Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank
JEFF for sending in the music you hear in the background. JEFF wrote:
Hi Rob,
I made this song with my iphone 4s using the GarageBand app. For free downloads and more music follow me @jeffj6 on twitter.
Jeff J
SONG_Beyond The Dream
Thanks JEFF for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank TONI for sending in the Artwork for today's show. TONI wrote the following.
Hi Rob:
This artwork was made on my iPad using Trancit, KaleidaCam and ToonCamera.
Toni P
TONI Thanks again for sending in this artwork and folks you can see TONI'S artwork in the Tii App in the extras for ep 309
- or if you subscribe via iTunes on your computer as the album artwork and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote ““Fewer capabilities than a netbook but a similar size? Not a good start. unquote
Lee Gomes, Forbes Asia Magazine, 5 March 2010
Well Lee your quote was Short and sweet and totally off the mark - Just sayin Did you ever notice the irony - that Apple Products are never liked by the financial folks - yet Apple makes more money then anyone else. Seems like the financial folks would be swooning over Apple - but nope they seem to like Google that just keeps missing their quarterly guidance quarter after quarter - just seems strange to me that's all.
For Promo codes - On Ep 308 we offered up chances to win promo codes for the APP - FNotes and the ebook - Little Millies Big PLAN - The expiration dates on those was well now - so I sent those out already.
Here is the feedback I already received on the FNotes App via Facebook from Mark T.
"I just wanted to say thanks to Rob, I managed to obtain one of the free codes for the FNotes App, I have to say I'm a big user of the Stock Notes App, but the FNotes app is excellent, just being able to put a Favourite Star on your important messages is great, but being able to password protect my notes is something the Stock App should have been able to do right from the start, also being able to backup to Dropbox is a bonus in my book.
Thought is just say thanks for such a great app. :-)"
Thanks Mark for the feeds back on FNotes - sorry folks no more promo codes for that as they were given out - yeah that kind of makes me a tease. Sorry.
This week we have promo codes for the App - SPACE HEADS - Two words - Here is the review from the Dev - PLAY PROMO CODE FOR SPACE HEADS - Thanks to the Dev for his review of his APP SPACE HEADS and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this APP - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put SPACE HEADS in the subject line.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
I try to lead off each episode with a story I think was the most interesting or dire or buzz worthy each week. Going into Monday evening when I was putting together the show notes I was really stretching to find a lead story. Nothing was looking like a candidate - I mean the last thing I wanted to lead with was a story about two new iPad commercials or what someone in customer service at a German telco reportedly said. Then Bing Bango Bongo - Some people in Australia have their phones hijacked and held for ransom and I am like Oh yeah - good news for me. I just found my lead story. Oh - was that a little shallow - sorry. Ok - lets go over what is happening first and what you need to do to protect yourself second.
Some users through out Australia reported that suddenly their iOS devices were locked down and they received a message that basically said this device is been hacked by Oleg PLiss - and to unlock the device you needed to pay them $100 via PayPal. And again this was reported by multiple users all across Australia.
What it looks like happened is that a hacker was able to use the find my iPhone app and the users email and password and lock down the devices.
How the hacker got the passwords appears to have been from other recently hacked services like ebay or one of a few other sites recently in the news about getting their user lists hacked.
It seems like people used the same email / password combo on those sites as they used for their iCloud / iTunes account. And more importantly - they did not set up two-step Verification. At least one user reported using the same password with iTunes as Ebay.
I did have a couple of people ask if they should turn off find my iPhone - HECK NO!!!. This is not an issue with find my iPhone - well ok - it is part of the issue - but not the issue - the issue is the hacker got control of their Apple ID and they did not have 2 step verification turned on.
An Article from the LA Times said the following with regards to those that were hacked and getting back control of their devices:
Quote To regain access, affected users can try the method named "Use recovery mode" on per the Apple support article - iOS forgot passcode or device disabled.
If that doesn't work, users should contact Apple at one of the company's retail stores or by phone.
However if you go to the apple support forum post where this new first broke - this is what the original author flagged as the advice that actually worked for him.
Turn off your phone.
