Hi Rob,
I made this artwork using Pages for iOS in order to create the text, and Photoshop for iOS to piece everything together. It was, of course, inspired by the new iOS 7 game center and also uses the iOS 7 font (Helvetica Neue - Ultralight).
Paul S
Transcript for Episode 287
I mentioned on previous episodes how to improve battery life on your iOS 7 device - and that if you have the new iPhone 5S - you should be getting great battery life - well it seems a few unlucky iPhone 5S owners may actually have units that have real issues with battery life and Apple acknowledged that yes there was a manufacturing issue. Apple said quote “We recently discovered a manufacturing issue affecting a very limited number of iPhone 5S devices that could cause the battery to take longer to charge or result in reduced battery life, We are reaching out to customers with affected phones and will provide them with a replacement phone.” unquote
So if you have a new iPhone 5S - and no matter what you do to improve battery life you can't - there is now one thing you can do that will definitely improve the battery life - take it your local apple store and get a new unit. As always - make sure you back up your iPhone to your computer prior to heading off to the Apple store. That is one nice thing About Apple - they are quick to replace a defective unit - and quick to get out updates to fix issues as well - iOS 7.0.3 fixed the level not being level. How long would it take for a fix like that to get out to the masses of an Android unit. Ok granted that is me trying to make lemon aide out of lemons - but still the nice part about iOS - is apple can get out updates to all users very very quickly - with no delay because of carrier versions of the OS.
PLAY AUDIO CLIP - forthemoney.mp3
Something is seriously wrong with the results of JD Powers latest Tablet Survey. Seems they have Samsung's tablet beating the iPad 4th Gen in customer satisfaction.
So lets go over the numbers.
Overall Satisfaction - iPad & Samsung = 5 stars
Performance - iPad - 5 stars / Sammy - 3 stars
Ease of Use - iPad - 5 stars / Sammy - 3 stars
Physical Design - iPad 5 stars / Sammy - 4 stars
Tablet Features - iPad - 5 stars / Sammy - 4 stars
Cost - iPad - 2 stars / Sammy - 4 stars
Something just does not add up.
How can sammy get 3 and 4 stars in each category but get 5 stars overall.
Apple gets 5 stars in everything but cost and is behind Sammy how????
PLAY AUDIO CLIP - forthemoney.mp3
Here were my predictions for the Apple quarterly call - I said on the last episode.
Quote I will pin the number at 34.8 Mil iPhones sold. With at least 2.5 Mil being listed as Channel inventory fill.
I will say I think the iPad numbers will be lower than a year ago - which was 14 mil. I think Apple will actually report around 13.6 Mil iPad's sold last quarter. unquote.
So How did I do or more importantly how did apple do.
on the iPhone side - they sold 33.8 Mil (vs 26.9 Mil a year ago quarter and 31.2 Mil last quarter)
14.3 Mil in Channel inventory that is +3.3 Mil iPhones in Channel inventory for the quarter. 1.8 Mil in Transit.
So my predictions of 34.8 Mil iPhones sold with +2.5 mil in Channel inventory were not far off.
When you take out the 1.8 mil in transit - that leaves +1.5 Mil added to channel inventory which is 1 mil off from where I thought it would be and why I was exactly 1 mil high - or at least that is how I would spin it if I was Uncle Gene or one of the other Anal-ists out there.
On the iPad side Apple sold 14.1 mil units which was 0.5 higher than I expected.
Some of the other bits and pieces from the quarterly call - Apple had total revenue for the last quarter of 37.5 Bil vs 36 bil last quarter and 35.3 Bil in the yr ago quarter.
Cash is now at 146.8 Bil up just 0.2 bil for the quarter - the small increase in cash is based on the fact apple has been working over time to give money back to shareholders as dividends and to also buy back stock.
Apple really did not mention iPods on the call - but in their release info - they shows iPod sales at 3.5 Mil units down from 4.6 mil last quarter and 5.3 mil in the year ago quarter.
International sales for Apple were 60% of all sales.
And one point Tim cook tried to drive home in the Q and A section - was that the iPhone 5C - is not Apples low cost entry - today the iPhone 4S is the low cost entry to the iPhone world - and the 5C was never intended by Apple to be that 3rd world BRIC nation low cost entry all the ANAL-ists want it to be.
Overall I think it was a really strong quarter for Apple - but how did wallstreet see it - by End of Day on Tuesday Apples stock was at $516.68 vs $529.88 which is where it ended Monday prior to the call. So Apple stock changed negative 2.49% for that day. However it did go up a little during the week ending at 520.03 per share. The titles of blogs and newspaper articles ran the full spectrum - right after the call - but most were definitely slanted negative And many saying Apples Profits were disappointing. Now Mind you Apple came in at the high end of their guidance and above Anal-ist estimates - but some how the numbers according to a whole lot of articles disappointed. Of course those saying Profits disappointed - are also the same ones yelling for Apple to do a low cost iPhone. Hmmmm - So they want apple to buy market share at all costs - just as long as you know it does not hurt Profit margin. I really don't get and understand what these people are looking for.
Apple reported numbers better than any other tech company by a wide margin - yet they somehow disappointed many. By the way the iPhone only part of Apples revenue was $19.5 Bil - that is more than Googles $14.89 Bil last quarter - for all of Google. And it is also more than MS $18.53 Bil for the quarter. Yes for 2013 - a year people have been down way down on the iPhone and Apple.
Queue in REM's End of the world as we know it - well if that was legal in a podcast - Yes The iPhone product line alone beat out Google in each of the first 3 quarters in Revenue - and Apples best quarter for revenue will be this quarter by far.
Actually the numbers for 2013 are the following - and please please please keep these numbers in mind when you hear from the tech press and wall street about Apples disappointing numbers. In calendar year 2013 - Google has a total of $43 Billion in Revenue. MS has a total of $58.2 Bil in rev - and the iPhone line alone has a total of $60.6 Bil in revenue. Apple over all has $116.4 Bil in Revenue. Which is exactly 2X that of MS. And over $15 Bil more than MS and Google combined. Yes so keep those numbers in mind when you read about the demise of Apple this week and next week and the rest if 2013.
I was just thinking about this. Apples iPhone revenue last quarter was greater than Motorola Mobility, Blackberry and Nokia Cell Phone and Smartphone revenue combined last quarter. And by a pretty big margin at that. If someone had said in Jan 2007 - that Apple would have greater revenue from the iPhone sales - than any one of them - they would have been laughed at - to say the iPhone would be greater than all 3 combined would have been just crazy talk. And that it was actually about 3 times those three combined is simply unthinkable to the Rob of 2007 that started this show - even as big of a fan boy as he was back then - which you can hear by going back and listening to those old episodes some time.
