
Thu, 12 July 2012
Is there any easy way to tell which wall and car chargers will work with iPods, iPhones, and iPads?
I know I have a few older devices (for my old iPod), which came out BEFORE the iPhone, that won't work on an iPhone or an iPad, so I have buried them deep in my old computer hardware closet.
But recently I purchased a charger for my car outlet, which works fine on my iPhone, but when I plug in my iPad on the road the device specifically tells me "not charging." Similarly, the real small wall charger from Apple (the model they recalled a couple years ago) seems to be able to charge the iPhone but not the iPad, while somewhat larger plug the cord into the charger at one end and into the iDevice at the other end doohickeys will work on both (this may be a simple case of size matters).
Also, the connecting cords themselves seem to vary quite a bit. Of course, they vary in length, but that's not all. Some of these have thicker wires, others thinner; some have release buttons on the sides of the large end, others don't. Almost all (but not all) have a USB icon on the USB end and an icon of a thin rectangle with a line in the middle at the large end.
On eBay and sites that sell accessories and gadgets, sometimes they say specifically what their charger and connector will charge, other times they don't.
I'm a pathologist by profession, so I make my living looking at stuff (admittedly most of the time through a microscope) and predicting how it will act, but on this subject I'm not a good prognosticator. Can you help me improve my diagnostic skills.
Hi Gil,
For the usb charger to work with the iPad's - you need to have a 10W USB charger.
And by work - what I mean is it will charge the iPad while it is being used.
When you see the message "not charging" that really means it is not charging while it is running.
It will still charge the iPad when it is asleep - albeit at a much slower rate than the iPad's own 10W charger.
Rob W
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 3:52pm EST
Tue, 11 October 2011
Great news, I have done it! I hacked my brand new iPad 2 to work with my iPhone 4 AT&T SIM card!!!
Step 1: - Download iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple's web site (get it here: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL851) - Install utility -- it installs in the Utilities directory (see a screenshot of the icon HERE).
Step 2: Create an APN for AT&T as follows: - Connect iPad to your Mac - Launch the iPhone Configuration Utility - Click on Configuration Profiles - Scroll down and click on Advanced
Step 3: Enter the following data for AT&T -- in the US -- (see Step 3 image): APN Name: wap.cingular Access Point User Name: WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM Access Point Password: CINGULAR1
Step 4: - Click on your iPad under devices (see Step 4 Image) - Select Configuration Profiles - Select Install on the profile just created
Step 5: - Place iPhone 4 AT&T SIM card on your iPad 2
Step 6: - Browse/download/etc on the plan you already paid for!
If you have any questions or need more details let me know.
Best regards,
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:30pm EST
Wed, 28 September 2011
I had a few people email in asking on my thoughts on the Kindle Fire. Here is what will go up on the show tonight:
I would love to tell you today's show was delayed so that I could get more info on the new Amazon Tablet - but the reality is it had more to do with Allergies and contents of my stomach not wanted to stay there. Neither alone is good when trying to record a show but combined there was nothing I could do. I bring this up because with the Kindle Fire - and it priced at $199 - I am sure there are more than a few Android tablet makers that had the same issues with their stomach that I had last night. In a nut shell - I think this kills the rest of the Android tablets. And it will have its impact on the iPad as well - but more so with other android and none iOS tablets. The Fire from what was shown today is a very impressive device at just $199. It actually has a better resolution display than the iPad at 169 Pixels per inch vs 132 for the iPad. Hmm - Now that seems to be a place where the iPad 3 might be able to improve upon. In Some ways the Fire has raised the bar in a way Apple has to respond.
