is the new iPod Touch coming out? Thanks.
Jean B
Hi Jean B - all we know is it in October. Which is why I think the iPad Mini will not launch until November. You have the iPod touch and new iPod Nano - both listing an October launch date. You have the new roll out of the iPhone in 22 markets yesterday on the 28th. And you have the Apple Quarterly conference call at the end of the month.
And the iPad Mini announcement likely on October 17th - right during the middle of the ITU conference in dubai - Apple likes to take the wind out of the sails of that conference and others that might make announcements at it.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Mon, 24 September 2012
iPad Mini Event - Wed October 17th. Invites will be going out Tuesday Morning October 9th.
However looks like Friday November 16th is when it will go on sale and ship out to customers.
All exclusive to Today in iOS.
Category: breaking news
-- posted at: 9:14pm EST
Mon, 24 September 2012
Apple had a press release today titled "iPhone 5 Weekend Sales Top Five Million". But that was not the big news from this weekend or even from that press release. And no it had nothing to do with Maps or Youtube apps or where you find your podcasts. Nope the big news from this past weekend and week was the number of devices now running iOS 6 - 100 Million!!!!
Don't get me wrong 5 Million iPhones sold in the first 3 days was very impressive - the only launch close was last years iPhone 4S launch. But that 4 Million sold in the first weekend logistically was not nearly as impressive as this years 5 Million. And Apple said they could have sold more if they had more iPhone 5's to sell. Why I think logistically it is more impressive this year. Last year the iPhone 4S had the luxury of using some of the same components as the iPhone 4. This year the metal case is brand new, as is the screen both in size and technology. There is even a new dock connector (don't get me started on that). This time around Apple's supply chain did not have the advantage of a previous generations device to borrow capacity from. This time it was from zero to 5 million units and components for said units at launch. That is pretty impressive. Congrats to Apple and its suppliers for pulling that off - even if it was still not up to demand.
But again to me the biggest news was not about the aforementioned 5 Million iPhone 5's - nope - it was about the 100 Million iOS devices that are now running iOS 6 after just 5 days. To compare that to last year - when iOS 5 launched last year Apple announced only 25 Million devices had upgraded. A 4X increase year over year is really impressive and great news to devcelopers of iOS Apps.
If you want to see how big a deal this is vs say Android. Jelly bean - aka Android 4.1 launched in early July. Through early September - over 2 months after the launch of Jelly Bean - Android had 1.47% adoption. (And Android fan boys thought that was good news - Yikes!!). Working out the numbers 1.46% of about 450 Mil Android devices is about 6.6 Million Android devices in 60 days that have been able to be updated to the latest version of their OS vs over 100 Million iOS devices in just 5 days now running the lastest version of iOS. This is again why it is so important if you are a developer to develop first for iOS. You can be assured that when you are developing for the latest version - there is actually an audience for your app.
Category: breaking news
-- posted at: 4:39pm EST
Fri, 21 September 2012
Direct download: tii_0241.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:41am EST
Fri, 21 September 2012
Hey_Rob, I created this artwork using Photoshop Touch on my iPad. Regards, Ben.
Episode 241 Transcript
For those of you waiting on line while listening to this - congrats your wait is almost over. Please make sure if you are in line to let me know where you are waiting and roughly how many people are there. And also make sure to mention this show to those waiting in line around you.
Ok - and now into the news. I mentioned on the last episode where the iPhone 5 would launch on September 21st - what I did not mention was where it would be on the 28th. iPhone 5 will roll out worldwide to 22 more countries on September 28, including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
In Addition to those countries - In the US on the 28th the iPhone 5 will be hitting some of the Regional carries such as C-Spire, Cellcom, GCI, Appalachian Wireless, and in addition to the regionals - Cricket Communications will also get the iPhone 5 on the 28th - If I did not mention your regional carrier of choice - you will want to give them a call or visit their site to see if they will also get it on the 28th.
Switching to the internals of the iPhone 5 - We did not need to wait this year for iFixit to confirm the iPhone 5 has 1GB of RAM - as AnandTech found that Apple was nice enough to confirm this for us in their presentation when they showed a picture of the A6 - as the picture included the part numbers on the chip and part of that included the code for RAM and the E7E7 in one of the part numbers stands for 512Mb plus 512 Mb for a total of 1GB of RAM. We also know the A6 is a 1.066 GHz processor.
Ok - that's nice that the iPhone 5 has a faster processor and more RAM - but what does that really relate to in terms of improved performance? NARRATORS VOICE ASKS - Well looks like someone ran the Geekbench benchmarking tests on the new iPhone 5 and the results are per what Apple said it would be. The iPhone 5 scored a 1,601 vs just a 629 for the iPhone 4S - higher is better. So it appears the iPhone 5 is about 2x faster than the iPhone 4s. Also of interest is the iPhone 5 had the fastest / highest score of any smartphone even beating out the Galaxy S III. Just Sayin.
And it was not just the Geekbench bench mark test. The SunSpider Javascript benchmark test was also run on the safari browser on the iPhone 5 - and in this case it had the lowest score of any device tested - for this test lowest score is best. The iPhone 5 scored a 914.7 ms - which was better than the 1279.4 of second place Lava XOLO X900 or the 1442.9 of the Galaxy S 3 international version vs the 1824 of the S3 AT&T version. The iPhone 4S for the record had a score of 2250.
As they stated the iPhone 5 was the fastest smartphone ever tested and it was not close. Reasoning on why the iPhone 5 is so fast has to do with how apple improved the cache/memory interface with the A6.
The bench mark tests are the good news for the iPhone 5. The bad news for the iPhone 5 is that on Verizon and Sprint it does not - repeat does not allow for simultaneous Voice and Data even when connected to LTE. Seems - that the iPhone is about the only LTE handset on Verizon that does not support voice and data at the same time. This is not a network issue - exactly - it is a handset issue i.e. iPhone issue - seems that is you want to get voice and data to work together it requires a second radio and antenna when dealing with CDMA networks. And Apple made the call not to add in that additional radio. Or as Verizon put it - quote The iPhone 5 was designed to allow customers to place a voice call on the Verizon Wireless network, while letting customers access the Internet over the WiFi. unquote
If you are looking for / or needing to have both Voice and data at the same time - You still need to go to AT&T to get said iPhone among the big 3 in the US that is.
Another issue with the iPhone 5 - is that it will not work with many or really most European LTE configurations. Only Deustsche Telecom in Germany and Everything Everywhere in the UK will initially be supporting the LTE chipsets in the iPhone 5. The other carriers in Europe seemed to be determined to design LTE networks that will not work with the iPhone - and then complain that the iPhone does not work with their network. While Apple decided to start with the iPhone 5 - supporting flavors of LTE found in the US and Asia. I am sure that decision on Apples part had nothing to do with there only being a few hundred thousand LTE users in Europe. In Any case - if you are in Europe and not using Deustsche Telecom or Everything everywhere - than you will not be enjoying the iPhone 5's LTE capability anytime soon.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
Something strange I noticed about the iPhone 5....
According to Apple's website the Verizon version supports LTE bands 1, 3, 5 & 25, in addition to Verizon's domestic LTE band 13 (700 MHz), which means Verizion's LTE will work overseas in countries such as Germany, the UK, Japan, Australia, Korea, Singapore, etc.
The AT&T version only supports bands 4 and 17, which means AT&T's LTE won't work outside of the US and Canada.
Global compatibility used to be one thing (possible the only thing!) AT&T had in its favor. Apparently not any longer…
Paul - one thing is it seems this time around there are a lot more questions about which phone is the world phone. Is there a world phone this time around?
If you are a business traveller - at this point I would just suggest you sit back and wait a few weeks to see the reports on which phone works best in the US and Europe. But per LTE - it sounds like none of the iPhone 5's work all that well in Europe and that is back to the issue of there being about 36 flavors of LTE world wide. For now Apple is not addressing all markets and flavors of LTE - just a few select ones that Apple likely feels will offer up the best customer response.
