Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank JEFF for sending in the music you hear in the background. JEFF wrote:
Hi Rob,
I made this song Called PARK with my iphone 4s using the GarageBand app. For free downloads and more music follow me @jeffj6 on twitter.
Jeff J
Thanks JEFF for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank BRANDON for sending in the Artwork for today's show. BRANDON wrote
Hey Rob! I wanted to share some artwork for the podcast that I created with the Canva app. I created this artwork with my iPad Mini 1st generation I hope you enjoy it :)
Canva - Graphic Design & Photo Editing by Canva
Brandon H
Well BRANDON Thanks again for sending in this artwork and folks you can see BRANDON'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 331 - or if you subscribe via iTunes on your computer as the album artwork and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote “““One thing Apple investors are waking up to, in other words, is that the iPhone’s amazing run is winding down. And that there may never be another iPhone.”
Jay Yarow, Business Insider, 18 December 2012
Well never another iPhone as long as you don't count the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and 6Plus.
- Just Sayin
On Ep 330 no promo codes were offered - but I did offer up a chance to win a Crusta Case for the iPhone 6Plus. If you want to enter in for a chance - just tweet a link to this episode or post a link on Facebook or write a review on iTunes and email letting me know you did said activity and link to your post or info to find your review. I will pick a winner on Ep 332. Thanks to all that already entered.
This week we have promo codes for the a couple of Apps - the First is the App - called Camtinerary CAMTINERARY C A M T I N E R A R Y - here is the review from the dev - PLAY PROMO CODE - CAMTINERARY
Well thanks to Dev for their review of their App - CAMTINERARY and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this App - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put CAMTINERARY in the subject line.
The Second item we have promo code for is the App - OFFICE TO GO - Here is the review from the dev - PLAY PROMO CODE - OFFICE TO GO
Thanks to the Dev for sending in THEIR review of THE APP OFFICE TO GO and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this APP - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put OFFICE TO GO - three words in the subject line.
As Always - just send in one email for one specific APP. If you send in multiple emails or ask for multiple APPS in a single email - then well - No Soup for you.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
For those with iOS 8.1.1 and ringtone loss gate - well iOS 8.1.2 is here to save your day. As you know on recent episodes we had multiple listeners talking about lost ringtones and potential ways to get them back - And now Apple has one sure fire way to fix the issue - and that is via an upgrade to 8.1.2 - which seems to be released mainly with the goal of fixing that specific bug.
Also Per apple quote to restore missing tones on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch visit on that device unquote.
The first step of which is to you guessed it update to iOS 8.1.2
That alone does not get your ringtones back - but after you update to 8.1.2 on your iOS device you need to go to and then follow the instructions.
Hi Rob,
Forbes magazine hates Apple and can't produce even the most basic of articles accurately or unbiased. What a bunch of idiots.
Brad from West MI
And this is per the Post titled quote Apple released iOS 8.1.2, it will anger users unquote.
Which I just love the way the article starts off quote Without any warning apple has today released iOS 8.1.2 unquote. WHEN has Apple ever given a WARNING that they were releasing a .x.x release - WHEN give me one example.
Yes Brad - this article is particularly bad almost so bad it is laughable. Like this line quote Furthermore iOS 8.1.2 comes in at a paltry 28.2 MB unquote So yes he is upset the .x.x update is so small - because you know we all love when .x.x updates are 100's of MB's - HUH????
The Quote Author unquote of this article is Gordon Kelly - now we are not going to call him an idiot not out loud - but clearly he is someone that has double dot update issues. Thanks Brad for bringing the Quote Article unquote to our attention.
Now staying with both the 8.1.2 update and Forbes theme - there was another post from Forbes on this update. See they hire many contract publishers - so that is why the tone and honestly the quality of the posts on Forbes can and does vary so widely.
This other post was titled - iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Exposes Empty apple Update. And this post is from Ewan Spence.
This post is in my opinion of better quality then the one from Gordon Kelly. Ewan is one of the better writers for Forbes along with Erika Morphy and Chuck Jones - But again quality does vary between writers. In Ewan's article he points out that the 8.1.2 update does not break the latest jailbreak for TAIG. Which is good news for Jailbreakers.
