Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank
JEFF for sending in the music you hear in the background. JEFF wrote:
Hi Rob,
I made this song called - Fool - with my iphone 4s using the GarageBand app. For free downloads and more music follow me @jeffj6 on twitter.
Jeff J
Thanks JEFF for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode - And yes the song Fool is dedicated to all those reporting on Bendgate as a real issue. I also want to thank JEFF K for sending in the Artwork for today's show. JEFF wrote
HI Rob,
This image was created while listening to tii.
The background was made in the Faux hd app, text & signature added
in Sketchclub .. the image was then lightly toasted in Tangled fX & finally the water effect was added with the clear lake app.
Jeff K
Florence, Or
Well JEFF Thanks again for sending in this artwork and folks you can see JEFF'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 323 - or if you subscribe via iTunes on your computer as the album artwork and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote “Imagine Samsung introducing revolutionary new lines of mobile phones and tablet computers with twice the battery life of Apple devices! Imagine colors more vivid than you have ever seen in any display before and half the thickness of Apple devices! The foregoing is not just a hyperbole; Samsung is pouring billions into making this happen. Unquote
Nigam Arora, Contributor, Forbes, 10 Feb 2012
Well Nigam - I can imagine Pink Elephants that can fly - I can even imagine Contributors to Forbes that know what they are talking about - imagination is easy - reality not so much - Just Sayin
For Promo codes - On Ep 322 we offered up chances to win promo codes for the App - DATA BROWSER FOR PARSE - we will be giving those out later this week - for more info on this app go back and listen to the beginning of Ep 322.
This week we have promo codes for the APP - FOLD THE ADVENTURE. Here is the review from the Dev - PLAY PROMO CODE FOLD - Thanks to RICHARD for his review of HIS App FOLD THE ADVENTURE and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this app - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put FOLD in the subject line.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
Thanks Apple for making it easy to decide what story to start with. And that is Apple sent out Invites today for the October 16th special event - This was pretty much as expected well both the sending out of the invites and the event. Of course Apple did not say what would be announced - just that certain tech media folks have been called upon to visit Apples Main Campus at 10:00 AM PT on October 16th.
But as is typical there was some wording on the invite to help get speculation going and the wording on the invite this time is Quote It's been way too long unquote
Now call me crazy but I will assume Apple is not getting into the porn business and that the way too long refers to too long since something was last updated. Which leads us to the Apple TV - which the 3rd gen came out over two years ago. So yes way too long since the last update.
Now it might also mean they will announce iOS 8.1 - as in its taken way too long for Apple to release a really usable version of iOS 8 - Oh I soooo went there. but more on that later.
Most of the rumors around the speculation of this event revolve around some new Macs, OS X Yosemite and updated iPads. None of which fits in with the way too long theme.
Per the iPads - basic rumors on what to expect are - Touch ID across the board for iPads, Which also likely means NFC - so you can do Apple Pay with them - at least for any that have Cellular connectivity. A couple rumors have them being a little thinner for the iPad Air, Also expect the A8 Processor - duhhh - along with 802.11 AC - again duhhh. Some speculate the iPads will also go to 2 GB of RAM - not sure if that is speculating as much as them being highly influenced by Android Fan boys calls for more RAM. And of course they will improve the Camera in the iPads. Overall should be mostly about some incremental increases and performance tweaks - rather then anything mind blowing. Chances are if you have a 3rd gen iPad - you are still not going to be running out to get the new iPads. Oh and there might be a slight bump / tweak to the screen resolution to the iPad Air. Per Will there be a larger iPad - probably not - which would be sad - as a lot of listeners have asked about there being a larger iPad.
I personally am hoping for a new Apple TV. But I have been hoping for that for a year now at each new event and even when there were no events. So while I am hoping for a new Apple TV - at this point my level of expectation is loooooow - I mean when I think back to when Apple last updated the Apple TV and all I can say is --- It's been way too long.
Let Me know your thoughts on what you expect for this event.
206-666-6364 thats 206-moon-dog or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com. I will work to get together a Bingo card prior to next weeks Event - look for that in the Tii App and on the Google Plus community page for Tii.
Rich Thanks for your thought on what I Called Bend-Duhhhh-Gate on the last episode. When I did that episode - this insanity was just starting - and I said it was a non-issue and well basic physics - and you know who backed me up on this - Consumer Reports. They did Actual testing on the iPhone 6 and 6Plus - along with some other smartphones. And what they found is that basically given enough force any smartphone will bend and then break. Nothing shocking there. They looked at how much force was required to bend an iPhone 6+ and they found it took 90 Pounds of pressure - which is actually quite a bit. It took 70 Pounds of Pressure to bend the iPhone 6 - yes - the iPhone 6 bends easier than the 6+ - but again 70 pounds of pressure is also a bunch. And is exactly what was needed to bend the HTC one M8. Yes - the HTC One bend with less force than the iPhone 6+.
So here are the actual results of the Bend tests.
For what they called Deformation - or where it starts to bend.
