Here is a photo taken with an iPhone 5 camera using the True HDR app and the Photo Pad app on the iPad 1 to edit the picture.
Jim from Lakewood Colorado
Transcript for Episode 263
I am surprised nothing has been announced yet about WWDC 2013 - for those not in the know on that accronym - that is the World Wide Developer Conference for 2013. As soon as I hear about this I will send out a push. Last year it sold out in less than 2 hours. If you are a dev and hear about it - send me an email letting me know right away.
Last episode I talked about the NCAA March Madness live for iPhone app and doing the Tournament bracket as a group for Tii. Seems that is the only Freaking bracket in the world that locks it self down for the First 4 games on Tuesday. Wow - that kinds sorta sucked. Since most people were not able to get into the group bracket - sorry about that to all. I expected it to stay open until Thursdays big kickoff. and when I say that I mean it - as I did not even get my bracket picks in on time for it either. Dooohh. So next year - I will do the bracket challenge for Tii listeners on CBS main site and not through the app - because well that was not a good user experience. Sorry to all that missed out.
0010 - Apple Updates Podcasts App, Adds Custom Stations With iCloud Sync And Fixes Playback Resume Bug | TechCrunch
Apple has finally updated the Podcasts App and since this is an iOS podcasts - this seemed like the best first piece of news to start with. Some of the key changes. Well one it does not crash nearly every time you open it - so it is much more stable. I think Apple technically calls that quote additional Performance and stability improvements unquote - and it is the last item they list - but the first one as far as I am concerned. You can now create custom stations with multiple podcasts listing the most recent episodes - think of that as the Stitcher feature. Play lists are now synched - Yea or about time depending on your level of frustration. Apple killed their skeuomorphic elements - that is the items that look like real world devices - in this case the reel to reel player was axed.
0010 - Apple’s Podcasts App Updated With A Plethora Of New Features -- AppAdvice
I sent out a push on the Tii app asking for feedback on your thoughts about the new version of the podcasts app - and well it ran the full spectrum. Here is some of that feedback.
Hey Rob,
Per the new Podcast app. What a mess! Ended up with a million badges on each of my shows for long-ago listened to episodes. Also sorry that Apple via Cook & Ive are getting away from anything "skeuomorphic". I was always a fan of these touches. Guess Calendar will lose its blotter pad as well. Everything will be vanilla. How PC.
Jeff in Burbank
Hi Rob,
Looks like the podcast app has some likeable new features. For a starters I like the number that I haven't listened showing up much like being alerted that one has emails that haven't been opened.
Earl, London Canada
Hi Rob,
I was thrilled to try out the new version of the Podcasts App, particularly with the iTunes Playlist support. Well, it's a mixed bag.
It did import my playlists for my Podcasts, and displayed the various Podcasts in order as defined by the Playlist. I noted that I had to go and reconfigure the display/play order for each playlist, but then it played the various podcast shows as I wanted them. YEA!
However, this morning when I grabbed my phone, I was shocked to see that it downloaded ALL of the podcasts' shows! Now it shows I have well over a thousand shows to listen to. So, it doesn't quite sync properly with iTunes. The Playlists are intact, only showing those that I wanted to, but each Podcast downloaded everything. More puzzling is when I look at the Podcast settings, they are still showing Auto-Download as off. So why did they download?
I think that this gets the app at least back to what the Music app used to support with respect to Playlists.
Hi Rob,
Per the new version of the Podcasts App - I really like the sleep button location and the ease of use. I also like the fact that it warns you when when the app will use your cellular data to download the podcast you selected. So overall I think it is greatly improved from apple's first attempt.
José A Báez
Hi Rob,
Per the update to the podcasts app - let me tell you, it is a far cry from the disaster which was the previous version. I am relieved that it does away with most of the skeuomorphism of the previous version, as well as fixes the episode downloading issue and allows it to play episodes from the point at which you stopped listening to it, as opposed to possibly having to restart the episode. I have also found that the app is more stable while running behind other apps although I have noticed it randomly pauses sometimes still. But at least now it is usable.
Jasen Szekely
Hi Rob,
Apple scored on the update of Podcasts. Improvements include, easy access to old and deleted episodes and a quick way to force an update of all episodes. Thankfully, the update did not "mark as unplayed" every episode of every podcast in my library.