Ewan does imply that Apple did this update to quote ensure that apple can continue to earn money on Ringtones unquote.
But I don't think that was the motivation - I think it was about customer that ALREADY paid for ringtones being able to get the product they paid for.
Both Ewan and Gordon seem surprised - that a double dot X update did not fix more issues - but they almost never do. Yes Apple still has issues with iOS 8 - but the number of issues now are much less than 2 months ago - and yes there is iOS 8.2 coming and that is when we should see more major bug fixes along with support for Apple watch. In the mean time expect any another double dot x updates to be focused on a specific bug or security issue - but not something casting a wide net.
There was an article posted in google plus from Gigaom from back in October that I wanted to mention - it is titled Four Reasons I don't restore a back up to new iPhones. And I found it interesting as for the first time with my iPhone 6Plus I did not restore from an old back up. And I will say I think that is one reason for me the iPhone 6Plus has been working really well.
The 4 reasons they gave are
1. A new phone seems to run better with a clean install
2. You get a yearly opportunity to week out unnecessary apps
3. What about my gazillion photos
4. But I have documents, music and other data too.
Really the main reason I did the fresh install was number 2 - I have sooooo many apps from devs sending me promo codes - that I needed to clear out the insanity - and start fresh - and now what I have done is I only install apps as I need them. And no I do not need games - so the number of games is very few. One benefit there is my iphone is not nearly as fun to use as my kids own iPhones which have mostly games on them. Not that that thought ever crossed my mind as being a reason to parse my app count.
But it is interesting a couple of months in to see all the apps I have not installed.
If you are having issues with your new iPhone - you might want to think about doing a factory fresh restore and starting from scratch and not from a backup. It may just solve many of your issues - maybe. And if it does not - you can always do another restore to your older back up.
On Ep 330 near the beginning of the episode I went over some of the new features and settings in iOS 8 - This episode we will pick up where we left off on the that episode - if you have not listened to ep 330 yet - you will want to go to the beginning of that ep around the 9 Minute 7 second mark to hear those other features.
Per new features and settings -
In the settings for Messages - You now have the option - Store Messages - by default this is set forever - but you can also choose for 30 days or 1 year. For those complaining about messages taking up multiple GB's - this is one way to get back a lot of that space.
Under FaceTime options there is now the option for iPhone Cellular Calls for the iPad - this lets you use your iPhones cellular connections to make and receive FaceTime calls on your other iOS device.
For Safari - as mentioned before there is now the addition of DuckDuckGo for a search engine to go along with Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Aslo added to Safari is the Option Quick Website Search - When turned on it will use the smart search field to search within websites by typing the website name as part of your search.
Under Block cookies there are new options - before it was Always or never or From 3rd parties and advertisers. Now it is
Always Block or
Allow from Current Website Only or
Allow from Websites I visit or
Always Allow
In the music app - there is now the option Genius - which if you turn on will send information about your library to Apple. It is off by default - and you want it off for battery savings.
In the Photos & Camera App - there is a new option - iCloud Photo library - quote automatically upload and store your entire library in iCloud to access photo and video from all of your devices unquote - and this one is turned off by default.
In the Podcasts App settings - there is now the option - Background App Refresh. This is on by default - turning off will save some power.
Most of those features went unchanged between iOS 8 beta 2 and the current version - with the exception of Block Cookies - those options changed.
Thanks again to lynda for sponsoring this episode - if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash tii - you will get a free 10 day trial to their service. Sign up on a Friday evening - you get that whole weekend and the following weekend as well. You can go through a lot of Video tutorials in 10 days. And Lynda offers over 3,100 high quality video courses taught by industry experts. Yes 3,100 is over 50% more than I had been saying - Lynda is constantly growing their inventory of great content for you.
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Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this episode.