The HTC One M8 and the iPhone 6 - bent at 70 Pounds
iPhone 6 + at 90 pounds
LG G3 and iPhone 5 at 130 pounds
Sammy Note 3 at 150 pounds
It should be noted the note 3 is plastic - not a shocker that it takes more force to permanently bend or deform a plastic phone.
Where the devices had case separation - i.e. broke. or more importantly where you were longer able to play clash of clans that was
HTC One M8 - 90 pounds
iPhone 6 - 100 pounds
iPhone 6+ - 110 pounds
LG G3 - 130 pounds
Sammy Note 3 and iPhone 5 - 150 pounds
So what was the quick summary of the tests - Given enough pressure - any smartphone will bend or break - And it does take quite a bit to bend and break the iPhones - and a little more is required for the iPhone 6+ then the 6.
Apple also responded saying they have Titanium inserts and other inserts in the iPhone 6 and 6+ to help strengthen the iPhones and make them more rigid.
For real world use this is as I said on the last show - a NON-issue.
That said - there is a public perception issue that will take time to overcome for Apple - a couple of my wife's friends have said they are holding off getting an iPhone because they heard they bend. I over heard someone saying that at a Sams club when talking to their kid about which phone to get. So sadly while the reality of situation for users is fine - there is definitely a perception issue for Apple with some un-educated users - that have been influenced by the Tech press and anti-Apple bloggers.
For the majority of consumers however - I do not think this bend gate will influence them - and at the two shows I was at last week - I pretty much had two questions asked of me - First - is that the new iPhone 6+ and once I said Yes - Yes it is. That was followed with this question - Can I hold it?
To which most people were - wow - that is thin and sexy. Then I would show them the split screen modes - and those on the fence between a 6 and 6+ were almost all pushed over to the 6 - including a couple that said they were canceling their 6 orders and getting a 6+. However there were a few women with small hands that just felt the 6+ was just too big for them. But just a few.
Apple also reported about the number of people that contacted them about actually bending their iPhones by accident - that number was 9 - as in 4 plus 5 or 3 3's. NINE out of over 10 Million. Or put another way - you have a much much better chance of having played professional football as a listeners to this show then you do having a bent iPhone as a listener. You also have a much much better chance to have dated a supper model then of having a bent iPhone.
Over at Apple Insider - Daniel Eran Dilger - has a post titled - quote After Apple Inc Dodged the iPhone 6 Plus bend gate bullet - detractors wounded by Richochet. unquote - Link to that in the show notes for ep 323.
It is a good post and definitely worth the read. If you are in the tii App - you can pause the show and read it - ok - you are back. You want to guess the part I liked best - Yup the Tweet from HTC where they were trying to needle the iPhone 6+ which they said - Quote Designed to withstand the most demanding environments - like you pockets #HTCOneM8 unquote - ummm except it did the worst of all the phones tested by Consumer reports - Dooohhhh. And oh yeah the HTCOne is significantly thicker at 9.35 mm vs the iPhone 6+ at 7.1 mm.
There is also reports of Apple slapping down some sites and publications that over link baited articles about Bend-duhh-gate - so sometimes it was not a ricochet hitting others - it was a shot fired directly by Apple. And honestly I don't blame Apple - if you are going to use link bait to spread fear and not do proper testing - you really can't expect to be getting an invite to the next Apple event or samples to test out or access to Apple people for interviews. Sure there are times you can and should be critical of Apple - like with the whole 8.0.1 debacle. And Apple will not smack you down for that. They Might not like it - but they know they screwed up with that. But with Bend-duhh-gate - that was a non-story and those that helped egg that story along for the sake of extra page views - they should expect a little icy shoulder treatment from Apple for some time. Just Ask Gizmodo if it is worth the extra traffic in the short term for the ban from Apple events since then.
Thanks again to lynda for sponsoring this episode - if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash tii - you will get a free 7 day trial to their service. They offer over 2,000 high quality video courses taught by industry experts.
This is an all you can eat for $25 a month subscription service with the best and highest quality Video tutorials to teach you how to do everything you need to know to get ahead in your business or take better photos or learn how to get started in a new business or venture - like say learning how to program an iOS App or just beef up your current knowledge in one area of Programming .
There are now two tutorials on Swift on Lynda - the most recent one is great - it is Swift Essential Training and was released on the 26th of September. It covers Installing Xcode 6, Writing Swift Code in Playgrounds, Declaring Variable and Constants, defining functions and much much more. It is 3 hours and 40 Minutes for just this One Video tutorial. And as they say in the intro to this tutorial - for anyone that was delaying getting involved programing for iOS - now with Swift it is the perfect language to start with. So for all that had issues really mastering or even learning Objective C - Swift is for you. And Swift Essential Training is the video tutorial for you.
Now I should point out you do need to have some basic fundamentals of programing for this tutorial - if you are starting out from square one - not to worry there is also the Tutorial Foundation of Programming fundamentals. Between the two - you should be able to get started coding your first real app for iOS.
Lynda is an all you can eat monthly service - Watch anytime and as often as you like from your computer or iOS device. There are Searchable Transcripts as well as closed-captioned transcripts.
And you don't need to take my word for the breadth and quality of their tutorials and service - you can check them out right now for yourself for free for 7 days by going to lynda dot com slash tii that is
l y n d a dot com slash t i i
And you can check out the tutorials I just mentioned plus many more.
Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this episode.
And folks if you have a favorite tutorial from Lynda - please send me an email or call in to 206-666-6364 - that's 206-moon-dog.
VOICEMAIL - Jodi_ATL_waiting_6Pl_split_screen_mode_bendgate_Sammy_involved.WAV
So all this bad press and link bait and other issues are really impacting Apples sales of the iPhone 6 and 6+ - right - I mean that is what the Android Fan boys and those paid by Sammy to report on these issues. I mean hypothetically speaking that is. I mean there has never been any proof Sammy paid people to negatively report on competitors. Oh wait - yeah there was that time the Taiwan Govt smack Sammy down for doing exactly that. But I am sure they learned their lessons. Anyway with all this link baiting going on - Apple has likely hit a wall correct? Well not according to those looking at these things. They feel Apple is nearing if not already over 20 Million iPhone 6 and 6+ sales to consumers already. Compared to a year ago - the iPhone 6 and 6+ have double the % of iPhones active that were tracked then the 5S and 5C did - with 4.7% of all iPhones currently active being the 6 and 6+ - vs a year ago of 2.4% for the 5S and 5C - and considering the pie is bigger - that means it is much more than double the number sold. Of course just like last year - demand greatly outstrips supply - and likely will for some time - because on the 17th of this month - China and India get the iPhone as well.
And in China - the Pre-Pre-orders are on fire.
There is actually three levels of orders in China - there is the 17th - when Official orders are delivered or picked up by customers. There is the 10th - when people can officially pre-order the iPhone in China - and then there is what is going on now - which is pre-pre-orders I guess for lack of a better term - or a reservation to pre-order. In any case there are well over 8 Million pre-pre-orders for the iPhone 6's in China alone.
One thing interesting about the Chinese numbers - beyond the scope - is that the split is about 50 / 50 between the 6 and 6+.
Essentially Q3 2014 iPhone shipments will not be a measure of Demand - but rather a measure of supply. With it likely being sometime in 2015 before supply meets demand world wide.
Ok - so we already know on the benchmark tests that the iPhone 6 and 6Plus pretty much kick every android butt. Now we also know how the iPhone 6 does in some real tests against the HTC One M8 and Galaxy S5. These tests have all devices launching free the same apps - then minimizing / freezing the apps - then re-launching from the frozen state.
So how did the devices do - Well as expected. It took the iPhone 6 1 Minute 55 seconds to complete the course - the M8 was about 10 seconds slower and the Galaxy S5 really lagged behind taking 2 minutes and 58 seconds.
So that whole Android fan boy - iPhones need more RAM and more Clock speed argument can pretty much be put out to pasture along with the S5 that is. Most of the S5 sloooooowdown is due to Sammys TouchWiz layer on top of Android. Never hurts to help.
Thanks to all that sent in that one.
One of the most important real world comparisons for smartphones is for photos - because well that is for most of us now if not our just or primary camera - but also in many cases our only camera.
iMore had a nice post showing the iPhone 6 camera vs the S5 vs the M8. And the winner - iPhone 6 - duhhhh.
Or as the article summed up. Quote
While the iPhone 6 may not have received a bump in specs, there are definite improvements under the hood that should make a huge difference in how your images turn out, and in meaningful ways.
Apple is currently striking the right balance between megapixels and pixel size, between quality of lens and power of image signal processor. They don't have the biggest glass, but they have the best chipset, and now that they offer manual camera controls for third party apps, I'm running out of reasons not to recommend the iPhone camera to anyone or everyone.
As of today, if you want to take great photos with your phone, the iPhone 6 is your best bet.
They did everyday and HDTR shots, Macro Shots, Zoom Shots, Low Light shots, Flash Photography, Motion Shots, Panoramic shots and of course Selfies. So if you are a show me type person and want to decide or judges for yourself - look for the link in the show notes titled iPhone6 vs S5 vs M8 - Camera shootout - that for ep 323 at today in iOS dot com or in the links in the Tii App.
And it is not just iMore saying the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6Plus camera is best - DxOMark also crowned both devices as the best smartphone cameras - beating out Sony's Xperia Z3 and its 20plus Mega Pixel camera, as well as a slew of other smartphones - including the S5, nokia 808 purview, Lumia 1020 and 925, the Go Pro hero, the M8 and a bunch of others.
Thanks to Matt S for the link to this next one - which is a video going over some Wifi Speed tests pitting the iPhone 5S with 802.11n against the iPhone 6Plus with 802.11ac
The 5S could get wifi speeds of up to 101.1 Mbps - but the 6plus smoked that with top speeds of 278.5 Mbps.
Of course I will need to take them at their word - as I do not have a router that runs that fast to test it.
Ohhhh - but some day when Google Fiber finally comes to overland park and my house- then a testing I will a do.
You know who really hates the iPhone 6 and 6plus - the FBI and the NSA. Back at the end of September FBI Director James Comey criticized Apples encryption saying it could take more than 5 1/2 years to try all combinations for the passcode. Comey basically said Apple created a means for Criminals to evade the law. And when the FBI says a device is too secure - well if you are Apple - you can't ask for better PR.