Hi Rob, I love the update to the Podcast app!!!! The update now let's you delete podcasts subscriptions or individual episodes right in the app. It also makes it easier to refresh. Couldn't be happier 😍
Laurie B
Frisco, TX
Hi Rob,
The updated podcast app is crap.
Best Regards
Joel D
Hi Rob,
FYI - Podcasts version 1.2.1 addresses a problem with refreshing some podcasts and an issue with upgrading to Podcasts 1.2.
Hi Rob!
You asked for us to give feedback on the podcast app.
Well, let me tell you I love it!
It is very easy to search and find whatever podcasts you're looking for and it's also very easy to press download and it just downloads it. For example, you can set it up for it to download only via Wi-Fi so you will not run out of cellular data if you don't have the unlimited plan.
Jose Buenabad
As I said the responses ran the full spectrum - one person complained all episodes downloaded - I did not see that and did not hear it from others. Some like that the tape to tape reel is gone - some morn it - I fall on the morn it side - I liked that touch - even if completely useless. But looking at the responses overall more people than not liked the update of the Podcasts app especially when compared to the previous versions. I personally like it - one thing I don't like is they changed the go forward 30 sec or go back 10 sec option on the old versions to go forward or back just 15 secs on the new version. Also Remember if you have a limited data plan or pay for data on a variable rate - you will want to go to the settings app and then find the podcasts app and turn off cellular data - so that you are only getting downloads or streaming episodes via Wifi. I have used the Podcasts app a lot in the past - and I do feel this version is better as far as a stability point of view goes. Apple said to me previously their goal is to get the Podcasts app to be the best Podcatcher in the App store - are they there yet - Nope - but they did take a big step in that direction with v1.2 hopefully the next major update will continue that trend. And since they support playlists - lots of the feedback people sent in about getting MP3 files in does not fit anymore per the caller on the last show. So I will skip over that feedback and say try the podcasts app especially if you have playlists for podcasts - as they are finally supported now in the Podcasts app.
Apple: iOS 6.1.3 download link for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch | BGR
Well Apple rolled out iOS 6.1.3 back a little after the last episode went up. What is new with 6.1.3 - essentially it is just a security update - specifically for that lock screen bypass - that if you jumped through hoops just the right way you could get some access to the device - which we talked about previously - and now that bypass is blocked. Apple also patched some of the vulnerabilities used to jailbreak with Evasion - which means if you want to jailbreak - do not upgrade to iOS 6.1.3 - stay at 6.1.2.
iOS 6.1.3 Issues Plaguing iPhone, iPad Users
Here is some feedback from listeners with regards to 6.1.3
Hi Rob
Just a quick email to say, wow is it me or is everything more stable & solid with iOS 6.1.3 or am I imagining it? I love the update to the Apple Podcast app & it's now 5 Stars from me & my app of choice.
Hi Rob,
6.1.3 is out but only states fixes to the lock screen bypass and maps in Japan, any ideas on the others? (Break the Jail-brake)
Tuscaloosa AL
Hi Rob,
Since we upgraded to IOS 6.1.3, our battery life seems to be greatly reduced. The location services arrow is always displayed, even if no apps are running. This is true on my iPhone 5 and my wife's 4S.
Wondered if others were having a similar experience.
Sandy & Carl
New iPhone lock screen exploit discovered in iOS 6.1.3, exposes contacts and photos | The Verge
So with all updates there are some additional issues found - and 6.1.3 is no exception. First up a new lock screen exploit has already been discovered - that will allow access to Contacts and photos. This latest one actually requires you to eject the sim card midway through a voice control initiated phone call. And it only effects owners of the iPhone 4 and 4S with Siri disabled. Yup lots of hoops on this one to. I guess expect iOS 6.1.4 any time now.
T-Mobile finally adds the iPhone
2,100 days ago the iPhone launched on AT&T and in a dozen more - April 12th to be specific - T-Mobile will finally get the iPhone. If you are a T-mobile customer that was holding out for the iPhone stuck with your old feature flip phone - then you long long wait is finally about to end. T-Mobile is changing things around an going contract free which means they are not subsidizing the iPhone. No More long term contract with ETF's - instead you pay upfront for the iPhone at $580 bucks for the 16 GB version or you put $99.99 down to start with and pay an additional $20 a month for 24 months to pay off the iPhone. T-mobiles main monthly plans will be $50 a month for unlimited talk and text and 500 MB of 4G data. If you go up to the $60 a month plan you get 2GB of data and the $70 a month plan gets you unlimited data, talk and text.