VOICEMAIL - JUSTIN_PA_itunes_canada_rumors
hi Rob,
To help Dave from New Jersey: I had the exact same problem with an iPhone 4 a few years ago and had to take the same actions. however, after a few days with my new phone, the same thing happened again. despairing that I would have to return to the genius bar again—this was in the days before iCloud, and I use VoiceOver to interact with my phone, so a nonfunctioning speaker meant a nonfunctioning iPhone for me—a friend found a solution. When you seem to have the speaker stop working, plug the headphones back in. as you are pulling out the headphones, press and hold the volume up button. this seemed to get the audio unstuck for me. Incidentally, I haven’t had to do this fix in a while, but the issue was really annoying and frustrating when I had it.
Hi Rob,
I heard a caller talk about problems with the headphone jack on a phone. I thought I would mention that I had issues with my iPhone 5 and had it replaced by Apple at least a couple of times. I finally figured out that it was the headphones I was using, they must have done something to short out the electronics in the phone. Once I stopped using that pair I never had a problem again.
Myron Uecker
Hi Rob, just a note about pandora and Canadian market Apple Store. Pandora doesn't exist in the Canadian Apple Store. Pandora is only available in the US Apple Store.
Faisal K
VOICEMAIL - Bob_Otterbox_tempered_glass_screenProtector
We are now well over 1,700 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode came out and had lost of comments was from Ken Donofrio - whom asked Quote I have an music transfer question. I've decided to bullet point it so it's easy to understand. In a nutshell, we need to transfer music from an iPhone 4s that's PC/iTunes connection is no longer available to a new phone, so:
- We had an iPhone 4s that was linked to a PC with iTunes. The music was mainly ripped from CDs.
- The PC's hard drive crashed and is unrecoverable
- The music is now sitting on an iPhone 4s that is no longer activated
- The new phone is a 5, we will probably by a 5s or 6 that we want to put the music on, so:
- We want to somehow connect the 4s with all the music to a new laptop with itunes and the same Apple ID then,
- Hook the new phone to that iTunes to download the music
What's the easiest way to accomplish this? Can this be accomplished? Unquote
Tow which Haywood Morgan and Tim Galloway gave a bunch of help - thanks gentlemen - the solution that worked fro Ken was a link to Per a post titled How to Transfer Music from iPhone 4S to computer.
Which you can find said link if you look through the Google+ community for the post on Dec 5th from Ken.
There was also a post from Jim Siegle asking quote My iPad air 2 is locked in landscape mode, how do I unlock
For iPad's with iOS 8 the Rotate Lock control is in the bottom control center - swipe up from the bottom of the screen - and you will see the icon for the rotate lock. It just sounds like you have had that toggled on - just tap on it to toggle it off and your iPad should rotate one again. Note for other iPads that has the lock switch on the side - you may not see the rotate lock option - this is because you currently have the button set to rotate lock rather than mute. To get the option to show up in the control center go to settings - General - Use side switch to - and set it to Mute. Then you will see your lock rotate option in control center - or your could just leave it set to lock rotation and use the slide switch - which you know is actually much easier to control than in the control center. just sayin.
OK - And since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 1700+ of you already in the community and contributing.
I mentioned Chuck Jones and Forbes earlier - and Chuck had a post last week titled Apples iPhone 6 lead times still longer than previous models. and it well covered exactly what the title suggested it would and that is Apples current lead times for iPhones 6 and also 6Plus and how they compared to the iPhones or days gone by. And in a nut shell - There is a longer lead time for iPhone 6 and 6 plus then we saw for past iPhones at the same point in their release schedule.
While it could mean that manufacturing of the new iPhones is more difficult or yields are worse or both - I don't think that is the case - I think it is more about excessive demand. Building a bigger iPhone is easier than building a smaller iPhone.
Of course in about 6 weeks or so Apple will have its next quarterly report - and at that time we will find out if Apple sold 50Mil, or 60 Mil or 70 Mil iPhones this past quarter. Anything under 50 Mil will be a tragedy. Anything between 50 and 60 will be a major disappointment any thing between 60 and 70 mil is most likely and if it is over 70 Mil - look out $150 for Apple stock.
