Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank JEFF for sending in the music you hear in the background. JEFF wrote:
Hi Rob,
I made this song Called TOMORROW with my iphone 4s using the GarageBand app. For free downloads and more music follow me @jeffj6 on twitter.
Jeff J
Thanks JEFF for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank JACK for sending in the Artwork for today's show. JACK said the following:
Hey Rob,
For this image I started in iDraw on my iPad Air, making a blue background texture with a gradient and a few cloud shapes.
I then exported the background from iDraw to my camera roll and opened it in Pixelmator. I then imported two iPhone 6 images and set the layers to multiply and reduced their transparency. See if you can identify the two images in the final artwork.
Next I exported the Pixelmator image to the camera roll and brought it back into iDraw.
In iDraw I added the text with a drop shadow and added a highlight and dark edge for create depth. I punched four holes through the background by creating white circles with an inner shadow.
That's how I created the artwork on the iPad. Pixelmator is an OK app on the iPad but is much better on the Mac. IDraw however is fantastic on both platforms. I really enjoy iDraw. It's easier to use and the iOS version has nearly all the features of the OS TEN version.
Jack R
Well JACK Thanks again for sending in this artwork and folks you can see JACK'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 342 - or if you subscribe via iTunes on your computer as the album artwork and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
AND I am down to just two songs in my queue - so if you have some music created on an iOS device - please please please send it in.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote “By copying the work of others, Apple seems to admit it has fallen behind competitors. By this fall, their product will have more features and the new features may cause confusion. The new features bring with them design languages originally from Meego, Android, and BlackBerry. Apple users not familiar with how Android and BlackBerry operating systems work may be confused by how their iDevices no longer respond the same way.” unquote
Transcend Asset, Seeking Alpha 5 June 2014
HUH??? I mean really - HUH?? What the heck is he talking about? It really seems the only ones confused are him and all those reading what he said. Per the iDevices users being confused - Ummm no not so much as was witnessed by the 74 Million iPhones sold last quarter - Just Sayin
For Promo codes - On Ep 341 we offered up chances to win promo codes for THE APP - ORBITAL PLATFORM DEFENSE - we will be giving those out this week - for more info on this app go back and listen to the beginning of Ep 341.
For Promo Codes This week we have promo codes for the App DESK CALC two words, Here is the WRITTEN review from the dev -
“Desk Calc is the modern version of a traditional adding machine. While calculating figures, Desk Calc keeps a complete history for you. See your current calculations and any values stored in memory right under the main display. Swipe up to see a full listing of all previous calculations. Desk Calc also allows you to save records in an archive, which you can later view, edit or even bring back to the main screen to add to. Tap the calculations display for a list of features, such as the ability to email records, message, copy, or to change the background skin. Desk Calc is 0.99 cents in the App Store. Thank you for considering for all of your basic calculator needs."
Thanks to Darrin for sending in HIS WRITTEN review of his APP DESK CAL and for sending in the 20 promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this APP - send an email to todayinos at gmail dot com and put DESK - in the subject line. And since there are so many - I am just going to do this one a first come first serve basis. So get the request in early for this one.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
iOS 8.3 Beta 4 was released last week. The biggest changes - other than bug fixes revolved first around the updating of the Emoji’s - as mentioned previously - some people were not happy with the industry standard emoji’s that Apple used and called them racist.
Apple has been tweaking them and now also makes it easier to select different versions of the emoji by tapping and holding to show different versions of the people emoji’s
The Emoji keyboard also now shows - recently added as a default.
Beta 4 also adds iMessage filtering - to separate messages sent from unknown senders, and Beta 4 removed the beta label from iCloud Photo library.
Siri also gets expanded voice commands including queries to initiate calls over speaker phone and there is now where you can skip the password for free app downloads.
Speculation about when iOS 8.3 goes gold is now starting - with some saying beta 4 is the last beta for 8.3 - and it will go gold around April 22nd. Others say there is one more beta - and the release of 8.3 gold master will be in early. May followed by a beta for 8.4.
Either way it is safe to say 8.3 will be live before June - as Apple will be having WWDC in early June - and they will likely release the beta for iOS 9 at WWDC if past years actions repeat this year.
