Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank JEFF for sending in the music you hear in the background. JEFF wrote:
Hi Rob,
I made this song called SideCar with my iphone 4s using the GarageBand app. For free downloads and more music follow me @jeffj6 on twitter.
Jeff J
Thanks JEFF for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank PAT for sending in the Artwork for today's show. PAT wrote
Hi Rob:
Attached is an artwork submission. It is a Pebble Watchface with Tii branding. The pic was, of course, taken with an iPhone 5S with no filters, etc.
I am also attaching the .PBW file in case you or any listeners want to add the custom face to their Pebble watch.
Pat in Austin
Well PAT Thanks again for sending in this artwork and folks you can see PAT'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 338 - or if you subscribe via iTunes on your computer as the album artwork and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
And if you want this watch face for your Pebble watch email me today in iOS at gmail dot com and I will send it to you along with instructions on how to get it on your Pebble watch. Ok well actually I will send you the link to it - which you click on in your email on your iPhone and then in safari on your iPhone you get the option to “Open in Pebble” - select that and then choose to install - it is easy peezy - again email and put Tii Watch face in the subject line and I will send you the link and instructions - for those that already know how to do this - look for the link in the show notes for ep 338 - Thanks Pat for creating this watch face for the show.
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote “Apple could be negatively impacted by slower growth in iPhone sales. In my opinion, the company cannot grow indefinitely in the smartphone market area and one day, it will materialize in its share price. unquote
Gillian Mauyen, Seeking Alpha, 15 November 2013
Why is it all so often writers at Seeking Alpha really seem to just be seeking intelligence. Wait did I not just say that on the last episode. Hmmmm. It is almost as if Seeking Alpha is just a big link bait farm - Just Sayin
For Promo codes - On Ep 337 we offered up chances to win promo codes for THE APPS - BOOB-TUBE AND VERSATIMER - we will be giving those out later this week - for more info on these apps go back and listen to the beginning of Ep 337.
This week we have promo codes for a couple of Apps - the first one is the App - PITCHMAN one word - here is the review from the dev -
Well thanks to Dev for their review of their App - PITCHMAN and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this App - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put PITCHMAN in the subject line.
The Second item we have promo code for is the App - POCKET YOGA - two words - Here is the review from the dev -
Thanks to the Dev for sending in THEIR review of THE APP POCKET YOGA and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this APP - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put YOGA - in the subject line.
As Always - just send in one email for one specific APP. If you send in multiple emails or ask for multiple APPS in a single email - then well - No Soup for you.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
From Pat who sent in the Artwork for todays episode which is the cool Today in iOS watch face my Pebble is now sporting.
He wrote:
Hi Rob:
I developed this Pebble watchface
for the vision impaired. They may find it
useful. Of course, it is free. for info
or search "Braille" in the Pebble app store.
Thanks Pat and folks check out Pat’s site at whiskey tango hotel dot com - link in the show notes.
Ok - Apple did something a little un-expected - they released iOS 8.3 Beta 1 last week. So yes - iOS 8.2 is still at beta status - and they released an beta for 8.3 - that is the first time Apple has ever done something like that.
Not sure what to make of this - but 8.2 I still believe does not come out of Beta until right before the Apple Watch launches - which right now if I had to pick a date it would be April 24th. Which mean 8.2 available to download on April 22nd - That now when I say that seems an awful long time to have two different betas for 8.2 and 8.3 out at the same time - it is kind of confusing.
That All said - hey the beta for 8.3 is out and as usual the devs have loose lips. Here are some of the new features we are hearing about.
Two of the bigger features noted are ONE Wireless Carplay - which means that user will no longer need to connect via USB to their dashboard to bring iOS like experiences to their dashboard - now they can do it when the iPhone is still in your pocket or purse. Which is nice as it means you are less likely to leave said iPhone in your car.
The second big feature is easier Google two-step verification or Two-Factor Authorization depending on who you read talking about this. Either way - this is for those that prefer Gmail and Google Calendars and what to use the two-factor verification.
Additional new features with 8.3 include a new Emoji Layout. So with 8.3 all emoji’s will be on a single scrollable page.
