I made this by building the Tii out if Legos, then taking the picture with my iPhone 4 and adding the text with the Doodlebuddy app.
Transcript for Episode 290
You know how much we love artwork created on an iOS device - and now there is this Amazing Artwork created on an iPad - with just a finger and the app Procreate - it looks like a photo of Morgan Freeman it is that detailed and vivid - but it is really a painting created on an iPad with just his finger. There is a video on youtube showing the progression of the creation which took the artist Kyle Lambert over 200+ hours to create.
Look for the link in the show notes for ep 290 titled - iPad Art - Morgan Freeman - Youtube. Really this is an amazing piece of artwork - and you would be hard pressed looking at the finished product to tell it is not a picture - it really really is that good.
Hi Rob,
I am on iOS 7.1 beta 1 and I am noticing a lot smoother app switching and keyboard is less laggy. Also Siri seems faster to respond. I wish they put flight tracking on Siri like Google now has. One bug is my App Store is showing 2 updates as a badge but nothing new to update.
Hi Rob,
I saw a commercial yesterday where the couple was trying to make their Thanksgiving meal and accidentally broke their oven door. They asked their Google tablet "Can you barbecue a turkey" and proceeded to cook their turkey in their barbecue grill.
I decided to do the same query with Siri on my iPhone. I thought the response was a bit amusing.
Myron U
And he sent a screen shot - essentially is you ask siri can you barbecue a turkey - it comes back with quote I found three BBQ restaurants in Turkey unquote.
And I got the same results. Oh Well - but at least she knows what Basketball team to root for.
Blackfriday on line sales numbers are coming out and shocker. iOS kicked androids Butt. Again. These are based on US numbers gathered by IBM and Adobe. What they found was
On average, iOS users spent $127.92 per order on Black Friday compared to $105.20 per order for Android users.
Ok that number is not butt kicking. But these others are.
iOS traffic reached 28.2 percent of all online traffic, compared to 11.4 percent for Android. iOS sales reached 18.1 percent of all online sales, compared to 3.5 percent for Android. That is over a 5x ratio of iOS sales to android sales.
These numbers are not counting online sales to apple.com or via the apple store app. No mention if they count amazon either. I am sure more and more numbers will come out soon. But based on these once again iOS user are actually consumers. Where as android users not so much.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ios-android-
When iOS users were not out buying other things with their iOS devices - they were out buying more iOS devices - Which I am to assume they will then use to buy even more other things. InforScout looked at the top selling items at Target on Black Friday and Shocker - iPad's were at the top of the list. Info scouts results are based on survey's of 3,000 shoppers at target on Thanksgiving and Blackfriday and what they found was Number item purchased with 8.2% of target sales was the iPad Air 16GB wifi. #2 with 7.5% of sales was the iPad Mini 16 GB wifi. and Taking the bronze in 3d place was the iPad Air 32 GB wifi with 2.4% of Sales. #4 was beats headphones at 2.4% as well. Nothing else was over 2%. The iPad 2 16 GB surprisingly was in at 8th place with 1.4%. The only other table in the list - the Nook at #11 with 1.1%. So iPads were combined at 19.5% of purchases. Wow. Well except when you get to InfoScouts next reveal and that is 40% of those 19.5+ % of iPad buyers - yeah they were Android users. You heard me right - 40% of those buying an iPad on Blackfriday weekend - were Android users. double Wow.
Over at Target Rival Walmart - they reported sales of over 1.4 Million Tablets on Thanksgiving evening alone. Most of that was for the $299 iPad Mini first gen - that you got a $100 Walmart gift card with. How do we know that - well back to the folks from info scout - they had the iPad Mini selling 13 times more units than the $99 Nabi tablet which was the other Thanksgiving night special. That makes the numbers pretty simple - 1.3 Million iPad Mini's sold vs 100,000 Nabi's sold - and that is better then what I saw in line at Walmart - where there was 1 person in line for the Nabi and well over 50 for the iPad Mini. I remember thinking looking at that one guy in line - wow - you are the dad giving the Action jackson this year. So sad. Anyway - over all - there are going to be 100,000 kids that get a Nabi tablet this year and in the back of their mind will think - when I am a parent - I will never do this to my kids.
And then there is some updated data from Fiksu. They were mentioned recently on the show - when they looked at iPad usage by version after launches. And what they found initially was the iPad Air was well out pacing the iPad 4 launch. And well nothing has changed there - with the iPad Air now 35+ days from launch more than doubling what they saw for usage of the iPad 4 - 35 days after it launched. The iPad Mini Retina - is at this point just a tad bit ahead of the iPad Mini from when it launched. So at least now it definitely is looking like an iPad Christmas - especially when you factor in that 1.3 Mil iPad mini's were last years version - and sold at one retailer in one hour.
So what did all this good news do to Apple Stock - Well Shockingly - no really I mean it - shockingly - it drove the stock price up. Seems Fundamentals and real good news is starting to win out on Wallstreet again. Apple Shares are now in the black for the year. All those that purchased some Apple stock the last time it dipped below $400 - raise your hand. Yes my hand is up. And kudos to you if your is up as well. Apple Stock ended the week at $560 a share. Also Apple seems to have tackled some inventory issues and lead times are dropping - right now for the iPhone 5S - all versions are listing 1-3 day deliveries - that is the first time they have reached that level for all models.