Hello Rob,
just a quick post on my testing with iOS 8.3 beta. It appears that WiFried is solved? I haven't had any issues jumping onto wifi or maintaining a connection and airdrop appears to work as expected (Finally!)
on the other hand while the app MacID works for me, my preferred auto-unock app NearLock is not working on 8.3 beta :-/
Francisco T
Francisco - thanks for the feedback and it sounds like from others some of the bug squashing in 8.3 beta 4 is around the known bugs in support of carplay and compatibility issues between Apple Pay and China UnionPay network.
Lets talk Apple TV - and some new Tiles - or channels or Apps or what ever you want to call them.
There were a few new ones added this past week. First up Apple added - Ted Talks, Tastemade and Young Hollywood.
There are over 1,900 TedTalks available. For those not familiar those are sometimes very interesting other times completely self absorbed talks by people who are sometimes notable and others time not so much. Covering topics that are broadly vague to specific obscure. Oh and sometimes very interesting. Think of TedTalks like a box of Chocolate - where 90% of the box is coconut and the other 10% is raspberry nugget.
The way to know who to avoid at a dinner party is the person that starts the conversation - Yesterday I saw the most interesting TedTalk on… Yeah avoid that person like the plague.
If TedTalks are not to your Tastes - then maybe the Tastemade channel is. It serves up original content about food and travel - but I am not sure if there is any content about traveling with food.
And finally there is Young Hollywood - this is just interview with waiters and waitresses in LA. Oh - wait - sorry - it is a channel devoted to music, culture and the Young Hollywood lifestyle. So wait - yes - it is about Waiters and Waitresses in LA.
And those were not the only additions for the week - the day after they were added - Apple also added - CNNgo which is a channel for viewing live and on demand news - on the go via your Apple TV which is tethered to your TV - which is tethered to your wall - and by Go - we mean go Sit in your chair and watch this. This is however the first foray of CNN onto Apple TV - And when it comes to providing news content on Apple TV - CNN only trails ABC News, Bloomberg TV, CBS News, CNBC News, PBS, Sky News, The Weather Channel, The WSJ Live and some guy on Vimeo with a Camera pointed at an overpass that clips off the tops of Trucks - so yeah - CNN was all over Apple TV like a duck on cheetoo.
Ok - per all these new Apple TV channels - how many of you actually use it for anything other than Netflix - and a raise of hands - says - ooh - that is not many. Yeah for most of you - 60+ channels - just means well nothing. But if you are someone that uses more then just netflix - but not much more - getting some of the stranger and more obscure channels like - the Albanian Body Surfing and back waxing Channel - out of the way may be something you want to do.
You can either move it or a similar channel to the bottom of the list - you do that by moving the select box to the channel and then pushing and holding the main button. Once it starts wobbling - move it where you want it.
But sometimes - just the thought of the Albanian body surfing and back waxing channel is too much to bare and you need to delete or really hide that channel - to do that again select the icon you want to hide - once it starts wobbling - press the play / pause button to activate the sub-menu of options - then select Hide This item.
You can also go to the Settings App - and select Main Menu - and then go to the list of all the channels - and change the settings from Show - which means it is being shown - to Hide - which means it is being hidden. That is the faster method for hiding multiple channels.
I am curious - let me now other than Netflix and Youtube - what channels do you watch on Apple TV?
And how many do your regularly watch?
206-666-6364 - that is 206-moon-Dog or send an email to Today in iOS at gmail dot com.
We are very happy to have Casper back as a sponsor - Casper is an online retailer and manufacturer of Premium mattresses for a fraction of the price you are used to paying.
Have you ever purchased a mattress by sitting on it for just a few minutes at the store only later to regret it. That happened with us for my Oldest son's mattress. We thought we purchased a good mattress - but oh my - we learned we did not - we would lay down with him to get him to go to sleep and as we tried to get up he would hear us and feel us moving and would wake up - very very frustrating. But we were stuck with the Mattress - However With Casper you get a 100 day risk free trial period. You don't like it you get your money back and they come and pick it back up and donate it to a charity. That said - the mattress they sent is great and is definitely not going back. It is a mix of Latex foam and Memory foam. No noisy springs to wake up your kid or significant other when you get up to sneak some girl scout cookies from the pantry.