One bit of big news for those in China is 8.3 brings support for Apple pay in China - via UnionPay.
There is also a minor tweak to Passbook - which has a categories for Credit cards and debit cards into section called Apple Pay - and then there is a section called Passes.
The Beta label is removed from iCloud Photo Library. Which of course means it will now be rock solid and no one will ever have a bug with it again. Right?
Also it is reported that 8.3 beta includes many bug fixes and improvements for iCloud Drive and CloudKit.
Nothing really earth shattering - but if you were one using CarPlay - the wireless feature is a very very nice addition.
Per what all this means for iOS 8.2 and when it launches - who knows maybe apple will release 8.2 in March after all - and then just get around to launching Apple Watch once they get their supply chain set up for it - which again according to Tim Cook will be in April some time for US customers.
Thanks to Michael and others for this next one.
Which goes back to something I said this past September and then the September before that and the one before that. Don’t buy 16 GB versions of iOS devices - get at least 64 GB in storage and really for new devices best to get 128 gb in storage. What is the news that makes me say that AGAIN - well it is that Apple has upped the max size an App can be from 2GB to 4GB. Yes - one App - 4GB in size - Yikes if you are sitting there with a 16 GB device which really only has 12 GB of storage space for Apps and photos and video.
From Apple quote
The size limit of an app package submitted through iTunes Connect has increased from 2 GB to 4 GB, so you can include more media in your submission and provide a more complete, rich user experience upon installation. Please keep in mind that this change does not affect the cellular network delivery size limit of 100 MB.
And oh if you think Apple is making this change so as to encourage App devs to make bigger apps so that users need to spend more for larger storage iOS devices - well then Yes you have been paying attention because that is exactly what they are doing - although Apple would say this is so devs can put in more higher res images that are optimized for the many different iOS devices from iPhone 4S to iPad Air 2 - such that the apps look great regardless of the device. And don’t be cheap get 128 gb in storage.
And think some day in the future on this show I will be talking about how Apple upped the max file size to 8 GB for an App. Just Sayin.
Apple has now added two-step verification to both iMessage and FaceTime.
Now when you set up a new iOS device to use iMessage and / or FaceTime you will also have to enter a verification code in iCloud - thus Apple knows that you are who you say you are and not someone else claiming to be you but is not.
The real thing to take away from this - is if you plan on setting up another or new iOS device for iMessage and / or FaceTime - make sure you have your main device handy - as you are going to need to get a code to enter.
While it is one more step you need to take - it is just one time when setting up that new device.
Into the email bag.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for recommending and for the promo code. I just received my shave kit yesterday and I already love it. It gives me a closer shave quicker than my old Gillette and the blades are less than half the cost. The shave gel is also awesome, no more chemical feel on my face. Thanks to you and your wonderful podcast - Harry’s has a new customer. As always i’m looking forward to the next episode of Tii
in Louisburg, NC
And from the Google+ community from John Clarke on Jan 20th
Received my "Truman Set" from Harry's. Their blades beat the competition hands down and the foaming shave gel is incredible!
Thanks for the feedback Ken and Thanks to John for the Post in the Google+ community and I want to thank Harrys for sponsoring this episode - if you go to harrys dot com - that is h a r r y s dot com and use the promo code t i i - you will save $5 on your first order.
No more over paying for razor blades or waiting in line to get them - you purchase them online at half the price of other blades - Win and win.
That’s right save money and get the razors delivered right to your door with free shipping. The starter kit The Truman Set is amazing - for $15 you get a razor - Foaming Shave Gel and 3 razor blades - all in a great package that screams GIFT ME GIFT ME. Even if the gift is just to yourself.
The new Foaming Shave Gel is incredible and made from Natural ingredients which include Licorice Root extract, plus a blend of Cucumber and Aloe. It really is nice to shave with something that is not made from industrial chemicals.
Ok - but really where the rubber meets the road is how the blades work when they meet your beard or head or other hyper folic areas of your body. And here is where Harry’s really shines - their blades are incredibly sharp and give me the best shave I have ever had - I am 100% a harrys customer now. And the blades come from a 90 Year old German factory that Harrys liked so much they purchased the factory - and that is how they can get you a better shave then the best premium blades out there at less then half the price.