Again we will know more in about 6 weeks - in the mean time expect to see lots and lots of blog posts with speculation per the number of iPhones sold this quarter.
Speaking of Apples stock price - It did something strange last week - it dropped a bunch in a very short time. At first many reported it as investors being spooked by something or many looking to get profits or it hitting some limit prices. But the real reason for the big drop last week - is an ooooppps.
Seems one of the trading houses has someone with what they call fat fingers. On December 1st A big hedge fund with major gains on lots of Apple stocks in 2014 sent in a big sell order to the trading desk - the order was supposed to have been a limit order and only executed if the stock dropped to a specified point in a specified time frame. What happened it was entered as a market order at that lower price. Dooohhh. So not sure what that means. If the stock is at 119 - and you purchased it at 55 - you might say if the stock gets down to $110 in the next few weeks sell it. You double your money - and take a nice profit. But if the stock keeps going up you hold on and make even more on paper.
But in this case it went out as Sell the stock now at $110 - even though the stock is really trading at $119. Since this was a lot of stock - it pushed down the price really quick.
Now it seems investors are still spooked and the stock is caught in a trading range between that lower limit price and about $115.
So even thought analysts keep upping their price target - it seems for now Apple stock is stuck - and all because someone at a trading desk did an oooooppps. Expect to hear more about who it was that messed up some time in 2015 when proper papers are filed with the SEC. Safe to say someone is not getting their Christmas bonus this year.
Speaking of Apple stock - Doug Kass who correctly called Apple at its peak in 2012 - and shorted it right before it went on a 40% reduction - is saying for the first time in 2 years he is predicting a drop in Apple stock price - mostly because of how much it has gone up and because next years upgrade cycle is likely going to be smaller than this years. He is saying he will be increasing his short position early in 2015. Likely meaning prior to the next quarterly report. See even if Apple does get close to 70 mil iPhones sales last quarter - all it can take to spook wall street is less than stelar forecasting from Apple going forward. And if there is news of an Apple Watch delay or even rumors from people in the know combined with overly conservative future iPhone sales numbers - it could be a quick and sharp and very large reduction in Apple stock price. Expect to hear more about Mr Kass in the next few weeks. He tends to get up on podiums to shout out his predictions after making sizable bets per his predictions. Not that that is considered an conflict of interest or anything.
Well Apple TV's Youtube app has a long awaited update. Besides it getting a new look - it also now allows for ads - which means you get all the content. So if you were just jonesing for some gangue style or what does the Fox say - good news - you should be able to get them via the Youtube app on your Apple TV.
There were also some new Apps Added.
The Scene App from Conde Nast -
Fusion which will offer quote a unique mix of smart, irreverent original reporting, lifestyle and comedic content" Hey is that not what Fox news is already doing
Dailymotion now has an app.
UFC.TV will offer a $10 a month Fight Pass subscription service via its Apple TV App.
Seems Apple TV is getting everything added except will that App store we are so waiting for.
I did read a couple of articles that implied or flat out said the Update to Youtubes app most likely means there is no major update coming - since Google would not have put in the resources for the update to the app if a bigger update were coming. Because Yes Apple soooo keeps Google in the loop these days on their future plans.
Per the Youtube App update it seems to only have been for Apple TV 3rd gen owners - us 2nd gen owners did not get said update. Which is good - because still no commercials for us. Per the other four new apps on Apple TV - Fusion, Dailymotion, and The Scene - that are on both 2nd and 3rd gen Apple TV's - and they will have a little blue banner in the upper right of their icon that says - yup you guessed it - New.
Thanks to Roger T and others for the heads up on this next one.
There is a site out there called Android Police and they just put out a 2014 holiday gift guide - for Android devices. One category they covered is the best Tablet to buy. They mentioned a few the Nexus 9 built by HTC but they said quote none of us recommended the Nexus 9, because it's not exactly great. In fact, I'd argue no Android tablet is. unquote
So if no Android tablet is great then what did they recommend - Well the iPad Air 2. Yup - you heard that right - Android police said the best tablet you can buy is the iPad Air 2.