So Apple is seeing increased demand for product and increased inventory to quench the thirst of their customers. Seems to be a good combo - and a story line starting to win out over the negativity of Android fan bois.
Hi Rob
Johnny Appleseed here in Cincinnati Ohio. I got my iPad mini retina display white 32 gig Wi-Fi model at the Cincinnati Apple Store last Thursday. The interesting thing was that you were not able to walk into the store and purchase it and walk out. I had to order it online in the store and come back 2 hours later to pick it up. Little bit different way of doing things for apple.
Go flyers!
Well My Wife's iPad finally made it out of Alaska and to our house on November 25th - which is one key reason for no episode last weekend - well that and it was Thanksgiving and my birthday and there was 3 Dayton flyer games on ESPN and well did I mention I had a new iPad Mini Retina to play with. So my thoughts on this. Wow is it slim - and beautiful and slim. Actually for me it is too small and thin without a case - and personally I like the size of the iPad Air better. But hey it was not for me it was for my wife and her opinion is different - she really likes the size - as she is taking it with her to wait in line for the kids and go out and about. She never took the other iPad - granted the other one did not have Cellular. So Yeah there is that small detail. Speaking of the cellular - setting up the free 200 MB a month with T-mobile was supper simple - I can't recommend the T-mobile version strong enough if you are in the US - that said they are all really the same version just with different sim cards - so if you did not get the t-mobile version just go to a t-mobile store and get a sim card for it.
In the first week she used less than 10% of her 200 MB allocation. What I basically did - well not basically - what I did did or actually did or something - well I set up her device when on cellular to only allow email and safari. As that is all she needs and wants. On top of that I set up email to not load images automatically. So now she has free cellular for her email and browsing needs and is no where near close to going over her allocation.
She loves the speed of it - going from a 3rd gen iPad to the mini retina is a 2 processor jump - and it is really noticeable on websites. I did get all her photos on there and I mean all - as in around 15,000 plus photos. And she well is costing me a small fortune in Printer ink printing out pictures to go in christmas cards.
I did decide to set it up from scratch and found most of her info sync'd over from iCloud for calendars and like with no issues. And setting up emails was great and even the folders she set up before were there even though we set up from scratch. I have to say the set up and speed of the mini reminds me again of why I love the iOS ecosystem. Granted my next iPad for me - will be a larger one to go with my larger hands - likely the iPad Pro if that ever comes to be.
My wife did comment to me that she felt the mini was just too thin and she felt scared holding it initially - afraid it was going to drop and break at any second. I did get the Squaretrade warranty on it - and that made her feel a lot better. But we also got a cheap case for it until some others I have coming in to test get here. And we are keeping the kids away from it.
Speaking of Squaretrade this is a good point to mention they are sponsoring this show - they are who I have purchased my warranties for my iPhone 5S and now my iPad Mini Retina. And you can get warranties for your iOS devices to - with a discount for being a Tii listener - which folks if you go to square trade dot com slash tii 2 - that is slash t i i and the number 2 - you will get a 2 year iPad warranty for just $89 - that is a savings of $35 off the normal price for being a Tii listener. Or if you need a warranty for a recently purchased iPhone go to square trade dot com slash tii - and that is $94 for a 2 year iPhone warranty. Or do like I did and get them both.
With square trade they will cover you if your jailbreak - which Apple will not - so if you are even remotely thinking of jailbreaking - that is one good reason to look at square trade - And well here is an email from one of the listeners.
Hi Rob,
I just (finally) received my gold iPhone 5s 64gig. I debated the warranty you have been recommending versus AppleCare. Apple has always taken amazing care of me when there has been any issues so it was a tough debate...until... I read the SquareTrade warranty info and flexibility and then looked at the discount you are offering us. I now have only one complaint on your advice: your discount lowers the THREE year warrant to close to Apple's TWO year coverage! I always give my last phone to my wife or kids and now when I upgrade in two years it will still have one more year under warranty! At a GREAT price. Thanks so much for giving us this discount.
By the way - my phone arrived past the 30 days from time of order that SquareTrade requires. I contacted them and they accepted my shipping invoice as documentation with no issue and issued the warranty. Very fast response.
Jeff Tucker
Thanks Jeff - good point on the 3 year period. For 3 years on the iPad warranty it is just $119. Again click through to see the real discount. And the URL is square trade dot com slash Tii for the iPhone and slash tii 2 - t i i and the number 2 for the iPad warranties. Thanks Squaretrade for sponsoring this show.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Ken_FDBK_sharing_credits
Hey Rob,
My favorite holiday app of all time - Zen of Snow. It's absolutely peaceful and relaxing - a serene cabin setting in the snow covered mountains with some colorfully lit Christmas trees outside. Gorgeous!
Jeff T
Hi Rob,
Per the listeners request for a question mark on the 1st screen.
The app "iaWriter", a note taking app, has punctuation marks, including the question mark, on the 1st screen.
- Jessi D
Hi Rob - I use the app called iaWriter and they add the ’?’ right above the main keyboard. There's also arrow keys and some other punctuation. It's a great app - syncs with Dropbox, and has a folder setup for files.