And Harrys has a good social mission where 1% of sales and at least 1% of their time is donated to organizations to help prep people for personal and professional success. With You get a shave that feels really good from a company you can feel good about.
Once again go to now and save $5 off when you enter the code - t i i with your first purchase. That is h a r r y s dot com and enter the coupon code T I I at check out to save $5 on your first purchase and start shaving better today or at least as soon as your new shave kit arrives at your door step.
VOICEMAIL - Andy_answr_macbook_air_connect_ipad
Hi Rob,
This is in response to the gentleman in episode 0337 who had the connection issue between his iPad mini and MacBook air. I had a similar connection issue with connecting my iPhone with a lightening to usb cable to my MacBook. I simply replaced the cable and it solved the problem. I know this may seem like an obvious troubleshoot but you didn't mention attempting this in your message so I thought I'd throw it out there. Apple will replace the cable for free if you're still under warranty.
Hi, Rob,
My old iPad 2 recently started having a flaky connection to my mac, similar to Mike from San Jose. For me, it was because my 35 pin connector to the iPad was not seating correctly due to the iPad cover getting in the way. Wiggling the connector so that it is plugged in properly fixed the problem for me. This is clearly a hardware issue. If Mike is sure that the connection is solid, he should check the connector ends for corrosion, or try another connector, then take the entire configuration, laptop, cable and iPad in to the apple store for evaluation.
VOICEMAIL - Jeremy_ks_issue_with_sync_change_cords
We are now over 1,900 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode came out was from Jonathan Perry who asked
I'm writing to ask you all for recommendations of quality widgets for iOS. I frequently do a google search in the hopes that I'll find a new article citing a cool new widget that's just been released, but they all just talk about how great the EverNote and Yahoo! Weather widgets are. So, can any of you guys suggest a lesser known widget or two that you love using?
And there were a few replies on this.
Tosin O - responded with a very large list of 26 different widgets. Of which you can see in this post from Feb 12th in the Google+ community. I will not go through them all here.
Barry Smitherman asked if I would go through a quick primer on Widgets in General on the next episode - which I will do now.
First for iOS Widgets came to be in iOS 8 and are part of Extensibility.
With Today View Extensions - Any App can make a widget available that not only presents some info - but also offers a small amount of interaction right in the Notification Center.
Per the interaction - it is very limited - for example you can’t use a keyboard.
But it can give you some options to choose from where you can do a task right there or in many cases it will open up that main app.
Remember - Widgets are not stand alone items you download - they are part of an App that you download - that supports widgets.
You probably have a few apps installed already that support widgets you do not know about - like Evernote. Go and swipe down on your iOS device. Then select Today - then scroll down and look for the big edit button and tap on that It will show you a list of your Widgets and allow you to rearrange the order or exclude plus also show a plus symbol next the ones you can add.
The one I use often is Evernote - when I swipe down - select the camera - and then scan a business card. It does launch the App - so it is not done in the Notification center - and this is a premium offering from Evernote - just want to point that out as well.
But overall I think the biggest confusion people have about widgets is they think they are stand alone items you install - like there is a widget section of iTunes - when really they are extensions of apps you have or need to get and then add enable in the Today section of Notification center.
Again to see some apps that have extensions - Tosin o - had a nice list look for the Feb 12th post from Jonathan Perry in the Google+ community.
And since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android fan bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 1900+ of you already in the community and contributing.
As a bonus here is a tip that was posted in the Google+ community
How to fix issues with regular text messages over LTE on your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus
Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
Tap on Cellular.
Tap on Enable LTE.
Tap on Data Only.
Reboot your iPhone.
Thats it.
Chris in London
Thanks as always Chris.
For the how wrong were they segment of ep 334 I said the following quote I don’t think any of these people realize that Apple is the ONLY one making money. 85% of the profits for the entire Cellphone industry. unquote.
Well new numbers are out for last quarter and I was Wrong - Apple is not making 85% of the profits for the entire Cellphone industry - they are making 93% of the profits. This according to Mike Walkley of Canaccord Genuity.