Per how the Anal-ists did on their predictions for iPhone sales.
Closest to the hole was Bill shop of Goldman Sachs - with a guess of 33.73 Mil units sold vs reality of 33.8 Mil - so pretty much dead on.
The biggest muff goes to Ben Reitzes at Barclays Capital with a what was he thinking low guess of 29 Mil iPhones sold. And the biggest hit over the green was Mani Ghaesmlou with the Braeburn group with the overly optimistic guess of 38 Mil units.
I figured it would not be fair to go over iPad numbers - since Apple kind of gave away the basic range and definitely the max range - when they said they hit 170 Mil iPad sales this month. Which meant last month and quarter they were under 170 Mil and that meant the most they could have done was 14.8 Mil - but on 10/23 - a day after apple gave out that info - Alexander Pterc of Exane BNP Paribas - predicted 15.64 Mil iPads - Hello Mc Fly - anyone home. This is a quote Professional unquote anal-ist - that you know gets paid to cover these things. Yikes.
So given that and that most anal-ists gave their guesses before 10/22 - the closest to the hole was Turley Muller with Financial Alchemist with a hole in one guess of exactly 14.1 Mil units sold. The biggest muff is a tie between Matt Lew of the Braeburn Group and Mani Ghaesmlou with the Braeburn group with the low guess of 11.5 Mil sold - and yes that is the same Mani that was the furthest off too high for the iPhone. So basically he is just throwing darts at a dartboard.
On the way to overly optimistic side was Speculative Fiction writer and part time Professional Apple Anal-ist - Peter Misek from Jefferies - with a way over the green guess of 18 Mil units sold.
It is funny how the quote Pros unquote can be so far off - even though most are paid crazy amounts to be so inaccurate.
Sprint had their quarterly call and it is usually nice to check in on these things.
This last quarter Sprint sold 5 Mil SMART Phones of which only 1.4 Mil were iPhones. That is 28% of smartphone sales are the iPhone on Sprint. If those numbers sound familiar - it is because they are identical to the previous quarter where Sprint also sold 5 Mil smartphones and 1.4 Mil were iPhones. I had to go and do a double and triple check to make sure I was not reading an old transcript. But nope - they really did duplicate numbers.
In all the iPhone was mentioned 3 times in the call - all in one short burst. But that is 3 more times then the iPhone was mentioned in the AT&T quarterly call. Oh well. Gone are the days when it gets mentioned a dozen plus times on these calls. Sprint did say they were in a constrained inventory position with regards to the 5S and had a waiting list for some models.
I do need to slap Apple on the wrist for their very poor graph in their Oct 22nd presentation - when they showed all time iPad sales. I thought it looked off - but did not realize how off until David Yanofsky at Quartz super embossed the real graph over the one Apple showed. Apple kind of made it look a little like a hockey stick - but it really was more linear. when you look at the Apple chart at some points it would be as much as 30 mil units off. Yes their graph is smooth and curvy - but that is not actually how it is in real life.
Shame on Apple for putting up that chart. And kudos to David for being overly anal and calling out apple on it. Your my Hero.
one other interesting comment from Tim cook during the conference call - is that in the education market for tablet sales - Apple is at at 94% market share for the iPad vs all other tablets. Which makes you wonder who those brainiacs are that wasted their money on that 6% of non-ipad tablets.
Hi Rob,
According to this article, it won't be necessary to stand in a long line to get the iPad Air on Friday. It will be possible to order online with the ship-to-store option. I hope that's true because I have been making plans to show up at either the Apple Store or Best Buy a couple of hours before they open Friday so I can get the one I want. Now I may just need to wait until online orders are available and have one waiting for me at the store when I get there.
The other good news I got yesterday was that Logitech announced their new line-up for iPad Air. They weren't specific on when they would be available other than November but it means I may not have to use my older keyboard case with my new iPad air for too long.
Myron U
Myron - thanks for the heads up - yeah it does seem from what is being reported about this Friday November 1st launch of the iPad air - that no one is really expecting it to sell out. However the iPad mini which does not have a ship date yet - that seems to be the one most are expecting to be in short supply until at least some time in 2014. If you are looking to get an iPad Air and live near an apple store - best to go on line at 12:01 AM PT on Friday and order you iPad mini for in store pickup later in the day on Friday.
Folks if you do get a new iPad Air this weakend - make sure to call into the show and let us know which version - wifi only or Wifi LTE and what storage level and why on the storage level - and also tell us your thoughts of the new iPad Air.
For those that want an iPad air - the folks at Apple dash tracker dot com have a tool to check for iPad airs in inventory at your 20 closest Apple stores. It sure does look like the 128 gb version is either in demand or no stock was delivered.
For example the wifi only unit in space gray 128 gb - was only available at 5 of the 20. Where as 16 and 32 gb were in inventory at all 20 stores and the 64 gb was available at 17 of the 20 as of late Saturday evening.
It does change a little for the silver version. 13 of 20 stores had the 128 gb version, and all 20 stores had the 16, 32 and 64 gb versions.
For the Cellular version the Silver version for Tmobile was available at 10 of 20 stores which is better than the 1 of 20 for ATT version and 0 of 20 for Verizon. The Sprint version was at 17 of 20 stores for the 128 gb version. Things look worse for the Space Gray version. In short it looks like Silver iPad Airs have better availability as do the lower storage options and the wifi only options. If you are looking for a Space Gray 128GB Verizon version - no soup for you - at almost any store in the US when I checked on a bunch of Zip codes. Actually of all the apple stores I could check on over 100 - only the Fifth avenue store in NY had one.
I point all this out not just for those looking for the iPad Air - but for those planning on getting the iPad mini 2 like me.
Look for the link in the show notes titled - iPad Air Availability - Apple-Tracker.com for ep 287 at today in iOS dot com
Hi Rob,
I arrived at the Apple Store in Canberra, Australia just after 8a.m. for the iPad Air launch. There were about 50 people in the line and Apple staff were handing out cards for the items people wanted to buy.
They were already out of 128Gb/cellular iPads so I looked elsewhere in the centre and on the phone but with no luck.
I have now ordered online, with engraving, and should receive it late next week or early the week after.
Thanks heaps for the show - always interesting and entertaining.