Pre-orders for the iPhone 5 on t-mobile start on April 5th.
Now if you are looking at taking your current unlocked iPhone 5 purchased for AT&T over to T-Mobile - your iPhone 5 will work on the t-mobile HSPA+ 21 Mbps and LTE networks. Though it will not work on T-mobiles HSPA+ 42 mbps network. The next iPhone 5 sold by T-mobile will support the hspa+ 42 mbps network plus LTE on T-mobile.
Current AT&T iPhone 5 will work on T-Mobile LTE, HSPA+ 21 networks | Macworld
Now here is where it gets even more confusing if you have a CDMA iPhone 5 in the US - likely from Verizon or Sprint - it will only work on T-mobiles 21 mbps hspa+ but not on the 42 mbps hspa+ or LTE networks. But really chances of you having an unlocked iPhone 5 CDMA version are pretty slim right now. And you are best waiting until April 12th to get a new iPhone 5 if you want on t-mobiles network.
0018 - Setting the record straight: Own an AT&T iPhone 5? It will work on T-Mobile’s LTE network — Tech News and Analysis
And if you are all confused about this don't worry I bet most people at AT&T and T-mobile and Apple are confused as well - One of the better articles going over this is from Gigaom - titled - Setting the record straight - T-mobile look for it in the show note for ep 263 over at today in iOS dot com.
T-Mobile's iPhone 5 will differ from the pack | Dialed In - CNET Blogs
CNET - also had an article talking about differences of the T-mobile iPhone. 1 - there is unlimited 4G face time. T-mobiles iPhone 5 supports HD Voice. Which is a hardware/software feature for better audio quality for phone calls. However HD Voice is one of those features that requires both caller and callee to have HD voice compatible phones. iPhone 5, S3, HTC One S and Nokia Astound.
One way the iPhone 5 is different from other t-mobile phones - it will not initially offer wifi calling at launch. Sounds like it might be made available later on as hinted by T-mobile but not confirmed by t-mobile.
Which Network Has The Better iPhone 5 Deal, AT&T or T-Mobile? - Forbes
So which plan is for you Sprint / t-mobile / verizon / AT&T?
Well if you go to unlimited every thing. Then you are looking at $110 a month for Sprint, Verizon and AT&T. Note unlimited everything means 4Gig of data on Verizon and AT&T. With t-mobile you are looking at $90 a month for unlimited everything after you add the $20 a month payment for the phone. With T-mobile after 5 gig of data they put the parking break on and throttle down your data. So looking at the 2 year cost for the iPhone 5 - it is $2840 from Sprint, AT&T and Verizon. It is just $2,260. Those costs count the $199 up front fee from Sprint, AT&T and Verizon and the $99 up front cost from T-mobile. So T-mobile will cost you $100 less to start out and $20 a month less going forward for a total savings of $580 over 2 years. Mind you this is when comparing the everything plans. Which does not actually include Mobile hotspots for Sprint at an additional $20 a month for 2gb of tethering. Hot spots are included in the AT&T and Verizon plans - but since they limit to 4GB you can't go crazy. T-mobile give you 500 MB of tethered data with the base plan and more data tethered at an additional charge.
Of course if you really want to save money - you could go to Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk. As Straight Talk will run you $649 for the iPhone 5 upfront - but only $45 a month for the unlimited talk, text and data plan for a total cost of $1,729 for two years which is $1,111 less than Sprint, AT&T and Verizon and $530 less than T-mobile.
Hi Rob,
Per the caller asking if there were any apps for the iPhone that alert you if you go over the speed limit: TomTom's very own iOS app has had this feature for years. I used this app all the time before the ios Google Maps app arrived last year. I don't use the TomTom app anymore but I'm sure it still has speed limit warnings.
For the caller enquiring, NAVIGON has Speed limit notifications customizable to alert you when you are 5, 10, 15 or 20 mph over the speed limit. There are many other great features!
And Navigon was also recommended by Barry, Brian, Mike and Damon.
Who mentioned the Navagon App lets you set different warning levels for urban (i.e., in-town driving) vs rural driving.
Hi Rob,
The mapping app I use is Magellan road mate. It shows the current speed, E.T.A., speed limit, over limit sound, red highlighted speed limit.