This is not about criminals - this is about business users and people that care about their private info you know staying private. With the iPhone you get said device.
The new iPhones encrypt emails, photos and contacts based on a very complex algorithm using code created and unique to that phones user -and a code Apple says it does not possess.
So if Apple is sent a court order demanding the contents of the iPhone 6 and 6Plus be unlocked - Apple can not comply. And that is what has the FBI, NSA and other three and four letter acronyms in a tizzy. What was that quote People should not fear the government - Governments should fear the people.
Reality is this is again more about keeping business secrets well secret then it is anything else - and the governments objections to not being able to read your email are well overblown at best.
To all of this I say Well done Apple - thanks for offering up the most secure handset possible.
VOICEMAIL - RON_OH_tii_app_fdbk_iOS8_bugs
VOICEMAIL - Terry_TX_bluetooth_issue_with_car
Hi Rob,
I am a 5c user and a new listener. I love my Apple stuff but I am having an issue with my Bluetooth devices and my phone. I have an LG Tone + and hands free Bluetooth in my car. Ever since I updated to 8.0.2 from 8.0 my Bluetooth devices don't connect near how they used to when I had 8.0. Have you heard about this before??
Adrienne G
Ok - So I said wait on iOS 8.0.0 and wait on updating on iOS 8.0.2 - and now that 8.0.2 is almost 2 weeks old - what do I recommend now. Well it is complicated. Normally by this point I would be - yeah go update. But as mentioned before iOS 8.0 should not have been released as a GM - Apple needed at least one more beta. Well I was kind of wrong - Apple really needed at least 3 more beta's because 8.0.2 has its issues as well.
Per the callers - the biggest issue with 8.0.2 is the issue of bluetooth connectivity in a car. If you at all connect your iPhone to your cars bluetooh - run away - run away - do not update to 8.0.2
if you are on an iPhone 6 or 6Plus - and do NOT use bluetooth in the car - then all should be good to update to 8.0.2
For all others I would say if all is ok right now for you stay at the version iOS you are at. Wait for iOS 8.1 - which really should be called 8.0.0 Mulligan. After 8.1 comes out - as always wait about a week before doing your update - there is no prize for being first to update - so chill a little.
Hi Rob,
I just updated my 5S to iOS 8.0.2 only to find it
photo unfriendly. I used to sync my phone to my
PC, drag and drop the photo folder to my desktop. Now,
you can view the photos in your open folder, but when you
drag and drop there's nothing in the folder. Also,
the pics in the Photos app on my phone are all jumbled.
They have everything categorized by location but many of my
pics are duplicated in several albums. I can
delete them from "recently added" but
when I do that in the other folders the "delete" button
is depressed and won't let me discard them. I tried all
conceivable options in the settings menu but nothing does
the trick. Should I just wait for
the next update to the update? Any other
listeners have similar experiences???
Syncless in CT,
PLAY RICK_Question_downgrade_712
Those looking to downgrade back to iOS 7.1.2 - sorry no can do - Apple has stopped signing 7.1.2 - so if you are at iOS 8 and not happy or wanting to jailbreak - well no soup for you when it comes to going back to 7.1.2. Sorry for the bad news - but Appel did give you some time right away to go back. At least over 1 weeks - which was nice of them.
Sadly they are not nice enough to leave as such indefinitely.
If there is one feature that is in iOS 7 and early versions of iOS - that was removed from iOS 8 - that I feel was a mistake and many of you have said so too - that is the removal of the Cameral Roll. There was just something nice about the idea and usefulness of a camera roll. It let me know exactly which pictures I had taken with my Camera recently - especially since I like to do manually sync's to my Macbook. And with iOS 8 - and that being removed well again I thought it was a mistake and so did someone At Apple - because it looks like it is headed back with iOS 8.1 - Hey another reason to stay at iOS 7.1.2 until iOS 8.1 is ready as if you needed another reason.
So hopefully this stays with iOS 8.1 when it goes gold master.
One of the biggest or main things 8.1 will bring will be Apple Pay - so you know Apple kinda sorta hasta make this one go well.
And well obviously another thing 8.1 has to bring is bug fixes.
And yes - since the last episode both iOS 8.1 beta 1 and beta 2 have been released to Devs. So seems a quick process for the 2nd beta. But with iOS 8.1 expected to go live later this month - Apple does not have time to mess around.
VOICE MAIL - Jack_Wayne_resetting_setttings-changes_name
VOICEMAIL - Jack_wayne_pa_part2-fdbk
Here was an email exchange from this week.
Hi Rob.
I have a small problem and wondered if maybe you had a solution.
Somewhere along the line of upgrading iOS to now the very latest version on my iPhone 5S I appear to have lost the iTunes Music app. Any idea how to get it back?
Stephen from London, England.
Hi Stephen,
Check in Restrictions to see if it is blocked - that is the usual reason for
a stock app to not be shown.
Let me know if that was the issue.
Rob W
Dear Rob,
That was exactly the problem! Many thanks.