Cheers, Bert
Hi Rob,
In line at the Glendale galleria For the IPad Air I'm the 1st person here at 6am it's 7am and there is 6 people now across the street 600ft there the new Iphone store at the Americana there is 30 people in line. I will. E getting The silver 64GB iPad air today.
This is Tony from Burbank the only person who watches podcast on Apple TV signing off
Hi Rob,
I woke up early drove 45 minutes my local Best Buy store only to arrive at 7:30 and no one else was parking lot or even waiting in line. so I went to breakfast with next Best Buy at five after 8. I was in the store buying an iPad 32gig, I bought one for myself one for my mom for Christmas gift got two covers and left the store in about three minutes.
Valdosta Georgia.
The new iPad Air reviews are out. And they are all for the most part very positive. Look Apple took a device in the iPad that had a basically 99% favorable rating and well made it faster and lighter. Duh of course the reviews are going to be positive.
ZDNET has an article to a bunch of the reviews. But the one article I liked was from LapTopmag dot com. They took the time to go through the many different pre-release reviews and come up with 5 complaints that were brought up from all the reviews.
1. No Touch ID - I agree with this - I was hoping they would have had touch ID - especially As I now find myself holding my thumb on my wifes iPad all the time waiting for it to unlock.
2. Cameras don't Wow - I find this a nit pick more than a complaint - I mean well I guess some are complaining - but really - don't you know what a tool you look like taking a photo with a tablet - just sayin.
3. A bit Pricey - again a nit pick. You get what you pay for and if you want to pay less - there is lots and lots of crap to choose from out there. Just make sure you make room in the draw in your desk - because that is where non iPad tablets quickly find themselves living.
4. Runs Warm - but then they note that it is not as warm as the 4th gen iPad when it is running full tilt. So it runs a little warm - but not as warm as the last gen. This is bad how?
5. No Display innovation. Umm it is already a retina display - where did they think Apple was going to go with it? Someone actually complained that when the iPad mini 2 launches the iPad Air will not be the best pixel density iPad. Oh My is all I can say - well All I can say on a G rated show.
Essentially for the iPad air it comes down to this for you. Do you want the 9.7" display or the 7.9" display. If you want the bigger display and you don't have a 3rd or 4th gen iPad - then the iPad Air will be a good choice for you. If you are like me and have a 3rd gen iPad and are looking for something a little smaller and a lot lighter - then the iPad mini will likely be your cup of tea. But I am biased as that is what I want. And yes putting the same number of pixels in the 7.9" screen that are in the 9.7" screen - means the pixel density is greater. So the mini while lighter and cheaper - will have a better display then the heavier and more expensive iPad Air.
Per speed tests - the iPad Air and iPad Mini should have identical results as they are basically identical internally.
So Rob you ask how did the iPad Air do on the bench mark tests. Well I am glad you asked - because that brings us to another ZDNET article that goes over some bench mark tests of the iPad Air vs past iPads. And well it blows the other iPads out of the water - as is to be expected based on the new A7 64 bit processor. On the Multicore Geekbench 3 test the iPad air was 88% faster than the iPad 4th gen and 432% faster than the iPad 2nd and 3rd gen and iPad Mini. It was even a little bit better when the single core test was done. Now mind you the iPad 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen and the iPad Mini all seem very snappy as it is. So while raw processing / bench mark tests show the iPad Air is much faster 2 to 5 times faster than those older iPads - you will not likely see that raw performance improvement with most day to day use. But it is alway nice to know you have it under the hood for those times you do actually need it. I am stoked to get the iPad Mini and see how it works with BossJock and exporting as an MP3 and see how that changes vs the iPad 3rd gen. Actually with the A7 chip on the 5S - encoding to Mp3 for a 60 sec recording takes 41 seconds. But on the iPad 3rd gen - a 60 sec recording takes 53 secs. So while the A7 is much faster you really need the apps optimized for the 64 bit architecture to see the real speed improvements - and for most apps you just will not see that. So if your main reason for getting an iPad Air or iPad Mini is you want to see great performance increases compared to your older iPad - unless said older iPad is the first gen - you are likely going to be disappointed for some time. Keep that in mind when buying the iPad Air - it is about the future when more and more apps are optimized for the A7 - not the present when only the apple apps are.
Oh and one other thing to remember - Apple changed the name of the iPad full size to iPad Air for a reason - it is so they can introduce at some point in the future - the iPad Pro. Come on you know it is true. So if you look at 9.7" and go I want it bigger - there is likely something in the pipeline that will make you happy.
One bit of good news not highlighted or mentioned or hinted at at the Oct 22nd event is that for those of you looking for a cellular version of the iPad air - but not on one of the big carriers - well the iPad Air is going regional. Some of the carriers that already confirmed they will be getting the iPad Air November 8th are - GCI, Bluegrass Cellular, C Spire Wireless and US Cellular - with US Cellular saying and you know what we are getting the iPad Mini as well. No date on the iPad mini availability as well Apple has not even announced that yet beyond the later in November mention at the Oct 22nd event.
T-Mobile is offering up a data plan starting on Friday November 1st where they claim - Free Data for life. Well 200 MB of free data every month.
I called t-mobile to try and figure out exactly what type of plan I would need for this and sadly the person I talked to did not know but kept trying to get me to sign up to some other plan.
What I do know from the site - is you can bring your own tablet that has cellular. So if you buy the iPad Air or iPad mini 2 with cellular at the Apple store you can bring it to T-Mobile and get this offering.
And to get the free 200 MB starter data as they call it you need to have an active mobile internet account with t-mobile - which it seems can be a $0 a month plan. But likely will cost you $10 to set up with their sim if you do not buy the Tmobile version of the iPad Air. So if what I understand to be true on this - is you set up your device to work with t-mobile by going to your local tmobile store and getting a sim card kit for $10 and creating an account which you set up as an On Demand data plan as a post paid customer. And then going forward you get 200 MB of free data each month. Now this is a good offering for those that don't do much away from the house surfing and when they do it is just checking emails or tweets. But if you are someone that plans on watching netflix at little suzzies Dance class on Monday / Wed / Friday for 2 hours a night - yeah this offer of 200 MB is meaningless to you.
I will try to get more info on this for the next show.
Hi Rob - I hope the delay getting out a new episode doesn't mean you are under the weather.
SIDE NOTE - Not me - I had a dog that was - she is a 16 pound pug and she ate an entire bag of oreos. She was touch and go but seems better now. To put that in perspective - that would have been like me eating over 12 bags of oreos. Yeah not good. Ok Back to his email.