People have been asking or complaining about AT&T not letting them upgrade early from a 4S to an iPhone 5. Yup - that's correct. Not sure what else you want me to say on this. You have a two year agreement and it will be at least 18 months into that agreement before most are eligible to upgrade - this is the agreement we on AT&T with an iPhone 4S agreed to last year or earlier this year.
AT&T will let you pay an additional $250 fee to upgrade at the subsidized price and get a new 2 year lock in. Granted if you are paying $250 - it is not the subsidized price. Now some are reporting AT&T said this was an Apple decision - for those reporting that - BS - plain and simple - it is an AT&T decision to not let you upgrade early - Apple has no say in that whatsoever - and if they did they would saying to AT&T go knock yourself out guys - do what you want to do. AT&T makes their rules for the most part - sans the part about putting bloated AT&T apps and skins and logo on your iPhone - like those android folks need to deal with - but other than that - it is all AT&T - and really - you for agreeing to last years upgrade.
Another item people are asking about is what is the unsubsidized price - It is the same as what it used to be for the 4S. $649 for the 16GB, $749 for the 32GB and $849 for the 64 GB version. Well except for the part where Apple removed said pricing and options from their site - but when they sell it unsubsidized that is what the prices will be.
If you did not hear - Apple quote sold out unquote of their pre-order allocation for first day delivery in about an hour. With delivery times on that first day of pre-orders slipping to 1 to 2 weeks.
Per how many iPhone 5's were sold - well Don't you love when people say blown away by demand - or beat our expectations - or off the charts - but don't say what the numbers were.
And by love I of course mean hate. Well that is something Amazon is well known for and initially Apple did the same thing saying they were blown away by the demand. But then Monday morning Apple released a press release saying they pre-sold over 2 million iPhone 5's in the first 24 hours of pre-orders. Apple used interesting language by saying quote iPhone 5 pre-orders have shattered the previous record held by the iPhone 4s unquote. You would think with all the past publicity about iPhone 4 and 4S's glass being cracked every time you dropped one - they would have stayed away from the word shattered - just sayin.
Anyway - today if you try to order an iPhone 5 Apple is saying 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
So obviously not everyone was turned off by the new dock connector.
One common theme I did hear from those that pre-ordered the night / instance the pre-order was available - is that the Apple Store App was the way to go. It seemed to work when all the sites were bogged down and not doing anything. So just remember when pre-ordering from Apple when the iPad Mini goes on sale - use the Apple Store App to do so.
Here is one of those emails.
Hi Rob,
4:30 a.m. On Friday the 14th and I just ordered my iPhone 5 -32GB on my Apple Store app and the experience couldn't have been easier, quicker, or smoother than it was. Nice job Apple did with the app. Said ships in 2 weeks...but as we all know it will more than likely be at the doorstep by next weekend on the launch day ( judging from prior iPhone launches ). Can't wait to get the phone, as I upgrading from an iPhone 4 16 GB.
Thanks for the show Rob
Doug in Cincy
Well Doug - I hope you are correct about getting it earlier than what Apple said - please let us know.
I actually have dozens of people reporting they pre-ordered using the Apple Store App - with half saying they started off trying to use the site - but quickly gave up and used the app - only one or two people reported pre-ordering with the apple website.
Ok - so if the bench mark tests and the new sales records and long wait times were not enough to put you over the edge to get the new iPhone 5 - maybe then you were waiting to see what Walt Mossberg, David Pogue, Edward Baig, and other hand selected Apple reviewers - ummm I mean totally impartial reviewers had to say about the iPhone 5 - well those folks put out all their reviews and you can see those by searching for the link titled - iPhone 5 Review Roundup in the show notes for ep 241 over at today in iOS dot com.
Do you want me to give you a hint about what they said - The liked it - they really really liked it.
Which means they all get to review the iPad mini when it comes out in the next 6 to 8 weeks.
Into the email bag.
Hey Rob is Squaretrade still a sponsor. Im thinking about ordering the insurance for my preordered 5. Is there a purchase code so you get credit for the sale?
Hi John - go to www.squaretrade.com/tii
Or enter tii in for the promo code - that will get you 2 years of coverage for $94. You can also choose the 3 year option for $124 - which Apple does not offer as an option.
One of the other key differences is with Squaretrade you can have 4 claims on your phone - with Apple - you can only have 2 claims. And you can still take your iPhone into an apple store to get it repaired if you want. They then reimburse you on the repair. Or your can send it where they tell you. Either way Squaretrade will work with you. I have had many many listeners use square trade and of those that had claims - they have always been very happy with the customer service from square trade. It is nice knowing that when you want to use your iPhone you don't have to fret about breaking it. You don't have to wrap it up in some over done bulky case to protect it - you can use our iPhone the way Steve intended - Naked - as in no clothes on. That is how I use my iPhone I just think the iPhone is such a beautiful device and putting a case on it - is akin to dating a supper model and having him or her wearing an oversize trench coat when ever you are out an about. Take off that trench coat and show off your new beauty and do it with no worries - get your warranty at square trade.com/tii - and right now get a special price of just $94 for two years of coverage. And if you are someone that has a spouse you hand off your iPhone when it is a year old - get the 3 year coverage so they are covered as well once you get the iPhone 2013. Again goto square trade dot com slash tii for your special pricing. Thanks Square trade for sponsoring the show.
This next story probably belonged in the how wrong were they category. This is about local TV station Fox 5 in New York - they had on one of their local news reports a segment about those already waiting in line for the iPhone 5 - and during the report they cut to some video of what they thought was the iPhone 5 - but was really one of the fake concept videos - and they not only showed the fake iPhone 5 with laser projected key board and holographic projections - they also mentioned those features. I would imagine if anyone was not well versed in the iPhone 5 news - and saw that report - they might too have run out to the local apple store to get in line. Talk about a whaaat whaaat whaaaaa moment when they found out Channel 5 in New york totally blew it - and they will not be getting a laser keyboard and holographic display - well only one way this can end - with someone buying the iPhone 5 expecting those features and then filing a class action lawsuit against apple for not letting people know before hand there is no laser projected keyboard or holographic display.
Just a quick correction on the last show I misspelled one of the apps I mentioned for the Calculator apps. The App that the developer who is also a listeners developed is Clac - spelled C L A C - not c a l c - as my mind saw it. So the app is C L A C - if you were looking for it and could not find it - I did have the correct URL in the show notes however.
Hi Rob, I was listening to your show and heard the gentleman wanting to know how to combine two differently purchased apps under one iTunes account. All he has to do is authorize her user name in iTunes on his computer. Then, all of his apps will work and all her apps will work under one user name. Regards, John S
Springfield MO
Hi Rob,
I share my apps with my mom, all I do is log on to my apple id and download them, then log off and log her back in. To update them she just needs my password.
- Jessi Derr
Hi Rob
To share 2 accounts on one device: 1- go into settings 2- goto App Store 3- log out of account 1 and log into account 2
I do this on the iPhone and my PC as I have both a Canadian and USA accounts.
Only problem with this is to update apps, as you need to log into the other account to check for updates.
Hope this helps some of your listeners as you seem to have alot that want to share apps.
Thanks to John, Jessi, Kevin and all the others that sent in answers on that one.
Hi Rob,
Per the caller looking for help for his wife and getting siri to open up. There is an app/ tweak called
Hands-Free Control in Cydia for $2.99
This is a tweak I've been wanting to try, but I think it will really come in useful for your listener who was in the accident. She can just simply say "Siri" and the phone will respond. No need for an external button. The only problem is that they will need to jailbreak her phone. Hope this helps
-Eric in Schertz
Thanks to eric and everyone else that sent in the tip on Hands-Free Control in Cydia.
More emails on this subject.
Hello Rob
I have ALS and also face becoming quadriplegic. I've looked into solutions for my iPhone. There are two very good ones. First off you want total access to the iPhone not just making calls. You want to run apps and do texting and Facebook ect.
You do these things by having what they call switch control. You hit a switch and it controls the iPhone much like his wife's call button.
First is Tecla Shield, this gives you lots of control over your iPhone from a switch. They have lots of videos on YouTube. It is also very affordable $300. These guys are geniuses check out the site -
Next you have to think about what power chair wheel chair his wife will be using. This decision is extremely important. I trusted my power chair consultant who I now wish would have sent me to different companies. Often the consultants only know one or two brands.