While Apple has been given grief about having just a home button the Fire - does not even go that far - just a power button - and not even buttons for volume. Expect that to be a point of contention for some. But really - with all the Android people poking sticks at the iPad and iPhone for lack of inputs and buttons - I am not going to go there with the Fire. It looks to be a minimally designed device that has some horse power and is simple to use - i.e. the iPad model. And it is less than half the price. Or half the price of the 16 GB iPad 1 when you can get them. The Fire is just 8 GB and it is really meant as a streaming device - in other words all your content is up on the cloud. For some that will be an issue - for many it will not. If you like the 11 point multitouch with the iPad - the 2 point dual touch of the Fire may be frustrating.
Is this an iPad killer No - I don't think such a thing exists. Is it a killer of all none-iPad Tablets - Yes - I think it is. This takes the low end of the market and blows it away. The iPad already has the high end. And everyone in between well they have their stomach feeling like mine was last night.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 12:34pm EST
Tue, 16 August 2011
Ever wonder why I distain Digitimes so much - well it is BS like they put out this week that has something to do with it.
First remember they were rumor mongering that the iPad3 would launch this fall. And by rumor mongering I mean Link baiting.
Now they just link baited the opposite and said that the iPad3 will not be out until 2012 because of supply chain issues related to a Retina Display. So now they have put out both that it will be released in the fall and it will not be released in the fall (want to guess which article they will point to when it comes out not in the fall).
And that is why I can't stand them - they were putting out BS when they originally said the iPad3 would be released this fall and now are throwing out more BS when they say the iPad 3 is being delayed until 2012.
The iPad3 was not scheduled for a fall release so there is no delay - Heck it is not even announced yet and any blogger with half a brain can see how well the iPad2 is doing vs. the comp and realize there is NO business reason to release a new iPad this year.
And sites like Digitimes and others that said otherwise based on "unnamed" sources are/were full of crap and likely just link baiting.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 7:30pm EST
Thu, 30 June 2011
Check Out This New "LeapPad" For Kids! (I know it's not apple related - but I'm thinking about buying one ... to save the wear and tear from my son to my IPad).
LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Green.
Hi Robin,
Save $20 and get the iPad Defender series case for your iPad.
And then take $5 from the $20 you saved and get the Bubcap.
Then take the extra $15 and buy some nice educational apps for your son.
The other nice advantage of the iPad over the leapfrog - NO STYLUS!!!!! (which means no stylus to loose).
Rob W
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Wed, 29 June 2011
I love the podcast and I am a regular listener since I purchased my 3GS iPhone over 1.5 years ago. I also listen to a number of other iPad specific podcasts since getting my iPad2 in early April. I have not heard any reference to the grim discovery I encountered over the past few days. My business partner and I both purchased 3G 64GB models.
We have both recently noticed (or more accurately paid closer attention) some inconsistent 3G data usage. While sitting in the office connected to WiFi we both occasionally watch video podcasts or movies on the HBO Go or ESPN TV apps. If the phone rings or something requiring specific attention arises, we simply pause and/or close the smart cover. The other day, while the iPad was in this condition, the alert tone that an email had arrived sounded but was ignored for about an hour until there was time to resume the broadcast. Upon checking the email, AT&T had sent 2 emails 1 minute apart. The first one stated that only 9% (approx. 22.5MB of the 250MB) of the monthly data was available. The next email that came 1 minute later stated that there was no longer any data remaining for the month and gave an option to pay for more. All of this while the iPad was setting on the desk in “sleep” mode with the smart cover closed for almost 2 hours.
This prompted a phone call to AT&T to get an explanation of how their system could possibly download 23MB of data over 3G to the iPad while connected to WiFi and in sleep mode in a 1 minute span. Their explanation that the emails may not be accurately time stamped and it could have actually happened over a half hour apart. When asked to prove the data usage, the answer was it is not possible unless an annual plan was purchased. Only then would we get an itemized monthly statement listing data usage. Upon further argument, we were told that once the iPad smart cover is closed, WiFi is disconnected and 3G takes over. All apps running in the background will then be running on 3G.