I purchased a T mobile iPad Air at my local Apple Store. I turned off wifi and created a new TMobile account under settings and cellular. I am a new customer and don't have any existing service with them. I selected the default "On Demand" plan with zero minutes and zero charge. They only ask for the standard personal info, but no credit card needed. I then received an email welcoming me to T Mobile and saying I will receive 200 mb free from now until 12/02/13. I assume at that time I will get another 200mb. I expect if I use the 200 mb, they will push frequent notifications trying to get me to buy more. That will be fine for me and not a bother. If a person gets decent coverage, I think the T Mobile iPad is the way to go.
Also, if you pay for a plan on T Mobile and you use up your allotment of data before the end of the month, according to their web site, they don't just cut you off, they simply drop you to a lower speed. I had Verizon and when I reached my limit, I was cut off completely. This IMO is another reason to go with T Mobile.
Another also, I read on line, on any old iPads, if you get a new T Mobile sim, you can sign up and get the free promotional data. It doesn't have to be on a new iPad or one specifically targeted to T Mobile.
Darrin - Thanks for that info - It does sure sound like when I get my iPad Mini - it will be the t-mobile version. As I just need the cellular part for occasional use.
I want to thank our sponsor today which again is square trade. For those of you that just dropped $500 to $900 on a new iPad Air - you will be happy to know there is an iPad warranty for you to - go to square trade dot com slash tii2 - that t i i the number 2.
When you go that page it will initially show the warranty at $99 - but once you click through - it will then show the actual price as $89 - that's right for Tii listeners for Squaretrade warranty for your iPad - you can save $35 off the normal price and get 2 years of coverage for just $89. It is almost a half pound lighter and that means you will want to take it more places and more places means more chances for accidents - and that is where squartrade comes in. It gives you a nice piece of mind. I have my squatrade warranty on my iPhone 5S - and will get one for my iPad Mini 2 when I get that as well. And you can get your warranty by going to square trade dot com slash tii2 - that is slash tii and the number 2 for your iPad discount of $35.
If you have a new iPhone that just arrived and is less than 30 days old - time to get a warranty for it as well - go to square trade dot com slash tii - for your iPhone warranty - links in the show notes for both those.
Thanks Squaretrade for sponsoring this show.
Hi Rob.
I have been syncing my iPhone 5s via iTunes by clicking the choice to sync with iPhoto on versions 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 but now it has disappeared as a choice on iTunes syncing setup.
I did update iPhoto to version released yesterday (9.5) and I have installed the most recent iTunes 11.1.2
and am on Mavericks.
It shows the choice to sync to Aperture which I also have and another choice to sync directly with my Pictures folders but no more iPhoto.
Can you please offer any assistance or insight?
Ontario Canada
Hi Fraser - I am running iTunes 11.1.2 and iOS 7.0.3 - but not Mavericks - but what I am seeing is when my iPhone 5S is connected - and you go to it in iTunes on my computer and then go to the Photos tab - I am seeing iPhoto listed as an option to sync to.
From what I read - Mavericks still supports direct from computer to iPhone sync of Photos via iPhoto - as long as you are not set up to sync photos via iCloud. So check to see if you have iCloud sync set up for your iOS device or your Mac. I will say there is a lot of back and forth on the support forums about this issue and there are a few people that did say 100% they could still do this with Mavericks - and a couple saying 100% they could not. I tend to feel in those cases - the ones that can't have something set up wrong. But if no one could then I would say it was a mavericks issue.
Thanks to Tash for this next one - and this is an article more for the Mac OS X users - than iOS users - and it is about how some of the Mac Apps for iWork and iLife actually saw some features removed with their quote updates unquote. Seems what Apple decided to do is make the Mac Apps and the iOS apps more similar in feature sets - and they did this by moving the feature set up a little with the iOS apps and down a little with the OS X apps - so they are kind of moving to meet in the middle - which well sucks if you use the iWork and iLife apps mostly on your lap top. Hopefully Apple quickly adds back missing features on the OS X side and at the same time add those features to the iOS versions.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Kyle_iphone5S_getting_free_apps
Hey Rob, my wife and I both just upgraded (her 4 and my 4S) to 5Ss and couldn't be happier! I LOVE THIS DEVICE. Also went with square trade warranties on both devices, thanks for the discount!
You mentioned in episode 286 that iWorks comes free if you buy a new iOS device. How do I take advantage of this? Is it iWorks for my device only or for my MacBook as well?
Thanks Rob! Updating to Mavericks now…
Aaron M
Hi Aaron, Kyle and all the others that asked about this. To get your free iOS apps - Pages, numbers, keynote, iPhoto, iMovie and Garageband - on your new iOS device purchased after September 1st. On said new iOS device - launch the App store app. You should see a popup about Apples Apps - and you are then presented with the option to download All - for the Apple apps - and that includes the apps I just mentioned plus the Podcasts App, iBooks, iTunes U, Find My iPhone and a few others. Click download all to get them all. Again these apps are free on the iOS device you purchased after Sep 1st running iOS 7 or later. If you do not see the pop up when you launch the App store app - go to bottom of the screen for the App store app and select - Apps made by Apple. And you should see Free next to all those not installed already. Just tap on Free and start the install process. For those that see a price next to any of the apps from Apple - it means said device was purchased before September 1st.
Thanks to Tash for this next one.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Feedbk_703_fixes_issues_pages_numbers
I do want to talk a little about what you really get with the new Apple Apps that just updated.
From the release notes lets start with the Podcasts app.
First it is designed for iOS 7 as all these updates Apple apps are. The Podcast store is now in the feature tabs at the bottom - no more flipping over to the Podcast store and then back to your library.
Search is much much improved.
Podcasts now automatically update with new episodes - even while the app is not open.
You can also choose how often the Podcasts app checks for updates to your feeds.
And iCloud now keeps your subscriptions, stations and play position in sync with iTunes and Apple TV.
And as mentioned - the lyrics tab / show notes now show up.
Overall - I think the update to the Podcasts app was a very good update.
With the Garageband App - You can now create a song with up to 32 tracks using touch instruments, Audio recording and loops - This does require the A7 Processor. 16 tracks are available for the any other iOS 7 device except the iPhone 4.
It supports AirDrop and full 64 bit processing.
And you can record compatible 3rd party music apps using inter-app audio.
For Numbers - There are new Apple design templates - YAWN. You can animate data with new interactive column, bar, scatter, and bubble charts.
You can use AirDrop to send your spread sheet to anyone nearby.