HERE is why I really love this mattress When we received our Casper mattress for my son - the first three nights he slept through the whole night - The last time he slept 3 nights in a row through the whole night - yeah that would be NEVER - not even in the womb.
Casper did an incredible job on the engineering and feel of this mattress - the nights I record episodes - the boys go and sleep with mom - so when I am done I can sleep on his bed now and my back is not all out of whack in the morning.
But just as important as quality is Pricing and the pricing is really great. Twin Mattresses are just $500, they also have Twin XL for $600, Full for $750, Queen for $850 and then King and Cal King - for $950. That is less than half the price my Parents just paid for their King sized mattress and they can't stand their mattress. Like I said you have 100 days to return it risk free. And if you go to casper dot com slash tii and use promo code tii - you will save $50 off those prices.
This is an american made mattress with delivery right now for the US and Canada only and it is free delivery. When said mattress is delivered - it is from UPS - in a squarish box that you think no way is there a mattress in there - But you get a cool little tool to cut open the package and the mattress opens up and expands to form.
As they say You spend 1/3 of your life in bed - ok maybe more if you have Apple TV and Netflix in bedroom. And for the cost of an iPad - is it not worth getting the best nights sleep possible - and that is what you will get with Casper or what your kids will get. Again to Save $50 off of the prices I mentioned go to casper dot com slash tii and use promo code t i i - all lower case on the promo code. again casper dot com / tii - promo code tii to save $50 - thanks Casper for the great mattress for my son and for sponsoring this show.
VOICEMAIL - Dave_CA_accessiblitiy_three_fingers
Hello Rob,
I am in the process of remodeling a room in my house as a bar, and something I really want to get is a jukebox that is compatible with an iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth or home kit. I've been searching online and haven't been too successful in finding exactly what I want. I was hoping you or your listeners would have any idea on where to find one that is similar to the TouchTunes jukebox, such as having its own touchscreen and the ability to select my iTunes Match of my iOS device via the jukebox itself. I am willing to settle for one that I would have to dock my iOS device on, but I'm trying to find a better solution. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for your show, it's still my favorite podcast!
Jason H
If anyone can make a recommendation to Jason - email it to us at today in iOS at gmail dot com or call us 206-666-6364 - that is 206-moon-dog
Been a Today in iPhone (now IOS) listener for years; right from the start. Thanks for the great advice sprinkled with good humor. Most important to me has been all the info about dealing with updates and how each one fixes this or that.
I use you sage advice contained in your PDF on how to do the various updates - and I have a time saving step for those of us who use iTune and a computer to sync/back-up their devices.
I begin the download of the update before starting Step 1, then I can work in parallel to do the rest of the steps while the update is downloading. Some people with fast cable modems might save 10 minutes, but those with slower DSL service could save 30 minutes.
Just a thought unless you see a potential risk of doing this in parallel.
Keep up the good work!
PaulG in Lawrenceville, GA
VOICEMAIL - Ron_OH_Answer_spotify_issue
We are now over 2,000 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode came out was from Mark Henry who said the following
If you have an old iOS device that doesn't hold a charge anymore, you may want to consider wiping off the dust and put it to use. I recently revived my iPhone 4s from the dead with a new battery and back glass (which had been cracked). It holds a charge like the first day it was purchased, and looks great again!
Resources include: iFixit, and
And I mention that because that post reminded me that my Sons iPhone 4S screen was cracked and his Battery was not lasting close to as long as it should. So I went to iFixit and ordered a new battery for the 4S - which now was only 24.95. I then used the code - FIXIT2015 - and saved $5 - which is also what shipping cost - so it was like getting free shipping. I don’t get anything if you use it - it is just one I found that works.
Next I went to and ordered a replacement screen - as they have replacement screens for just $15 and I could get a blue one - which is my son’s favorite color. They offered free shipping.
So for my Son’s birthday part of his gifts are a new screen and a new battery for his iPhone 4S - so as long as I don’t destroy it replacing the screen - for $40 and a couple of hours of work - which he will help with - he should be a happy camper. I will let you now how the service goes with both on a future episode. And the quality of the screen and battery life.