This was difficult to believe so a phone call to Apple was then made in the sole attempt to get proof that this was not true in an effort to further confront AT&T. Unfortunately the phone call to Apple went to 3 levels deep in tech supervision to get the same story. In fact this does happen when the smart cover is closed and the only resolution is to close all apps before closing the smart cover. Otherwise while watching a video or podcast, when the smart cover is closed the remaining portion of the stream will download on 3G even though a WiFi connection is present and available. We tested our units and indeed if you open the smart cover quickly, you can see the 3G turn into the WiFi symbol at the top left corner. It appears the same thing happens when the power button is used to put the unit to sleep.
I find this very difficult to understand why this would be the case. I assume Apple’s stance would be to conserve battery strength, WiFi would shut down. What if you do not have 3G? We do not have access to this model of iPad to run tests. I am even more surprised that I have not heard of this issue from any of the podcasts I regularly listen to. Most importantly, I hope that you can help spread the word that this issue exists so everyone can get a warning before this happens to them. Is this a case of the “not so “smart cover or is “sleep” now a costly nightmare?
John F
Simi Valley Ca.
Hi John,
This is actually something people have also seen with the original iPad 3G (obviously not the smartcover - but the regular sleep mode).
The only real solution I have heard of was to keep Cellular data turned off when you know you will be near Wifi. Not an ideal solution.
You might want to check out the app - DataMan. It helps track where and when data is used on your 3G iPad.
Rob W
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Mon, 30 May 2011
Hi Rob,
I'm trying to decide what size iPad to get and I can't decide.
Do you have any feedback from listeners who got a 16GB then filled up? My Brother has a 64GB and can't fill it if he tried.
Thanks for any feedback you can offer.
John Beamer
Hi John,
Per the size to get - it depends if you plan to put a lot of movies or TV shows on it.
If you don't - then I would suggest the 32 GB if you have a lot of podcasts - as the 16 GB can fill up fast if you subscribe to a lot.
But if you plan on putting movies on there - then 64 GB is needed.
Now that all said - all of this could change if Apple launches a cloud based service and allows for the storage of Music and Movies in the cloud.
Finally if you plan to use the iPad to create music, movies or podcasts using Gargeband and iMovie - then definitely go with the 64 GB model.
Rob W
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Sun, 3 April 2011
Hi Rob,
I just started listening to your show after browsing a directory to find ipad 2 info and recognising your name from some other podcasting podcasts I listen to.
I am a podcaster myself and I was wondering if the new garage band app on the iPad could be used for recording a show. So far I have only heard a few comments about it and would like to know more.
Thanks for a great show,
Hi Ben,
Yes - you can use the Garageband to record a podcast on your iPad (1 or 2) - however editing is not the easiest.
It is also possible to record into your iPad using a good quality USB mic and the Camera connection kit - but you will need a powered USB hub plugged between them. This will supply the needed power to drive the USB mic. I have tested this with the Blue Yeti mic and it works great.
Rob W
PS - I am working on a more detailed article going over using Garageband and the iPad along with a USB mic. That will be up soon in the VIP section.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Fri, 25 March 2011
While supplies last Verizon stores are selling Wifi iPad1's at $200 discount.
$299 - 16 GB
$399 - 32 GB
$499 - 64 GB
Good luck for those interested. They likely will sell out before the end of the weekend.
Some reports have the 16 GB versions already sold out at most locations.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 9:24am EST
Thu, 24 March 2011
There was a question recently about iMovie - and if you could import video shot on another device and edit it on your iPad2.
I say iPad 2 - because iMovie will NOT repeat will NOT work with the iPad1. Yes that sucks.
Ok back to the question about externally shot video and editing it on iMovie. Apple says yes and no. Yes if said video was shot with another iOS device - iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen or another iPad2 - but no if that video was show with a camcorder or other smartphone.
However you could always use handbrake to convert said video into the correct format on your computer and then bring it over - but if you are on a trip and it is just you and your camcorder and ipad2 - you are as they say S O L.