George B
I am a Schwan's man and use GPS Drive Motion-X. Speed turns red when you exceed speed limit. It is $10.00/year for updates. I have used it for 4 years with NO PROBLEMS. They are very proactive with great service.
Dear Rob,
About the guy in episode 262 looking for a GPS app that has a notification when you are above the speed limit, Scout Personalized GPS has this feature and more great features that in my opinion every great GPS app should have.
Hi Rob,
I've been using CoPilot Live since 2008 It has fantastic features, and yes the over the speed limit alert settings 5,10, 15 mph over. Your is always informative.
Dr. Boyce, Kalamazoo Mi
Hi Rob
In response to the question regarding GPS navigation, internationally Sygic is a popular offline GPS navigation app although I don't think many Americans are aware of it. Living in Thailand I use it all the time and recently I downloaded and used the North American software during a visit to California. It worked superbly. The app includes 3D maps with settable warnings or alert for; railway crossings, speed limits, speed cameras, traffic notifications, and points of interest, just to name a few. It's available in the AppStore. It's not free. I have used both Garmin and Tom-tom and they both seem underdeveloped and basic compared to Sygic.
Thanks for the podcast.
I love it!
Thanks to all that called in or wrote in on the GPS question - which it seems most GPS apps give you a warning about speed limits - the ones just mentioned again are the TomTom App, the Navigon App, Magellan Road Mate, GPS Drive Motion-X, Scout Personalized GPS, CoPilot Live and Sygic. So pretty much all the major 3rd Party GPS apps.
Here is one more option that is not GPS based.
Hi Rob,
SpeedHUD, a driving app shows you how fast you're going by displaying your speed on the reflection of your windshield. You place your iphone on your dashboard and it displays a reverse image of your current speed on the screen which gets reflected back on the windshield (works best at night).
HUD for those that don't know stands for Heads Up Display. Great tool for long distance commuters like me, I just set this on my dash and never have to look down at my speedometer, always keep my eyes on the road. BTW it also does KPH, and you can set warnings to alert you when you've exceeded a specified speed.
Aric Boyles
On the last call we also had a listener asking about Phone Service in Thailand. Here is some of the feedback received on that.
Hi Rob
This is in reply to your listener who is travelling to Thailand in April.
There are three main carriers here, AIS, True and Dtac. Although I have a contract with True I would recommend AIS as, in my experience, they have better coverage. He can get an AIS sim card in the telephone section of most department stores or from their dedicated agent, Telewiz. There are Telewiz shops in most shopping malls.
On another note, if your listener was hoping to use Apple maps here, then forget it. They are only in Thai!! Google maps is very good or there is a dedicated map app for Thailand called Nostra which is free, in English and Thai, and contains a ton of information.
Hope this helps and thanks for the show.
Keith, in Thailand
Dear Rob,
Here's the info on the Cellular Operators for Thailand. For the best coverage, I'd go with AIS. They have many packages to choose from and you can get the SIM card from any local 7-11 Stores (or many other convenience stores). Generally, the cost and quality of cellular services are very good in Thailand. Hope your listeners find this useful. By the way, have a wonderful trip!
Best Regards,
Paul M
For your listener going to Thailand.
I recommend him to use TRUE as provider.
Buy a prepaid sim card at any 7-11 store of which there are thousends literally.
TRUE has the best 3G network and fast internet.
Joost in Bangkok
Hi Rob,
For the listener coming to Thailand, here is what he needs to know about
service providers.
There are three main providers - AIS / True and Dtac - all offer 3G service
and pay as you go plans.
I use Dtac - good coverage in the areas the listener is visiting and the
least expensive.
When he arrives at an international airport there should be a kiosk offering
free Dtac SIM cards but if not, 7-Eleven stores sell SIM cards for approx.
$3.00l and there is a 7-Eleven on every street in Thailand.
You can top up as well at any 7-Eleven.
With regard to data plans, I would recommend a 1Gb / Edge unlimited plan for
30 days which will cost approx. $15 Cdn. You can re-load with additional top
ups of 1 Gb of data during the one month for approx. $5.00.
Two cautions, he may need to phone Dtac customer service to activate 3G
service as well as purchase the data plan. That's easy, put the cash on his
number at any 7-Eleven and then phone 1678 > 4 to complete with a live
person who will speak English and make sure to have them confirm his phone
is activated for 3G.