You can share a link to your spreadsheet via Mail, messages, Twitter and Facebook - and anyone with a shared document link can have access to the latest version of the spread sheet and can edit it with you at iCloud.com You can export to .csv. And there is some coach tips for guided in app help you can turn on.
iMovie saw a bunch of additions. Share Clips and movies to iMovie theater. Adjustments bar for easy access to video and audio controls. Three new transitions - Slide, wipe and fade through black or white. Slow Motion - Cutaway - Picture in picture - and split screen effects. You can add the audio portion of video clips to a movie - i.e. you an strip out and use the audio from a movie.
You can duplicate audio or video clips. You can trim - split and reposition music and sound effects. Adjustable audio fade in and fade out. Share via AirDrop to send video clips and iMovie projects. Nice I am sure for sending video from your iPhone to your iPad.
If you have a movie you have created with the new iMovie and it uses some of these features - please email me a link to the video to share with the audience.
Keynote - my favorite Apple App - also had some changes. There are some new animations and effects - including updated Magic Move, Clothesline and more. New Apple designed themes.
You can animate data just like with numbers, you can use AirDrop to send your presentations. And like with Numbers - you can send a link to your presentation - and anyone using iCloud you send it to - can get access to view and edit it with you. And there are also coaching tips for guided in app help.
And not surprising of all the Apps - iPhoto seemed to have the most new features / changes. Not surprisingly because - Photos are such a big thing with the iPhone. You can order pro-quality prints and create and order professionally printed hardback photo books. So now you can totally blow off your entire family on the flight back from a vacation - as you work to get a book created of your vacation and all your significant other can remember is you played on your iOS device the entire flight and did not notice your 5 year old kicking the seat in front of him or that your 7 year old asked the flight attendant when they removed the weight limit for "stewardesses" and after that they did not get their drinks. Ok maybe best to create that photo book - at night when all are asleep.
Some other useful features of the new iPhoto - actually the most useful is the ability to delete Photos in the Camera Roll from iPhoto - something no other app can do as well as save edits back to your photo roll you just made. Which when combined with the advanced search controls - will hopefully make managing your photos where you keep the ones you want and delete those you don't need a little easier. You can share photos from iPhoto directly via messages. There is improved support for Panoramas in web journal layouts. And of course there is AirDrop support.
And Finally there is the Pages App - Now over 60 templates to choose from. Text formatting options added to your keyboard, There is the same animated data that is in Numbers and Keynote. There is also the same share a link and collaborative options via iCloud. You can now turn your documents into ebooks by exporting to ePub. This is one I am looking forward to using on my new iPad mini if and when I get that.
Apple realizes to keep people looked in - they need to offer up the best productivity apps - so I would expect we will see updates to all these apps on a rather regular basis going forward. If you find any neat new features in any of these apps - Podcasts App, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iPhoto, iMovie and Garageband - let us know 206-666-6364 - that is 206-moon-dog or email us at today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Its back - The iOS daylight savings time bug that is. Yes in the US this weekend is Daylights savings and in the past that has usually meant some sort of issue. because I guess everyone that works on the code for this part of iOS lives in either Arizona or Indiana. Seems this year in the UK when they hit their daylight savings time - the wrong current time line in day view was the bug this time around. I guess expect the same in the US. Just becarefull looking at your day view in the calendar app on Sunday. And yeah definitely make sure when you get up Sunday all your alarms are still working. Who knows what else will pop up this weekend.
Hi Rob,
Levi needed a way to access notes in an old backup and the program I use is iExplorer by Macroplant. It's for both Mac and PC and I've been using their other program Sharepod for years. Which allowed me to copy music out of a defunk iPod, iPhone, iPad to your computer. It even would import the music into iTunes after it checked to make certain you didn't already have said music in your library. iExplorer is a newer offering which works for devices running iOS 7 and allows you to extract data from any old backup. Notes, Voicemail, Texts, etc... It does it all and you can download and use it for free (with some limitations) then buy it later if you like for $35. Here their website www.getsharepod.com Hope this helps, love the show
Dave Tarantelli in little Rhody
Hi Rob,
I heard a listener was wondering how to retrieve notes from an old iOS backup...well, I found this software that looks promising. Just thought I'd share it.
VOICEMAIL - ERIK_answer_reminders_location
Hey Rob, I sent the email to you about the maps app lagging and Yes iOS 7.0.3 Did fix it.
Great to hear the 7.0.3 fixed that issue.
Hi Rob,
I was wondering why my mail app keeps having me enter my password for my individual accounts? It seems it does this every 3 days? I fine this puzzling. Thanks
Hi Jonah - I have not seen that issue with my mail on my iPhone - but my imap account stopped working on Thursday night so I am guessing something changed with imap and gmail and the iPhone on November 1st. Still trying to get it to work again - but my other accounts which are working fine are set up as pop accounts. Hopefully I will get that fixed sometime today after this episode goes live.
If others have been having issues with email and their iPhone since iOS 7 - please let us know. 206-666-6364 - thats 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Sharde_ringtone_app_direct_to_phone
Hi Rob,
Ringtone app with music already on your phone "RMaker"
Ringtone app to find already made ringtones "Ringtones"
Simeon F
Hi Rob,
Ben here from productivitypad.blogspot.com, just listening to 286 and heard the caller ask about the "other" category. As you said most of this is real but some of it is not, particularly if you have had downloads such as podcasts abort and leave half finished files floating around. There is an app for PC and Mac that is free called Phone Clean that will clear that out for him. It works really well and has sped up several of my devices by freeing up memory.
Ben N
On the last episode I had a question about tipping Apple store employees - and here is what I received back from an Apple store Blue shirt.
Hi Rob,
I work in Redacted at the Apple store.
I don't know if you got any feedback yet, but current apple policy states that no employees are allowed to accept any financial bribery. I've been offered for carrying a computer out to a car a car for an elderly man and turned it down. Also We regularly have our one to one members give us things like fruit and stuff (apples, bananas and oranges) when they come in for a training session. I think this is potentially a grey area. Though It may be okay because there isn't a direct exchange of goods (aka a bribe of discounted hardware, sessions) since there is not an actual two way transaction.
Hi Rob,
If anyone misses the flying icons in iOS 7.0.3 - Turning off "Reduce Motion" brings back the flying icons.
Steven in Houston
VOICEMAIL - Jonathan_potential_answr_tweet
Here is A handy tip. It might be true your nickname is Big Boy but you might not want everyone to know.
The tip is - How to disable nicknames for Messages, Phone, and Mail in iOS 7
Chris in London.