So remember folks when one of your stock apps or a stock app on one of your friends devices goes away - the usual reason for that is in the settings for restrictions - it somehow has been restricted.
Hi Rob,
I just wanted to shoot you a quick email letting you know my favorite features on iOS 8. The first one that I'm really in love with is the quick reply feature from iMessage notifications. Too many times I find myself watching Netflix on my phone and having to leave the app to reply to a message is a pain. Quick replies fixes that for me.
The other feature I really enjoy is the overhauled Photos app. It's not so much the ability to manage photos that I love about the app, as it is the ability to edit photos in the app. Photo extensions have made that app 1000 times more useful for me,as someone who does a lot of iPhone photography. I really enjoyed iPhoto for iOS, but after seeing what the Photos app is capable of, I don't really miss it.
The final feature I really enjoy is the enhanced dictation on iOS. I like being able to see almost instantaneous feedback as I speak, as well as the fact that it doesn't make as many mistakes as it normally does. In fact I'm actually dictating this email as I go, and it won't take much editing to get it perfect. The dictation feature is far from perfect but it works well enough that I've found it useful.
---- HEY SIRI - - - - - Send a Tweet ----- Go Royals Today in iOS Podcast and @podcast411 just took over my iOS device and sent this tweet - - - - - - - Send Tweet
Ok - That was really not cool But an example of why you might just want to turn off Hey Siri. Just Sayin. Will be interesting to see if that actually worked. Actually I could have been really mean and had her tweet - watching Porn at work again - good thing the boss is not around. Would be fun explaining that one.
VOICE MAIL - Joe_NY_What_does_motion_calibration_do
VOICEMAIL - FDBK_arrow_iPhone6_motion_calibration
We are now well over 1,400 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new popular post in the G+ community this past week came from Rachel D - who asked about a way to ban a calls from people that don't have Caller ID.
And Thanks goes to Kristopher Sanchez Morr who wrote
you could enable the do not disturb option, and add to your favorite contacts people you really want to reach you and allow other people to call you if they try a second time Just make sure you add contacts you really want to reach you to your favorites. And that you enable the option to receive calls from favorite ccontacts, or you could create a group within your contact list and allow calls from people in that group.
Thanks for the help Kristopher
- And this past week or 2 there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And again thanks to all 1400+ of you already in the community and contributing.
Hi Rob
I just uploaded a test video to Google+ to see if it gives the option to choose whether you allow the video to autoplay or not. No such option appeared, so I can only conclude video autoplay is a Google+ thing rather than user controlled.
Breaking news - pun intended - and it seems that Sapphire glass for the iPhone broke - as in literally broke GTAT to the point of them announcing they are filing for Bankruptcy - which really sucks as I had some stock in GTAT. Ouch.
To catch people up - last November it was announced that Apple
purchased a building in Mesa AZ and leased the facility to GTAT and then Apple loaned GTAT money to buy equipment and set up that building for very high volume Sapphire Production - The Agreed loan amount was to the tune of over $500 Million - actually $578 million for those counting at home.
As we all know GTAT Sapphire did not make it to the front of the iPhone - and it is looking more and more likely - it really was supposed to this year.
Reading through the analysts thoughts on bankruptcy filling - this being analysts that cover GTAT - all of them were totally blind sided by this. And they all think that one reason for the Bankruptcy is based on Apple calling in early payment of those loans based on GTAT not being able to hit performance criteria and / or delivery quantities. They also all point out originally GTAT was projecting major revenue for H2 2014 - so all signs point to Apple originally wanting to go with GTAT Sapphire this year for the iPhones - but GTAT was not able to live up to either or both their promised quality performance and delivery performance. And the WSJ is reporting that Apple was supposed to supply the last payment of $138 million of the $578 Million in October - assuming they hit production and other goals - and that payment was not given - so that is also looking like a major reason for the bankruptcy filling. and a few of the analysts think this could be the death knell for GTAT - that Apple has basically cut ties and wants their money back.
If all this is true - GTAT must have really really over promised and really really under delivered. Almost to the point of malice for Apple to do this. Will be interesting to see what Apple says about this if anything on their next quarterly call. my guess is we will not really know what happened until some engineer at GTAT spills the beans to a reporter off the record.
Hey anyone at GTAT want to speak off the record - let me know.
Yeah I know the PR from GTAT says they are doing this to come out a stronger company - but really that is just trying to put a bow on a pig. This is bad news for any hopes of GTAT Sapphire making it as the cover of the iPhone. And clearly the relationship between GTAT's current management and Apple is over. Apple let this bankruptcy happen and according to most analysts - forced it to happen. Again most likely because of under performance both quality and quantity wise on GTAT's side.
Guess when you play with the big boys sometimes you are going to get hurt.
And I am glad I did not buy too much GTAT Stock. Oh Well. Should have sold at $18 like their CEO did - he sold over 9,000 shares at around $18 the day before the Apple September 9th announcement. I am sure nothing illegal went on there.
Per those thinking Apple will just go to another Sapphire manufacturer - lets put the planned capacity of the Mesa AZ plant into perspective - At full operation it was going to have twice the output of Sapphire than ALL the 100 other Sapphire manufactures world wide combined. Yes - This plant would have been over 66% of the worlds Sapphire production capacity when running full steam - In Theory.