Big thing pick a power chair that allows your wife to control the environment with the wheel chair controller. This is called an environmental control unit for turning on and off lights and TV. This is extremely important and many chairs do not have this option. I did not know about this when I got my chair. There is one company that has a power chair controller that gives you full access to your iPhone. This is Dynamic Controls. They only have one dealer here in the US. The are very popular in Britain and Europe.
Their controller is called iPortal. You must buy the chair from their US rep. Other chairs in the US cannot be fitted with this outstanding controller.
Jim N
Play Voicemail from Laura
Hi Rob,
I hope that he might be able to help you out. Also, people who use the communication software called Proloquo2Go (P2G) have an online forum where they discuss a lot of accessories being used by people with different physical needs. You might wish to check it out by going to the Proloquo2go website and get onto the forum...of direct the person who made the inquiry. Hope it leads to a solution.
There are also other apps for people who have aphasia etc.
One of the things about the iPhone 5 you also need to know - especially if you are a business person and you have been using your iPhone 4S to display presentations on a projector. Well the Lightning to VGA adapters are on the way - but they are not hear yet.
As are the Lightning to HDMI adapters.
For that mater the 30 pn to lightning adapters everyone that every owned an iOS device and gets the iPhone 5 will need - yeah - those are not listed as available yet either - with October for a ship date being listed at apple.com
And if you go into Amazon and look for 30 pin to Lightning adapters - you will find some listed from 3rd parties - but none of them shipping yet - at least none I came across.
Please understand it will be you and your iPhone 5 against the world to start - with no adapters to be found.
Hi Rob,
Wasn't sure if other listeners knew where to find this. Seems pretty relevant after today's news. Apparently, they now have an online form as well link at bottom of page. Regards, Lou V
Hi Lou - thanks for the link to the AT&T webpage about what are the eligibility requirements for unlocking an iPhone. So for anyone curious about this look for the link - AT&T - eligibility requirements for unlocking iPhone - in the show notes for ep 241 over at today in iOS dot com.
Ok - So Apple stock took off in a big way breaking over $700 this week. Which is not what I expected when there was no mention of China Mobile at the iPhone 5 event. I still think the biggest news about the iPhone 5 - is that it will be available on China Mobile. Per China Unicom - it looks like they will be getting the iPhone 4 prior to the end of the year. As will also China Telecom. Both also had the iPhone 4S. So no surprise that they would get the iPhone 5. Again it will be when Apple announces China Mobile as an iPhone Carrier - that Apple stock really has a nice jump.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
Do you know of a weather app that I can use to search any previous date and see what the weather was that given date?
Ben in Fresno
Hi Ben - Nope I do not - but I am guessing that if there is such an app - someone listening does know of it. If so folks please call into the show and let us know about said app - 206-666-6364 that's 206-moon-dog - or just send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hey rob Per the listeners asking about which carrier to use while traveling to India. Hands down reliance is the fastest network with the most coverage. However you need to have an Indian ID card to sign up (they do not allow foreigners to sign up) this leaves Vodafone and airtell both have 2 gig prepaid plans with included calls and. Texts for 12$us for duration of 30 days. The Reception in cities is great. Between cities not so great with lots of edge and 2G. When it works it flies and make backpacking a million times easier. Also let your listeners know to sign up for a plan requires 2 color photos and a boring 5 page form And still can take until 6pm that day to activate for foreigners for some reason. Thanks for your podcast after no net for 40 hours overland trip from Nepal I was able to be up to date with new announcements in only 1 hour and 52 meg of data Thanks rob
Thanks Marc for the feedback.
Hi Rob:
I am Using an iPad and Android phone, and I've been wrestling with the problem of what my next phone should be. Well, I can now say "goodbye android" because I'm going to order the iPhone 5 on Friday. Your blog post on Wed, 12 September 2012
Thanks ever so much.
Hi Bob - glad I could help - enjoy your iPhone 5.
Hi Rob, A bit late on this from two weeks ago, but Wunderlist is a great free checklist app that has a web interface and free cloud sync across as many devices as you want. Looks great too.
on the Kickstarter front - we had a few people email in about this first project - it is called iControlPad 2 - the open source controller - but you can just search for iControlpad one word at kickstarter dot com. What his project is if you did not guess is an open source controller for video games. But not just any controller - this one has a 55 key keyboard, Twin Analogue nubs - a dpad - plus some number and function keys. This thing looks as complicated as Google TV remote - just sayin - but if you like complicated and open source - well you will love this - Just like 600 other people have and so far they have raised over $57,000 - and the have until October 13th at 9:33 AM - to raise the roughly $90,000 more they need to hit their goal.
It is blue tooth - so you could use with any iOS device.
Once again search for icontrolPad at kickstarter for more info.
Thanks to Levi for this next one. Which is another Kickstarter project - this one geared towards iPhone 4 and 4S owners - that would like to take better low light photos - I guess that was redundant - ok - this is for all iPhone 4 and 4S owners. This project is called iExpander - and it is a case that allows for you to add in extra memory cards to expand the memory. But again this is more about being able to take better low light pictures - and they claim to have that problem licked with their case that also acts as an extra battery source. So yes - battery pack - expandable memory and a new and improved flash for better low light photos - and all this for just $75. Actually right now it does not look to likely they will hit their goal of $125,000 - as they only have $15,000 raised. But they do have until October 21st at 6:32 PM ET to raise the funds.
My guess is they will miss the goal - and then need to redesign it for a lower price - maybe by removing the memory expansion - as the low light flash is the part I think most will be interested.
Anyway - if this sounds interesting to you - search for iExpander over at kickstarter dot com.
Thanks to Tony L in San Fran for this next one - which is another Smartphone Watch - whaaat whaaat whaaaa. Ok - this one is different in that it is a dressy smartphone watch - They are close to their target of $200k - with $170k right now and they have until Sep 30th at 12:00 PM ET. The name of this one is Martian voice command Watch - and they focus on using the watch to control siri. Search for Martian at kickstarter if you don't already have one of the other 3 smartphone watches on order.
Ok - so there are some saying there is not much or any room for the iPad mini - price wise - given the iPod touch prices. But I think it is actually pretty clear where the iPad mini pricing will be.
I am guessing or speculating it will be
$299 - 16GB
$399 - 32GB
$499 - 64GB
And the iPad 2 at $399 - at that point goes away.ZERO chance of it being $299 for 32 GB - that is the same price as the iPod touch 5th gen 32 GB.Current Pricing for the iPod touch and iPad's under $500
$199 - 16 gb iPod touch 4th gen
$249 - 32 gb iPod touch 4th gen
$299 - 32 gb iPod tough 5th gen
$399 - 64 gb iPod touch 5th gen
$399 - 16 gb iPad 2nd gen
$499 - 16 gb iPad 3rd gen
So again to me - the $299 for the 16 GB iPad Mini - seems to make sense and fit with the iPod touch pricing.
Last time around with the iPhone 4S - apple tried to make one phone to work on all networks - with the addition of LTE to the mix - that method seems to have forced Apple back to making multiple phones. 3 to be precise.
One version is a GSM model for North America - it runs on AT&T, Bell, Rogers and Telus.
A second version is a CDMA model that will work with Sprint and Verizon n the US - KDDI in japan - and in theory will work with CDMA networks in India and Russia.
And a third version being a GSM model for the rest of the world - works with Deutsche Telekom in Germany - Everything Everywhere in the UK, Optus and Telstra in Australia, Softbank in Japan, SK Telecom and KT in Korea, SmarTone in hong kong and M1 and Singtel in Singapore.
And again all those mentioned are mentioned as where the iPhone 5 will support LTE.
Point is this if you are getting an iPhone 5 - best to check with your local Apple store and your preferred carrier to see if they support LTE on the iPhone 5 specifically.
My guess is there will be at least one or two more versions specifically for China. Yup - it is going get ugly.
Hey Rob-
I am looking into getting an AppleTV because of sports, YouTube and AirPlay functionality. Do foresee any major updates to this product line in the near future where you would advise potential consumers to wait for an update that may be on the horizon?