-Dan B
Hey Rob, one of your listeners had asked about a keyboard with a question mark on the first screen. I type a lot of notes on my phone, and also found it somewhat annoying that all punctuation is on the second screen, I just bought a Bluetooth keyboard. Since I still needed it to be super portable, I ended up using the Celluon Epic, and I love it. No more pointless screen swapping to get at the punctuation.
Dan P, from Orangeville
Hi Rob
A gentleman on episode 288 was looking for a way to backup custom 'ringers' to his computer. The mac apps iPhone Explorer or Diskaid should allow him copy these and any other files to his computer for backup.
Hey Rob. Before I switched to T Mobile and when I was having the problem with the "never deleting all/some of my AT&T voicemails", I was told by an apple genius to call AT&T and ask them to "reprovision my voicemail". I did not want to do that until I made a record of whatever important voicemails were there. I had been thinking of switching to T Mobile, and made the switch before I ever took the "reprovision" step with AT&T. The genius was told me to specifically use the word, "reprovision".
So.....you might want to try that with the "zombie voicemails.
Grateful for what you do,
Scott, Milwaukee
Settings - Privacy - Location Services - Scroll all the way down - System Service - Turn off Frequent locations.
That is another one to select when looking to save on battery life - thanks all that sent that one in.
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Bob_issue_fixed_by_apple_dfu
I want to send a shout out to the 200+ folks already in the Google+ community - if you go to today in iOS dot com slash community it will take you to the page or click on the little google+ icon in the upper right of today in iOS dot com site.
Thanks to all that have been posting - quite a few since the last episode including ones about black friday deals - thanks for those. There are some posts about what podcasts people are listening to - and what apps they are using them to listen. Plus breaking news links and more iOS news. Again thanks to all that signed up and also to those contributing. today in iOS dot com slash community.
Thanks to Ben K for the heads up on this next one.
The AP is reporting that APPL will be launching iBeacons in their 254 of their US stores This weekend. Apple is supposed to be also launching an over the air update to its Apple store app to support iBeacon receivers. This all was supposed to happen starting on Friday the 6th - but as of close to midnight - the App store app is not showing an update.
Apple supposedly demo'd iBeacons to the AP this past week. quote The company demonstrated the technology to The Associated Press this week at its busy, 24-hour Fifth Avenue store in New York City. At this particular store, Apple has installed about 20 iBeacon transmitters, some of which are simply iPhones and iPads, which come with the capability as part of the iOS 7 mobile software released in September. The transmitters use Bluetooth wireless technology to sense your exact location. That's not possible with GPS, which don't work well indoors and aren't good at distinguishing between locations that are just a few feet apart. unquote
What does this mean to you - probably not a lot to start. Apple will get better tracking data on where you went in the store. But I doubt when you walk by an iPad Air you will get a push that says - "Stop - look to your left - Buy me - you know you want to. come on pull out that plastic and lets go home together" - I mean I guess Apple could do that - but they don't likely need to.
iBeacons works with iOS devices running iOS 7 - but not the iPhone 4 or iPad 2nd gen. But all the other iOS 7 devices it works fine with.
And well Apple has put out the following about this.
quote Apple has rolled out iBeacon technology at its 254 Apple Stores in the U.S., enabling shoppers to receive iPhone notifications about products and services via the Apple Store app. As the Associated Press reports, iBeacon transmitters use Bluetooth wireless technology to sense a shopper’s exact location inside an Apple Store and send messages based on the aisle or product a user is near. For example, customers walking by an iPhone table could receive messages offering to help them check their upgrade availability or see if they can get money for trading in an old phone. iBeacon technology is moving into other venues as well. The AP reports that Major League Baseball plans to use it next year to offer features like coupons and videos based on a user’s location in a ballpark.Read more: abcnews.go.com unquote
So there you go it is official - and NFC just got a little nail in its coffin when it comes to iOS products. It is Safe to now remove NFC from all future bingo cards.
Thanks to Erika Morphy for the heads up on this one. Which is Apple acquired Topsy - no not the Popcorn company - topsy the Social search and analetics company.
So why did Apple make this 200 Million acquisition - well it was not just to piss off Carl give me your 146 Billion Ichan. No but it could be about apple wanting to get more real time social media feedback for their iTunes Radio / iAds platform and also get that feedback for if / when they launch an Apple full on TV.
Or as Erika speculates at the end of her article on this - maybe Apple just wanted their engineering team. And maybe even some of their patents. Topsy by the way is on of the early partners with Twitter and they have what is known as firehose access to twitter - which means they get all the tweets - which they then go through and chart and track trends. Who knows maybe Apple is making the acquisition in hopes or resurrecting Ping - or not.
In the rumor but almost definitely a done deal front comes the reports this past week that Apple and China Mobile have finally signed a deal and iOS device will officially roll out on China Mobile on December 18th.
This also helped in pushing up Apples stock price but just a small amount.
At this point no real details to speak of. So just about the deal being done and when it kicks off. One thing analysts are stating is that apples current guidance numbers do not include the China Mobile deal - granted Apple had guidance out there for this quarter and this would impact about 2 weeks in the quarter. Once the deal is announced and people see what the actual selling price is - and if there are any subsidies for iPhones - that is when the stock price will be affected. This is a deal a long long time in the making. 759 million customer for China mobile is a big deal and even with a small % of that number 20% say being potential iOS users - that is a number that is still very big. Looking forward to seeing the devil in the details on this deal once it is made public.