The best Android tablet they said is the Galaxy Tab S - which they said the follow about - quote I'm not too hot on the Exynos processor / 16GB of storage / Samsung's update track record that you get with the Tab S 8.4. The 10.5 is also just too big, and I'm not sure I want an 8.4" tablet, either, it's a hair too small. The Nexus 9 is the right size, but pretty much the wrong everything else. unquote
Yikes - and that from and Android site.
So next time one of your Android fan bois friends / relatives or co-workers says anything About tablets - just remind them of what one of the top Android sites had to say about Android tablets. Which was basically 10 foot poll - touch them we will not. Like Most iPad Air 2 do we.
VOICEMAIL - Staples_theif_find_my_iphone
Hi Rob - Just a quick note to mention a new iOS 8 Privacy setup. In Location Services they've changed it from On/Off to Always/Never or for certain apps Always/Never and the best option While Using… which I found because Google Maps (and Apple Maps) apparently was defaulted to that. Just thought others might find that useful.
Hi Rob,
Thought I would throw out a few additional kids apps since I heard that mentioned on today's episode.
Terraria is a multiplayer world building app like Minecraft but a different style. My kids also like resource management games like Skylanders Lost Islands, Dragons: Rise of Berk and Dragon City. I spend way too much with those three myself. Plants vs Zombies, Cut the Rope, Angry Birds, Fish out of Water are also popular.
For apps, a couple of good ones are the Foldify series and drawing apps like Adobe Sketch Book and Procreate. Minecraft Papercraft is similar to Foldify but you create Minecraft figures like the cardboard cutouts you can buy in the store. Foldify and Minecraft Papercraft create printable output so use with caution or you might spend a lot of money on ink for your printer.
Myron Uecker
Hey Rob, did you see the tip in Gizmodo about using triple click of the home button to dim the screen? I cant seem to find the article to forward it to you but it uses a filter within the zoom setting in accessibility.
I did it and it works great. 3 clicks to go from bright to dim. But I noticed that it doesn't actually change the dimmer slider setting to dim the screen, it adds a dimming filter over whatever brightness your screen is set at.
I noticed while turning my phone from horizontal to vertical (or vice versa) in the dimmed mode that there is a sliver of bright screen exposed while the filter overlay is trying to keep up with the rotation.
So my question is, does dimming the phone using this process have the same battery saving benefits of using the slider to dim it? My son asked me this and I quickly answered yes because the overall brightness is less, therefore less drain. But the more I think about it the more I doubt my reasoning. So what do you think?
John P
VOICEMAIL - Ron_NM_t-mobile_fdbk
Did you ever receive your SOS Charger? I heard you mention it a few episodes ago and really think its crappy of them not to fulfill their obligation to their backers before stocking shelves. My buddy Scott got his back in October, while I have yet to receive mine. The kicker is that we ordered on the same day. This is one of the reasons that I am so selective about backing Kickstarter campaigns.
Hope you eventually get yours.
NOPE - NADA - ZILCH - NO SOS CHARGER for me. Seems they wound up on shelves of retail space rather than in my hands and other funders hands. Safe to say if this company does another Kickstarter - I WILL NOT be recommending them. BOO SOS charger team.
So I tried checking to see if I could charge me iOS devices faster with the Legion meter - and at this time the results are inconclusive - maybe I don't have it set up correctly.
What I can say is the device is great with my Pebble - because I can never tell if my Mag connector is actually connecting - many time I thought my Pebble was charging but it was not - the connector on the pebble is sketchy at best for making a contact so the device will charge. But with the legion meter - I can check to see specifically when the current draw goes from Zero to just a little more than Zero. It does not draw much power - but it does draw more than enough to show up on the Legion meter - and that takes the uncertainty out of charging my Pebble - based on that feature only I like my Legion meter but can not recommend it as it is acting wonky for me.
Per it charging faster - well I need to do more controlled testing.
Another kickstarter project that is still on going is the Hush - which bills itself as the world's first smart earplugs. This one had a goal of $100,000 - had being past tense - as they have raised over 4.6 times their goal amount - which means yes they are close to 1/2 a million in funding with Dec 23 at 1:59 AM CT being the end date for funding - yes someone is going to have a green christmas.