That is it - there is NO OTHER SAPPHIRE manufacturer. So unless Apple can come in and take control of the Messa plant or get some other people in place that can figure out how to make Sapphire at the original planned rate and per the original planned specs - it is not likely the S in iPhone 6S and 6S plus in 2015 will stand for Sapphire.
Sandbag - Yes - Sapphire no.
A little more coming out - first was a couple of documents in the bankruptcy hearing - where Apple was not yet listed as a creditor - but Apple had 45 days to file proof it was someone GTAT owed Money to. Strange but ok.
Then Reuters ran a piece which basically said Apple was surprised by the news of the Bankruptcy filing.
quote We are focused on preserving jobs in Arizona following GT's surprising decision and we will continue to work with state and local officials as we consider our next steps, unquote this from Apple spokesman Chris Gaither
In some of the bankruptcy papers - which I just scanned over briefly before recording tonight - GTAT said quote - For reasons which GTAT has communicated to Apple and which GTAT will explain to the Court at the hearing on this Motion, GTAT requests that the Court establish 5:00 p.m. (E.T.) on the date that is forty-five days following the Petition Date as the deadline by which Apple must file a Proof of Claim (the “Apple Bar Date”) for any Claims Apple may hold that arose on or prior to the Petition Date.
So it looks like it will not be until GTAT gets in front of a Bankruptcy court before we get the skinny on what the Heck happened.
Was it Apple playing to hard - or GTAT taking a very unique negotiating tact.
I see many articles popping up about the dangers of being a supplier to Apple - but you don't see any of them really talking about the benefits - take a look at a company like Knowels - ticker KN if you are interested - that broke off from Dover Corp. Knowels rise to stardom was by supplying Mems microphones to iPhones.
Any way more on this story I am sure on future episodes - because well to me coming out of the Electronics Component industry - this is just really fascinating. Sorry if it is like Paint drying for anyone out there.
Thanks to Dr. John for this next one.
Which is a little bit more about Apple TV. Or as the article title puts it Apple TV is now armed and ready to be the hub for the smart home.
Seems back on Sept 17th Apple put out an update for Apple TV 3rd gen - to allow it to support homeKit. This according to a person with knowledge of home kit.
Will be interesting to see if at the apple event on the 16th if this is mentioned at all.
Oh and with the release of the iOS 8.1 beta - There was also a beta release for Apple TV software for the 3rd gen Apple TV - and in the notes - Apple does say quote includes support for family sharing and can be used for testing Airplay and HomeKit with your iOS Apps unquote.
So yeah - sounds like Apple TV is being positioned to be the hub of your connected home.
Hi Rob,
Is there a way to bypass the activation lock for an iPhone 4. I have a customer that purchased a phone from someone online and They blocked him from Facebook so they can't get any more information about the phone. I was just wondering if there's anything that I can do.
Dustin J
Sadly Dustin - it sounds like your customer purchased a likely stollen phone. They could have checked before hand to see if it was stollen by going to iCloud dot com slash activation lock - this is Apples free online tool to let you check if a device has been locked down by a previous owner. You simply input the IMEI or Serial number of any iOS device to see its activation lock status - and if it a device running iOS 7 or later and it was stollen there is a good chance the rightful owner locked it down and turned it into a paper weight.
So you may want to check to see if this device was locked down by the original and rightful owner.
Again go to iCloud dot com slash activationlock
Hi Rob,
I often wish that I had a little cheat sheet or fact-sheet that I could whip out whenever I come across someone that tells me how much better the Android platform is.
Maybe you could come up with something?
I already know it is better, but, when it comes to supporting the argument, I always feel at a loss.
Johnny H.
Well Johnny - it looks like you just gave me a project to work on - it would make for a good App only post for a PDF going over the many different Why I am glad to be on iOS stories we have on this show. Like this next one.
Seems there are a lot of numbers thrown around out there when it comes to the % of smartphones - and Android phones with malware. One study from an Anti-virus company said it was as high as 4% for Android smartphone. Some academic researchers in the use estimated it at 0.0009% of all smartphones in the US. But one group of researchers at the University of Helsinki looked at 50,000 devices and they found - not estimated - that 0.25% of Android devices had Malware. Or put another way - more Android devices have Malware then run Stitcher Radio app - which is the biggest podcast app on the Android platform.
Another study measuring infections rates of malware across networks from Kindsight Security Labs - part of Alcatel-Lucent - found that looking at network traffic they were able to identify 1% of Android devices on their networks were infected with Malware. Some 4 times greater than what was seen in the Helsinki study.
In this study - they found the most common Android Trojan program called Uapush - which sends SMS messages and steals info from the user - Nice. This trojan was responsible for 53% of infections. In 2nd place was a Trojan called QdPlugin - whose primary purpose in life is to install and control adware programs - and to also give fodder to iOS bloggers and Podcasters upon which to throw stones at Android fan boys.
In any case wether it is one in 400 or one in 100 android devices infected with Malware - it is huge raw number and well something that dwarfs the infection rates of all other mobile smartphones combined.