Plug your cable into the computer and have itunes up (do not plug into the phone yet)
Press and hold the home key on your off phone (I did mine for about 10 seconds). If nothing happens, plug in the cable into your phone (keep holding the home key)
What you want to see come up is the picture of itunes and cable on the front of the phone
Your itunes should then recognise the phone as an unidentified phone
Select restore factory settings (it should down load some software) ~15 mins and automatically install
The phone should go through some of the standard reset screens (usually black screen with apple icon and loading bar)
You will be prompted to restore the phone.... do this from itunes not the phone
Throughout this process you must not let the phone or computer go into sleep mode.... and don't disconnect.
From Apple forum super user - Thomas_R - with 27,495 points and level 7 in the support forums - he said the following:
QUOTE This topic has grown very quickly, and there are many people saying a lot of different things. Rather than try to address everyone, I'm just going to stick to some general information about this kind of hack.
What has undoubtedly happened in all these cases is that your Apple ID has been hacked. How that may have happened, I don't know. It could be weak passwords falling to brute force attacks by a botnet. It could be that people "logged in" to a malicious fake Apple server in response to a phishing e-mail. It could be something else entirely.
Once the hackers have access to your Apple ID, they can remotely lock all your iOS devices with a message. They can also see any data stored in iCloud (calendars, contacts, e-mail, notes, etc). If you have a Mac with Back to My Mac enabled, they could potentially get remote access to that. They could also make purchases on your Apple ID.
The solution to the problem is to regain access to your Apple ID. (Erasing the device is not a solution in many cases.) Reset the password, and make sure to change it to something very secure. As an additional security measure, I strongly suggest that you enable two-step verification on your Apple ID. Doing so provides additional security, and should prevent the hacker from ever being able to take control of your Apple ID entirely away from you.
You should not be afraid of turning on Find My iPhone, which is an important anti-theft feature. Instead, simply enable two-factor authentication to make sure your Apple ID is secured, so nobody can manage to use this feature against you.
Note that enabling two-factor authentication does not guarantee that your Apple ID won't be hacked, so you still need to use a strong password. What it does protect against is changes to your Apple ID that would give the hacker permanent access. With two-factor authentication enabled, you will always be able to reset the password on your Apple ID and regain access to it, as long as you follow the directions and are careful to save the recovery key. UNQUOTE
FYI - if you are a past listener of this show - yes - I said you should set up two-step Verification on Episode 268 and a few other episodes before that.
If you have not done so - look for the link in the show notes titled - FAQ about two-step verification for apple ID.
Additionally make sure of course you are using a different password for your Apple ID - and why not just use a unique email address for your Apple ID. That is what I do. The only place I use my email address I use for my Apple ID is with iTunes. That is it.
This whole issue came about because the users did not set up two-step verification - and they likely used the same email / password combo on multiple services or they fell prey to a phishing scam.
One thing about setting up Two-Step verification will likely mean you need to change your iTunes password - so if you have one of those short - easy to remember - type and well hack passwords - Yeah - Apple will want that changed. Yup - say good bye to your dog's or kids names for passwords.
Again links about all this and the FAQ on setting up two-step verification in the show notes for ep 309 over at today in iOS dot com.
On a completely unrelated issue - There are Reports that two hackers figured out how to un-brick - bricked / stollen iPhones or in this case maybe iPhone held for ransom. Hmmm - timing on this seems ominous.
Now of course these hackers say they wear a white hat and claim this is just for those that had their own iPhones bricked / locked down. And not to be used by anyone that you know went Apple Picking. Wink Wink - Nod Nod. They have a service that helps you unblock iphones called doulci - which is iCloud spelled backwards.
So what do the experts think about this offering - well As MuscleNerd - said on twitter:
I feel sorry for those proxying thru doulci while logged into iTunes
Which basically he is saying if you use this method to unlock your bricked device - doulci acts as a man in the middle to achieve this result - but that also means if logged into iTunes - they get your iTunes credentials and log in info. Not sure how comfortable you feel about giving your iTunes log in info to hackers - but It is not something I would ever recommend. Of course if you just got your iPhone hacked and held for ransom from Oleg PLiss maybe you would do just that.
Of course the down side on all this is if your iOS device is stollen and you thought it was locked down - and you bricked it with find my iPhone legitimately - these folks are giving would be thieves as way to unbrick - mind you right now that does not unlock the sim card so your iPhone is just a big iPod touch - but they said they are working on getting that last part unlocked as well.
So do I recommend using them if your device is bricked - HECK NO.
Well Thieves use this service to unbrick stollen iPhones - of course.
Not a good start of the episode for Apple this week.