Hush is quote wireless noise masking earplugs that block out the world while still letting you hear the things that matter most unquote.
Pricing for A set is $115 OR $199 for two sets. With June 2015 as a predicted delivery date.
In a nut shell Hush is a wireless version of Bose noise canceling headphones with out the ability repeat with OUT the ability to stream music or voice. It does allow playing of sounds or alarms - but not music or voice.
These are ear plugs for blocking out and canceling sounds when you are flying or sleeping with someone who snores or anytime you just need really good earplugs.
To learn more about this - visit kickstarter dot com and search for hush
Hi Rob, How are you? This is Rene Henriksen from the OneAdaptr team. We developed Twist, a universal MacBook adapter that is intuitive use and comes with a 20W 4.0Amp 4 USB ports. We travel a lot and we just couldn't find a good product to meet our power needs for MacBook and mobile devices while on the road. Thats what led us to create Twist. We have finished the design and have built several prototypes to selected field test testing. We were wondering if you will be interested in testing them out and gives us valuable feedback. We have created a version for non-MacBook user as well. Thank you for your time and we look forward to hear from you. Rene P.S. We just updated the project with a travel cable concept that can extend MacBook Adapter range and for PC laptop use.
Thanks Rene for the email
And I said to them I would test it out - and they are sending me one to test. Expect a blog post review of it in the Tii and on Google Plus and the Tii Blog next week when I get it. This one just has 7 days to go. Pledging is open until December 19th at 12:39 PM CT
So what is the twist - well according to their site
Quote Twist is an ultra-portable universal adapter designed to work with the MacBook adapter. It offers much more functions than the Apple World Travel Adapter Kit and makes charging your mobile devices much easier. Some of its functions include, 4 USB ports for charging, universal outlet and the intuitive twist-to-change adapter type design. unquote
They are over $23k towards a goal of $30k - and this is really a cool project - and as they said - you don't have to have a mac book to use this - but they have some for Mac book power supplies where it plugs into the power supply - you know where the cord plugs to the power converter part. What is really cool about this - is it then gives you 4 different USB ports to charge your mobile devices. Traveling with the family they can all plug in. Or you can be that special person at the airport giving access to multiple people to charge up. This is definitely something any international frequent flier would need.
Where I see myself using this is on my desk in my office - This way I can connect multiple USB cords to it and then charge up my devices with out having to constantly plug into my laptop USB port or run the extension cord up on my desk for my usb devices. And with 4 ports I can keep one lightning, one 30 pin and one micro USB and my Pebble cords all plugged in all the time. Less clutter and all the ports I need at my desk. I am really excited to test this out and will send a picture when I get it.
Hurry and get your pledge in now - the Twist Plus world charging station - that is the one with 4 charging ports is $30 Canadian dollars - that is about $26 US dollars. Very reasonably priced and again they have working units.
Search for Twist at Kickstarter dot com or in the show notes for Ep 331 at today in iOS dot com
And the Apple slash IBM agreement is barring its first fruit - no phun intended. Ok - well maybe intended a little bit.
Apple and IBM has launched the first round of MobileFirst iOS Apps. These are apps available to Enterprise Customers in Banking, Retail, Insurance, Telecom, Governments, Financial services and other major industries.
I really don't want to get into the specific apps - since they are meant well not for individuals - but rather big business. However is you are part of Big business - Apple did put up a section of their site going over these new apps at slash business slash mobile dash enterprise dash apps or you know you can look for the link in the show notes for ep 331.
Phil Schiller had this to say in Apples Press release quote “This is a big step for iPhone and iPad in the enterprise, and we can’t wait to see the exciting new ways organizations will put iOS devices to work, The business world has gone mobile, and Apple and IBM are bringing together the world’s best technology with the smartest data and analytics to help businesses redefine how work gets done. unquote
Will all of this lead to more iPad sales - Hard to say - but given recent survey's and speculation about plummeting iPad sales do to iPhone 6plus Phablet sales - Apple is I am sure hoping this does lead to more iPad sales - well as long as those were not going to be originally Mac sales.