Thanks for your feedback. I love the show.
Hi JL - Nope - last update was earlier this year - next update will likely not be until at least the spring - if even then. So go for it.
Hi Rob,
As I assume it will take a number of months (how long does it usually take?) for the jailbreak of iOS 6 untethered to be available for the iPhone 5, I have a question. Can a person install iOS 5.1.1 on an iPhone 5? If so, how can this be done?
Thanks for your help,
Steve from Arizona
Hi Steve,
It is unknown when a jailbreak will - if it even will - be available for the iPhone 5.
The new A6 Processor has not made it to the hands of hackers yet.
So no way to tell if it ever will be jailbroken.
That said - all the past devices have been jailbroken so I expect one of those in the JB community will figure it out.
Per going to iOS 5.1.1 for the iPhone 5 - NOPE probably will never happen.
Apple would need to make a version for the iPhone 5 and release it - which even if they created it - they would never release it.
Hi Rob,
Per my contract with AT&T I am not available for an upgrade of my iphone 4s till next year. My son is eligible for an upgrade and I want to buy the iphone 5 on his contract and trade phones with him but the iPhone 5 has the new nano sim card. Any ideas on how to make the switch without having to pay the extra upgrade fee?
Chris P
Hi Chris - if you talk to AT&T and explain the situation - they will help you out - But Yes - you can get the new iPhone 5 for you and pass on your old iPhone to your son. But again to get this done right and get your number on the iPhone 5 and your sons number moved over your iPhone 4S. You do need to talk to AT&T - and I have had a few people talk to AT&T already and said they were quite helpful. See it is not all bashing AT&T around here. If you are waiting in line - just make sure if you purchase a new iPhone 5 via someone else's eligibility - you do NOT repeat do not set it up at the Apple store. Talk to AT&T and make sure you get everything done correctly. Actually in that case best to go to AT&T to buy it.
Ok - there are already reports about iOS 6 being jailbroken - note this so far has only been for those with an A4 processor. Not the A5 or A6.
And at this point the jailbreak is not primetime.
As always if you need your iPhone jailbroken - do not upgrade.
Per when the iPhone 5 will be jailbroken - it may take some time - last year it took a while before the iPhone 4S was finally jailbroken.
We will talk more in the future about jailbreaking - but for now if you are someone that needs to be jailbroken - do not upgrade to iOS 6. PERIOD.
Speaking of iOS - One of the big quote features unquote of iOS 6 is the new maps app. Most prior to iOS 6 coming out bemoaned the Apple Maps app - as it reduced features - like the missing directions option for mass transit. Which Apple still has an icon for - it just does not work yet. Plus I am guessing Apple figures if you purchased an iPhone - you would not take public transportation anyway. with the lack of directions for public transportation put aside - I would like to hear back from people their thoughts on their real world uses of maps - now that iOS 6 is out. We will talk about that I am sure on many upcoming episodes. In the mean time check out the site - theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com - which well highlights some of the not so amazing maps in iOS 6. Link in show notes at today in iOS dot com for ep 241
In the US T-mobile is becoming the ugly redheaded step child - with regards to the iPhone - but T-mobile is not letting their lack of an iPhone to sell - stop them from embracing the iPhone - seems they are kicking up their bring your old iPhone to t-mobile crusade. They are going so far as to even have demo iPhone 4S's in some of their stores to show potential customers how the iPhone 4S works on their network.
Heck they are even developing their own iOS apps for managing your t-mobile account.
And on top of that in October - T-mobile will also be getting the nano sim card in - so you can bring over a newly purchased unlocked iPhone 5 to them - that is once Apple starts selling unlocked iPhone 5's. Of course T-mobile probably will not be talking about LTE all that much in their pitch to get you to sign up - given they do not have LTE rolled out yet. Still if LTE is not your thing - but the iPhone 5 and T-mobile are - well T-mobile will do their best to get you on their network.
Hey Mika - let me know if I missed any of your questions.
Another company making iOS Apps is getting acquired - this time it is the company - Nik Software out of Germany - they make the iOS App Snapseed. This is an app that has been mentioned a few times as being used to create the episode artwork for the show. SnapSeed was also a 2011 iPad App of the Year - as selected by Apple. Which makes the company acquiring them all the more interesting - it is Google. Yeah - this is worse news then the time Instragram released a version for Android.
Hi Rob,
Do you or the listeners know of a app to track maintenance and create work orders? It would be awesome if this was exportable. I work on a fleet of semi's and want to get a iPad to go paperless. Thanks,
Charlie J
Here is a question from a listener.
Hi Rob,
Can I take an iPhone 4s on sprint then unlock it and use it on straight talk or at&t?
now my initial reaction was NO! - but then I remembered that the iPhone 4S was supposed to be a world phone handling both CDMA and GSM with the same phone.
So maybe you can get it working on the other carrier - except for the part that I have never heard of anyone actually doing that. But when you look over the specs at Apple site - the iPhone 4 - shows a GSM model and a CDMA model - same with the iPhone 5. But the iPhone 4S - does not say there is a CDMA and GSM model - but rather it looks like one model does both.
So in theory - when you think about it - maybe you can take an unlocked iPhone from Sprint and run it on Straight Talk - in theory.
If anyone has actually done this where they took an iPhone 4S originally set up for Verizon or Sprint and then ran it on Straight Talk or t-mobile USA or AT&T - please let us know and let us know if there is anything special you needed to do.
I can say clearly in the future the iPhone 5 - You could not do that with - as Apple shows a GSM model and a CDMA model in their specs.
Just might wind up that the iPhone 4S unlocked is the most valuable iPhone of them all.
If you have not seen the Jimmy Kimmel video about the iPhone 5 - where he shows people the iPhone 4S and tells them it is the new iPhone 5 - it is classic. People are saying it is thinner, faster, lighter - One even says a lot lighter. Any way it is pretty funny - Look for the link titled - Jimmy Kimmel Trick - in the show notes for ep 241 over at today in iOS dot com.
Seems Apples ads are about your personal experiences with your smartphone - And samsungs ads are about mocking those waiting in line for an iPhone - If you have seen the latest commercial - And you wait in line - I would assume your thoughts are Samsung - you got what you deserved in that court case. They also has a print ad that was so misleading and laughable - that those that took the ad and edited it to be pro Apple - well - yeah - those were good ads. Samsung had at the top of the original - it does not take a genius - but the modified one i liked best was with the title - don't settle for cheap plastic. Yup - that about sums it up right there.
Before we get into iOS 6 - I just wanted to mention there are some quote leaked photos of an iPad mini making their rounds from China - I don't think these are real - they show the iPad mini - with stereo speakers - both flanking the new lighting port. I mean I guess Apple could put in stereo speakers - but putting them right next to the lightning port makes no sense. The only way to listen to the speakers in that case to experience the stereo sound would be to put the lightning port on the bridge of your nose with one speaker on either side - and for some reason - I don't see that being something Apple intended.
Hello Rob,
I heard a rumor that iOS 6 is going to limit the number of applications you can install on your iDevice, regardless of space, and regardless of how many folders you create. Do you know if this is true?
Thanks, Mike
Hi Rob,
FYI - iOS 6 update just hit my iPhone 4S a bit earlier than expected. Nothing on iPad yet. 11:40AM CST Regards,
Tim, Wisconsin
Seems around 1:00 PM ET on the 19th was when iOS 6 started showing up as available to upgrade to.
One thing On the upgrade to iOS 6 I should always point out is before you do the upgrade I highly recommend you do the following.
1. Plug your iOS device into a power supply. This is a must. Actually I don't even think it lets you proceed if you are not plugged into a power source.
2. Sync and back up your iOS device to iTunes on your computer of via iCloud.
3. Fore close out even open app on the iOS device.
4. Go to the Settings App - then to General - then to Reset - then Reset network settings.
5. Once it reboots - put the iOS device into Airplane mode and then turn on Wifi. Well really you only need to put it in airplane mode if it is an iPhone or iPad with cellular connection - this way you make sure your 600+ mb download is happening via wifi and not via cellular.
