Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank STACY for sending in the music you hear in the background. STACY wrote:
Hi Rob,
I created this song called DEPRESS ROBOT SYNDROME with the App Korg Gadget - and the track was “mastered" within Audioshare
This is from my Album Space age Sonic Goodness where all the songs were created on iOS devices. You can find my music by searching for Spectral Sevenths two words in Spotify.
Stacy P
SONG Depressed_Robot_syndrome
Thanks STACY for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank ABDIEL for sending in the Artwork for today's show. ABDIEL wrote the following:
Hi Rob
I created this image using my iPhone 5S. I used Gradient to create the background and then PhotoLettering to add the Tii branding.
Background Maker - Gradient Colours by michael webb
Photolettering by Brand Design Co., Inc.
Best Regards
Abdiel Ortiz
Thanks ABDIEL, for sending in this artwork and folks you can see ABDIEL'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 368 - or at and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote “In the PC world, with fewer ways of differentiating HP’s products from our competitors, we became number one; in the tablet world we’re going to become better than number one. We call it number one plus.” Unquote
Eric Cador, Senior Vice President of the Personal Systems
Group, Hewlett-Packard, 21 May 2011
Eric if by One Plus - you mean somewhere in the Others category - then job well done. Because you are not on anyones top 5 or even top 10 list for top tablet manufacturers. But then maybe 1 plus was just the percentage of the market share your were going for.
- Just Sayin
This week we have promo codes for The App - MYOG - Here is the review from the dev.
Well thanks to the Devs for their review of their App - MYOG and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this App - please send an email to todayinios at gmail dot com and put MYOG in the subject line.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment FOR FREE We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
I want to read a quote from Apple before we get into this next story - with quotes around story.
From Apple in a statement given to Techcruch - quote
With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, you are getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world. Every chip we ship meets Apple’s highest standards for providing incredible performance and deliver great battery life, regardless of iPhone 6s capacity, color, or model.
Certain manufactured lab tests which run the processors with a continuous heavy workload until the battery depletes are not representative of real-world usage, since they spend an unrealistic amount of time at the highest CPU performance state. It’s a misleading way to measure real-world battery life. Our testing and customer data show the actual battery life of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, even taking into account variable component differences, vary within just 2-3% of each other.
Ok now that we have the FACTS out of the way - what is the story that was running wild last week. Well it was that if you had the Samsung processor - it could provide anywhere from 50 to an hour and 50 minutes WORSE battery life - and that was enough to launch the Chip-Gate type articles. But see - those posts out there about the major difference in battery life - NOT one - not a single one of them were based on actual measurement of virgin units doing real world testing - but rather on using an app that estimated what battery life would be - and that App by the way - was pulled by the dev when they said it had issues with the new devices - and has since been put back up.
Any way - any stories you read about Sammy’s chips being worse than TSMC - yeah - NOT one of them are based on real measurements - like Apples statements are.
There is nothing to see here with regards to battery life. Battery Life differences between the two are not a story - or more accurately are not THE story.
The real story here is that APPLE is using two different manufacturers for their A9. And that more than anything else is probably how Apple has been able to keep shortages down this year at launch - and how they just launched in 40 new countries last week - and how they will be in over 120 countries by the end of the year.
This is a good thing. Not a bad thing that Apple is able to have two manufacturers for the A9.
Now it does suck if you find out your device has Sammy inside. Because it feels a little like you are sleeping with the enemy - but specs wise - it is not an issue.
If you want to find out which chip you have - it is simple - kinda - sorta - once you download a free app.
The app is called Lirum Device Info Lite - link in the show notes of course.
Open said app once installed - tap not now - to close the pop-up ad.
Then at the bottom of the screen you will see info for the Model along with an alphanumeric code.
The TSMC chips for the A9 for the 6S and 6S+ are
N71mAP and N66mAP respectively.
For Samsung’s A9’s for the 6S and 6S+ they are
N71AP and N66AP respectively.
So if you see the M in the number - it is TSMC and if not it is Sammy.
Again that is for the 6S and 6S+
There is also a good article in Wired - that goes over this - the title of the article is quote It doesn’t matter which A9 chip your iPhone has - get over it unquote - and yup that sums up my feelings on this as well.