Hope this helps.
Rob in Thailand
Hi Rob,
The best cellular network in Thailand is AIS. They are 3G in most of Thailand and 4G in select areas. Avoid Dtac. they offer spotty service and incredibly slow Internet access if available at all. The only other choice is True and I can't recommend their service either, even if their servise is better than Dtac.
Regarding carriers in Thailand. You can most likely can buy prepaid sim cards easily and cheapely in many locations including your arrival airport. Just remember to bring a sim card cutter as although micro sims are not unheard of they are not nearly as common as mini sims. I purchased a cutter for $6 a while ago and it works great.
Kevin Barry
Hi Rob,
For listener Brad looking for an app to download youtube videos.
The McTube app will allow you to cache videos and make playlists. It'll cost $2 for all features, but is by far my favorite youtube app. Playlists Will have to be managed manually, but as far as I know it's the only option for making playlists of cached videos.
Hope this helps,
Travis P.
Thanks to Tash for the heads up on this next tip. And that is for those with a Mac and looking to import photos faster than with iPhoto. What you do is connect your iPhone to your Mac vis the USB cord. Open the Preview app - click on File then import from your iOS devices name. You will then see a group of files you can drag and drop anywhere on your Mac. This is nice if all you want to do is take a photo and bring it into your mac to use in say keynote or some other program. Once you see the icons of the photos you can easily drag and drop that photo to your desk top.
Thanks to Tash and Michael for this next one. Which is about Apples new two step authentication process for iCloud and new devices you add to your iCloud account. iCloud users can set up two-step authentication now for Apple IDs by going to appleid.apple.com and then select Password and Security option and going through the process.
0030 - iPad 5 to come with wireless charging, release date in April | Northern Voices Online
More rumors on the 5th gen iPad. Top of them being it will be released in April - which means Apple better get on it and you know have an event to announce it. Also said April released 5th gen iPad will also have inductive charging. The reasoning behind this rumor is the 4th gen iPad was just a minor change from the 3rd gen - and now that sales of it are getting beat by the iPad mini - Apple needs to do something fast to right the ship of the iPad Maxi sales. Which I guess makes sense. If reports of iPad maxi sales are correct - and we should have a better idea of that in a few weeks when Apple does its quarterly conference call - then Yes I would expect the iPad maxi to be the next device Apple upgrades. I would also expect the case of the next iPad Maxi to be different than the current iPad in appearance - as it really has not changed much in the past 3 gens of the iPad.
iPhone 5S & iOS 7 Predicted to Deliver Killer Feature Without iPhone 6
This next one really is not so much rumors about Apple ware - but speculation - which is a fancy name for pulling stuff from ones back side. And the one doing the pulling from their back side this time is Katy Huberty of Morgan Stanley - yes the same Katy Huberty that has traditionally been the biggest bear on Apple. She is now speculating that the iPhone 5S will release this year with a killer feature that will be part of iOS 7. Essentially another feature on par or greater than Siri was for the 4S - will be rolled out with the iPhone 5S. She also is expecting the 5S to look identical to the 5 - just like the 4S was identical to the 4 on the outside.
And No Katy did not even hint at what said killer feature would be - as well she has limits on her speculation I guess. Or it is easier to look smarter later on if she is as vague as possible now. Just sayin.
Thanks to Steven W for this next one - which is about apple adding a new warning in the iOS App store if an App has in app purchases. With a message next to the app in the app store that says quote offers in-app purchases unquote. This I guess is in response to a slew of recent my 5 or 6 year old ran up X thousands of dollars buying virtual Gems / coins or veggies in some App. Because you know that whole restrict in-app purchase option is so hard to turn on.
Folks if you have kids and you give them an iOS device - set up restrictions - go to Settings - then General - then restrictions - then turn off In-App Purchases - it is that simple. I really have no sympathy for parents that give their kids an iOS device to use and don't turn off in-app purchases after all the reports in the past.
Hi Rob,
You seem to like making the distinction between Android shipping numbers and actual sales and devices accessing the Internet, making the point that iOS devices appear to be used rather than sitting on a shelf.
Well, add this to the figures - in a screenshot of the dashboard for the in house wi-fi network for a New England Patriots game this past fall, there are 10866 unique iOS devices compared to only 2915 Android devices. Pretty clear stat.