Thanks chris for the heads up on this. Yeah seems in the Message thread if you have a nickname applied - it is what is shown. Ok to kill this "feature" off go to Settings App --> Mail, Contacts, Calendars --> Short name (under contacts) then scroll down to Prefer Nicknames and turn it off. Which is exactly what I did. Because yeah that could get embarrassing.
Lock the iPad to just one app | How To - CNET
There is a nice article on Cnet titled Lock the iPad to just one app. I know we talked about this when iOS 6 came out - but it is worth mentioning it again for iOS 7. essentially how it works is you first set up guided access feature. Setting - general - restrictions - guided access turn it on and set a 4 digit passcode. Then go to the app you want open it and quickly tap the home button 3 times. You can then pick places in the app where they can not touch. Note to self - need to do a tutorial on how to lock Netflix App into just kids mode. Seems someone was watching a few minutes of breaking bad recently and it was not me or the wife. Then after you do that and select with buttons to turn off - you hit the start button in the top right. To get out of guided access - triple click the home button and enter your 4 digit passcode. Did not catch all that - well look for the link in the show notes for ep 287 over at today in iOS dot com titled - lock the iPad to just one app - and check out the video link they have in the article. For parents with kids who like to get into apps on Mom's iPad you don't want them to - this is a nice feature. Especially on a long car ride and they are in the back seat and you don't want to worry about what they are getting into while you drive.
A few different posts out there about Apples plans to spend $11 Billion in Capital expenditures for fiscal year 2014 which started at the end of September. The first post I read said this would be a 57% increase from what they spent in 2013 - which got me all excited. until I read another post that said in 2013 Apple planned to spend $10 Billion - but only spent $7 Billion on new buildings and equipment. Seems the 11 Billion planned for 2014 is only 10% more than the 10 billion planned for 2013. The reason for the shortfall in spending for 2013 according to apple is quote largely due to a combination of some timing changes and efficiencies we were able to achieve unquote. In reality what most of the capital expenditures winds up being spent on is equipment that apple buys and puts in their suppliers factories. This is how Apple gets ahead of the competition - by enabling their supply chain to out perform the competition and by also restricting their suppliers from using that equipment for anyone but them.
When Carl Ichan talks about giving all that money back to investors - this is something he misses - Apple uses their capital very wisely - they buy the best supply chain in the world.
So back to 2013 - and the short fall - the comment about timing changes - really sounds like some product line was pushed out. And that in part will explain the 2014 expenditure increase - there is also the spaceship campus construction - ok - maybe not a good a use of capital as bolstering the supply chain.
I should put the expenditures into perspective in 2012 - Apple spent 10.3 Billion - 11 Billion is only 6.7% increase from 2012. Yeah - 11 Billion in that context and considering the space ship campus - it does not sound as impressive.
Siri to Gain Translation Features in Near Future - David-Marsden.Com | David-Marsden.Com
Hi Rob,
I have a question for you or for the listeners, I am looking for an app that can do speak detection and auto language detection. I mean that I want to let it hear some kind of a language and the app will tell me which language is it and do a translation for it. Is there any app like that?
Alon for Israel
Hi Alon I am not sure if there is an app like that - but it may be coming to siri in the future.
The interesting thing in the sentence is the SO FAR comment.
One rumor about what is next for Siri is a basically she becomes a universal translator. You say something to her and than ask her to say it in another language. The other person says something in the other language and Siri says it back to you in your language.
That would be a nice built in feature for iOS 7.1 - but likely it will be iOS 8.x. Why is this likely going to happen - well Apple did a hire a bunch of multilingual cloud experts and it is rumored that is what they are working on.
ASK SIRI WHAT IS THE GERMAN FOR New Features coming soon
We talked some time back about a couple of Russian Carriers no longer carrying the iPhone. MTS and Vimplecom. Well now seems they are back. Vimplecom signed an agreement with Apple and MTS acquires its iPhones through a 3rd party distributor to get around some rules laid down by Apple.
While their decision in the past to drop the iPhone was headline news - it seems their decision to go back with the iPhone was relegated to page 23 right next to the community happenings section.
Some great quotes out of MS about the free offering of iWork Apps to iOS and OS X users. “Frank Shaw, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for communications, also argued that Microsoft’s tablets were better than Apple’s new iPads,” Pimentel reports. “Reacting to news that Apple was dropping its fees for its iWork suite of apps, Shaw said in a blog post, ‘Now, since iWork has never gotten much traction, and was already priced like an afterthought, it’s hardly that surprising or significant a move.’”
“He also downplayed Apple’s rollout of new iPad devices, saying Microsoft’s Surface and Surface 2 ‘are less expensive than the iPad 2 and iPad Air respectively, and yet offer more storage, both onboard and in the cloud,’” Pimentel reports. “‘When I see Apple drop the price of their struggling, lightweight productivity apps, I don’t see a shot across our bow, I see an attempt to play catch up,’ he wrote. ‘I think they, like others, are waking up to the fact that we’ve built a better solution for people everywhere, who are getting things done from anywhere, and who don’t have hard lines between their personal and professional lives. People who want a single, simple, affordable device with the power and flexibility to enhance and support their whole day. ‘ He did not discuss Apple’s surprising move to make its new Mac operating system known as ‘Mavericks’ available free of charge. “
When Apple offers a reduction in price to ZERO - for some of the best selling apps in the iTunes app store - it is not about trying to ship product collecting dust - like when MS reduced the price of the Surface tablets - nope this is about Apple improving the user experience of the Apple Ecosystem. Something clearly those at MS don't get or don't want others to get. So the quote is either one we can just as easily in this case blame on incompetence as we could on Malice.
Well seems Samsung was just fined by Taiwan's FTC - for paying for both Fake positive reviews of its product and for also paying for fake negative reviews of its competitors products. I mean it is bad enough to pay for fake positive reviews - but they went the extra mile and paid for fake negative reviews.
So to quickly go over Samsungs recent actions - 1. Fake paid reviews, 2. Cheating on Benchmark Tests 3. Continued copying of Apple products. 4. Admitted to sharing documents from lawyers to engineers the courts said they could not share.
Seems Samsung just keeps raising the bar on how sleazy they can be as a company. Makes you wonder how any one could be pro Samsung - I mean anyone not getting paid to be pro Samsung that is. I know the next time I hear or read anyone saying something nice about samsung - I will think they are just being paid under the table to say something nice.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Wayne_henderson_fdbk_upgrade.