Look link baiters want nothing more than there to be another Apple Gate with this launch - and they will trip over themselves and you to rush out articles based on nothing - YES BGR I am looking at you. That is the problem with many of these schlock tech reporting sites - and make no mistake - BGR is a schlock site with very questionable reporting. They are fine if you are looking for tutorials - but get into breaking news or rumors - and their quality plummets down to Digit-times levels.
Now they are not the only ones guilty of this - essentially anyone reporting ChipGate as a real issue - are guilty as charged. Again - this whole thing started because no one took the time to do real world testing and they SOOOOO wanted there to be an issue.
Ok - Soap Box I do get down off of now.
Ok - I have been mentioning I would update my iPhone update sheet - and I am finally ready to go over this.
For those new - what I have been doing over the years - is looking at all the new features available for each new generation of iPhone and then scoring each new feature and getting an over all upgrade score.
For example the iPhone 4 vs the 3GS - had a total score of +30. The 4S - was a +29. The iPhone 5 was just a +25. The 5S was a +30, The 6 and 6+ were a +24. And the new 6S and 6S+ surprisingly came in much higher then I initially would have expected with a +33. That makes this current Generation the biggest increase for any generation iPhone.
My scoring is 100% determined by me. So yes it is not overly scientific. It is based on a score of 1 or 2 or 3. A plus 1 is for a minor tweak or new feature. a 2 is a new feature that is something that clearly improves over past gens - and a 3 is a significant change - in the feature set or functionality.
For Example the A8 Processor - got a +1 - where as the A9 gets a +3. The performance jump we talked about last episode almost makes me want to give it a +4 - but that is not an option.
4K vidoe recording gets a +3. As does Video playback support. the 12 MP new camera - also a +3. As is the improved 5 MP front camera.
3D Touch - gets a +3 as well - not so much for what it can do today - but how it will be used in the future.
And the semi-Water Proof features added - gets a +3. This will be evident to anyone that drops it in a pool or bathtub or urinal - and it keeps on working. The addition of the gasket and seals for the connectors is huge. No Apple is not talking about it - but it is there - and it is a big big upgrade - especially for anyone that has ever had an iPhone dropped into water.
On the + 2 side of things - there is the 2GB of RAM. This should improve the over all UI and what you can do with the iPhone.
Live Photos gets a +2 as well - as it is a nice new unique iPhone feature.
I gave Deep Trenches a +2 - because once you look at some of the new photos with the 6S and 6S+ - you realize there is some nice magic going on - and this is a big part of that magic - that allows the extra MP to matter.
And the improved LTE / Wifi get a combined +2.
On the Plus 1 side we have Optical Video Stabilization - which is just for the 6S+. There is also now Playback Zoom for Video - that gets a plus 1. Almost gave it a plus 2.
Faster Touch ID gets a +1
As does Tougher Glass
And finally Stronger Aluminum gets a +1. Wanted to give it a Plus 2 - but being annoyed by bendgaters - is not justification enough to bump it up - so I left it at +1.
Overall as I said to start - this Generation of iPhones is the biggest update ever. And goes along with S level updates being the better updates as we have been saying on this show for a long time.
If you would like to see the entire chart - including the new features added to past iPhones going back to the iPhone 4. In the Tii App for Ep 368 - go to the bonus content - and I will have it in there as a PDF. The second page has the updates with the scores.
I will also have some links in the shows notes articles going over some of the improvements and testing for the iPhone 6S and 6S+.
But here is my overall recommendation - if you have a 5S or earlier - and you are ok with going with a larger size phone - then now is the time to upgrade. The only reason not to - is if you are like my wife - and you want the smaller size iPhone.
If you have an iPhone 6 or 6+ - I still find it hard to recommend an upgrade - but it does make more sense to upgrade to the 6S from the 6 - then it has for any other generation upgrade. So if you have upgraded each year in the past - this year - well you likely already upgraded.
Now of course we do not live in a world with just iPhones - that would be a purely utopian world. Nope - we also have Android devices out there - and when it comes to comparing the iPhone - we can’t just compare this gen to last gen. Nope - we also need to look at how it does against those other phones.
When it comes to benchmark test - that is easy - the iPhone 6S and 6S+ smoked - toasted - destroyed the comp. Not even close. Single core speed tests for the A9 came in above 2,500. The closest Android phone was the HTC Nexus 9 - coming in at 1887. That was actually the only Android phone that came between iPhones with the A8 and A9. The A8 came in at over 1600. Yes - all other Android phones tested - were slower than the 1 year old iPhone 6 and 6+. Next on line was the Galaxy S6 edge at 1309. Wait a second Rob- last week you said the 5S was at 1,399 - oh - good catch - so really all other Android Phones were slower than the 2 year old iPhone 5S. Sweet. The Samsung Galaxy S6 came in at 1207 and the numbers drop from there.