If one was being unkind, it might also be assumed that there might be more Android users - but they are either too scared to use their devices in public, or too scared to go out in public. But that would be unkind.
As always, I love your show and never miss it, so thanks. And hello to Chris from London and Tash - love hearing your tips.
Russell Emmerson
Adelaide, Australia
Thanks Russell for the link to the screen shot showing those numbers.
Link below, screenshot about 2/3 through article:
By 5 to 1, Apple's iPhone 5 out-tweeted Samsung's Galaxy S4 - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech
You know another place iPhone 5 trounced the S4 - is on Twitter. As in how many people were tweeting about said devices when they first launched. There were 2.4 Million tweets about the iPhone 5 vs just 440,000 for the S4. Now some of those tweets on both sides were not always positive. If you go by comparing positive tweets - between the two then there were 1.75 Mil positive tweets for the iPhone 5 vs just 356,000 positive tweets for the S4 putting it at basically a 5 to 1 ratio of positive tweets for the iPhone 5 vs the S4. This based on tweets on the day the device was announced.
I was going to have my 4 year old son do the read on this next story because he likes to make up crazy stories. But alas waking him up at 2:00 in the morning to do the read would not sit well with mommy. This story is about Frank Shaw from Microsoft talking about how Windows Phone has reached a 10% market share in a number of countries and they have shipped more than the iPhone in seven of those countries. This is supposedly from data from IDC on world wide shipments from Last quarter. The New York times is reporting said seven countries are India, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine and a group called Rest of Europe. Will be interesting to see if Microsoft will also include numbers about units Sold - just sayin
Hey Rob
I'm going to be going to Canada in a couple weeks and I wanted to have a prepaid Sim for my iPad so I could use data in Canada. I have a verizon ipad 3 I just wondered if anyone could recommend or tell me how hard it's going to be or hopefully you can tell me how easy it's going to be to have a prepaid Sim in Canada.
Chris J.
I will send this out to the audience - if anyone out there has taken a Verizon iPad to Canada and was able to get a local pre-paid data SIM card to work - please let us know which one you used and roughly what it cost and how much data you got. And of course if there was anything special you did to get it to work. 206-666-6364 - 206-moon-dog - or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hi Rob,
This is a review of the app Snapguide. It is available for the low, low price of free. The app lets anyone create a simple how-to guide and share it with the world. Browsing through the guides is fun and addictive. There are guides on anything from food to arts & crafts. You can learn some great and unique things. Creating guides is just as easy. You give your guide a name, optional description, supplies list and as many panels as you need. Each panel can contain text, a photo, or a video, along with a caption. Users can leave a comment for any panel or the overall guide, as well as "like" it. The app keeps track of how many comments, views, and likes each guide has gotten. As great as it is, and being free, there's no reason anyone shouldn't own it. I can't think of one negative thing about it. Enjoy and learn something new. You can follow me, user Lou Valencia.
Lou V
Thanks Lou for the review. Remember folks if you have a favorite app you would like to review on the show - give us a call 206-666-6364 that's 206-moon-dog. Or send an email like lou did to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hi Rob,
I recently decided to gave a family member my old iPhone 3G as a gift.
I did a full wipe, AT&T unlock, and restored to iOS 4.2.1 (the last
iOS supported by the 3G)
The problem is, now that the phone has no apps, virtually every app I
try to install requires iOS 4.3.3 or later. From an apps perspective,
this iPhone 3G has become useless.
It's shocking how hard it is to find any apps that still run on iOS
4.2.1. Even very simple old apps. Previous versions of apps are not
carried in the Apple App Store and current versions just won't
Is there a way (via Jailbreaking presumably,) to get and install older
versions of essential apps like Skype, Viber, Twitter, etc.? I'd
appreciate any advice from on the subject.
First - if you have an old iPhone first gen or 3G - best not to be sync'g said device any more - i know I have many apps working just fine on my original iPhone that if I ever sync'd up I would loose. But if someone knows of a resource or app - that make it easy to find apps for those older devices running pre iOS 4.3 software - please let us know.
206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog - or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
I went to Big Kansas City Conference this past week - want to guess where it was located. The conference was a Tech slash entrepreneur conference. At the event I had the opportunity to interview Adam Wilson Founder of Orbotix whom are the makers of Sphero. Sphero is a robot ball that is controlled by your iOS device - and also can be used to control your iOS device. Lets play the interview with Adam.