A little update on this - China Mobile is reporting that it has not finalized a deal with Apple yet. So at this point it is still in the rumor stage. Which is fine - I think it is a foregone conclusion that a deal is coming - the real question is back to the costs - is this something that the top 5% of China Mobile users will be able to take part in or the top 25+ %?
iPad Pro rumors of the week - is that when the iPad Pro is announced - the 12.9 Inch screen will support 4K resolutions.
Currently the iPad Air is 2048 x 1536 - and Apple would like double that again and go to 4096 x 3072 - which is better than the 4k video resolution which is 4096 x 2160
Now some reports are saying there would be two iPad Pro's a lower resolution one launched in April - at the current 2048 x 1536 specs - and then in October - the 4K version with 4096 x 3072 specs.
Guess we will see - but when the iPad Pro is launched if it has worse PPI specs than the iPad Air - then the above migration makes sense. But it sure would be nice for apple to launch a product that does have the best resolution possible at the start.
Thanks to Russell E for this next one - which is about failure. In this case the failure of a weekly Tablet App / magazine called Encore.
But what is amazing is the difference in the level of failure between iOS and Android. From the article quote
We kicked off 2013 with 872 iPad downloads of the first edition. And just 48 to Android.
After that initial number, things fell away slightly for the next few weeks, and we didn’t exceed that initial number for a further 16 editions. We delivered 877 iPad downloads for that 16th edition. (And 12 for Android).
By now, a further learning was dawning upon us. There wasn’t much demand for an Android edition. In the end, we never did improve on that initial 48 downloads. In our worst week, our 19th edition of the year, there were just six Android downloads. Which was a bit discouraging, to say the least.
We resolved to press on with both though. And indeed, our overall number steadily grew.
Our 24th edition of the year was the first to deliver more than 1,000 iPad edition downloads (and 25 to Android).
So even after the initial surge - then drop off - while iOS eventually grew larger then the initial number - Android never did. and I love this quote from the article quote - A few weeks ago we quietly stopped the Android tablet edition. Nobody noticed. unquote
Oh snap. One thing they also mentioned in there is they started with one platform that was just iOS they liked - and then switched to another that they did not like because it supported Android - and well - it is safe to say - if you are doing something for a tablet - and you make any decisions based around Android - you are making a bad decision. The sentiment was that they would have been much better off sticking with the original platform and just doing iOS - and well the numbers make a no duh type comment. Did we mention 40% of iPad buyers from black friday weekend are android users - Just sayin.
Thanks to Tim B for the heads up on this next one. Which is a really pretty graph - well pretty if you like Green and have an iOS device. If you own an Android device - it is just a downright depressing chart. and if you are an android fan bois it is one of those charts you hope someone like me never gets a hold of. What is said chart about - well it is about OS version support for released product. Green represents that said device is on the current major version. Yellow means it is one major version behind - orange is 2 behind. Pinkish is 3 behind - dark red is 4 behind and Black is >4 major revisions behind.
And then they chart months and years after a product is released. Here is what is simply amazing. Only two kinda 3is Major Andorid devices out of 16 were still on the current major version a year after release. I say 3 ish as the Nexus s 12 months after release was one revision behind - but a few months later was back on the latest version - but then quick faded after that. Also with Android devices - 7 of the 16 were on the first day they were released 1 major revision behind. With 6 of them never getting caught up. The longest any Android device stayed on the current major version - 1 Year - 10 months - that was the Galaxy nexus. The Longest an iOS device stayed on the latest version - 4 years 3 months. That was the iPhone 3GS. Which is now just one major revision behind.
Of the 9 android devices over that are 2 years or older - on the 2year mark - 5 of the 9 were 3 major revisions behind. 2 were 2 major revision behind and 2 were just one major revisions behind.
All iOS device were up to date on their 2 year mark and their 3 year mark.
So in a nut shell - if you want a device that has the latest and greatest software - because you now the OS is kind of important for touch screen devices - then Android is not what you want.
By the way the 16 Android devices are the top of the line devices - Nexus's - Sammy S2, S3, Note, HTC One, and so on. This chart as the author notes would look a lot lot worse if you went with lower end android devices.
I do find it very interesting - Apple definitely wants you to upgrade every two years - but realistically the life of an iOS device is at least 4 years. What that means is at the 2 year mark - if you purchased your iOS device when it was first released - it is just half way through its life cycle - that means it has greater value for resale. So to me this says Apple's plan to get to upgrade every two years - is to give you a device you can easily sell in two years that retains enough value to make it worthwhile to sell or pass on. And Androids strategy to get your to upgrade is to release devices that in two years have reached the end of their useful life - so you are forced to upgrade. Again interesting strategy - I kind of like going with the option where I am not forced to upgrade but choose to upgrade myself.
Johnny Evans has a post out on computerworld titled - Apple is winning the OS war - and he starts it with quote This won't be a popular opinion but the inconvenient truth is that Apple is winning the OS wars unquote
Well there is one thing he is wrong about - it is a popular opinion around these parts. Essentially he looked over that chart I just went over and then looked at the state of not just Android - but also MS Windows and OS X.