So looking at bench mark tests the iPhone 6S and 6S+ smoke and destroy all competition. And the 6 and 6+ and 5S beat everything else except the HTC Nexus 9.
But of course smartphone use is a lot more than just bench mark tests. There is also how people use the phone - and in reality that most often is as a camera.
Business insider has a nice article on how the iPhone 6S Plus did vs the Galaxy Note 5. Make sure to have your ad blockers installed before heading over.
So how did it do. Quote the iPhone 6S plus is the new reigning champion of smartphone cameras. Many smartphones that take pictures with accurate color tend to look gloomy and dull - even in bright sunlight. but the iPhone offers an excellent balance of color accuracy and enticing brightness unquote.
And that is why Deep trenches gets a +2.
The iPhone 6S and 6S+ are the fasted smartphones and have the best cameras - and if you are on an Android Phone - then it is definitely time to join the Utopian future known as iOS.
If you have an older iPhone and are on the fence about upgrading - really the only two reasons I can give for not upgrading for those on the fence - Size - that is if you want the smaller 4” form factor - and Money - if you don’t have an extra Grand laying around then wait until it is time for your carrier subsidy to kick in - if you even get one of those anymore.
Hi Rob,
Your show is one of my regular podcasts. I appreciate ALL your timely and informative subject matter. Always accurate and trusted. Best thing you do is let us know when to install upgrades.
I have also found your advertisers to be what you say they are ... Especially Harry's
Stay well my friend
I want to thank Harrys for sponsoring this episode - if you go to harrys dot com - that is h a r r y s dot com and use the promo code t i i - you will save $5 on your first order.
In the past I have talked about Price and convince as factors - and well lets through them out this time and talk just about performance. I was someone that used the highest dollar blades - I purchased blades like some of my ex-girl friends ordered dinner - look for the most expensive price and buy it. But here is the thing - None of those blades ever gave as good of a shave as my harrys blades. Nor did they last as long either. This is not luck on Harry’s part - they went and found a German blade factory that is almost 100 years old and purchased it. And by it - I mean the factory not just the blades. Harry’s owns the most important part of the razor - the blade - and because of that they can give you the best shave possible at a great price.
But the quality does not stop at the blade - they also have a Great foaming shave gel. And most importantly If you look at what it is made from - you will not see industrial chemicals you can’t pronounce. The ingredients include Licorice Root extract, a blend of Cucumber and Aloe - It really is nice to shave with something that would never have been featured in a Toxic Avenger flick.
And then there is their After shave lotion - it feels great and it smells wonderful it and the ladies will definitely give you compliments.
I am 100% a full fledged Harrys customer - have been for well over a year - that is my blade, my shaving gel and my after shave lotion - nothing else will touch my Head and face.
Once again go to now and save $5 off when you enter the code - t i i with your first purchase. That is h a r r y s dot com and enter the coupon code T I I at check out to save $5 on your first purchase and start shaving better today or at least as soon as your new shave kit arrives at your door step.
VOICEMAIL - Tom_Answer_voiceover_quest
Hi Rob,
I heard Coby mention that since he had upgraded to iOS 9.1 beta 1, he now has to enter a 6 Digit Passcode, I too had this on my new iPhone 6S Plus and also on my Sons iPhone 6 after a restore of his data from his iPhone 5S.
But if you go into Touch ID & Passcode and opt to change your Passcode, enter in your Current Passcode it will then ask you to set a new Passcode, but will also give you an option of Passcode Options, at the bottom of the screen, so if you select that, you can then change the passcode back to a 4 Digit Passcode.
Hope that helps.
Mark Tracey.
West Midlands
Hi Rob,
In item 367 at 1 hour and 45 seconds in, you read a email from Dan in Vancouver indicating 2 issues with IOS 9. The first was with texting where the field in which you would normally type a message would become populated with a prompt to record a spoken message with no apparent way to dismiss it. I have a 6 plus and my wife has a 5 and we both were experiencing this after we installed IOS 9 and the only way I found to temporarily fix it was to force quit the text app and reopen it. I have since upgraded to IOS 9.0.2 on my 6 plus and the issue is still there. In both cases it happens randomly. If anyone knows a fix please share it.
