Good luck jailbreaking every p.o.s. iPhone just to give it a third of the capabilities and customization any android phone already has.
--- Really - Please define the 2/3rd of capabilities you get with Android that you can't get with Jailbreaking an iPhone - do you even have the foggiest idea what can be done on the iPhone with jailbreaking. Like even being able to install Android on the iPhone. If you are going to make claims like this please back them up with facts --
Apple may eventually realize the open source community is where its at
--- Is this the same open source community that is now pushing malware on the androids. Or the ones that are sharing personal info. One recent study showed that 8% of Android Apps share personal info. Please tell us again how open is better? Better for who? Clearly not the end user. -----
but until then they will steal, yes steal any innovative idea their Developer community creates and brand it there own.
----- STEAL - Really!!!! - Like how Google stole or actually cut and pasted code from Suns Java right into Android. Now Oracle is suing their butts. And Google knew they did this and even tried to settle with Sun before Oracle purchased them. Then there is the recent ITC ruling that HTC / Android violates 2 Apple patents from 1996. These are core functions in Android they STOLE from Apple. Yes - when you talk about stealing one needs look no further than Android - as it is a mishmash of stolen ideas and code. ---
Sad really. Their snow and lion OS are great but they also take from the hackintosh,osx86 and dev community.
-- WTF does that have to do with anything. Why not complain about the Apple Cube?
IOS blows dude.
- Nice commentary, well thought out. Guess that is why iOS not Android has the highest user satisfaction rates and more people say they want an iOS phone not an Android phone. And also why there are over 220 million iOS devices out there. Well over 80 Million more than Android. ----
Its ok to admit it. While your at it admit that you payed way too much.
----- Way to much vs what? On the Tablet Side - the iPad is cheaper than most Android Tablets. Which combined can't even come close to the iPad sales. The iPod touch has no real competitor - so can't complain on pricing there. And the iPhone is the same price at AT&T and Verizon as most other Android Phones. Speaking of which - the last 3 months the Number one selling phone at both AT&T and Verizon was the iPhone4. A device that is over 12 months old is still is kicking the latest and "Greatest" Android phones butts. Heck Apple even sold more smartphones world wide last quarter than Nokia. If it is so over priced and "blows" how do you even start to explain Apples sales figures. ---
Maybe you'll realize that when you get your next appstore bill or brick your pretty iPhone trying to jailbreak it. Hah..good luck