6. Once steps 1 to 5 are done - Then and only then start the upgrade.
This is how I have done it for the past few major upgrades - and doing it that way I have not had any issues with the upgrade. Are some of the steps a little over kill - sure - but better safe than bricked.
I should also mention that the OTA upgrade will not work on your iOS device if it is jailbroken - repeat - if you are jailbroken and you try to do an OTA upgrade it will not work. If that is your case and you do want to upgrade - you need first back up your iOS device and then do a full factory restore to remove the jailbreak - and then you can do the OTA upgrade. Of course please realize it could be months or more before a jailbreak is available for the iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen - so if you need the jailbreak - don't upgrade now.
Here is some more feed back on the iOS 6 upgrade.
Hey Rob,
Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that the iOS6 upgrade for my iPhone 4S went fine. I started downloading right as it was rolling out about 1pm EDT, and it took about 30 minutes to download over-the-air. I did have to delete all my music and a couple of apps to do it, as the update told me it needed 2.5 gigs to install and I was running low (why oh why didn't I get the 32GB model?). The time it spent "Preparing Update" was also lengthy, about 15 minutes, and then another 15 restarting and whatnot, so it was a solid hour to do the upgrade.
So far the update seems to have no real problems. I do not like the new Maps app so far -- it runs and scrolls slow on the 4S -- and I think Siri's voice sounds different, though I can't pinpoint exactly how. But these are impressions from just limited use. Hopefully, Maps gets better as I get used to it.
Dearborn, MI
It went great, after OTA downloaded the update it toke about 30 min on my iPad 3.
Siri is working and launching apps. Looks good, during start up the Apple logo is animated.
Note: I did transfer purchases and backed up before starting the OTA.
Advice: if doing the OTA on an iPhone you may also want to put it in to airplane mode and then turn on wifi before starting the OTA.
The best new feature from iOS 6 is not having to provide a password for free App Store Updates!
Tuscaloosa AL
One more note from Thomas.
Hi Rob,
If doing an OTA while using your computer that you sync to as power! Disconnect it after OTA reboots the 1st time (i.e. completed the download and starting the update)!
If not your device could roll in to DFU mode and not complete the update, It happened on me the last OTA update.
Tuscaloosa AL
Thanks thomas for that warning. If anyone had an issue going into DFU mode - this would likely be why.
Some more feedback on iOS 6.
Hi Rob New clock app for iPad is great 1st take on Siri doesn't seem to work well but I will persist. Regards,
Thanks Stuart for the feedback - My wifes initial reaction to iOS 6 on her iPad 3rd gen. Was an email to me that said she wanted the old software back - she does not like change - the reason she wanted it switched back had to do with the Safari app and what she thought were missing book marks - seems in iOS 6 in safari there are some new options - and by default it does not show the bookmarks like it used to - you need to click on the little glasses symbol at the bottom of the box where the bookmarks used to be - so if you are looking for the bookmarks or have a significant other that is pissed at you for Fracking up her iPad - tell them to calm down and point out where the bookmarks moved to.
Hey Rob, I'm a schoolbus driver in Brooklyn NY and I was able to set a bus route with google maps on my laptop, and then drop multiple pins to set up my run and then view it on my iPhone . Any chance of this happening with the new map app?
Hi Nicko - If I had to pick between that being possible or tomorrow the kids on your bus spontaneously breaking out into a song of we are the world - I would put my money on the kids. Just Sayin.
Per iOS 6 Some people were reporting issues with Wifi - where you were being redirected to an Apple webpage and asking for your to log in. Yeah - this actually was not an iOS 6 issue as it effected iOS 5 users as well - it was an issue with some back end certificates with Apples servers and verification they were doing - not sure why connecting to your Wifi in your house has to get any approvals from Apple - but It looks like it did - Bad Apple bad - how exactly does that help the UI? Anyway - that issue was fixed and I have not been hearing of any other issues with Wifi since then. If you are having issues with wifi or anything else since upgrade to iOS 6 - please let me know - 206-666-6364 - thats 206-moon dog. or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hi Rob,
Those sneaky buggers at Apple. There is now a moon phase indicator next to the time on the iPhone. Regards, 1st Lt Kevin D Commander
Civil Air Patrol
Hey Rob just wondering if the IOS 6 version of the Podcast App is better than the current standalone App which is slow and clunky.
Thanks - Dan
Hi Dan - Version 1.1 for the podcasts app is out and it does appear to be a better version - still not the best Podcatcher out there - but it is getting better.
Hi Rob, I jumped on the iOS 6 bandwagon and am pretty glad I did. The update really made my iPhone 4 seem like a new phone. It was getting very sluggish, especially any time I was typing, or trying to browse web pages. Now pages load faster and typing is super fast. The key board is now very responsive.
One of my favorite eye candy touches is the blob like progress wheel in Mail when you pull down to update.
Maps is a good update for me. There was a road in a nearby city that wasn't even on the google map, that is on the Apple map. The satellite view for my area is about the same resolution as before. I do think I'm going to miss Street View though. I used it all the time.
I'm not pleased with the podcast app though. I had downloaded it before and didn't like it. Now I'm going to be forced to either use it or get a different podcast player. You can no longer "Get more episodes" from within the iPod "Music" app. I don't like the way episodes are displayed in podcast app. If you don't subscribe, you don't have any way to get more episodes, if you do subscribe you MUST view ALL episodes. And if you download the ones you haven't heard, and try to play them, it will play the ones that you have heard and play them over the air, even if they aren't downloaded. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, but episodes don't seem to display in date order any more either. The display order is very random, and if you display newest first, it wants to play them in reverse order. If you display oldest first, you have to scroll through all of the episodes to find the ones you haven't heard. And, it doesn't show how much time is left to be played in the list view of the episodes. Regards,
Guy Whelan
Hi Guy - There is an option to only download via Wifi - which should take care of the issue of it streaming them over cellular.
There is also an option to play the episode oldest to newest or newest to oldest. Newest to oldest is the default and how it used to be - which does not make sense for podcasts. You do need to set this up for each podcast - so there is no master change you can do.
I like Mac OS Ken - it is a daily show - and I have it set up to display newest to oldest - but for it to playback oldest to newest. This way if I get a few days behind - I scroll down to the oldest episode I have not heard hit play and it progresses forward so I can hear the episodes in the order they were released. So the v1.1 update of the podcasts app actually did bring in some nice features. What it still needs to do - is when you say keep just the last 10 or 5 episode - you know only display the last 10 or 5 episodes. That said - just set up each show to display newest to oldest and playback oldest to newest and you should be golden. Again the Podcasts App is getting better.
Another update with v1.1 - there is now more playback speed settings. 0.5x 1x 1.5x 2x and 3x. This is really important if trying to listen to twit and that most annoying Julie odell is one there - can you say nails on a chalk board - going to 2x speed almost makes her bearable - almost. Crap - did I say that out loud. oh well.
Hi Rob,
I am a former podcaster, an avid consumer of music, satire, science and technology podcasts from around the world - a mixture that sees me managing a large number of podcasts both in terms of volume and variety. The new Podcast app no longer syncs with iTunes and has resurrected old podcasts. But even manually managing those podcasts - a solution that should really be shouted down by Apple's core philosophy - see podcasts pop back that have been listened to on the same app.
I am hoping this is one of those situations where I have forgotten to read the instructions.
Any solutions would be greatly appreciated - or if Apple is listening, even a fix.
Russell E
Adelaide, Australia
Just thought I'd pass along my thoughts with the new iOS upgrade. With the change, the Music app will no longer play podcasts and forces you to use Apple's podcast app. Unfortunately, this means that all of the nice dynamic playlists I set up are now useless. I have to manually go from podcast to podcast to play them instead of selecting (for example) my news playlist that plays all the related newsy podcasts, or the daily/weekly/music playlists that play the related podcasts.
I feel this is a set back as now it is more work to listen to podcasts than it used to be.
Hi Brian - Yup - If you used smart playlist for podcasts as I have in the past - you are really hosed. You used to be able to put together some really nice Podcast playlists with smart play lists. I mean you still can - just that you need to consume those smart play lists on your computer - as I have not heard of a way to get them to sync over to the Podcasts App. If anyone has a solution - please let us know.