Last quarter Sammy’s profits were 9% of the pie - which added up are over 100% - which means yes everyone else combined lost money. And no one is better at loosing money in the mobile space than MicroSoft. Who Mr Walkley estimated lost close over 400 Million dollars last quarter alone - giving it an industry leading -2% share of profits.
For all of 2014 Apple only represented 15.5 percent of the total number of smartphone sold - yet for Apple had 79% of the Total profits.
Mr Walkley also estimated that by the end of 2018 Apple will have around 650 Million active iPhone users.
Thanks to Michael for this next one - which rolls in well with that last story and it has to do with how much Apple is now worth. Seems you can only keep good fundamentals down for so long. And now that wall street is listening again - Apples value has taken off - Apple recently became the first company with a market Cap of over 700 Billion. Now sitting at 740 Billion.
To put Apples Market Cap in perspective - It is now larger then gross National Product of Switzerland. Or the Entire Spanish Stock Maket, or Four Apollo Space Programs or twenty times the value of the NFL.
or Google and Microsofts Market Cap combined. Which is amazing when you think what I said just a little over a year ago on Ep 295
"Apples Market Cap minus cash is 209.9 Billion dollars. Just a little above last years 174 Billion in totals revenue. Microsoft - which had less half of apples Revenue at 82.8 billion - has a Market cap less cash of 222.1 Billion. And Finally Google - with Revenue in all of 2013 of 59.8 billion - has a market cap less cash of 336.3 Billion. Yes Google which has 1/3rd the revenue of Apple - has a market cap less cash of 1.6 Times that of Apples. Can you spot the bubble? Because either Google is way way way over valued or Apple is way way way under valued right now - and My guess is it is a mix of the two.
Apple generated >22 Billion in Cash to Google 16 and change billion in Revenue. So right now if you look at Apple stock price and compare it to the other companies - Apple really is a bargain.
Well I hoped you listened and purchased some Apple stock back then. At the time Apple stock was sitting at $71. Which means since that episode Apple stock went up over 75%. Not bad for less than 13 months.
If you did listen and invested just $6,700 - you would now have made enough profit to by a top of the line Mac Book Pro, top of the Line iPad Air 2 and Top of the Line iPhone 6+ off contract - and still have some left over an Apple TV and cup of starbucks coffee. Just not the Venti.
Thanks to Robin P for the heads up on this next one - which talks about a rumor for a Feb 24th Apple event that would mostly be to fill in folks about the details of the Apple Watch - but so far nothing to support that.
Big questions still remain about Pricing of the models - about all we know is the base Sport Model will be $350 - and it goes up from there - how far up is one thing said event would answer - with many speculating the top end being around $5,000.
Specifics on Battery Life are the other big question mark. Some reports say it will be as low as 2 1/2 hours of full use. Others put it at 4 or more hours of full use.
In addition to filling in the blanks on Pricing and specs - there will be the questions about availability - not just in the US but globally - and also details on 3rd party apps.
Other speculations about this event - is that it the Apple Watch would only be one part of the event - with the other parts being around Beats Streaming music service and also about a new Mac Book Air and possibly even the Mythical iPad Lunch tray - or iPad Max.
If there is going to be a Feb 24th event - invites need to be going out later today. With Today being Feb 17th.
That all said - If there is a new event coming - I think the invite will be going out around the 24th for that event. And the actual event would be Tuesday the 3rd of March or Wednesday the 4th of March. Why those days - well that would put it right in the middle of Mobile World Congress - which runs the 2nd to the 5th of March. And Apple has a history of curious timing of their announcements to line up with these type of events - thus pulling the wind out of the sails for all those competitors that hope to get some press momentum from said events.
So lets call this possible event the March Madness event. Because well everyone at Mobile World Congress will be mad at Apple for once again stilling their thunder.
And one rumor that popped up in our Google+ community was from Brenden F who wrote quote
I heard from my buddy who attended the Apple Watch training that the Apple Watch Sport edition will only work with the rubber band and not be "compatible" with the metal/leather bands. This kinda disappoints me as I was hoping to go cheaper on gen 1 and still have a formal option (metal) band during the day.