Thanks to Adam for his time. I had a chance to briefly play with the Sphero and I was really really surprised how easy it was to operate. This is nothing like the remote control Helicopter which is a lesson in controlling ones temper as your helicopter crashes and breaks. Nope the Sphero was easy to use right away - kudos to them on getting such a good UI. I have one coming my way and I am looking forward to seeing how my two boys do controlling it and will report more about the Sphero on the next few episodes.
List price of the Sphero is $130 - but you can get it on Amazon for $99 from Brookstone. Link in show notes.
Thanks to Tash for this next one. Which looked like a cool project - it is called Chargebite one word and it is on Indiegogo. Current pricing is $20 - and what it is is a device where you can transfer a charge from one iOS device to another. Or as they say quote charge bite is a revolutionary charger that charges your iPhone by transferring power from your friends iPhones. You can have one or two iPhones supplying power to one iPhone getting power. And yes there were so many jokes I could have gone with - all would have lost the G rating of this show. Again I said looked like a cool project - as in the past week since I have been following it - they have only managed to get $907 of their goal of $45,000 - they do have 38 days left - and it does look like a cool device. And right now you can get in on the early bird special pricing I mention of $20 - Then pricing goes up to $22 and then up to $25. Search for chargebite one word at indiegogo - with bite spelled b i t e
Hi Rob, have you seen this yet? It's an iPhone case that turns it into a satellite phone apparently without unlocking or jailbraking. A few other cool features too like a battery recharger built-in and emergency calling button that works even without the phone in the dock. No word on where or when you can get this, or cost.
Looks legit but ya never know. Just thought I'd share.
Aric Boyles
Hi Aric - it is a real product but just for the iPhone 4 and 4S - not the iPhone 5 - I contacted the manufacturer and was sent a brochure on the product. In a nut shell per the brochure their product does not - repeat does not cover any of the Americas. It does cover Europe, Asia, Australia, and most of Africa sans South Africa. So if your travels will bring you to North, south or central America or South Africa - this is not the product for you. No info on Pricing - but I did contact them about that.
Hi Rob,
I’m using the paid version of the Westminster Chimes app on my iPhone 4S, running 6.0.
The app works well, but after the last upgrade I no longer hear Voice Over announce the actual time (i.e. 5 O’clock p.m., 11:30 a. m., etc.) when the chimes sound on the hour & half hour.
I am wondering if there is an additional setting in the app &/or notifications center to bring this feature back.
Do you or any of your listeners have any suggestions?
Hi Adam - some times after upgrades some apps have issues - You can try deleting the app having the issue and then with the same iTunes account - redownload the app - best to do this directly on the iOS device. Sometimes that fixes issues.
If anyone has any other suggestions - give us a call 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog.
Hi Rob,
I continue to love your podcast. I was wondering if there is an app that would let an iPhone 4s (jailbroken, iOS 6.1.2) run an iPad app. TNT only has an app for iPad, and I would love to watch some of their shows on my iPhone 4s. Thanks for any help you can provide J
Hey Rob,
I am just wondering if you or any of your listeners know any good apps for typing Dvorak on an iOS device. I know how to change it so my bluetooth keyboard will by in Dvorak, but apple has not made dvorak an option for the on screen keyboard. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ben, from productivitypad.blogspot.com
Hello Rob, I want to review a cydia tweak called colored knob.It basically allows you to change the color of your slide to unlock knob. You can change it in every color you want. It is free in cydia and i enjoy it a lot.
Nick from Greece
Thanks to Michael for the heads up on this next one. Which is about the iOS 6.1.3 update. Seems in the notes on what was updated - when mentioning bug fixes and other improvements - Apple gives credit for 4 fixes to the Evaders dev team that created the evasi0n jailbreak. Of course even more reasons if you want to jailbreak at any time to stay away from iOS 6.1.3 for now. But still nice to see Apple give the Jailbreaks some credit. Now there is some reports about iOS 6.1.3 being jailbroken with a tethered jailbreak - but given the issue with another pass lock bypass - it is clear apple will be releasing 6.1.4 shortly. If I was to guess I would say it will be after 6.2 is released before the evasi0n team releases a new jailbreak to the world.
Hi rob. - I Would love to see an update to this article titled My 10 favorite Apps to Share content between iOS and OS X .. Wondering if listeners can possiblly recommend their favorite iOS slash OS X sharing apps as I've just purchased my new imac?