Category: vip_Artwork
-- posted at: 12:30am EST
Thu, 13 September 2012
This page will be a round up of Rumors about the iPhone 2013 - the 7th generation of the iPhone.
Rumor - Apple to trial production of iPhone 5S soon.
Rumor Monger - Digitimes
Date - November 12th 2012
Jist of Rumor - The "iPhone 5S" (7th gen iPhone) is expected to start volume production in Q1 2013. There might even be some initiai production in December 2012.
Beliveability of Rumor - None - it is from Digitimes.
Those Re-reporting as possible:
The Washington Post
Detrioit Free Press
Category: breaking news
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Wed, 12 September 2012
Last year when the iPhone 4S was first announced the Talking heads bemoaned how small an update the 4S was. Which to me seemed way off the mark. So I went and compared the new features to the iPhone 4 vs new features for the 4S. You can see that comparison here. But in a nutshell what I found was the iPhone 4S was just as big an upgrade from the iPhone 4 as the iPhone 4 was from the iPhone 3GS. And essentially just because it was called iPhone 4S and not iPhone 5 - many thought it was an incremental update at best. They were wrong.
Fast forward 11 months and how does the iPhone 5 upgrade from the iPhone 4S measure up. After all Apple said it was the biggest upgrade ever. Well per the below chart you can see all the new key features for the iPhone 5, 4S and 4.

Larger version here
At initial glance it seems to be a major upgrade - at "initial glance" that is. But when you really look closely what I think you will see is that the iPhone 5 is really a smaller update than what we had with the iPhone 4S. Blasphemy you say - well let me take this one step further.
Lets assign a score to each new feature. And lets rate them as a +1 or +2 or +3 depending on if they are a minor, mid or major upgrade to the UI for the end user. So for example with the iPhone 4 - the Retina display would be a +3, the 720p Video recording would be a +2 and the 4 element lens would be a +1. By going through all the new updates for that version of the iPhone vs the previous - you get the results in the chart below.

Larger version here
The iPhone 4's new features vs the 3GS give a score of +30. The iPhone 4S's new features vs the iPhone give a score of +29. This is very much in line with what we said a year ago - that the iPhone 4S was just as big an upgrade vs the iPhone 4 as the iPhone 4 was vs the iPhone 3GS.
But when we look at the iPhone 5 - well it scores just a +25. And that is giving a 0 score for the new 9 pin dock connector. If you are someone coming from another iOS device - this likely would be looked at as a -2 or -3. And then there is the movement of the headphone jack from the top of the device to the bottom. Again this is not scorred - but if it was - it would be a -2 or -3 as well. Wait until try to plug your headphones in and put it in a dock on your desk. Yeah - that is going to suck. So if you add in the minuses - what you are looking at is a score of +20 for the iPhone 5 vs +29 for the iPhone 4S and a +30 for the iPhone 4.
If you are someone with an iPhone 4S - I just don't see how you can be as excited about upgrading to the iPhone 5 - as you were when upgrading from the iPhone 4. Now that all said - if you are coming from the iPhone 4 or earlier or from an Android device - the difference will be that between Heaven and Hades - to pull a quote from a Samsung Executive.
Calling it the iPhone 5 will cause many bloggers to report it as a bigger upgrade than it was - just like they belittled the iPhone 4S last year becasue it was called the iPhone 4S. Isn't it amazing how much power there is in a name.
Category: breaking news
-- posted at: 5:30pm EST
Wed, 12 September 2012
Direct download: tii_0240.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:00pm EST
Wed, 12 September 2012
Hi_Rob, This is an iPhone 4S screen shot, opened on my iPad from Photo Stream, cropped slightly at the top with the Photo app, and then re-colorized with the ColorSplash app.
Episode 240 Transcript
We talked previously about the UDID's that the hackers stole and posted on line. And we talked about checking to see if yours was in there.
We also mentioned - that the hackers claimed they stole it from an FBI computer. The FBI denied this was the case and that they did not have this info to start with - Apple chimed in and said that Apple had not given said info to the FBI and the FBI had never requested that info.
Which left us wondering would the nobel Hacker actually lie about where they got the info - Ummmm Yup.
The hacker actually stole it from Bluetoad, Inc. They are an app development company in Florida that puts together a bunch of cookie cutter apps for the iPad - that are basically magazines and catalogs - Like Snap-on Tools Catalog or Luxury Interiors or The Men's book or one of over 150 others - which are free apps.
So if they are free Apps why do they need your UDID - Advertising of course. To make sure they taylor ads for your specific device based on all the info they gathered from you based on past ad taps.
Apple for its part in iOS 6 - is doing away with UDID's for a means of identifying users. Actually they have already told devs to get those features out of your apps - and very soon apps will be required not to use UDIDs.
In any case if you search for bluetoad one word you can see all their apps.
So again in this case - Apple and the FBI did nothing wrong - nor did they let anything happen on their watch - this is about a single app developer with lots of Apps - that they pulled together a list of UDID's - actually about 2 million of them according to their own words - which were stollen by the hacker. Not the 12 Million the Hacker originally claimed. So this hacker steals 2 million UDID's from a company - and he somehow thinks - well that is not good enough - lets tell everyone it is 12 million UDID's and rather than say he stole them from BlueToad he wants everyone to think he stole them from the FBI.
Really - I think people would have been impressed with the 2 Million number - now they just think he is kind of sad that he said he stole from the FBI.
Hi Rob, In the latest episode of Tii, a listener asked about a calculator with an undo function. I happen to have made such app. It is called ClaC and it is free on the AppStore until September 21st. I first made ClaC for myself as I grew frustrated with the apple built in one. Check it out here: http://itun.es/us/uZdIC.i Thanks for the great podcast. Cheers /Amine
Some more replies on the calculator apps.
Hi Rob, I use a calculator app that lets me go back and erase mistakes, it's called calculator+ By xneat Regards, David L
Mexico city
I use an app called Paper Calc Office (three words), it keeps a record of your inputs and the totals, like an old paper calculator would do. I like it because I can easily check my work, verify I entered the correct numbers and copy my previous totals if I made a mistake and don't want to have to re-do the entire calculation.
Rob, I have found the best suite of calculators is called PowerOne. There are many different types of calculators from finance to medical to anything you need, including custom templates. I am also pretty sure there is a free calculator from PowerOne which also has a history option. Regards,
Hi Rob,
Calculator app that you can see prior and make changes.
It rocks Regards, Michael S. M
Hi Rob,
I use is the app HiCalc Pro (I think there is a free version) and it has a scientific calculator that stores the history of what you've done. It shows all the numbers you added together which can be edited as well. I find this app real useful as an engineer because it is an all-in-one app that has many other functions too.
Eric in S
Thanks to all that sent in thoughts on the calc app - so to summarize there are the following apps to choose from.
ClaC - C L A C created by a fellow Tii Listener.
Paper Calc Office
and HiCalc Pro
Play VoiceMail - Thomas_Answr_Sync_list_anytodo
Hi, I use google calendars and toodledo on my pc. These are both free. I then use pocket informant on my iPhone and set it up to sync with google calendars and toodledo.
Pocket informant is a bit pricy but I love it. Anything added to your calendar in the app is automatically added to your iPhone calendar so events appear in your notification centre. I just wish it did it for tasks due that day too.
The reason I use toodledo and google calendar is that whilst my daughter has an iPhone, my son and husband have android phones and these online tools means that I can have calendars and tasks synced on all our phones.
Now all I need to do is train my husband and children to do the tasks they are supposed to be doing.
Mandy M
Perth, Scotland
Hi Rob,
I found having a gmail account set up on both iphones
with a password known to both husband and wife Works to automatically sync to both calendars. Also works with notes and reminders and of course email. I found this helped me and u might wanna try it. Regards,
Tosin O
Thanks to all that sent in info on sync'g notes.
In episode 239 listener Peter wanted to know of an app that he could use to manage inventory in a restaurant and use the app to place orders via email etc.
Mis en Place is just the app he is looking for.