Brenden - I agree with you - if true that disappoints me as well - would have been nice to have the option for a different band. As switching bands was one thing that looked cool about the Apple Watch. Hopefully that is addressed at the March Madness event.
One thing I did not mention and was not mentioned in the latest rumors is the long over do refresh for the Apple TV.
And According to Often Wrong Gene Munster - we are not going to see said update until this Fall.
Which right there leads me to believe the next update to Apple TV will be announced at the March Madness event this year.
Right so what will the Apple TV 4th gen have - Well according to Often Wrong Gene - the device would potentially integrate content, gaming and home kit.
Again - If Gene is saying not until the fall - we can pretty much cancel out the fall - and given it is now over 2 years since the last update - yeah - I could see a 4th gen Apple TV getting announced at the next Apple event. Of course I say that about every next Apple Event.
Speaking of Apple Rumors - we are starting to see those come in about iOS 9 now that it is being reported as showing up on server logs.
And the latest rumor if true I would be glad to see as it is exactly what I was calling for a few episodes ago - and that is to make iOS 9 all about optimization of the OS - not about feature creep and gimmicks.
From an article at 9 to 5 mac was this quote
For 2015, iOS 9, which is codenamed Monarch, is going to include a collection of under-the-hood improvements. Sources tell us that iOS 9 engineers are putting a “huge” focus on fixing bugs, maintaining stability, and boosting performance for the new operating system, rather than solely focusing on delivering major new feature additions.
While in this next big feature thing world - saying the next big thing is bug fixes and speed improvement is not all that sexy - it is at least to me my number one wish for iOS 9. I am sure even if that is the main focus there will be other real show them on a keynote slide features as well - I just hope the one big bold and at the center of that slide - is Optimization.
I guess the next thing I hope for iOS 9 - is that it also works for devices running the A6 and even A5 processors i.e. 32 bit processors and not just those running the 64 bit - which are the A7 and later processors.
More on this in future episodes for sure.
The Big Rumor from the Past week is about the Top secret Project code named Titan. Which according to sources is An Apple Electric Vehicle to compete with Tesla and other electric vehicles. This per an article in the Wall Street Journal and also one in the Financial Times and a 3rd by Reuters. And with the big guys reporting on this you can see why it had legs.
Supposedly Apple already has couple hundred employees working on this project and quote Apple has authorized the creation of a 1,000 person team unquote.
The current team is already supposedly working at a private facility a few miles from Apples one Infinite loop campus. But then are not all facilities Apple owns Private.
It is known that Apple has been hiring people from the auto industry.
Others say the thought of Apple bringing its own car to the market are bunk. And rather the team being assembled has more to do with Apple developing more software in the car - with Car being plural and meaning all cars.
Think of it where Apple takes Car Play and puts it on Steroids.
Although the Reuters piece says it is not just about an Electric Car - it is about an Autonomous Electric car.
One thing I think that leads a lot of believability to this rumor is that Often Wrong Gene Munster does not think it will happen. Enough for me - done deal Apple is making an Electric car. Ok well maybe not - Here is what Gene had to say in a note to investors.
quote While we believe Apple can do both a TV and a car, it seems far more likely that we get a TV from Apple in the next five years than a car. unquote
Ok - so Gene did not say no car ever - just no car in the next 5 years.
Which means either we see an Electric car from Apple in the next 5 years or we never see one.
Actually here is a quote on all these Apple car Rumors I thought was worth sharing it is from Jean-Louis Gassess - former Apple Exec.
“Apple’s life today is relatively simple. It sells small devices that are easily transported back to the point of sale for service if needed. No brake lines to flush, no heavy and expensive batteries and cooling systems, no overseeing the installation and maintenance of home and public chargers. And consider the trouble Tesla faces with entrenched auto dealers who oppose Tesla selling cars directly in some states. Apple doesn’t need these headaches.”
Good points - JL
All these car rumors lead to more rumors and speculation.
This time from Jason Calacnis - who pines that he thinks when it comes to Electric Cars and Apple - yes it is coming - but not by Apple developing its own - but rather by Apple opening up its cash horde and buying Tesla and doing so in the next 18 months.