Hi Rob,
With the new iPads that are coming out, I wonder if there's any reason to not get the iPad mini, since it has the same specs as the MAIN iPad. Is it really worth the $100 for the bigger screen? I mean the mini is technically a better screen with the same pixels. It has everything the bigger iPad does internally. It's weird people want a bigger phone and a smaller tablet. One thing that really stuck out to me as a sore thumb was this quote from the Oct 22nd event, quote The biggest request we've gotten is a retina display for the iPad mini, and we listened unquote that to me was a bad omen. I miss the days when apple didn't do what consumers wanted, rather they showed consumers what they wanted. Like Steve Jobs would say people don't know what they want because we haven't showed them yet. Apple shouldn't respond to customer requests, it's done so well telling customers what they want.
Anyways, I would love to hear your response on this, and I still hate the smaller side bezels even tho I'm in the less than 1% on that I'm sure
Jason Higley
Hi Jason - First up if you don't like the smaller side bezel then the iPad mini will be a better solution - as I am guessing the smaller side bezel will be less noticeable on the Mini than the iPad Air.
I agree with you on that quote - That seemed like the most un-apple quote I have heard in a long time and I agree with you - I hope Apple gets back to showing us what we want rather than giving us what we ask for. No company gets ahead of the competition or stays ahead by listening to their customers. I am not saying they should flip the bird to us - but don't tell us you added it because we asked for it. Next they will be adding a micro-USB connector and a SD card slot plus a removable battery if they keep on that path.
Hey Rob,
You might already know this...
You can now use your iPhone camera to scan the numbers on the back of gift cards. It immediately recognizes the little box around the code and locks it in. It's actually pretty neat! And sure beats dealing with reading and entering each character.
I'm on 7.03, I haven't used a gift card for a year so I don't know when they implemented this..
John P
Indian Harbour Beach Florida
PLAYVOICEMAIL - FRED_quest_photo_in_specific_order
PLAYVOICEMAIL - Don_iPhoto_resequence_photos
Here is a Kickstarter project I have been waiting to mention it is the Genneo - G E N N E O - and it is a Mobile generator that you put in your backpack or laptop bag or jacket and as you walk the motion generates power used to charge USB devices i.e. iOS devices.
I have been waiting on this one I mentioned as I met the lead designer of this at a 1 Million cups event here in Kansas City.
Sadly right now they are a little behind their goal of $100,000 - Yup you know what I think about that high a goal. They currently have around $11,000 in pledges so they are 11% of the way there roughly. This one has a pledge period running until Nov 20th at 3:01 AM ET.
Pricing on this is $175 for the 2900 mAh version and $225 for the 3,400 mAH version, If you walk around campus or back pack - this is a nice solution to allow you to charge your devices just from the movement of you walking about.
He did a good job explaining how it works - they have some patents - and why they will be able to produce this in a production environment and why they will hit their time lines. Which would be very unique for a kickstarter project. They have an estimated delivery of Feb 2014.
Look for Genneo - spelled - G E N N E O - at kickstarter dot com or in the show notes for ep 287
Yeah delivery dates and Kickstarter are more a if all the stars align just right type date. Take the earphones I mentioned early in the summer - the Soundband. I think it originally had an October ship date for the first 100 - that date has now slipped to some time in Q2 2014 - probably best case at this point. So much for that being a Christmas or Valentines day gift. Maybe if we are lucky it will be a mothers day gift. But I would not be surprised at this point if it became a 4th of July day gift or Labor day gift. Oh well. Maybe Christmas 2014 is now covered. At least they keep sending updates. The Other two Kickstart projects I funded and am waiting for are the SOS Charger - Original ship date August 2013 - updated ship date Late November. The last or first one of the three I am waiting for is the RECAPs project that lets your record phone calls from your iPhone - they shipped out the initial 10 units at the end of September and are supposed to ship out the rest in November - so hopefully I have that to report on shortly - which by the way - Sep / November is what they original said they would do - so - really that one has stayed on schedule so far. Kudos to iGor Ramos the lead on that project.
Thanks to Chris in London for this next one. Which I kept pushing out to the next episode. It is about the GameCase - which brings a full size natively supported Gamepad to iOS 7 devices.
This is made by the folks at Clamcase - Now this is not supposed to ship until late 2013 or early 2014 - but if the folks are listening at Clamcase - You know I would love to get a review unit. For those that like to play games and like the use of physical controls - you can sign up for notifications at game case dot com - which I did and also requested as press eval units as well. We shall see.
I got bbm on day 1 and I am noticing huge battery drain since on my iPhone 5. Just a heads up since 20 million users joined bbm. I prefer iMessage.
Hi Dev - thanks for the heads up on the issues with BBM - so if you just installed BBM and your battery life is dropping faster than Market share for blackberry smartphones - now you know why.
Oh and I guess I should mention for those that did not know - Black Berry Messenger finally is available for iOS devices. Just search for BBM in the iTunes app store or look for the link in the show notes for ep 287.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Quest_iph5_issue_charging
Hello rob, I have an ipod 5th gen and my gmail whenever I launch it it just says "no offline messages" , but on all my orther gmail accounts, it works, any suggestions?
Hi Rob,
For years I've used the Reqall app & web service to send short voice transcription emails directly to my email. When the app is running only a single tap to record and another tap when done and the message is sent to their server where it can be routed as an email, reminder, or text message. I simply use it to send to my email and the transcript shows up in the subject line.
Reqall no longer works in iOS 7 and the service is being shut down. I'm looking for any alternative that is easy to use. Using the mail app with microphone button, dictation to siri, or dragon dictate all take much more time, many more taps, and can be a huge distraction. I'd love to hear of any alternatives that TIO listeners may know of.
--Ed in Lenexa
Dear Rob,
I upgraded to the iPhone 5S on launch day and I was extremely happy with the overall performance of the phone.
However, last weekend I broke my right collar bone during a bike accident and I lost the use of my right hand. Being right handed, this was a huge inconvenience. But because of the design of the iPhone 5S, I could still use the phone with my left hand and reach every corner of the phone. I also happened to have set up my phone to recognize both left & right thumb prints.
Being an Apple fanboy has it's benefits! I couldn't imagine any Sammy phone user trying to use one of those FAT phones with just one hand!