Thanks Mark for that post as it reminded me to get those items ordered.
And since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android fan bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 2000+ of you already in the community and contributing.
Thanks to Skip for this next one: Which is another poll about those interested in getting an Apple Watch. This one said 40% of Adult iPhone owners in the US are interested in buying an Apple Watch.
Well actually this is an extension of the poll I mentioned last time - at that point the poll was for 1,200 people - now it is up to 2,500 people.
The results are basically the same with 24 % over all expressing an interest in purchasing the Apple watch include 10% that are very interested. And then when you look at iPhone owners it is about 40% interest in buying an Apple watch and 17% very interested.
In any case there seems to be a lot of people interested or very interested in buying an Apple watch - NOW - which is before anyone really gets their wrists under one. Will be interesting to see if those numbers change after April 10th - when people start playing with them in the stores.
Going from Surveys about the Apple Watch to Rumors - there was a post in Business Insider titled - Apple Watch has had issues at every stage of development. Because you know no new products ever have problems at every stage of development - that is kind of why they are stages.
Any way this article had your typical sources quote familiar with unquote Apple and their logistics. One source said Apple may have cut initial shipments in half. Essentially these sources are saying supplies will be tight at launch. Hmmm a brand new category of Product from Apple and supplies will be tight at launch - WOW did not see that coming - I mean unless you know you look back at launch of all other new Apple products - and realize they also were restricted in supply at launch.
As I said on previous episodes - expect supplies to remain tight on Apple watch through the summer.
If you know you want an Apple Watch and you know you want it day one of availability - then don’t wait for your appointment to try one on - order it on April 10th when pre-orders start. Go on line now - figure out exactly which one you want - and get ready for April 10th to order it.
For everyone else - take your time - and make sure the Apple watch is really for you. It is not cheap - especially once you get past the base models. But then you are moving more into jewelry then technology.
Thanks to Dr. John and others for this next one. Which talks about the Apple Store experience with regards to the Apple Watch.
First note - on April 10th Apple stores will have Apple Watches for you to try on - 15 minutes per person - an Appointment is required - which you can’t even book until April 10th. Again 15 minutes is it - unless you want to look at the Apple Watch Edition - you know the $10,000 dollar plus version then you get 30 minutes. So again April 10th is when you can make your appointment to check out the Apple watch in person and you do need said appointment.
If you do get to an Apple store on between April 10th and the 24th and try on an Apple watch and play with it - make sure to call into the show with your thoughts and feedback. 206-666-6364 that’s 206-moon-dog - or email in to today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Let me know which way you were leaning before trying it on - and then afterwards - what your thoughts are. Will be interesting to see which way the wrist under experience with the Apple watch pushes people. Especially with just 15 minutes of time allowed.
Thanks to Aric B and many many others for this next one - which is a rumor that you know I am just going to buy into hook / line and sinker. It is that Come WWDC Apple will introduce a new Apple TV and it will have an App store and at WWDC they will release the Dev Kit for it. This rumor comes from John Paczkowski with buzzed - formerly with RE/Code formerly all things D - and he is someone that was quote plugged in unquote with new news out of Cupertino - when they needed to leak said news early.
What John said to expect is an updated exterior design. And greatly updated internals - with an A8 chip or some variant of the A8. A big increase from the 8GB currently onboard the now $69 version. And an greatly improved OS that will support Siri voice control of Apple TV via the remote.
Plus of course it will work with Homekit enabled devices - likely becoming the hub for Homekit.
No word yet on Pricing. But it is safe to say $99 would be the min price to expect - and if Apple keeps the $69 current Apple TV on the market - don’t be surprised to see the price at $199 - my speculation on the pricing there - not John’s.
Speaking of WWDC - based on some leaked info for time booked at the Mascone center WWDC this year looks to be the week of June 8th.
Tickets for WWDC - which we used to talk abut selling out in Months then weeks - then days - then hours - then minutes - last year went to a lottery. Expect the same this year - and expect Apple to announce the details for the lottery if not this week then the following week.