And nope that is not the first time we heard this rumor of Apple acquiring Tesla - here is a quote from an Episode of Tii exactly one year ago -
it was speculated that Apple was talking with Tesla to get iOS device integration into the cars - but now it looks like the talks might have been a cover for apple to talk with Tesla about buying tesla over a year ago. Now this is not likely to ever happen as Tesla's market Cap today is over 5 times where it was a year ago. Right now it is around 25 Billion. Back then it was around $4.5 Billion. And really if you look at Apples history - there was probably very little chance of it happening a year ago - as Apple has never made an acquisition over a Billion dollars - so going for one that at the time would have likely cost them $6 to $7 Bil once they put in the premium - it just does not seem likely it could have happened - that all said - Darn - I really really really would have loved to see Tesla pulled in under the Apple umbrella. Now Google will likely buy them - given that whole driverless car thing - it just seems to make sense.
Ok - since that Episode we have seen Apple spend 3 Billion for a maker of Headphones. Think about that. Wow - Apple really should have pulled the trigger a couple of years ago. If base heavy headphones are worth $3 billion -then the top of the line Electric Vehicle was easily worth $6 to $7 Billion - oooppppsss. Talk about mistake by inaction.
I am guessing we will report about Apple Buying Tesla Rumors again in the near future and then again after that and so on.
According to Alcatel-Lucent in 2014 16 Million Mobile devices were hit by Malware and by Hit - we mean were infected and by Mobile devices we or they mean Android. This report comes from their Security Labs division - which found malware on mobile devices increased 25% in 2014 - to get this - be equal to the number of Windows PC’s that are infected. Yes - Android and Windows PC’s are now running neck and neck for Viral infections according to the report. NICE. And this is one key reason why most of us stick with iOS.
The report said less than 1% of the infections came from iPhone and blackberry smartphones combined.
Yeah Android - go team.
Thanks to all that sent in links to that article.
VOICEMAIL - Alex_CA_answer_airprint_fingerPrint
VOICEMAIL - Roy_MI_Printing_wirelessly
VOICEMAIL - Kevin_answer_airprint
VOICEMAIL - Kevin_part2
Hey Rob
In episode 337 a caller named Mike asked about an Epson work force 650 printer. Heads up said it was not compatible with air print. I wanted to let you know that it is compatible with air print as I have the same printer and use it all the time to print from iPhone or iPad.
You have to make sure you connect the printer to your WiFi network first. Then it will show up on your iOS device as an available printer.
Hope this helps
VOCIEMAIL - CHUCK_Answr_printerPro
Hi Rob,
To the caller who asked about printing to a non-AirPlay printer, I have another solution.
I use Readdle's Printer Pro app to print to printers at work because they are on a different subnet than the wireless router and AirPlay doesn't work. If you install the companion app, you can print through it to any printer that you have defined on your Windows or Mac computer, even if the computer is on a different subnet than your wireless network. There's a free test app to make sure it work.
Myron U
I think it was the last episode - hey these things morph together on me - where there was talk about Backpacks and other bags for iPads and iOS devices. Well there is yet another bag project on Kickstarter.
This one involves leather and Canvas. So very earthy feeling.
They hit their goal of $10k - with $14k already.
And you have until March 9th at 4:00 PM CT to fund this one.
The project title is Canvas & Leather bags, backpacks, wallets, iPad Case - and you can find it at Kickstarter dot com and in the show notes.
Pricing ranges from 40 for the wallet to $290 for the 1912 Briefcase for a 15” laptop.
They are really cool looking - if you are looking for something different for your self or a significant other.
Thanks to Dr. John for this next one - which is new that US Carriers are making it somewhat easier to unlock your phone.
7 US carriers which include AT&T, Bluegrass, Cellcom, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon - are now honoring a voluntary code of conduct which include as part of the code - allowing users to get their phone unlocked with out a big fight. This of course is only after you have honored your agreements terms of service - oh and this does not mean you can take a CDMA only phone to a GSM carrier - technical rules will still apply - obviously. And it looks like Sprint will not be unlocking for domestic use phone model released before Feb 11th. Point is this - If you have a phone that you honored your term of agreement with your carrier - you should now in most cases be able to get said phone unlocked to take over seas or to another carrier - and the carriers are supposed to be giving your less hoops that are on fire and spinning for you to jump through.
but really - did it need to take this long for carriers to do what clearly is the right thing. It is sad a press release is required for common decency. But alas - I guess this is progress when dealing with Telecom companies.