His conclusion is that only iOS is positioned well for the future. Why because with iOS you get uniformity of revision of the OS over the vast majority of devices. over 70% of iOS users are already on iOS 7. Where as the latest version of Android KitKat is at about 1.1% of Android users. As he points out with Android devices are out of date when they come out of the box and many can't be upgraded.
Eric Schmidt is up to no good again - and by that I mean he is communicating with the world. Google really should lock him in faraday cage somewhere. This time he put together a post telling people how to switch from iOS to Android - because he said many of his friends are switching from iPhone to Android - and by Friends I am assuming he means upper management at Android and by switching I think he means - you switch or your fired. Hopefully in two years when all those that switched find out their Android device is woefully out of date and they must upgrade - Eric will be so nice as to put up a post on how to switch back.
Now one thing Schmidt did say in the post that I am sure made many at google cringe is when he said quote "The latest high-end phones Samsung Galaxy S4, Motorola Droid Ultra and the Nexus 5 have better screens, are faster, and have a much more intuitive interface," unquote
Or put another way - these are the only Android devices worth a damn and the rest are crap. I am sure the folks at HTC, LG, Sony, Lenovo and the plethora of other Android manufactures were not at all feeling slighted.
Oh and his comments about them being faster - umm - yeah not anywhere even remotely close to true.
Kudos to Matt for this next comment / observation about why Apple does not pre-load all the apps.
Hi Rob,
I think that one reason that the quality Apple apps that have gone free with IOS 7 are not automatically included in the stock apps is that they are also fairly large. Garage Band, Pages, Numbers, and iPhoto take up over 1.5 gb on my 16 gb iPhone and I haven't created anything with them yet. Adding Keynote and iMovie would take an additional gb of space. All the more reason to make 32 gb the entry level storage size for devices.
Matt S. in winston-Salem NC
Matt - I am sure that is it - Apple does not want a 16 GB iOS device shipping with 4 GB of Apps pre-installed. Makes you think you have less space available then you do - that said - I don't think there should be 16 GB iOS devices anymore any way - 32 GB should be the entry level.
Hi Rob
For the gentleman on episode 288 that bricked his iPhone and can't restore, I had the same problem once and was able to connect my iPhone to a different computer and accomplish a restore. If this works , then once the phone is functioning he could try to restore from a backup on the original computer or copy the backup file to the new computer and try to restore from that. This worked for me once, so possibly he can use a friends computer and iTunes to unbrick his phone. I believe he needs to make sure the computer is logged in with his iTunes account and connected to the internet for the authorization process to go smoothly.
Hey again Rob,
regarding Jon's request in episode 289 about transferring itunes credit to a new account I think the best thing may be to just leave the account open and use it to gift apps to other accounts until the credits run out. As far as getting the old purchases to the new devices they will need to set up home sharing to do that.
hope that helps,
Ben from productivitypad.blogspot.com
Hey Rob.
One of your listeners called about the wifi and Bluetooth on an iPhone 4S not working, This did happen to me once as well. The switch was greyed out as if it was disabled, and nothing I did could change it. I heard of the "put it in a ziplock and place in freezer" thing, but it didn't work for me. Just so he knows, he wasn't alone. In the end, apple just replaced my phone.(Sidebar: before I forget, I had that 4S for the longest time(about 2 years) and never had that problem, but I then did one of those minor bug fixing updates, and then the wireless didn't work.)
Also, two callers had problems with touch ID, and you asked for feedback, I've never had a problem. None. Zero. Zilch. I love it.
And one question, anyone else with a 5S noticing that sometimes a wireless network that you know is there won't show up for the longest time? Just wondering if I'm the only one. (I mean it. It takes quite some time.)
Dan, from Orangeville,
Hey Rob,
As someone who is running iOS 7, I can't stand using Apple maps. The area I live in is so messed up on Apple maps that I doubt I'll go back. It is sad but Google maps hasn't steered me wrong.
Hi Rob
Listening to your most recent podcast and I had to stop to disagree. Apple maps is more popular ONLY because it is the default map. To make this worse Apple won't allow you to switch this default. Trust me, I love apple and dislike Google (generally). However, Apples approach to this is, well... very Googlelike!
Apple maps is worse than Google maps. You can't even zoom into a route and my wife recently had a fender bender fighting this frustrating feature gap.
Love your show and generally agree. This one however, I could not disagree more strongly. Apple needs to allow choosing a different map. If there is a way to do this (apart from jail breaking) if love to hear it!
Tom in San Antonio
PLAY VOICEMAIL - Josh_cincy_fdbk_google_maps
PLAY MUSIC from Misfit toys
We have a USell back this week as a sponsor - and that is Usell spelled U S E L L - who is an aggregator of buyers of mobile devices. You know you have some old mobile devices - be it iPhones, iPads, or dare we say it Android devices laying around that are collecting dust. Don't be your own little island of misfit mobile toys - sell them off to someone that will love them and use them and touch them all over. You remember how happy that The Charlie in the box was and the spotted elephant was when they found new owners - well that mobile device you have collecting dust or stuck in a draw can feel the same way. And when you go to today in iOS dot com slash usell - you can put a smile on your face too by getting cold hard cash. For example an iPhone 5 64 gb Verizon version right now will get you a top offer of $305 - that is $45 more than the same device would get you at that company that has the name of cheetah food.