Tony L
San Francisco
Hi Tony - Sorry to hear about your accident - and I hope your recover quickly. And yes you are correct one handed operation on one of those phablets or 5" smartphones would be difficult at best.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Gary_issue_703_touchID
For those asking about iOS 7.0.3 update and the ability to jailbreak in the future - At least according to Musclenerd - it is safe to upgrade to iOS 7.0.3 assuming your are already running iOS 7.0.x already. So Yes it seems ok to update. Which makes sense because in the past when a new Jailbreak came out - it worked for whatever was the latest and greater version - so if you just came home from the Apple store with a new iOS device - the day a jailbreak was made public - it would jailbreak your device. That by my definitions is a public jailbreak - and one I would promote.
Hi Rob,
I think this article will be very interesting for your listeners in the US who are interested in dropping their high cost plans with the big carriers.
Thank you for the great job you do in helping us get the most out of our iOS devices.
Dr. John M
And this is an article titled How to get unlimited talk, text and data for $30 a month on an iPhone.
Hint you will need the following - 1- T-mobile Prepaid plan, 2 - google voice - 3 - talk-a-tone App.
And then well 4 - the link to the article per the title previously mentioned which goes over how to tie items 1 to 3 together.
Thanks Dr. John for the heads up on that.
I had a few people asking my thoughts on the testing done by OptoFidelity - testing the accuracy of the iPhones Touch screen vs that of the S3 and found the S3 more accurate across the entire screen with the iPhone being less accurate around the edges.
Sadly so far I have not see an official response from Apple. Some have said this inaccuracy on the edges is on purpose by Apple - so that when you touch at an angle towards the side of the screen - it purposefully off - kind of Apples way of Kentucky windage for you.
Apple has said in the past - as in the way distance past of 2007 - that they already change the target size for keys on the keyboard based on what the iPhone thinks you are trying to type. So if you are typing the word slow - by the time you get to the w the target areas for the W is bigger than that for the Q or the E or the S around it. Making it easier for you to hit.
My guess is the inaccuracies measured by the robots at OptoFidelity are on purpose and not a bad design - why else would there be a pattern for the inaccuracies. This is also the thinking of Nick Arnott over at Neglected Potential who wrote a really nice blog post on this.
It would be nice is Apple put out something official about this. If they do I will make sure to mention it on a future episode.
I saw a nice blog post for the blog - Dustview. The post was titled - iPhone 5S vs Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Shootout.
As the article mentions the 1020 has the camera called by many as the current leader of the pack in smartphone camera. HOWEVER - once you read this article and see the side by side shots - you will see that not only does the 5S hold its own - over all - the 5S is really the better camera.
They did 10 different side by side photos - where each photo had some different condition to it. Some were about colors - some clarity some low light - some about zooming in. And in the end the score was 8 to 3. One of the categories they tied. So they could have really scored it 7.5 to 2.5. It is hard to audibly explain the difference in pictures - because you know a picture is worth a 1,000 words and there are 10 different photos with 2 versions of each - and that would mean 20,000 words are needed. Or I could just say look for the link to the post titled - iPhone 5S vs Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Shootout - in the show notes for ep 287 at today in iOS dot com. But yes I was really surprised by the out come of this test as a few certain tech podcasters seem to be so high on the Nokia Camera - doubt they ever did a side by side test like this. That's ok - we realize it is fashionable right now to be negative about Apple - I am sure once the wind blows in the other direction they will be back in Apples camp again. Just Sayin
PLAYVOICEMAIL - Quest_arnold_musicapp_ios7
Long time listener Tash in Australia has been having a bugger of a time with her iPhone 4S since updating to iOS 7. It has slowed down and the battery life sucks - and she seems to have tried everything. Seems this is a wide spread issue in Australia.
Again for me in the US - upgrading to iOS 7 on my iPhone 4 - and it seems to be working better and faster and battery life is much much improved. I get a much longer charge out of my iPhone 4 running iOS 7.0.3 - then I do with my iPhone 4S running 6.1.2.
Any way if Anyone in Australia was having issues with sluggish performance and horrible battery life after updating to iOS 7 - and were able to fix the issue - please please please let us know.
206-666-6364 - 206 -moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hi Rob
I am planning on getting the iPad mini with Retina Display. I would love to save money and get thee 16GB version. I know iCloud saves apps, music, and photos, but do you recommend using cloud apps such as DropBox for an iOS device? If not 32GB will be my choice
Hi AJ,
Even with iCloud and Dropbox and Flickr - which are all great for getting some content off your iOS device to free up storage space - there is another issue.
Are you an App junkie ?
If so - go with 32 GB as a min - apps are getting bigger and bigger size wise due to the requirements of retina specs for images.
So if you have more than 50 apps on your iOS device now - go with 32 GB - if you just use the stock apps plus a half dozen other apps - and don't care about apps - 16GB when used with icloud, dropbox and flickr should work for you.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Michael_email_redbadges_turn_off_tip
For this next story - First I need some paper.
Now I need a couple of paper cuts - Check. And now the lemon Juice. Ok - adding that to the paper cuts. CHeck - and I am ready for this next story. Which is for those lucky few that have google fiber. Google just updated their iOS app so it now works on the iPhone and iPod touch as well - and they added new DVR features. Per the aforementioned lemon juice in my paper cuts - that relates to the fact I live in the only city in america whose city council was incompetent enough to say no to Google Fiber and then when they were ready for Google fiber - Google said No Fiber for you. So now I am living in the only city in Kansas City metro area that will be with out google fiber. All I can say is everyone on the City council up for election in the spring of 2015 will be gone. And I am seriously considering running. Yup Overland Park made it so hard on Google to get approval - that Google picked up their ball and went home. Ok I am ranting - but I am still pretty upset about it. Anyway if you have google fiber or are getting ready to get it good news for you - you can take the Android tablet they supply with each hook up and put it under the kitchen table leg to balance out the table - and download the Google fiber app for any of your iOS devices and control it with a device you don't have to feel embraced to be seen using.
Thanks again to our sponsor Squaretrade. Remember for your iPad warranty - just $89 for a two year warranty - you save $35 by going to square trade dot com slash t i i 2 - that is slash t i i and the number 2. the iPad Air is not really as light as air it is still a pound and subject to the laws of gravity - and square trade is there to help you when your iPad becomes part of a newtonian science experiment. Squaretrade dot com / tii 2 for your $89 iPad air warranty.
If you want to know when new episodes go up - look at the Tii app - not just the best way to consume the show - but also a great way to get a push message when a new episode goes live or there is other iOS breaking news. Just $2.99 in the app store - it helps you get the most out of the show and it helps support the show at the same time - plus it makes it really easy to email or call the show with your feedback. Again just search for Tii in the iTunes app store.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our new Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.