And it was a busy week for Apples PR team - as they also released another Press release titled quote iPad Air 2 & iPad Mini 3 Models with Cellular Networking Available in China Starting this week unquote
I will give you one guess what this Press release is about. Ok - Darn you are good. Yup the title says it all - really I mean All - as there was not much else in the Press release out side of this nugget:
TD-LTE, FDD-LTE as well as TD-SCDMA, DC-HSDPA and HSPA+ are all available in a single model.
So combine this with the IBM Press Release and it seems Apple is trying to prop up iPad sales.
While the Press release said the iPad Air 2 is available in 110 countries - it did not say what % of that 110 it is available in with Cellular connections.
Hi, Rob.
Once again you triggered my iPhone' Siri when on episode 330 you said, "Hey, Siri."
Some other tech podcasters (e.g., Tom Merritt) have learned to say something else between "Hey" and "Siri." For example, you might say, "Hey, and you know how this works, Siri..." Almost any wording would work.
Lawrence McFarland
Hi Rob,
Quick question. I've noticed my 64gb iPhone has a 56gb capacity but a 16gb iPhone has a 12gb capacity. Why do the bigger storage phones give you less memory?
Also I was wondering what would fills up your phone most and what are your main apps?
For people who want storage flickr gives you 1tb of free storage and also having an auto backup feature.
Hi Rob
I noticed that you can increase or decrease the maximum volume of your songs on your device through your computer. This saves battery life on the device by not having to use the EQ.
Start iTunes, plug in your device in and click on it in iTunes.
On the sidebar you will see "on My Device" click on "Music" and you will see all the music on your device. Click on a song, then go to Edit (upper left in iTunes) and click on "select all".
After all the songs on your device are highlighted, right click on the songs and a pop up comes up, click on "get info".
It Will ask: "are you sure you want to edit info. For multiple items" click Edit Items.
Now click on "options".
You will see a "volume adjust" bar, by increasing or decreasing (each line is 20%)
it and clicking "ok" it will adjust the overall volume of the songs on the device!!
The benefits are louder songs without the battery drain of using the EQ, it also seems to " level" the songs out little better!!!
This can also be done for the songs on the computer!.
Hey rob
On Ep 330 you mentioned about the iPhone 6 front camera shifting and not being aligned properly. I just got a iPhone 6 and when I got home I thought I had gotten a refurbished unit as the front camera wasn't aligned. After listening to your podcast I feel much better knowing that it wasn't just me and that apple might replace my unit under the warranty. I did some searching in Google as well and found that there were many more people who had the same issues and took their devices to apple. Pretty much all of them got their units replaced , I'm planning on visiting a store my self as soon as my exams are over.
Hi Rob,
This blog post almost convinced me to jailbreak. Also, there is a tweak for changing the snooze time on alarms. I think someone from a show Wayback wanted to know that.
Thanks Chelsea for the heads up on this post titled - How jailbreaking made my iOS experience much better. And it is a post that goes over Activator Tweak and how he used it plus some other cool Jailbreak tweaks and apps.
I will not go over all of the tweaks and apps he mentions - but if you are looking for some new ones - check out the link in the show notes for Ep 331.
If you are jailbroken - let me know what your current favorite App or tweak is - and what iOS device you are using for said App or tweak.
Apple is out with the best of the year list. For 2014 the Best App was Elevate with runner up being Hyperlapse from Instagram.
Best Game was Threes with Runner up Leo's Fortune
They also listed 25 other Apps and 25 other games to make the best of List.
Uber, Camera+, 1Password, and Swiftkey were among the top 25 apps.
If you go into the iTunes store you will see the link top and center in the feature panel. What I am curious to know - is of the Top App and Top game list - which of these Apps and games do you use on a regular basis and why.
206-666-6364 - that is 206-moon dog - give us a call and let us know or send an email to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Thanks to Michael for the heads up on this one.