Steve in Texas
Hi Rob how do you get the podcasts ap to automatically download in the back ground?
Regards, Conrad
Go to Settings —> Podcasts —> Turn on “Background App Refresh”
Also there may be a bug with the Podcasts app - so while you are there - turn OFF - “Delete Played Episodes” as it may be deleting just slightly played episodes or episodes downloading while listening to others.
Here is an email I received on this.
While downloading Ep. 0367 via cellular data, I decided to finish listening to 0366. Download progressed fine and upon reaching the end of listening to 0366, the Podcast App marked both episodes as "Played Episodes to be Deleted".
I had not even touched the play button for Ep. 0367 so it seems we might have another bug? Maybe listeners can chime-in if they have experienced the same.
PaulG in Lawrenceville
VOICEMAIL - Raj_Answer_per_call_lost_notes
We are now over 2,500 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode came from Kent Kersey who posted the following question
Does anyone know of an easy way to see which songs/albums you've downloaded to your iPhone on Apple Music?
And Marc Lobart answered where to find that. First you open the Music App - next at the bottom select “My Music” Then in the middle of the screen look for the red text - Might be Artists or Albums or Songs or Genres or Composers - depending on what you had it set to. Tap on that and you will get a pop up with those options to choose from - select Songs - That will close the pop up - next tap on songs again and then at the bottom of that pop up - select the toggle switch - Only Offline Music - turn that on. And that should close the pop up.
That will then list just the music you have on your iOS device.
Since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts and comments in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android fan bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 2500+ of you already in the community and contributing.
Also from the Google Plus community was this post from Faisal Keylani who linked to an article:
This per Apple releasing the A1633 iPhone 6S - which is Apples unlocked SIM-Free - not for any specific carrier - world phone. This is now the answer to the question - on which iPhone should I get if I want one unlocked. The A1634 is the 6S+ version.
There was a nice post on RedmondPie - that goes over the difference between the A1633 and 34 vs the other iPhones.
Especially with regards to the T-Mobile unlocked phone - the new ones have one more band for LTE - Band 30 - which is not available for the T-Mobile phones.
In the US for example when you go on line to buy an iPhone - you will now see the following options for Carrier
and now - SIM-Free
Delivery of the 6+ Rose Gold Sim free for 128 GB is listed as 2 to 3 weeks.
Looks like it is one to two weeks for other options.
I think it is pretty self-explanatory - but when you buy an iPhone that is SIM-Free - it is exactly what you get an iPhone with no SIM card.
But really it comes down to if you want an iPhone no strings attached and will work in more places world wide then any other phone - the A1633 and 34 - are the phones you are looking for.
Again - just choose the SIM-Free option. And pretty surprising to see this on sale in the US within a month of Launch.
NOTE - this does not mean they will work in China. They have a different system there all together. But they should work Globally except in China.
I should also welcome the following countries to the iPhone 6S and 6S+ party - as they all started getting the new iPhones on October 9th and they are
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dorne, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Harrenhal, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan
But remember - is you are looking for a world phone - the SIM Free version is the one to go with.
Apple is keeping up with its rapid release of the betas. With iOS 9.1 Beta 5 now available as of Monday October 12th. It looks like the full release of 9.1 is on schedule for later this month. We know it is scheduled for later this month as 9.1 is needed to set up Apple TV from an iOS device.
Changes this time around seem to be new emoji’s because evidently Apple thinks we can’t get enough of them.
New Wallpapers
Developer support for live Photos
and iPad Pro - Apple Pencil Compatibility - but not sure how anyone can prove that last one - since neither device is out.
There is also the so called - stability / speed improvements. Which is just a generic place holder for the 2nd beta and later.
Here is a strange one - and have not heard of any listeners with this problem.
It comes from and the post is titled - iPhone 6S users report boiling hot home buttons.
And well you guessed it is about users reporting Touch ID - that is too hot to touch. Not 3D touch but 3 Alarm Touch.
This according to some on Apples support forums - is just the touch ID that is getting hot - and if they held down the home and power buttons together for around 10 seconds - after the phone restarted all functioned well again.
Which I find interesting - because the same ones saying the home button was too hot to touch are the same ones saying if you hold it and the power button down for 10 seconds the problem goes away once it reboots - either that or all the nerves in your finger are dead and you can’t tell it is hot anymore - one or the other.