Hi Rob: I've never taken any of the Apple Car rumours seriously. I thought that the idea of Apple in the auto industry was ridiculous. This article had me reducing some of my skeptism.
PS. I've been using and loving an app called Launcher, by Cromulent Labs. It's a widget that allows iOS 8 users to run apps from the Notification Center. The basic app is free with a $3 in app purchase that allows you to add more apps as well as adjust the size. It doesn't support all apps but there is quite a good mix. I have 18 of my most used apps available for the ready in Notification Center. (the max with the pro version). I really like this. Also, I reached out to the dev. because running it on iPad Air doesn't do landscape (Yech) and iCloud syncing might be useful. I got a prompt response indicating that these two items were in the pipeline.
Bob H, Ontario
Bob - thanks for the link to the article titled Apple’s Drive for world auto dominance spooks the industry. Which is a nice long article and does make some very good points. Do I think Apple will develop an Apple Car for lack of a better name - Well the hiring they are doing does point in that direction. Previous rumors about project titan - seem to indicate it. But developing and manufacturing are two different things. It is possible - Apple did all these hires to much better understand the Auto industry and how they can get their electronics and OS into cars made by others.
But some hires - like the ones for Battery design - do point more towards Apple some day getting into the Electric Car market to take on Tesla and BMW in that space.
I just need to ask this - what size sticker is going to come with an Apple car?
Thanks to Martin for this next one - which is about the new Sammy Galaxy S6 - which comes with 56 Apps Preinstalled.
Of which you can not delete and remove them from your phone. Which is actually different than what Sammy originally said would be possible. Note - there may be some ways to actually uninstall the apps - but it seems they are a little more tech intensive - but users can more easily disable them. Still it is a lot of apps pre-installed.
Most of the bloat ware are not Sammy apps - but Apps Sammy is getting a kickback to install on said device. Sweet. I really would not be giving Sammy a hard time about their 56 mostly bloatware apps - if at least one of them was a podcast aggregator app.
But all of this really got me asking how many native apps are there now for iOS 8.2 - and it looks to be 31 apps you can not un-install - which is much less than 56 apps for Sammy. I also think the big difference is Apple native Apps are all made by Apple - where the apps on the Galaxy S6 are not all made by Sammy - many are pay for placement to Sammy.
Still 31 Apps is a lot more than with the Original iPhone - and that is not counting Apps you will want to install right away like Findmy iPhone, Garageband, Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
Which is why getting a 16 GB version of any iOS device does not make sense - you need as a min 64 GB these days.
VOICEMAIL - Johnathan_NO_app_launcher
Hi Rob,
I sure regret upgrading my iPhone 6 to 8.2 last night. Now when I connect the phone to my car's (Infiniti g35) iPod connector, it cannot play audio anymore. All I see is "There is no song" shown on car display. The music is playing on device but no sound is coming out. Once I unplug, the audio is working again. Also, car recognizes that device is connected and iPhone is charging. Any help?
I checked and it's too late to downgrade to 8.1.3, so by being cautious I missed that train. Is there some way to downgrade still?
Thanks for a great show,
-- Alex from Walnut Creek, CA.
From Google+ community From Myron Uecker
Has anybody else seen high cellular data usage lately, possibly since the 8.2 upgrade? I'm not sure if it is from something I changed (like switching to optimized photos) but I got notified by T-Mobile today that I had used up my entire standard allotment and my plan just started!
When I looked at Cellular Data on my device I see that "Documents & Sync" under System Services is using most of my cellular data. It is the same for both my iPhone and iPad.
When he posted that on the 23rd - I went and reset my data usage - and between the 23rd and 27th - four full days - my total data usage was 320 MB. That is it. So at least for me - I am not seeing a lot of usage for Cellular data since the update. Seems most replying are seeing my type of data usage - but one other did say they saw an increase in data usage since 8.2 was installed.
How is your data usage since iOS 8.2 was installed -give us a call - 206-666-6364 - that is 206 moon dog or emails us at today in iOS at gmail dot com.
Hi Rob,
Was just wondering if you are getting any complaints about battery life since the latest update of iOS 8.2. My battery life has been horrible since I have updated.? I mean really bad.