Again go to today in iOS dot com slash Usell that is slash U S E L L - to get a bid and sell your old no longer being used mobile devices.
I mentioned I received my RECAP 2 phone recorder - well I had a chance to try it out - and I did so by interviewing the Creator of the RECAP - Igor Ramos for Podcast411 - the interview was done using the RECAP and my iPhone where I called him on his home's cordless phone. I recorded the call on another iPhone in the boss jock app. If you would like to hear that interview - go to podcast411 dot com and look for that interview.
The version I used for the call - was the RECAP 2 - and that version is now part of a Kickstarter campaign - that just launched last week and will run until Jan 14th - this is a great device for recording Phone calls from your iPHone or Skype calls or FaceTime audio calls. I need to get a Skype or FaceTime call recorded and put on this show so you can hear the quality. For now you can hear how a phone call sound in the interview I did. The cost of the Recap 2 is $50 - just search for RECAP in Kickstarter dot com.
What I really like about this - is that it is a essentially a phone hybrid that plugs into your iPhone headphone jack and allows you to record on another iOS device - which most of us have now - be it an older iPhone or an iPad. And it does not require an external power supply and the really great part it is about 1" x 1" x 0.5" - it is smaller than the square reader.
So it is perfect companion for those that travel a lot but still need to do phone or Skype interviews when on the road.
If you go to podcast411 - you will see the full set up for the interview in the picture at the top and also as the episode artwork for ep 229 of podcast411.
Hi Rob, I found this kick starter project and thought you might like it. It is called the Life spot - two words with a dash in the middle.
Thanks Nathan for the heads up - and this is a nice product for the IT guy needing to get a charging center set up in the office.
While they say it is for Home or office - I can't imagine too many wives being happy with this.
What this is is a tower with multi-charging alcoves - where over all you could charge 8 different devices. Pricing on this is $65 and they have hit their goal of $25,000 - with over $31,000 raised - this project is only running until December 15th at 12:00 AM ET.
Right now the option is to get a tower that supports - 2 Apple 30 pin connectors, 2 lightening connectors and 4 Micro USB connectors.
If they hit their stretch goal of 50k - then you will have the option also of either all Apple devices only or all Micro USB only.
Search for life dash spot at kickstarter dot com.
Thanks to Thomas for this next one - which is a post at Makezine dot com titled - An early look at the cortado - the Arduino you'll never plug in.
Ok - so if you go and listen to the interview I did with Igor - you will hear him mention that the RECAP is based on Arduino. Which is a hardware platform similar in a similar ilk as Raspberry pie - except not nearly as complicated.
What is special about the Cortado - is that you send your sketches to the board wirelessly. The module has an RGB LED, a 3 Axis Accelerometer, 8 digital I/O Pins with 2 option analog inputs - and what you can do with it - is really dependent on your imagination.
At this point you are either completely lost - or very excited - if the later - search for Cortado in the show notes for ep 290 over at today in iOS Dot com. If the former - sorry - I will turn off my inner geek now.
I asked declan
If he had tried force quitting all open apps - and then going to Settings --> General --> Reset --> Reset Network settings.
He did that and reported back that fixed his issue. It seems in iOS 7 more than any past version of iOS - closed apps are not really closed - until you do a re-boot. Great - iOS 7 is getting more and more like windows - just re-boot and issues go away.
Hi Rob,
I wonder if one of your listeners can help me with a problem for which I haven't found a solution on the Net.
I have two Exchange email accounts set up on my iOS 7 devices, and they both work fine apart from one issue - I cannot move emails between them or from my Gmail or iCloud email accounts to them. Whenever I try one of these moves, the Exchange accounts are greyed out, making moving impossible.
My work IT department can't solve it but said they couldn't see why it shouldn't work OK. Then they mentioned Apple Configurator (for deploying iOS devices in Enterprise), which they said could probably be used to allow moving between multiple Exchanges accounts. But when I had a look at the Configurator pages I got cold feet because I'm no expert and it looked pretty complicated. The last think I want to do is brick my device or do something nasty to my devices.
Does anyone out there have a solution that is simple and doable by a non-expert such as myself? Maybe I only need to follow a couple of basic Configurator steps?
Many thanks indeed,
Hi Rob. I really hate not knowing when I have a missed call. I can't always be near my phone, like when its charging. I'd like to know if there are any services or apps to email me when I have a missed call and if I'm lucky maybe even text messages. That way when I'm on my ipad or Mac I can know when I have missed such event. Thank you for your work.
Regards Luis
Hi Luis,
You might want to check into YouMail - they used to have a feature of emailing you when you got a message - not sure if they did that when you missed a call as well
I believe YouMail is still free.
And then Luis emailed me back to say yes it did what he was looking for - so if you are looking to get an email when you get a voicemail or miss a call - take a look at YouMail.
Ok - we got a bunch of feedback about touchID and it working or not working and possible why for the not working part.
Hello Rob,
Last week I sent you an email about my iphone 5s finger print recognition problem. Subsequently I solved the problem which might be classified as "operator error" After you answered my email I went into settings and Touch ID and Edit. I touched the finger associated with my thumb and moved it around until the Finger line got darker as it recognized my thumb print. I notice that it was recognizing the print much lower on my thumb than what I had been using. At this point I did not rescan my finger. Going out of the settings and back into the normal phone mode I had no problem unlocking the phone using the new position on my thumb.