If anyone is aware of any apps for the iPad2 that will allow you to import in video from a camcorder and convert it on the iPAd 2 for use with iMovie - and you have done this - please let us know.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 2:57pm EST
Wed, 23 March 2011
I just got my iPad 2 on Friday (3/18), my new and old iPads are 64Gig Wifi only.
I have tested app opening speeds between the two, with the apps not running (closed in multitasking), launched both at the same time on both (well as close as I can).
With all non-ios apps I am seeing a ½ to 7 sec faster on the iPad 2; the iPad 2 got to the apps main user screen ½ to 7 sec before the iPad got to the same screen.
Some of these apps may use the internet during start up.
App name (opening speed diff)
Angry Birds HD (3sec)
The Weather Channel MAX+ (4sec) [internet required]
Keynote (2sec)
TII (7sec) [uses internet but not required]
Cut the Rope (3sec)
Tron Legacy (5sec)
Flight Control HD (4sec)
Amazon (2sec) [internet required]
Apple Store (2sec) [internet required]
Target (4sec) [internet required]
Southwest (3sec) [internet required]
Kindle (3sec) [uses internet but not required]
Netflix (3sec) [internet required]
AutoDesk SketchBook Pro (3sec)
Starwalk (1/2sec)
Pandora Radio (3sec) [internet required]
After the Apps are running in multitasking there is no opening speed diff between the two (well faster than my eyes).
Tuscaloosa, AL
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 9:13am EST
Mon, 21 March 2011
Hey Rob,
I am planning on getting the iPad 2. Do you know if I get the AT&T version of the ipad if it will also work with the Verizon or do I need to get the Version version.
Also I have been locked into a unlimited data plan for $30 since the days of my iPhone 3G. Do you know if I use the feature of making the iPhone 4 a wifi hotspot if I will have to give up my unlimited data on AT&T?
Thanks so much.
Hi C,
The AT&T version will not work on Verizon and the Verizon version will not Work on AT&T.
You need to get the one for the network you plan on using.
Sadly it is not a dual mode device. The Choice is GSM (AT&T) or CDMA (Verizon).
Per the Unlimited data plan. Yes if you turn on the Wifi Hot spot on your iPhone - it will kill your unlimited plan and kick you into a limited data plan.
Regards and thanks for supporting the show.
Rob W
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Sat, 20 November 2010
You may have heard/read about the 16 GB iPad showing up at TJ Maxx and it just costing $399 - a $100 discount.
“The rumors are TRUE! Select (unadvertised) locations/limited quant,” TJ Maxx tweeted.
Many speculated this was an Apple sanctioned event and even a way for them to sell off some excess Inventory to make way for the upcoming iPad 2. Others even said this was a major blow to Apples Image and showed they were having lower than expected sales of the iPad by doing this.
However, those who said these things appear to be wrong as it looks to be mostly a publicity stunt by TJ maxx who purchased units in bulk and then unloaded them in their stores as a way to get some buzz going. Why would TJ Maxx do this - well it probably cost them less to do this than it would have cost for all the advertising it would have taken to get this buzz. CNET estimates we are talking about 80 or so iPads spread across multiple stores mostly on the east coast and they are all sold out now. So this looks to have cost them about $10,000.
To TJ Maxx almost well done - You really should have waited until Tuesday to do it and then word would have spread on Wednesday and Thursday and that would have in turn had many people waiting on Black Friday to get into their local TJ Maxx to see if there were any iPads to be had at the low low price of $399. Ok $399 is still a lot of money - but it is much better than the $488 price at Sams Club. I would suggest you check your local Apple Store on Friday the 26th to see what they are offering for a price on the iPad - and also check the online Apple store. In the past Apple has offered some discounts on Black Friday. However it does not look like you will be getting a $399 price at TJ Maxx or Marshalls or anywhere else.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 6:00am EST
Mon, 1 November 2010
Originally Published April 2010.
Category: vip_iPad
-- posted at: 7:00am EST