That all said - as I mentioned I have not heard of this issue from any listeners - if anyone had a hot home button on their 6S - let me know.
And let me know if powering it down and back up solved the issue.
Marco Arment the developer of OverCast is doing something interesting - he is making OverCast free - as in completely free. But Rob you say -it was already free - Yes - but many or the best features were locked behind an in-app purchase. Not any more - now all the features are unlocked and free.
Marco is trying a new model where he asks for some donations instead.
So yes his smart speed and voice boost features are all unlocked now. There are 3D touch shortcuts - and of course the Apple Watch App.
There is a play next by priority feature. Which is nice for those that like this show - make Today in iOS a priority and when a new episode comes out - which as you know can be any day of the week - and the new ep of Tii moves to the top of the list.
This is Overcast Version 2.0 as well - so there are new features - especially with regards to streaming content. Plus lots of improvements to the app.
The thing I like about Overcast most - is that the features are with you the consumer in mind - and focused on helping making it easier to consume the content you know you want to consume - not trying to force content on you you never heard of or asked for.
So if you have lots of podcasts you listen to - and you have not checked out Overcast yet or recently - now is a good time.
If you are using the Overcast App - make sure to recommend the Today in iOS podcast.
Here is a fun Android Article - it appears to hack an Android phone - you just type in a really long password. This is one of the oldest hacks in the book - it is called and overflow error. And with Android devices running the Latest Version of Android - Lollipop - yes it is vulnerable to this - hey Password is not the password - what should we try next hack. Once you overwhelm the device with too many characters - it crashed to the open home screen.
According to google - someone that has your phone and does this - can quote view contact data, phone logs, SMS messages, and other data that is normally protected. unquote. Yeah so you know nothing major or anything.
Google did release a patch for this back in September - which means most Android users will be getting that patch - oh - yeah - never. But the ones that do - it will probably be in 2016 at best before they see it.
One of our sponsors today is Trunk Club. visit trunk club dot com slash tii
Trunk club takes the hassle out of clothes shopping.
What trunk club does is a few things - first they ask you what your style is - what type fit you like and what your sizes are - and then they put you in contact with a personal stylist - Mine is Mary - Hello Mary. Then you talk - and discuss what kind of cloths you are looking for - pants or shirts or jackets or belts or shoes or more - and Then you get a trunk sent out to you full of clothes that fit perfectly and look great - that you get to try on - on your own - in your house - no rush - no pressure - You get to walk around where you get a real feel for the cloths. I had three different Sports coats slash blazers sent in my trunk - All of them looked great and were of course from the best brands - I then went and tried those on with my different shirts I already owned - I then was easily able to figure out the one that worked best with what I already had - AND also was different from what I already owned. So now I have a great new sports coat that really compliments what I already owned - I did wear that sports coat At the Online Learning Conference last week. Yes - I am officially a trunk club customer and it could not have been any easier. I have worn it to the last three shows I attended and every time I have received un-solicited and very positive comments about the sports coat. Winner.
One thing I really liked about the Trunk Club experience is that I was able to try on the different items and see how they did or did not differ from what I already owned. Which was nice as it helps to keep you from buying duplicates. you simply put the items back in the trunk you don’t want.
keep what you like - send back the rest - and there is no pressure to keep anything. No one looking at you as you put items back in the trunk.
Folks this is NOT a subscription service - you only get the trunks you asked for. When you are done - they have already included the return shipping label and tape for the trunk. And they give you a number to call for quick pick up by UPS. All of this can be done without stepping outside your house.
Right now their entire styling service is FREE - even the shipping is free - you only pay for the clothes you keep - to take advantage go right now to trunk club dot com slash t i i - again that is trunk club dot com slash tii for a trunk filled with great looking and fitting clothes that you are going to love wearing.
Thanks Trunkclub for supporting this show and for helping me look snappy at the Online Learning Conference.
VOICEMAIL - Tyron_CA_3D_touch_options
VOICEMAIL - Jonathan_NO_quest_make_show_how_long.
It takes me at least 20 hours a week to get this show produced. That 20 hours a week is spent answering and sort emails and voicemails. I do look at them all. I spend a good amount of time reading articles and researching for the episode. And it takes 6 hours min to get all the show notes done. The actual recording takes about 1 hour for every 20 minutes of episode. The typical evening I record episode is over 4 hours for the recording / editing / exporting / encoding / show notes creation and publishing. For example tonight I started recording at 10:30 PM - and right now XX minutes in - it is XX:XX XM time.