Sounds like iOS 8 - needs some additional security upgrades. Just sayin
VOICEMAIL - Tracy_answr_multi_itunes_accounts
Hi Rob
I would definitely recommend not allowing Siri access on the lock screen as if someone from work or a friend, gets your phone and wants access to a specific contact on the device, they just need to say that contact's name to Siri and the phone number comes up. Go to Settings/Touch ID & Passcode/Enter your passcode/Scroll to Allow access when locked and flick Siri to off.
Kind Regards
Brisbane, Australia
Hi Steve - if you have a very protected contacts list - then yes. But for me - not having siri when locked - which my iPhone is most of the time - and in my pocket - would be a pain - I like being able to with my phone in pocket - tap and hold the center button on the headphones and activate siri and have her call my wife or send a text and now also play a podcast. So for those reasons - for me it does not make sense to neuter Siri well if she were a he that is - which well in some countries she/he is.
I am starting to think one of the most important features on iOS 8 is going to be security - or maybe I am hoping it is. Apple could really go a long way in making the data and info on your iPhone more secure. Like password locked apps.
From Google+ Community
Hi Rob,
I'm listening to 308 of tii and listening to all the request to ios8 I'd love to see a password to turn off the phone for security..
Hi Chris - Yes - that would be nice instead swipe to turn off - have to enter your passcode or touch ID to turn off your device. This way any thief would not be able to turn off your device and you could locate it with find my iPhone - right up until they start carrying faraday bags with them.
Here is a post from the Google Plus community that I wanted to read - it comes from Chris in London.
Quote The way to allow non-iOS users to view your shared Photo Streams is actually quite simple. You can just make them a public website that will have its own unique URL. You can then share that URL with friends and family members whenever you'd like. Here's where to get it:
Launch the Photos app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
Tap on the Photo Stream tab in the bottom navigation.
From here tap on the blue arrow next to the shared Photo Stream you'd like to make public.
Towards the bottom there is an option for Public Website, enable it by turning it to On.
Now tap on Share Link after it's generated. You'll then be able to copy it to the clipboard or share it many various ways regardless of what mobile platform someone is using.
- Chris in London
Thanks Chris.
VOICEMAIL - Bob_CT_ask_sir_fastfoward_amountPof_time
We are now well over 750 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One post in the G+ community this past week came from -
John Hynes - and he wrote quote - did you know that if you use burst mode on your iOS device and upload images to Google+ - they automatically get animated. unquote.
It makes it like a little animated gif. IF anyone knows of an App that lets you take burst mode photos and turn them into an animated gif you can email - please let me know. Yes there is the app InstaGif - which is free - but I don't think it takes your already created burst mode photos and turns them into a gif at least I could not test that with out doing an in app purchase to allow for import. But if anyone knows of an App that definitely allows you to get access to a burst mode photo and convert to an Animated Gif you can email - give us a call or send us an email. 206-666-6364 or today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Back to the Google+ community this past week there were dozens and dozens and dozens of other new posts in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 750+ of you already in the community and contributing.
Good News - Apple will be streaming the WWDC 14 keynote. I don't think it is a big surprise - given the event is sold out and Apples wants the devs watching and getting excited all over the world - not just live at the event.
The event as mentioned before many times will be June 2nd at 10:00 AM PT - 1:00 PM ET. There is a link in the show notes to the live stream event.
However I will do my best to get a new episode up as soon as possible after the live event. If the best laid plans of mice and men come to pass - I will record the first part of the next Episode on Sunday night. And then finish with the part covering WWDC at the end of the episode and post right away. Again - that is the plan - lets see what Happens on June 2nd.
From Korea IT News comes word that LG Electronics and Samsung have recently asked Sapphire Ingot and wafer makers to submit samples. Yes shocker Sammy heard about Apples investment in GTAT and Sapphire and they are looking to copy Apple. Who could have seen that one coming.
Every indication is that GTAT is now shipping in quantity its sapphire from its AZ plant. This is where Apples use of its cash to help prop up its supply chain is where Apple really stands out from everyone else.
Thanks to Tash on this next one - which is an article about how Sapphire glass does not mean the end of broken screens.
Ok - the article does pull some info from a white paper by Corning - the makers of Gorilla glass - so surprise surprise they are trying to throw Sapphire under the bus.
But here is the skinny - Sapphire is the second hardest material behind diamond. Being harder than gorilla glass means it is less likely to scratch and chip - not impossible to chip and scratch - but much less likely than Gorilla glass.