I am a Pastry Chef in Sacramento California and I use the app Mis en Place. ( French cooking term meaning "things in place" ) The app allows you to set up multiple inventories with multiple purveyors. There's a database in the app for you to create your master order guide. You can also input your own items that are not in the data base. You can set individual par levels for each item in your order guide. The app will allow you to do your inventory for each purveyor or for each location in your kitchen. You can then generate an order from the par levels that you have established and then email that order to a designated contact. It's kind of tedious to set up but it does save time in the long run. Unfortunately it's not available for the iPad. At $10 it's a bit pricey but at this point I can't live without it.
Chris from Sacramento.
Per the caller on the last show mentioning the $250 price adder to the subsidized price for the next iPhone - I made a call to *639# from my phone and got back the following text from AT&T - That a full discount was not available - which is not surprising since I purchased the iPhone 4S in November - when I was first eligible last year. And now AT&T is saying to get a new phone - I need to pay the subsidized price sign up for a new two year commit plus pay another $250 for a special fee - plus then a $36 upgrade fee - because you now the $250 upgrade fee on its own was not enough. But if I want to wait until June 14th 2013 - then I can get the $250 fee waived.
Again to check that on your iPhone on AT&T dial - *639# on your iPhone - and you should get a text back pretty quickly with your status. Thanks to all that sent feedback on this one.
Hi Rob,
I'll be unlocking my iPhone 4 next month. FYI, I came across this AT&T web form to submit the request.
Steven (in Houston)
Hi Steven - Thanks for the link. And it is a link to the Device Unlock Portal on AT&T site - which you can find in the show notes for ep 240 at today in iOS dot com - look for the one titled - AT&T customer device unlock form.
It is being reported as well - that AT&T is allowing the unlocking of iPhones that are still on contract. It seems the biggest requirement is that your account must be in good financial standings or no soup for you.
An end to one of the stranger court cases I have heard about regarding an iOS device - is finally at hand.
Seems that a person in Australia had his iPad stollen. He also had Find my iPhone feature enabled and it said his iPad was at a specific house - He tried getting the police to go around - but could not get them to follow up with out more evidence. Because you know - the fact his stollen iPad was showing where it was currently located was not somehow proof enough.
So the victim in this case did what most of us would have done - which I would have done - which I do not recommend by the way - he went to the house in question. He then used the find my iPhone feature to set off the alarm on his iPad. which he then was able to hear going off in the garage. He called the police and this time they listened and went to the crooks house and recovered the stolen iPad and a bunch of other stolen property.
And so far - all sounds pretty normal - except we have lawyers involved - and the one for the crook was like right out of breaking bad. The Crooks lawyer claimed the victim had actually electronically trespassed by sending out the find my iPhone alarm signal.
Luckily the judge or actually chief Magistrate in this case - had her BS meter turned on and said - Ummm No. The judge said the claims were absurd and the victim could have just as likely been calling out to a kidnapped child listening for a reply. Good for your Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker - for showing common sense does actually exist some times in a court room.
There is an article over on Cult of Mac - talking about the difference in iPad sales and Android Tablet Activations. Or more specifically the very small number of Android activations that are tablets. Right now about 70,000 of 1.3 Million activations daily are for Android tablets. Or less than a 1/3rd of what the iPad does. This article tries to say it was because Android was late out the gate with a good OS version for Tablets -and goes on to claim this was because Steve Jobs and Apple kept all info about the iPad away from the thief, double agent and former board member Eric Schmidt. However I disagree.
I say the key difference on why iOS is kicking Androids but on the only really level playing field - the unsubsidized world of Tablets. is Well the reason is simply because iOS is a better UI and OS. This goes back to my theory that the main reason people buy so many Android phones - is they are cheap and they are just buying a phone to make a phone call and it happens to be Android. Or put another way People by Android phones because they just need a phone - people get iPhones because they need much more than a phone. And with Tablets you really need much more than a phone.
Hi Rob,
I have a Sprint iPhone 4S. Since I updated to 5.1.1 my visual voicemail no longer works. Sometimes the voicemail will appear but cannot play messages. Other times the messages just vanish. I contacted Sprint and they blamed the issue on Apple software. I next went to the local Apple store. They blamed this on Sprint's network but did a hard reboot and then a restore. This fixed the problem however the following day I started back with same problem.
I was hoping someone in your audience had the same problem and came up with a solution.
Love the show!
Regards, Mike Moon Township, PA
Any chance the 5 in the invite has to do with the height of the new phone (as in inches)?
Hi Rob,
I would like to know if a black wallpaper saves more power when using a white wallpaper
Hi Trey,
No - The power draw is from the back light of the screen - which is active regardless of if you have a white wallpaper or a black one.
Want to save power - just put the iPhone to sleep. But the color on your iOS devices wallpaper has no bearing on battery life.
Rob W
Hi Rob,
Back in April of this year, my wife was involved in a bad auto accident that has left her with quadriplegia and to this date, she is still in a rehab hospital. She has limited movement of both arms but no movement of the fingers of either hand. Because she cannot move her fingers, she cannot press the home button on either her iPhone or her iPad. Making a call is impossible for her, again because she can't press and hold the home button which would activate Siri. I am aware of the Accessibility (Assistive Touch) features of the iPhone, but again, the on screen buttons are too small for her to accurately and consistently hit with her knuckle. Forget about trying to create and use Custom Gestures under the Assistive Touch heading. I have been to my local Apple Store and even the Apple employees are baffled by this. When my wife needs to call for a nurse in the hospital, she has a special button that she can just hit with her hand. It is a rubber or plastic disc that is about 3" in diameter and 3/8" thick. It just plugs into the same jack that the normal call button plugs into. My thinking is that why can't there be a similar device that can attach to the iPhone/iPad, either blue tooth or cable connection to the headphone jack??? With a device like that, if she wants to make a call, she presses the big button, Siri activates, and she's off and running. Same thing with an incoming call. Just hit the big button!! I have not been able to find such a device. Again, Apple Store employees have been no help at all. I'm hoping that you or your listeners know of a company or source for such a device.
Regards, Mike
West Warwick, RI
Hi Mike - my thoughts are with your wife and you with regards to her recovery. The best suggestion might just be taking an Apple head phone and splicing together that with the big red button - so that when she hits the red button - it registers as the home button via the head set - As you can use the button on your headphones to trigger siri - and with iOS 6 Siri gets even more features. Of course if anyone knows of a solution like this pre made - please let us know - 206-666-6364 - that 206-Moon-Dog. or email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
This next Kickstart project actually comes recommend by Laura in Nashville whom has her own kickstarter project currently looking for funding which is iKid. But today we are talking about - Everpurse - Which is essentially a purse or a few purses - that have a battery back up in them - that you plug your iPhone into when not using. But the interesting thing is the purses battery is wirelessly recharged pr inductively charged if you prefer. So you just lay your purse or your wife's purse on the recharging matt. They have a goal of $100k - they have raised over $25k and have until October 13th at 10:00 PM ET to hit their goal. Pricing right now ranges from $99 to $169 for the purse and charging matt. To find this one search for everpurse - one word at kickstarter.
And also don't forget about iKid - from Laura you only have until Sep 15th for that project.
Thanks to Michael S for the heads up on this next one - which is that the new YouTube App is out from Google. This replaces the one going away when iOS 6 launches. To get the app - which of course is free - just search for youtube in the App store. The App iCon does not look near as good as the original App iCon. Ok that aside - the app is much different UI than the original - And I know a lot of people complained that the original had not been updated. I am guessing all those people complained prior to using this new update. In a nut shell - the new version well it kinda sorta ok - very much sucks. At least from my perspective having used the old version for the past 5 years - the new version just does not do it for me. I am going to really miss the original - Now for some reason in iTunes the new version is getting 4 star reviews on average - Ummm Yeah. Any way - let me know if you prefer the new Youtube app or the old youtube app. Not that it will matter much - as iOS will nuke the old version - at least until there is a jailbreak - and then you will likely be able to install the old version again.
Oh - I guess there is one advantage of the new version - it can have ads - which is not a real advantage - but it means some videos that are from major media companies - i.e. music vids - these were not in the old Youtube app - but are in the new one - because of the ad support.