Yes - it is good to be an iOS user. Just sayin.
Thanks to Tim and others for this next one.
Which is about the Sammy Galaxy Note 4 - which just launched in South Korea. Seems there is a big ole gap between the screen and the metal trim. large enough to insert in a business card. He it is not a manufacturing issue it is a business card holder feature.
Actually what Sammy said per this issue is the following. Quote
A small gap appears around the outside of the device case. This gap is a necessary manufacturing feature and some minor rocking or vibration of parts may occur. Over time, friction between parts may cause this gap to expand slightly
So lets get this straight - the gap is there on purpose? a gap between the glass and trim - because you know food, dust, dirt, bits of skin - none of that ever would you gather in said gap. Eeeeewwww. And and said gap with expand slightly over time because stuff is moving around. Brilliant. IF this was the iPhone - GapGate would be trending on Twitter right now.
I guess this is one feature Sammy can finally claim they did not rip off from Apple.
So lets put aside the shoddy design and manufacturing of the Note 4 and look at how it performs and was designed under the hood.
Well does the phrase throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks ring a bell.
Daniel Eran Dilger at AppleInsider did a brilliant piece where he goes over many very poor engineering choices by Sammy for the note 4. This is a device sporting an 8 core processor running at 1.9 GHZ and with 2.8 GB of RAM - and it just gets absolutely destroyed by the iPhone 6's and iPhone 5S.
Actually looking at benchmark tests of the Note 4 vs the iPhone 6Plus - you really feel sorry for anyone wasting their money on this thing. On the sun spider test the 6plus was at 365 vs 1087 for the Note 4 - lower is better. And with the GFCBench test the 6 plus tripled the note 4 where higher is better.
A lot of the reasons for the Note 4 doing so bad in the tests is that Sammy choose a screen resolution their processor could not handle. Dooohh. Kind of like the DeLorean. A heavy sports car with an under power engine - not a good combo.
So what happens when you release shoddy products with questionable design choices - well If you are Sammy - you end up reporting your biggest drop in Quarterly profits since 2009 - that is what. Profits dropped 60 % yr over yr. Ouch.
The way it is looking with Sammy's multiple quarter misses on Profits - Apple could and should be close to around 80% of all the profits in the Cell Phone industry for 2014. At least 75% of the profits to be conservative. Will be interesting to see what those numbers are when tabulated early next year.
Hi Rob. Congrats on your 6 Plus. Just wondering on you initial battery test, (3 days…wow) you restored to new but did you then do install of your daily apps? You mention you did not do anything to try and save battery life but I always suspect it is the third party apps that contribute most to drain.
Tampa, FL
Hi Edgar,
I actually started out fresh - brand new with my iPhone 6+ and I am manually adding in apps on an as needed basis - in other words - I did not bring over all 800+ of my apps.
I am trying to bring them over slowly so I can better organize them - My 5S was a nightmare trying to find an app I forgot the name to. This time - apps in the right place and folders for similar apps.
For example I was traveling last week - so I brought over some of my favorite Chess and Othello apps - which went in a Chess folder and an Othello folder.
But I am not bringing over every app - so yes - my situation is not what I had with the 5S - but I want to see how it gets later on as I have more and more and more apps - and I also wanted to see what it is like for a new user to the iOS eco-system.
But again out of the box - WOW - the battery life is great - better than great.
But for now I only download the apps as I need them.
FYI - when I did all my Battery Optimization - it did not help that much - because I also then turned on bluetooth and connected to my Pebble and have it checking for emails all the time - so really I did not optimize for battery use - that said - battery life is great and not once during my trip did my battery die on my 6Plus.
VOICE MAIL - Todd_Sydney_AU_fdbk_iPs6
Hey Rob,
I wanted to let you and the listeners know that I have been useing Straight Talk wireless for over a year now with great success. Straight Talk roams on AT&T, or at least my iphone does and I pay $45 per month for unlimited Voice, Text, and Data (which I understand is LTE for the first 3 GB then 3g/edge for the rest of the month) all without a contract. I ordered two T mobile iPhone 6 Plus on pre order day (7am). My 64 Gig Space Gray arrived within a week and I had it up and running on Straight Talk with no issues whatsoever. You do have to order a GSM nano Sim card from Straight Talk ($11 including shipping), or pick a BYOD activation kit up from Walmart. My wife's (64 Gig Gold) iPhone is expected to be here the next week after mine, and switching her to Straight Talk will save us 700+ per year in MRC.
The T Mobile iPhones do indeed come unlocked and work perfectly on the Straight Talk service. The data also works while you're on a phone call as well. If you can swing the unsubsidized price of the phone I highly recommend Straight Talk. I also took advantage of the financing offer that Apple gave through Barclays that gave me a year to pay off the charge for the two phones without any interest if payments are on time. I have pasted the Straight Talk BYOP link below.
I also have a Sprint iPhone 4 for my 13 year old Son on Freedom Pop at $20 per month for unlimited (2.5 Gig then throttled down after that) data after hearing your interview on Tii. He uses Google voice for voice and non imessage texts and it works fine. Not TDM quality on the voice but he rarely makes or receives phone calls.
from WV
Thanks to Paul H for this next one and also Kevin K who wrote
Hello Rob
I'm writing to let you know about 'Radmo: The perfect mobile phone mount for your car'.