The 10 apps mentioned were
Push Browser
What I want to know is also peoples favorite sharing apps between iOS X and Windows. But either way if you share data, images, videos, notes - whatever between your iOS device and your computer - lets us know what apps are you go to apps and what platform you are on. 206 - 666-6364 - thats 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com
Thanks to Tash for this next one. Which is about the free app Big Brother Camera Security. How this is supposed to work is if you enable the app and put it to sleep - if someone wakes the iPhone - the app is there asking for a passcode - and it takes a picture of anyone that tries to unlock it and emails said photo to an email you pick.
A couple of issues with this app - one you have to remember to launch it before you put it to sleep. So unless you think someone is messing with your iPhone and are leaving it there as bait - it is not real useful.
The other issue is - I could not get it to work right. But hey it is free. In theory when you go into Accessibility settings and turn on Guided Access - it should not allow you to minimize an app you are in. In theory - because a few quick clicks of the home button and the app quit or minimized. Again - I could not get it to work correctly - maybe it is an issue with my iPhone being jailbroken.
Anyway - the thought is nice - but the only way for this to really work well - is for Apple to build it in - or for it to be a jailbreak app - that is always running and part of the unlock screen. Otherwise its only real use is as a sting operation where you leave the app active and your iPhone where others can get to it to see who is getting to it.
Hi Rob,
On show 261 one of the listeners asked how can he make free calls on his iPad over wifi for free in the UK.
For BT customers you can download for free the BT SmartTalk App and you can add up to 4 IOS devices and link them to your account. It works both on wifi and 3G and I believe it works abroad too.
Also for O2 customer you can download for free the TU Go app from O2 and it works as you were using your phone for calls, voicemail and sms, and the main purpose is to use it abroad and avoid roaming charges.
I think due to competition we will see more operators offer same service soon.
For a free soft phone client you can use Talkatone and as for the best soft phone client I am using Acrobits Softphone SIP phone for VoIP calls for $6.99 and there are many VoIP providers in the UK with line rental as low as £2.50 a month on a rolling contract.
Hope this help your listeners
Best Regards,
Hi Rob,
Just wanted to drop a line and point out a small error in TII 262. It was stated that call recording is based on the law in the state where the recording is being made regardless of the other state. In fact it is based on the more strict of the states. So if anybody on the call is in an all-party notification state, then everyone on the call must be notified before anyone on the call can record. This is often done by advising that the call "may be recorded for quality assurance purposes" or simply by stating that it is a recorded line.
The All party notification states are: California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pensylvania, and Washington.
Chris in Iowa
The MidwestGuru
Hi Chris - thanks for the heads up - seems there was one case where a precedence was set - Kearney v Salomon Smith Barney 2006 - tried in California - where it was determined that if a caller in a one-party state records a conversation with someone in a two-party state the caller / recorder is subject to the stricter of the laws and must have consent from all callers. Note this has not been pushed up to the supreme court - so that ruling could fall - but right now the only precedence seems to be if you are calling one of those 12 states mentioned - you need to give verbal notification. i.e. Hey I am recording this. You don't have to ask permission - but it seems you do need to give notification. Guess the feeling is if the person does not want to be recorded they will just hang up.
If this all seems confusing - remember this is just the US we are talking about - once you add in other countries it gets way way way more confusing. And hence why you are likely never going to see Apple build in call recording or approve apps specifically for call recording. It is just a legal nightmare.
I assume that is you wearing Warby Parker glasses on the front page on
the Today in IOS website.
I like those frames, I think they would look good on my face.
Please tell me which model of Warby Parker they are.
Hi Itamar,
Yes - those are my Warby Parker glasses in the photo.
They are the Sibley - Whiskey Tortoise Matte
Remember with Warby Parker - you can get them to send you 5 pairs to try on for free to see how they really look on your face.
Then when you actually purchase a pair - remember to use promo code - T I I - to get free 2 day shipping on the purchased pair.
Rob W
Before we go I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback it can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. If you want to know when new episodes go up - look at the Tii app - not just the best way to consume the show - but also a great way to get a push message when a new episode goes live or there is other iOS breaking news. Just $2.99 in the app store - it helps you enjoy the show more and it helps support the show at the same time - and it makes it really easy to email or call the show with your feedback. Again just search Tii in the iTunes app store.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.