Hi Rob,
I'm wondering if you or any of the listeners may know of a way to select all or delete all photos on the camera roll. It can be a jailbroken app or function also.
Typically you could sync to iphoto and delete all which works well on my mac, but on the work computer it is an Windows XP machine and doesn't give this option. So I'm wondering if there is a way to delete the camera roll from the phone and/or quickly select all photos to do so.
-Nick P
Hi Rob,
Here's a review of "College Football Radio & Live Scores". I'm a big UCLA fan, my alma mater, but live in North Carolina and rarely get the opportunity to see them play on TV anymore. I have typically used the app Sportacular to follow the game remotely, but it doesn't give you any actual game audio, only updates. Since downloading College Football Radio & Live Scores, I've got my college games back! It's a simple app that allows you to choose your team, and both listen, and save your favorite radio stations. It works very quickly getting you the station within a few seconds. It will list teams based on Top 25 and through conferences, notify you in advance the schedule of who your team is playing, and the time. There are no additional bells and whistles like social connections to other listeners, rankings within conferences, or detailing the teams wins, losses, or any other additional information. The app simply, easily, and quickly gets you to the game you want to listen to. It's certainly worth $0.99 to hear the games.
Alright almost into the goodness of today's announcements. To put how much I think about this - I had a dream Monday night I was at the Apple event and prior to the kickoff had a chance to talk to Tim cook - and all he wanted to talk about was the custom back on my current iPhone with the glowing logo and steve jobs in the Apple. And then afterwards in my dream I called Ken Ray at Mac OS Ken and was telling him how cool it was to meet Tim cook. Yeah - the build up to these events is taking a toll on me.
Hi Rob,
My quick 2 cents on the controversy over what the new iPhone will be called - not a big deal at all. I don't care about it and it won't affect the user experience one bit. If people want to freak out about something, freak out about iOS 6 downgrading to an inferior mapping system. THAT'S something to be concerned about.
Chicago, IL
Hi Brent - Good point - and on that note - lets get into the September 12th event - Actually a few hours before the event it became apparent the iPhone 2012 - was actually going to be called the iPhone 5 - which is now the official name - this became apparent when searches on Apple.com found reference to the soon to be press release about the iPhone - with the title - or URL - www.apple.com/pr/library/2012/09/12Apple-Introduces-iPhone-5.html
While the link itself did not work - it was pretty clear - the name was going to be iPhone 5 - and When Tim Cook and team took stage - that was confirmed.
Per the event it started out with the typical Rar Rar Go Team type announcements. talking about Apple stores - new ones and new countries. 380 stores over all now in 13 countries. The obligatory Mac outgrowing PC in sales growth info - Repeat on the iPad sales from Q2. That Tablet share from April to June the iPad had 68% of the market - but the iPad accounted fro 91% of the web traffic - which Tim then said he did not know what these other tablets were doing quote They must be in warehoused or on store shelves or maybe in someone's drawer. unquote. Then he talked about now over 250,000 iPad Apps. He mentioned there are over 700k iOS Apps overall and 90% of them get at least one download a month and the average user downloads over 100 apps.
And then he turned the mic over to Phil Shiller to talk about the new iPhone. To which he officially announced the iPhone 5. Uggg - Ok rob get used to the name it is a done deal. He then showed it and not to anyone surprise it was what had been leaked in the images before. It is a metal back it is all aluminum and glass. 7.6 mm thin - 18% thinner than the iPhone 4S. it is 112 grams - 20% lighter. It has the 4" screen expected as well. A 1136 x 640 screen resolution. 16:9 aspect ratio. There is now an extra row of icons - so it is 5 rows of 4 apps - plus the 6th row for the dock. It does have the rumored in-cell touch sensing tech for the screen - making it even more accurate on touches. As also expected and needed - it is LTE. The LTE works in a bunch of countries - in the US with AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. In Canada - LTE works with Bell, Rogers, Telus, Fido, Virgin and Koodo.
There are other countries in Europe and Asia with LTE compatibility - more on that in the near future.
It has a new A6 processor which Apple claims is 2x faster CPU than A5 and 2x faster graphics.
Battery life is about on par with the 4s - 8 hours of 3g talk time, 8 hours or 3g or LTE browsing, 225 hours of standby. Again a wash on the battery life vs 4s.
Per the Camera - it remains an 8MP camera with a 5 element lens as with the 4S - but there are some improvements. Dynamic low light mode, Preceision lens alignment - hey does that mean the 4S lens was not aligned with precision? And the 5's camera has a Sapphire crystal - because you know that sounds so cool. And well because quote Sapphire is renowned for being hard and crystal clear" Phil also claimed Photo capture is 40% faster - which by the was the 4S capture speed was pretty quick as it was.
And with the iPhone 5 they added Panorama - which well lets you take panorama photos.
Overall the improvements in the camera seems minor vs the 4S - not nearly as big a jump as from the 4 to 4S. But if you are going from the 4 to 5 - you will be really happy.
Per video recording. You can now take photos while recording video. Ok - cool feature.
And there is improved video stabilization - that unlike the Nokia 920 does not require a guy in a van - just saying.
FaceTime Camera is now 720P HD - with backside illumination and face detection - so some improvements to the front facing camera.
There are now three mics - Bottom, Front and Back. And the speaker had been improved on the bottom - but still mono speaker.
And as feared / expected for some time - it is now a 9 pin smaller dock connector - the 30 pin doc connector is gone. Say hello to Lightning - that is the name of the connector tech - to go along with thunderbolt on the mac - how cute. It is an all digital reversible connector. So does not matter how you plug it in. As also expected they have a 30 pin to 9 pin dongle adapter.
It will be available in either black or white. Pricing as expected stays the same - $199 for 16gb, $299 for 32gb and $399 for 64 gb versions. With a 2 year contract that is. iPhone 3Gs is dead - gone no more. iPhone 4 with 8GB is now the free phone and the 4S with 16 gb is the $99 phone.
Preorders start on September 14th - with launch on September 21st - Available on the 21st in the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Starts shipping to more countries on Sept 28th and then be december it will be available in over 100 countries on 240 carriers.
No word yet on where the head phone jack is - but there was one photo showing the power button top side - but no whole for the head phone jack - so it seems that the headphone jack will be on the bottom.
iOS 6 will be available for download on September 19th.
Next up with a new iPod Nano - and skip over that as it does not run iOS .
After that they talked about the iPod touch.
The new 5th gen iPod touch is thinner and lighter - just 6.1 mm thick and 88 grams on weight.
It has the same 4" retina screen from the iPhone 5. It has the A5 processor. It still has both a front and rear camera and now there is an LED flash. The camera on the back is a 5 MP camera with Sapphire crystal and 5 element lens. So essentially the same camera as the back of the iPhone 5 except 5 MP not 8 MP.
Front camera is 720 HD camera - which is the same as the iPhone 5 front camera.
Same Wifi as with the iPhone 5.
And it has SIRI.
It has what they are calling the loop. or iPod touch loop - which is a wrist strap that connects to the back bottom corner. Good for kids.
And now it comes in multiple colors. 5 different colors to be specific and the loop is color coordinated to match.
The new iPod touch 5th gen - will be available in october starting at $299 for the 32 GB version and $399 for the 64 GB version. If you want a cheaper iPod touch - the 4th gen iPod touch is sticking around at $249 for the 32 gb version and $199 for the 16 gb version.
The new iPod nano - it is $149 also available in October. But we are not talking about it.
And remember those new rumored ear buds we talked about - yeah well rumored no more - as they turned out to be the real deal - with Apple announcing the new ear buds available today.
So to wrap up looking at the iPhone 2012 bingo card the new iPhone is called the iPhone 5, it has LTE, There are new earbuds, It has a metal back, It is thinner and lighter, it has the 4" screen, An a6 Processor, HD Video front camera, Has the new 9 pin dock connector - 9 if you count ground - which is now called lightning. It has the in-cell touch sensing tech. And the head phone jack is now on the bottom. It has a sapphire crystal lens cover.
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