I'm a long-time listener and supporter of Tii. In the interest of full and fair disclosure, I am a backer at the $48 level for 2 sets of Radmo Dual. I have no other affiliation with this campaign or the inventor. I will say that 'Radmo: The perfect mobile phone mount for your car' is already fully funded!
Please take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your listeners.
-Kevin King
Metuchen, NJ (Meh-touch-in)
Thanks to Kevin King for the heads up on this one.
VOICE MAIL - Randy_FL_Subsidized_get-price
Hi Rob
Love the show. Just wanted to say that it's my iPad retina mini that's suffering from PIDS. My hubby & I upgraded at the same time so we were both absorbed into setting up our new iPhone 6s. Keep up the great show.
Roz K
Hi Rob,
to your caller about what iPhone is best for Portugal, tell them to go to and change store to Portugal, and see what is best. GSM/Edge is listed as network.
Scott C
VOICEMAIL - Bill_Brooklyn_tips_warranty
Hi Rob
If you are wondering where the AirPlay button went in Apple's Videos app, you now have to swipe up until you see the arrow and then immediately swipe up again against that arrow. Doing this will then give you the option to select AirPlay. A shame it took a long visit to the Genius Bar, them getting me to do a full restore and the painful restore from iCloud backup process, before this was ascertained.
Brisbane AU
VOICE MAIL - Joe_NY_ip6_iP6P_can_they_take
Do you like to jump off of tall buildings in a single bound - do you like to go faster than a speeding bullet on your skateboard - do you desire to make these actions a live video stream - well if you have a GoPro Hereo camera and an iPhone and the newly updated lifestream camera - you can now lifestream yourself crashing into a parked car or hitting the side of a cliff or getting caught in power lines - this way when you die a senseless and meaningless death - at least your friends family and total strangers can be watching live at that moment. And hey maybe one of them can even call 911 for you. Or you could livestream your kids birthday party - thus getting your family and friends watching - wishing they were dieing in a senseless death rather than being forced to watch your lifestream. but either way Great news - The Livestream app now supports live streaming via a GoPro Hereo camera connected to your iPhone - which you can safely put in your pocket in water proof bag or case or something to keep it safe from what you are doing.
VOICE MAIL - Richie_NY_issues_ios8_icloud_photos
Hi Rob,
I called in with a voicemail that said that the 3rd party keyboard not working for passwords was a feature not a bug and I was just writing this email to reply I was wrong I looked at the big fixes list for 8.0.2 and realized you were right sorry about the voicemail. I just got bum information from a normally reliable source.
Hey Rob,
I updated to IOS 8 mostly because I was interested in seeing what a first-time braille screen input would look like on a sincerely main-stream device.
I am a totally blind i-Phone and i-Pad mini user and am writing this email using MBraille, an outstanding braille app which has been around perhaps 2 years by now..
The input Apple braille screen allows for contracted braille and uncontracted braille. I have tried both and find contracted braille to be extremely slow probably because it has to wait for a translation of contracted words after each word. The space triggers the translation.
MBraille does not have this problem. I experience no lag time as I write this post.
In addition, If you wish to review or edit what you have written using MBraille, you have to leave the input screen using the roter and and use the rather difficult inward and outward pinching to edit.
MBraille allows reviewing and editting inside the app.
I do not wish to bash such an excellent first ever braille app on a main-stream operating system, but, I know Apple can and will improve the experience.
I hope they get help from the developer of MBraille.
Jan B
Hi Rob,
My dad has started a podcast through libsyn.. called "what is truth catholic podcast" its amazing! U got me into libsyn:) if you could give his podcast a shotout on this podcast or your other one that would be so amazing ! Its on itunes! Its "what is truth catholic podcast" by deacon steve!
Thank you so :)
Holly W. From AZ
Holly thanks for the heads up on your Dad's podcast - What is Truth Catholic Podcast - And I will put a link in the show notes.
VOICE MAIL - Ron_OH_fdbk_faster_charging_is_that OK
VOICEMAIL - Ron_OH_iPhone_updside_down_headphone
VOICEMAIL - Ron_OH_iPhone6p_battery
Thanks again to lynda dot com for their support of Tii - and if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash t i i - you will get a free 7 day trial. Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this show and for the free offer.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
And finally there is the new and updated Tii App that is now Free to you. Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. Please go right now and download the Tii App - yes you - right now - no not in few minutes - right now as you listen to the outro music.
Finally - A big Big big - Thank you to
James L
Dr Nenninger
Joe G
Jeffrey G
Chris McE
and Dan W
For their donations via Paypal and Bitcoin toward my iPhone 6+ purchase. Thanks all for helping make this upgrade possible. To Date there has been a little over $300 dollars Donated.
If anyone else would like to donate - there is a donate button on the front page of Today in iOS dot com - scroll down on the right hand side you will see it there or just donate to via paypal to
Thanks again to all that helped out - it is greatly appreciated.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.