I also own a Pebble Watch. And this battery drain also came after there latest update. I understand you own a Pebble as well and was wondering if you were having any battery issues as well?
Doug - Cincinnati
From Jim S
Since upgrading to 8.2, an incoming FaceTime call does not wake up my sleeping iPod touch. Previous versions worked fine.
VOICEMAIL - Rick_CT_iOS82_update_fdbk
Hi Rob, I backed this one so I can buy the sport and add any band I want. Super great price and very communicative staff. Ian from WV
And this one Ian is talking about is the Click in Kickstarter - which is an Apple Watch band adapter. This lets you use any 22 mm watch band with the Apple watch. They had a goal of 30k - they are over double that now - congrats. You have until April 17th at 5:35 PM CT to fund this one.
Which will cost you $12. Delivery of these adapters is scheduled now for May 2015.
Search for click in kickstarter dot com - or in the show notes for Ep 342 at today in iOS dot com or in the Tii App.
Hi Rob,
This looks like a great idea to me. What so you think?
Robert P
And what Robert P is talking about is the Adappt - spelled A D A P P T - over at indiegogo dot com. And it is the same basic thing at the click. Except they have not reached their goal yet. Which is $50k - and they have only raised $13k so far. You have until about April 24th to fund this one - or you can go with the click - as they are already funded.
They have a plastic version for $9 and an aluminum version for $29 - which I guess is why the Click is funded and they are not - the Click was much lower cost at $12 for a metal version.
But hey the Adappt does have a Gold and rose gold Apple Watch edition version for $3450 - so you know if you want to plunk down $10k plus for your Apple Watch edition - and none of the Apple Watch bands do it for you - you can then plunk down another $3450 to allow you to use 3rd party bands - or not.
Either way you go - Click or Adappt - or some other - it seems safe to say there will be many 3rd party options for you for a band for your Apple Watch - beyond what is on the Apple website. So you may just want to get the Apple Watch sport with the basic band - and then look around for the perfect band for your tastes later on.
Like say Casetify - that has the option for you to print your own custom image on the watch band. You can upload your own images for the watch band and they will print out a custom band for you.
I was thinking of taking a photo of my wrist and then get the watch band printed to look like my wrist so it would give the illusion that the apple watch is floating on my wrist.
Hmmm - Too geeky?
Anyway there is a link in the show notes that takes you to Casetify - it is a referral link - which means if you do purchase from them I get $10 - because well they made it really easy to get the link.
Look for the link Casetify - Custom Apple Watch straps in the show notes for Ep 342.
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Hi Rob,
I podcast from time to time on a show called "DisAfterDark" & I use my apple ear buds & microphone with either my iPad Mini or my IPhone 6+, I don't own a pc. Although my voice isn't too bad the quality could better. Can u recommend a microphone for use with an iOS device?
Hi Craig,
I am currently using the iRig Mic HD
with my iPhone 6+ for one of my other podcasts - KC Startup 411
I record that whole podcast on my iPhone and upload from the iphone. No computer needed.
Check out the lastest episodes to hear the audio quality.
Rob W
Craig also asked if that mic works with Skype - and the answer is Yes.
VOICEMAIL - Jeremy_quest_sync_between_computers
Hi Rob, hope you’re well. I wanted to ask you to please promote my new app on one of your upcoming shows. Here is my review of it. I give you full liberty to edit my review as you see fit.
"Hello fellow Today in iOS fans. Not being able to speak on your own is difficult. Talk For Me - Text to Speech is an app I have developed with the goal of making my life easier as well as the life of anyone else who can’t speak on their own. There are a lot of existing text to speech apps, but some are too expensive to try, while others are lacking in features. Talk For Me - Text to Speech is free. Type any text in the main text area or tap one of the six main custom buttons and your iOS device will talk for you. Want to set up more custom phrases? Swipe up and up again for more pages with custom editable buttons. Need even more? Save phrases in an archive database. This is great for saving partial sentences. A quick swipe left, select a sentence from your archive, and it will appear in the main window ready for you to complete. Once customized, this app will allow for more efficient communication. If you know anyone who may benefit from this app, please let them know about it. Please search my name, darrin altman, on the app store to easily find it or go to my web page ( for a preview video and more information.”