Corning for their part shows that Gorilla Glass handle more pressure before breaking. That said - when you drop your phone it is more likely to shatter if there are pre-existing chips or scratches. having the surface free of chips and scratches as it is more likely to be with Sapphire than Gorilla glass - means it is less likely to shatter with Sapphire - but again Sapphire does not mean the end of Shattered screens - but it should much fewer shattered screens. Sapphire is not magic - it is just better than gorilla glass - in theory.
iPhone 6 in mid-September – more specifically, on September 19.
One 11th hour rumor about what will be announced at WWDC is quote
The Financial Times claims that when Apple's World Wide Developers Conference gets underway on June 2, the big reveal won't be a smartwatch or a 12-inch tablet, but a new initiative that puts the iPhone at the heart of the connected home.
The scheme will be similar to Apple’s existing “Made for iPhone” label, given to compatible headphones, speakers and other accessories, but with a new brand and logo. Apple may also provide additional checks and assurances that certified products are not vulnerable to hackers.
The Cupertino-based company was likely to emphasise the privacy protections built into its smart home system, one person familiar with Apple’s plans told the FT, given heightened sensitivity about technology companies’ access to personal information amid revelations about US intelligence agencies’ online surveillance programmes.
The neat thing about 11th hour rumors and Apple - those are the ones that tend to hit.
So maybe why Apple did not buy Nest - beyond the lack of any real financial soundness for the deal - might be that Apples has its own way to control your home and that is more to do with your Apple TV and or iOS device.
Thanks to Steve from AZ for this next one - which I mention because - of one comment in the article - about size of the phone.
quote (monstrous screens are attractive while in use, but for the majority of time, your phone is still in your pocket) unquote
I was talking to one of the mom's at the pool - and she had a shattered iPhone 4S - just broke it a couple of days earlier. She asked when the iPhone 6 was coming out - and what would be the features. When I mentioned it would be bigger - she went eeewww - or something like that - she is not looking for a larger phone - she said she likes the size of the 4S. So there are still a group of people out there that like the portability / size of the 4S and 5S phones. I think when the iPhone 6 comes out - it will not just be one size - but multiple sizes. Or at least the 5S will be updated to add some of the iPhone 6 features - actually I think one version of the iPhone 6 - will be essentially the iPhone 5S - but with Sapphire glass, the A8 processor and a better camera. The iPhone Air if you will. With the iPhone 6 at 4.7 inches being the iPhone Pro. Ok wait that makes no sense unless Apple launches an iPad Pro at 13 inches. Ok - then it would make sense.
Hi Rob,
There hasn't been much lately about the new Apple TV or the Mac mini. Just an idea but what if they combined these devices into one giving the tv HDR services?
Jason H
Hi Jeff and Jason - Yup - I am definitely hopping for a new AppleTV for WWDC - but then I was hoping for it before the end of March - and also back in the Fall - seems it is way way over due.
Per features and Amazon's Fire TV box - I don't want to compare until well it is here and we know the specs - I had a few people ask about or comments on Amazon's Fire TV box. But I think it is bit premature at this time - hopefully next couple of episodes we get into more detailed comparisons.
Hi Rob,
Just thought I would send an email to let you know that I haven’t experienced any issues after updating the podcast app and itunes (for mac)… In fact I’ve found that syncing between devices has been more accurate and faster (a problem that I had been experiencing for ages prior to the update). Its seems I’m one of the very lucky few to have avoided the issues that so many of your listeners have experienced.
Ben from sunny Australia :)
Hi Rob.
In regard to people who don't want an istick there are other alternatives such as a device called PQI air share. This is the size of a credit card and can take an sd card. It connects to your phone via wifi and can actually sync with up to 5 devices. It's on amazon for £30, it's deffo worth a look at.
Tom W
Hi Rob
I was wondering if there was an app that would allow you to use the iPad camera connection kit to browser through the files on an external USB drive. Thanks in advance
Nope - but I am currently searching for one.
With one you would be able to duplicate the iStick.
With the Camera Connection kit and a USB thumb drive.
Been testing out potential apps - and so far nothing works right.
That said - when iStick releases their app is it likely to work with the camera connection kit and a USB thumb drive.
Which may very well be why they have not released it yet. I know if I was them I would not release that app into the App store until at least the kickstarter pledge period was over and really not until just before they start shipping the iStick.
In the mean time I will keep looking for an app that works - and obviously if I find one I will mention it on the show.