I attribute part of the problem I had with the phone having this "learning period" of the thumb print and liked the lower part of my thumb better than the upper part. The thing that was confusing about my problem was that the first few hours after I initially scanned my thumb, the phone would unlock on the upper part of my thumb.
Thanks for you help
Jim from Lakewood CO
Hi Rob,
I just got my Gold 32Gb 5s and I too have Touch ID woes. Though for now I am going to blame it on my ever so changing thumbprints. I know that sounds weird but Touch ID worked all weekend fine. However within a couple hours of work on Monday it wouldn't work. I am an electrician in in the industrial sector and my hands take a beating so I'm thinking the scratches and what not to my thumbs temporarily alter my prints (I've tried other fingers too-same issue). Other than that I'm loving my new phone. Huge improvement seeing I'm coming from a 4s.
Thanks for all you do
Dave T
Hi Rob
I wanted to respond to a couple questions that were recently asked on the show.
There was a question about the fingerprint reader on the 5S. I got my 5S on release day. Initially the fingerprint scanner would almost always unlock the phone on the first try. I live in Minnesota. I noticed that as the weather has gotten colder and my hands have gotten drier, I'm having more problems with the fingerprint reader. I frequently end up with enough bad tries that is makes me enter my code. I'm wondering if the dry, cracked hands confuse the reader.
There was a question about missing apps. I just helped someone migrate from a 4s to a 5s. He has iTunes back up his phone to his PC. I told him to sync the old phone before he brought it in, then sync the new phone when he got it home. I said that would take care of nearly everything and make the upgrade process really smooth. It migrated most things but not his apps. IITunes showed no apps for the phone. It turned out he had recently gotten a new work PC. He didn't have administrator rights. Something was wrong with iTunes on his PC. It wasn't signing him in. When he would try to sign in, iTunes crashed. Once he got that resolved, he was able to sign into iTunes and restore his apps.
Lastly, I noticed something about the 5s that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere. I had been using Bluetooth earbuds with my 4s. I would get periodic audio dropouts, especially if I got near someone else using Bluetooth. Using the same earbuds with the 5s, the dropouts are gone. They must have done something with the 5s to improve Bluetooth.
Joe in Minnesota
Steve VA_TouchID
Hi Rob,
I was listening to your latest podcast & thought I’d add a few tips that really helped me to obtain consistent results using the fingerprint scanner. First, you’re right on the mark with making sure one tries to calibrate against as much area as possible around the center of the thumb or other finger. Here’s a few more pointers, based upon my experience:
a) While calibrating, lightly place the thumb or other finger on the sensor and do NOT move it until vibration is felt, indicating it is time to lift the finger off the sensor & gently placing it back on again. Don’t get in a hurry calibrating!
b) Likewise, when unlocking one’s phone, touch & hold. I usually press the button to activate the screen, then release pressure on the button, while leaving my thumb stationary, which works well for me.
c) With respect to (a) & (b), too often one lifts the finger or moves it before the scanning is complete. Once again, while calibrating, wait until the phone vibrates before lifting finger, and when opening the phone, lightly hold finger steady on the sensor—don’t move or slide thumb/finger until it unlocks. These two techniques resulted in consistent unlocking for me at least 90% of the time. My phone would still occasionally throw a fit & not read my fingerprint, but it would read properly again later in the day.
d) Final tip, calibrate each thumb or finger to at least two of the five memories. I have my right thumb to 3 of the 5, and my left to the remaining 2 positions, and haven’t had a single miss-read on unlocking since.
Oh, and for a security tip—I tend to control my phone using the tip of my thumb, so when calibrating & unlocking, I use the central part of my thumb (swirl area). Once my phone unlocks, I just slide my thumb off the sensor, which wipes it clean of the print, making it more difficult for someone to obtain a clean copy of my print off the phone.
Hope this helps!!! :-)
MS just updated their Bing app for iPad to Version 2.0 - Ok - ok calm down - the episode is almost over you can wait a few minutes to update the app - no need to do it right now.
I mean first up you don't even know what was updated - like the revamped UI to match up with iOS 7 aesthetics. Or that you can now have images and bookmarks saved in the app and synced via MS skydive. Or even more importantly - you can now share search results for Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms - because nothing says oooppps like accidentally sharing a search inquiry for Cream Pie - when you really were looking for a recipe for a cream pie. And god forbid you share a search result when you are looking for an automated teller machine.
Any way v 2.0 of the ping App is out there waiting for you once you get through today's episode. Ok for the rest of you that stayed around - lets move on.
Thanks to all that sent in links to this tragic story. It is about another person that was electrocuted to death because they were using a cheap knock off charger. This was a 28 year old man in Thailand - who was electrocuted while charging up his iPhone 4S. Photos taken at the scene indicate it was a 3rd party charger. Look - Cheap - case - sure - Cheap earphones - No Problem - But Cheap Chargers - Big problem. Stay with just Apple chargers. Is it really worth dying over - and don't say well it was purchased here in the US or Europe so it is safe - wrong - some knock off chargers being sold in the US or Europe are the same basic chargers as the ones that killed or injured those in China. Either get the official Apple chargers or ones that certified by Apple.