Per voicemail messages - I have a folder I move them to - and then pull them out in usually what is a most recent in - first out method. Meaning if I fall behind - and your recording does not make it on right away - with in the last 3 eps - chances are it will not make it on - until well at least the quiet periods between New Years and WWDC. I went and looked in the folder - and there are over 1,200 voicemails in there. That does not count the much much great number of emails. So today I am going to make the rest of this episode ALL about listener feedback. No more news - just listener feedback with most - the vast majority being voicemail messages. That will clear the way for future feedback about the new Apple TV , iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and new keyboard case - all which will be coming between late October and late November. The rest of the ep will be voicemails that came in since the iPhone 6S and 6S+ were announced and up until this afternoon on October 12th. So essentially all come from the past 5 weeks. But if I get over 90 Minutes before the Outro - then I will close it down for this week - and get to the others next week.
VOICEMAIL - Scott_TX Issue_carplay
VOICEMAIL - Dave_CA_6S_issue_LTE_just_data_helps_tip
Hi Rob,
Just thought I'd write in and mention that you can probably say "Hey Siri" without spelling it out for 2 reasons. 1) The "voice training" feature seems to be working very well. I tried this with my wife and Siri wouldn't activate on my phone unless I asked, and 2) I believe the feature is disabled when playing audio, as when connected via Bluetooth to Sync in my Ford, I can't get it to activate when audio is playing, but it works fine when I pause the stream.
Really digging my new 6s Plus. Here are a couple of tricks I've discovered. On a 6s or 6s Plus on iOS 9, 3D Touch and hold on the keyboard to enable a trackpad to move the cursor when typing (similar to 2-finger drag on the iPad). Also, I've noticed in iOS 9, with the screen locked, plugging in a headphone jack now turns on the lock screen with a slider icon for the Music app in the lower left (similar to the fashion used by the Handoff feature) you can slide up to launch into that app. Thanks for the show, Rob.
Lou Valencia
VOICEMAIL - Nick_warning_opening_interupt
VOICEMAIL - Kevin_crossman_iPhone_dimensions
VOICEMAIL - Luis_doha_issue_sir_quiet
VOICEMAIL - Luis_doha_part2_reset_all_Settings
VOICEMAIL - Kevin_crossman_1Blocker
VOICEMAIL - Robert_SD_ask_temP_tip
VOICEMAIL - Steve_LA_quest_restriction_notifications
VOICEMAIL - Hector_miami_quest_iPad_center_privacy
Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Guided Access
VOICEMAIL - Aaron_VT_part1_issues_messages_inbox
VOICEMAIL - Aaron_VT_part2_issues_messages_inbox
VOICEMAIL - Quest_iPhone_not_updated_
VOICEMAIL - Joe_miami_iPAd_pro_donate
Joe - thanks for the tip and the mention of donations for iPad Pro - and I want to thank Michael M, Henrik B, and Daniel W for their very kind donations to the Show - which folks if you would like to help out you can do by clicking on the donate button in the lower right hand side of our site at today in iOS dot com. Thanks to all that have donated to the show.
VOICEMAIL - Ken_NJ_apples_motives
VOICEMAIL - Joe_NJ_question_wants_to_upgrade
VOICEMAIL - Jeff_Cincy_Beta_test_iOS91_why
Ep 368 - "What did the fox say?”
Thanks again to TRUNK CLUB for sponsoring this episode.
Right now their entire styling service is FREE - even the shipping is free - you only pay for the clothes you keep - to take advantage go right now to trunk club dot com slash t i i - again that is trunk club dot com slash tii for a trunk filled with great looking and fitting clothes that you are going to love wearing.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired.
And don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
Thanks again to Harry's for sponsoring this episode and please go to now and save $5 off when you enter the code - t i i with your first purchase. That is h a r r y s dot com and enter the coupon code T I I at check out to save $5 and start shaving better today or well at least as soon as your new shave kit arrives right to your door step.
Finally there is the Tii App which is Free to you. Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. It is fully Voiceover friendly of course. Please go right now and download the Tii App and Did I mention it is free.
And that folks is going to do it for us today -
Reminding you to Go royals
VOICEMAIL - Rob_issues_iOS9_wife_issue_6+
VOICEMAIL - Kim_oregon_upgraded_S_wonderfull_accessiblity
VOICEMAIL - Kink_oregon_PIDS_feedback