VOICEMAIL - Shannon_sir_issue_remembering_wife_name
A little heads up on an app mentioned on previous episode that is free for a limited time - and that is the App - ViewExif - this is an App that lets you view the EXIF data for the photos you take right on your iOS device.
ViewEXIF - one word - search for it in the App store app or in the show notes for ep 338 at today in iOS dot com.
Hi Rob,
In response to the listener who said messenger locked up, I've had the same issues since iOS8 was released, at least once a day.
Dan B
Hi Rob,
If me AND my wife want to use iTunes Match will we have to pay $25 times 2?
We have seperate apple id's. I'm afraid we will with seperate id's.
Mike R
Hi Rob,
I've got a couple of different cards from the same bank... since the graphics for each card are the same on the phone, despite the cards physically having a different look, is it possible to add a nickname to the cards (Personal, Business, etc.) to quickly identify which card I wish to use at checkout? Can't seem to find that option anywhere.
VOICEMAIL - Fdbk_apple_watch_constraint
Thanks to Michael for this next one - which is Apple Pay related. Seems the US Governement will begin accepting Apple Pay later this year - this according to Tim Cook at the White Houses Summit on Cyber Security and consumer Protection event held at Stanford University.
Beginning in September certain government transaction like admission to National Parks will start to accept Apple Pay.
Cook also said in the future he was hopeful that leading bank and networks would use Apple Pay Technology with benefit programs like Social Security and Veteran Pensions.
Cook also said quote "We believe we can bring about a future that fully embraces both privacy and security, We must get this right. unquote.
And a fact sheet on cybersecurity initiatives from the White House said quote Apple, Visa, MasterCard, Comerica Bank and U.S. Bank are committed to working together to make Apple Pay, a tokenized, encrypted service, available for users of federal payment cards, including DirectExpress and GSA SmartPay cards. unquote.
So it seems Apple Pay is going beyond just McD and Walgreens.
And Speaking of Apple pay going beyond it will also go above - Thanks to Dr. John and a few others for this next one - which is about Apple Pay going above the clouds that is - as JetBlue will start taking Apple Pay on flights - so now if you want that $3 tiny vodka bottle - you don’t have to undo your seatbelt and pull out your wallet - you can just use your iPhone to pay for said tiny bottle of booze or a snack box or even to upgrade to better seating.
This support is set to start right about now for NY to LA and SF flights - and then roll out to all flights by June.
To roll this out Jetblue will issue iPad Minis and NFC-enabled cases to more than 3500 airline flight attendants. Which goes along with the iPads all the pilots were given back in 2013.
We mentioned TUAW was closed - merged into other properties and some writers had left to start their own thing - well said own thing is Apple World dot Today - from now on referred to as AWT
Steve Sande - part of TUAW since 2008, Dave Caolo since 2005 and Kelly Hodgkins - who has written for TUAW, MacRummors, and intoMobile are part of the AWT team.
Anyway - if you are missing TUAW from your blog feed - you can add in the AWT RSS feed in its place.
Hi rob!
Just wondering if there's a way to save my iPhoto library on an external HDD much like I do wih my iTunes?
Enrique from manila, Philippines
One solution is the iStick
VOICEMAIL - Ken_part1_hack and Ken_part2_hack - EDIT
Thanks again to Harry's for sponsoring this episode and please go to now and save $5 off when you enter the code - t i i with your first purchase. That is h a r r y s dot com and enter the coupon code T I I at check out to save $5 and start shaving better today or well at least as soon as your new shave kit arrives right to your door step.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
I will be at the NRB show in Nashville Feb 24th to 26th - if you are attending please look me up - I will be at the LibsynPro booth - booth 756 - always nice to meet listeners face to face. And hey we have chocolates at the booth. Again that is booth 756 at NRB at the end of February.
And finally there is the Tii App which is now Free to you. Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. Please go right now and download the Tii App - Did I mention it is free.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.