Thank you Rob. I also updated a couple of my other apps, so I may send you some codes soon. I just don’t want to overdo it and take advantage of your generosity and free advertising,
Best regards,
Hey Rob:
Things are getting better, slowly, with regard to ApplePay awareness. Still, I just went through a McDonald's drive-thru and the cashier at the window almost added an APPLE PIE to my order. Oh well...
Thanks for all you do,
Mari in Cleveland
Hi Rob, Like many of your listeners who not only listen to your excellent podcast each week, but also listens to many other podcasts daily and weekly, I find my self fishing for my iPhone from my pockets multiple times a day to select a new podcast as new ones are finishing up. This can be challenging when I already have other things in my hands like brief cases, shopping bags and/or dog leashes.
It sure seems like this situation is screaming out for an Apple Watch app solution. No more fishing for the iPhone from the pocket or the purse.
Only problem is that in all of the published literature about the Apple Watch including everything that I have seen on the Apple website in the Apple Keynotes, I have never seen an icon for the Apple Podcast App on the Apple Watch. This leaves me wondering just how the Apple Watch will interface with the Podcast App. Have you read or heard anything on this subject from Apple or other sources?
Will B.
Honolulu, HI
Hi Rob,
I have not heard anything about the use of the Watch on airline flights. Will we have to turn off our watches like our iPhones? Seems like anything with Bluetooth is supposed to be off.
Bob L
VOICEMAIL - Bob_IL_quest_siri_updated_JB_reasons
There were some rumors that a Jailbreak for iOS 8.2 was going to be announced late this week at the Mobile Security Summit - but the TAIG jailbreak team did not make that announcement.
They did say the jailbreak is quote constrained by many factors unquote - and that they hope to release an 8.2 jailbreak as soon as they can.
As you know I said to stay away from 8.2 if you wanted to jailbreak - and at this time it sounds doubtful they will release an 8.2 jailbreak before 8.3 is released or if they do - it will not be much before.
In any case if you want to jailbreak you need to be on 8.1.2 or earlier. Don’t upgrade to 8.2.
Hi Rob,
Just in case you haven't seen this charging stand. My wife and I have already pre-ordered ours. I have a Kickstarter original Pebble and love it, however I will definitely be pre-ordering an AppleWatch (can you say tech junkie!) haha. Anyways here's the link.
Loooonng time listener,
Dave T
Thanks dave for the heads up on the Dodo Stand for the Apple Watch. Pricing for the pre-order of this is $69.95 - with them saying the MSRP will be $99.95. And there is a popup on their site about saving 15% right now for new customers.
Link in the show notes for ep 342 at today in iOS dot com
Thanks again to lynda dot com for their support of Tii - and if you go to lynda dot com slash tii - that is l y n d a dot com slash t i i - you will get a free 10 day trial to their 3,000 plus video tutorials. Thanks Lynda for sponsoring this show and for the free offer.
Per those in the NCAA pool - if you are looking at the rankings - Robert W - is me, Robert W 2 is my oldest son, and Robert W 3 is my youngest son. In first place is Jim Ritter - with Kentucky winning it all -Jordan Hopper is close behind with Wisconsin winning it.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired. And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
AND I am down to just two songs in my queue - so if you have some music created on an iOS device - please please please send it in.
For those of you going to NAB and/or NMX - I will be at the event - Libsyn has a booth North hall - N7714 - which is in the NMX area. I will also be speaking about podcasting on Monday afternoon. So if you are going - please stop by the libsyn booth and say hi. NAB / NMX is in Las Vegas April 13th to the 16th. Hope to see you there.
In about 45 minutes I will be climbing into a casper bed if all goes well with the post production. So a big thanks again to Casper dot com for their support of Tii - and if you go to slash tii - and use promo code tii - all lower case - you will save $50 off a mattress shipped right to your door - again go to slash tii and use promo code tii.
And finally there is the Tii App which is now Free to you. Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. Please go right now and download the Tii App - Did I mention it is free.
And that folks is going to do it for us today.