Apple has this MFI program - which is like a blessing from the pope or a taxi medalion in NY City - well before Uber that is. MFI stands for Made for iPhone - and if you get the blessing for Tim and company - you fork over a % of your sales - but you also get access to Apple stores and the Apple store online.
To get this blessing requires jumping through many hoops - that are on fire and spinning. There are environmental requirements, worker requirements - and more. And now there is even one more more.
According to 9 to 5 mac quote
Apple is also now requiring that cases protect an iPhone, iPad, or iPod’s cover glass when lying flat on a surface like a table. Cases must now provide a buffer of at least 1mm between the cover glass and a flat surface. Case makers have two choices to achieve this: either they cover the glass entirely or have part of the case protrude from the cover glass slightly to keep it from touching a flat surface. Many cases already offer one of these two features.
Additionally - Cases will have to protect an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from a 1 Meter fall onto a hard surface in any orientation - including screen first.
Seems someone at Apple is tired of looking at shattered iPhone screens when they are out and about.
From the It really sucks to be working At Delta file - comes the story about how now United Flight Attendants are all getting an iPhone 6. I say it sucks to be at Delta because they were forced to get Surface Tablets and windows Phones late last year for their Pilots and Flight Attedants. Even thought the pilots pushed for iPads.
And now this news that All United Airlines Flight Attendants are getting iPhone 6+'s to boot - a little salt in the wound of Delta employees. Just Sayin.
Part of the reason for the iPhones is so the Pilots can send pictures of their Cockpits to the Flight attendants via iMessage and then the flight attendants can send pictures back of their Galley - see the pilots at United already have iPads in the Cockpit.
Ok - it has nothing to do with Sexting between Pilots and Flight attendants - and I am sure it never will. Wink wink nudge nudge
Nope this is more about the iPhones replacing a 5 pound printed safety manual.
Also at some point the flight attendants will be able to use the iPhones to accept electronic payment when selling food.
That will be $4.99 for the bag of peanuts mr walch. Oh I can't wait.
VOICEMAIL - Justin_PA_Chrome_Cast_fdbk
Hi Rob,
I just tried a little experiment. I used the Netflix app on my iPhone to launch a film to play via Chromecast on a TV. Then, I turned the iPhone off and left it off for half an hour. The film continued to play even though the iPhone was off. So, it seems that the Chromecast is in fact a streaming device though it requires a smart piece of hardware to launch a video. Apparently, the iPhone is not sending the video stream to the TV.
Not sure if this test reveals anything we didn't already know but interesting, nonetheless.
Matt S.
Winston Salem NC
Rob I'm using ios8 with my iPhone 4s
Ive noticed it gets very choppy and laggy quite often - and I think it's because it is always updating my mailbox or perhaps notifications . Basically when it's accessing the Internet ..
Any suggestions on how to make it stop this behavior ?
Hi Rob,
Sometimes my iphone6 plus (8.1.1) will not play a video. It will play the sound but no video. So I skip to the next video and it plays. When I go back to the video that did not play (less than 5 minutes later) the video plays.
Is anyone else having this trouble?
Robin J
Hi Rob from Dronfield, England.
Still loving the podcasts. Since iOS 8.1.1 was released, myself and a neighbour have both noticed our iPhone 5S's have now at best 1 signal bar but more often no service at all on the O2 cellular network.
Text messages can take hours or even days to come through and callers can't reach me. Once in a call, however, it doesn't drop.
We both have other phones on the same network and none of these have any problems.
We've both done factory resets on our iPhones and tried new SIM cards to no avail.
We've also contacted O2 who say there are no issues (backed up by the fact our other phones are fine).
Alfred C
Thanks again to lynda dot com for their support of Tii - and if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash t i i - you will get a free 10 day trial to their 3,100 plus video tutorials. Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this show and for the free offer.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
And finally there is the new and updated Tii App that is now Free to you. Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. Please go right now and download the Tii App - yes you - right now - no not in few minutes - right now as you listen to the outro music.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.
VOICEMAIL - Mike_CA_quest_statigram_video_collage