PLAY VOICMAIL - Darren_issues_sync_ibooks
Hi Rob I've been following the discussion on making ring tones on the iPhone with GarageBand. Well I downloaded GarageBand, made myself a ring tone, and installed it to my phone all from my phone. I then go into my settings app and select my new custom ring tone. However the next time someone calls me only the default ring tone plays. I then go back into the settings and check to make sure my custom ring tone is selected (and it is, and it does play) yet when someone calls me the default ring tone still plays. Has anyone else had this issue? I am on a 32 GB iPhone 5S running iOS 7.0.4
Dave T
Noooooooo - I thought we were done with this topic. For anyone else that has created a ringtone via Garagband on your iOS device - were you able to get it to stick?
Hey Rob
I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, but is there anyway to attach a PDF file within the email app, like you can do photos/videos. It's a pain having to go to the PDF shelf in the iBooks app to send that file then go back to the address book because I forgot to copy the email address. Is there any app that does this?
I AJ - Sorry - you can only select a photo or video to put into an email right from the email - Per a PDF - you need to go to the iBooks app select the PDF and then select the option to email it out. Now if you need to get that PDF into a specific email you are responding to - you go to the iBooks app - tap on the doc and tap to email it - then when the email opens with the PDF in it - tap in the email and select all and copy - and then go back to the email you need to reply to and paste it.
But sorry no simple way like with Photos or videos.
Hi Rob,
Since my wife and I got married about a year and a half ago she has been having issues with iCloud. After we got married she changed her gmail account associated with her iCloud to change her last name. Now her 4s, which originally was associated with her old gmail account, will prompt her to sign into iCloud using her old gmail account and password. Her iTunes account only recognizes her new gmail address which, is odd because we have synced her phone and even restored to no avail. Any thoughts on what's causing this or how we can get her iCloud to recognize her new email address?
Mason C
Hey Rob,
I just found the obvious solution to an issue I have had for a couple of years. When I first got an iPhone, I started a long process of looking for an app to handle my Gmail.
I had always felt Apple’s Mail integration with Gmail was funky. Which I am told is because Gmail uses non standard whatsiwhosits. (That’s a technical term.) Before the update to Maverick, I was content to keep trying new Gmail apps to see if that was the issue.
However, with the recent updates to Maverick, my Gmail was more than a little glitchy on my Macbook. I ended up checking my multiple gmail accounts in my browser, and was even more frustrated with my apps for iOS 7.
My solution? I got an iCould email account. I had avoided that for years, but my crush on Google has been fading fast with the G+ integration of Youtube, and the issues with my Apple Mail not playing well with my Gmail.
I found out quickly that I had been missing out because anything that hits my iCloud email was in my Apple Mail, and iOS Mail apps instantly. This included the Gmail that I was forwarding through to my iCloud account. Even better, I had no idea that I could have three aliases, so I was able to delete several gmail accounts which helped untangle things that the G+, account switching, youtube has done to my stuff.
For the first time with my iPhone I am happy with how my mail sorts itself with the new iCloud rules, and iCloud account. I guess Google lost me. If Apple comes up with a viable alternative to Youtube, I’d have no reason to use anything Google at all.
I can’t be the only one that resisted an iCloud account for so long. If had known how slick that was, I would have done it years ago.
Thanks for your show. I love your work,
PLAY VOICEMAIL - BRENT_OKC_unlocked_iphones
For anyone who is a podcaster AND you are hosting with Libsyn - I wanted to let you know for the New Media Expo - if you have a small poster 11 x 14 or smaller or some biz cards 4 x 6 or smaller and you would like them shown off at the Libsyn Booth - email me rob at libsyn dot com. If you are not going - you can snail mail them to me - if you are going - we can set up you bringing them to me at the show.
If you are not going to the new media expo and are interested in getting into podcasting or blogging - this is the show for you - if you are already blogging or podcasting - this is the show to go to to connect with other podcasters and bloggers and learn how to better your craft. I have been to everyone and can not recommend going strong enough. This next one is 4 weeks away - Saturday Jan 4th - the 5th and the 6th. So when it ends you can stay a little longer and go to CES. Which is what I am doing. Which starts on the 7th. I hope to see some of you at NMX or CES in Jan - but definitely NMX as I will be speaking there and Libsyn will have a booth. Again even if you are not going and a libsyn customer email me rob@libsyn dot com to get me your cards or info to show off at the show.
Thanks again to our sponsor Squaretrade. Remember for your iPad warranty - just $89 for a two year warranty - you save $35 by going to square trade dot com slash t i i 2 - that is slash t i i and the number 2. the iPad Mini 2 with Retina is so light and easy to take with you it is truly a mobile tablet you will want to take everywhere - and that means the potential for accidents. Squaretrade dot com / tii 2 for your $89 iPad Mini and iPad Air warranty.
I also want to thank our other sponsor Usell - go to today in iOS dot com slash Usell that is the letters U s e l l - to get a bid and sell your old no longer being used mobile devices.
If you want to know when new episodes go up - look at the Tii app - not just the best way to consume the show - but also a great way to get a push message when a new episode goes live or there is other iOS breaking news. Just $2.99 in the app store - it helps you get the most out of the show and it helps support the show at the same time - plus it makes it really easy to email or call the show with your feedback. Again just search for Tii in the iTunes app store.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our new Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.