Yes - Yet another iPad Case on Kickstarter. This one is called the Acme made ergo book iPad case.
They had a goal of just $5,000 - and are over 4 times that goal and counting. This one you have until June 14th at 4:58 AM CT to be a funder of.
Pricing on this is $45 for an iPad Mini or $50 for an iPad Air.
So what makes this one a little different than others.
It is a thin case that allows for 360 degree rotation of the iPad - and you can also pop it out a little to take a photo. Additionally the cover folds back like Apples smart cover and there is a strap hidden on the cover to make it easy to hold on to and a lot less likely to drop. And you can fold the cover back but your hand through the strap and then rotate into landscape mode making it easier to hold when watching video or more importantly when recording video with your iPad.
If you have an iPad Air or Mini and are not happy with your case - this one is actually pretty neat.
Check out the video because I am really not doing it any justice here on the description. Search for ACME made ergo book at kickstarter dot com or in the show note for ep 309.
Out side of Flash - I really like what Adobe does software wise - well except for the annoying popups to update software - but the software itself is always very good.
And now Adobe has released a new App just for the iPad called Adobe Voice App.
From the description quote
Voice helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming — just talk to tell your story. Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and Voice automatically adds cinematic motion and a soundtrack. Persuade, inform and inspire anyone online. Make an impact.
So it is a presentation app that creates a video for you using your voiceover - and the app costs NOTHING - NODDA - No COST FOR YOU - as in Free - Well done Adobe.
If anyone makes any interesting videos using this app - please send me a link to where you post them.
I just found out about this app hours before recording so all I did was download it - I am looking forward to playing with it this week.
Again send links to your videos to today in iOS at gmail dot com. And also post them up in the google+ community.
VOICEMAIL - Max_MD_Answr_headphones_not_loud_enough
Hi Rob,
Hope all is well with you and yours. I have a question that I hope you or one of your listeners may have help for me.
I like the new Calendar App for IOS 7 however, the alerts rarely alert me. I am interested in a calendar app that you can change alert tones/volumes/vibrations/and etc. Maybe a critical appointment has a fire bell go off or something like that. I know I can set a separate alarm in the clock app but, would prefer a calendar with full integration.
Kevin S
Hi Kevin - I know what you mean - Even though I have calls set up my calendar - what I actually do each morning is look at my daily calendar and set individual alarms for each call that day. And it is the alarms that remind me best. I wish Apples Calendar App - would allow the use of the same level of intrusion as the Alarm app for getting your attention. Alerts are nice but I like you want an alarm. Maybe that is something we will get in iOS 8 - the additions of alarms to go with alerts for calendar items. Obviously we don't just want alarms - somethings you don't need alarms for.
IF anyone knows of a good App now that meets what Kevin and I are looking for - send an email today in iOS at gmail dot com or give us a call 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog
HI Rob,
I’m a longtime listener. Since the very beginning. I listened to the show even though I willingly opted out of the first iPhone because it didn't support Exchange mail integration. But when the 2nd gen came out with iOS 2, I joined the fold and your show was and is a great fountain of information. Thanks for all you do for the sake of the show.
I have a question that I would like to pose to the user base. Whenever I’m on a conference call I generally mute myself until I need to speak. Inevitability what ends up happening is that the iPhone screen locks and shuts off. Then someone asks you a question and when you dont respond quickly they think you hung up or got disconnected because it takes a few seconds to turn on the screen and unlock the phone and hit the mute button again to unmute. The question is, is there a JB tweak that puts the mute button on the lock screen for quick accessibility?
There was a supposed Jailbreak release of IOS 7.1.1 over the weekend. According to a youtuber the website change to evaders dot me. Have you heard or seen anything regarding this and is it safe to jailbreak this OS.
Run away - run away. There is no public or untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 - and the site you mention is a scam site. There are others out there like cyber legator dot net - which look to be a legit jailbreak site - but they are not. Run away - run away.
There is at this time - end of may 2014 - no public jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 - and there may never be one - it will depend a lot on what happens with iOS 8 beta.
When there is a legit jailbreak - we will definitely talk about it on the show.
VOICEMAIL - Crypto_Search_App REview
Thanks to John M for this next one - which is a post titled - Apple TV 3 jailbreak very unlikely. If you have been following along in the past - Apple TV's 1st and 2nd gens had jailbreaks available - Apple TV 3rd gen has not been jailbroken so far - and per this article it does not look good for it to ever be jailbroken. The article basically says it is a combo of tech and apathy - as one of the people in the jailbreak community said he's quote starting to doubt anyone talented enough will ever care enough to [jailbreak the Apple TV 3 unquote. So for anyone that emailed in in the past about when will the Apple TV 3rd gen be jailbroken - the Answer is some time right after a full size Apple TV is available and NFC is added to the iPhone.
VOICEMAIL - Janet_OH_answr_google_voice
Hi Rob,
Which Freedom Pop device did you order?
I got mine today (Mifi 4g/3G 4082) to use with the 500mb Free plan but the device Only does 4G WiMAX and the 3G end of it will not work with 500 Free plan. I'm being told that I must upgrade to a paid plan or buy the LTE (199.00) device to use in my area.
I don't know why the 4082 device was said to work in my area before I ordered.
Hi Junior - I got the Photon from Freedom Pop - that was the one that cost $31 and change delivered. It is just a 4G i.e. wimax device. So you must have wimax coverage in your area for it to work. Again check your coverage before ordering a device.
And Junior thanks for the heads up on the 3G not being included in the free 500 MB plan.
I wanted to provide my reviews of Freedompop and Jingit.
I've looked at Freedompop for a while now. Shortly after hearing your interview on it I got an email from them about a $20 refurb hotspot and decided to try them out. The $20 hotspot was for a Sierra Wireless Overdrive (not the overdrive pro).
Currently I am still in my initial month and trying to determine what usage amount best fits me. I will say I should have done a better job shopping for hotspot, as where I live in Leavenworth KS, my hotspot only gets 3G coverage even though LTE is available. The LTE hotspot runs $100-200 depending on where you purchase it from.
Based on 16 days of use so far I have used just under 700MB. One thing I didn't hear in the interview was the option about completing offers to get more data. Based on my usage thus far I will probably downgrade my plan to the $3.99 for 500MB per mo. and then complete offers for additional data.
The offers range from a very few MB of data for the mo up to around 2.0GB. One offer I completed this month was to I signed up for a 7 day trial, but I did have to give my credit card information and cancel the trial before the 7 days were up or get charged $17.99/mo recurring. For this I received 1.7GB with in about 2 minutes of completing my registration. A $1 authorization was placed on my credit card and the next day I cancelled my trial membership. I think I can handle this once per month for the amount of data some of the better offers award.
Offer types generally include short consumer surveys, signing up for trial memberships w/ a credit card like the one I did or for registering for subscription services. The freedompop ios app is useful but could use some attention. I found it to crash quite a bit and it would be handy to be able to complete offers on the app.
Finally, I tried to add you as a freedompop friend but had some trouble doing so. It appears the site wants to invite friends but I can't seem to figure out how link up with friends to share data and receive the additional 20mb per mo. If you know how to do this maybe you can link to my account, at, please feel free to share this with the audience too so we can link to as many people as possible.
Jingit is an ios app that works like checkpoints or other check in shopping apps. When you are at a retail store you scan a product and complete a 1-5 question survey for for 10 cents up to $2. If you buy the product you scan the receipt and earn a larger additional reward.
What best separates this app from other check in type apps is that for $3 they will send you a debit card to put your rewards on. What appeals to me about this card is that it is a great card for low cost purchases and it doesn't like back to my bank account. If you want to use for larger purchases you can also add funds to it via direct deposit. And withdraws from US Bank bank accounts are free.
I use this card anytime I know a website is going to charge my card a $1 authorization to verify the card is an active card. This is great if you want to protect your debit/credit cards. In the case of freedompop I used it as my card of record for the to get my extra 1.7GB. Because I keep a very low balance I'm not at risk of them actually charging me the $18/mo fee if I should forget to cancel.
I have also made this my billing card for iTunes as well so that I don't have to worry about me or my kids making excessive in app purchases.
Hope these reviews are useful to some in the audience.
Leavenworth, KS
Thanks again to lynda dot com for their support of Tii - and if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash t i i - you will get a free 7 day trial. Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this show and for the free offer.
If you want to know when new episodes go up - look at the Tii app - not just the best way to consume the show - but also a great way to get a push message when a new episode goes live or there is other iOS breaking news. Just $2.99 in the app store - it helps you get the most out of the show and it helps support the show at the same time - plus it makes it really easy to email or call the show with your feedback. Again just search for Tii in the iTunes app store.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.