Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank BRIAN for sending in the music you hear in the background. BRIAN wrote:
Hi Rob,
Here is a song called - StarLight
On iOS I used the apps:
Most of the song started on the iPhone (iPad) then brought to the mac for finishing.
On the mac I used the apps
Studio One
You can find more of my music at
Thanks BRIAN for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank JOHN for sending in the Artwork for today's show. JOHN wrote the following:
Hi Rob,
I used Over with the Pro pack for fonts & image tweaking.
John Poyser
Thanks JOHN, for sending in this artwork and folks you can see JOHN'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 391 - or at and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote
“The iPhone is a niche product.” unquote
Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, 17 April 2008
So reading that I thought maybe Niche meant something else - so I looked it up at dictionary dot com and their definition for Niche is - 1. quote an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue orother decorative object. unquote
Well that does not fit.
So I looked at number two - quote
a place or position suitable or appropriate for aperson or thing:
example to find one's niche in the business world.
Nope that does not fit either.
On to number 3. quote
a distinct segment of a market.
Ok - so if meant the iPhone was a distinct segment of the market like oh Smartphones - Yes - Yes it is.
- Just Saying.
For Promo codes - On Ep 390 we offered up chances to win promo codes for THE APPS - VIDOMEASURE - all gone and AMIDAKUJI KNIGHT - a few left. If you are interested in this 2nd app or want more info go back and listen to the beginning of Ep 390
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author email me if you want your app or iBook featured in the promo give away segment FOR FREE We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook - indicating you are the dev or author. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
iOS 9.3.2 beta 4 released last week - just a week after beta 3. As with most beta for double dot updates - it is all about stability and squashing bugs man. Sorry nothing exciting to report other than we are one more beta closer to 9.3.2 launching. If you are a dev or a public beta tested Beta 4 of 9.3.2 is waiting for you.
A Special KC Podcaster Meetup - Saturday the 14th - 4 to 6 PM at the GRID near 119th and Metcalf just north of the supper target. I will be giving a presentation on the different places to get your podcast out and how iTunes works for podcasters and more. A must for any podcast new or old or about to start. just search of KC podcasters at meetup for more info.
Apple put out a Press release on May 5th titled
Apple & SAP partner to revolutionize Work on iPhone and iPad
From this PR which is written in spine tingling manner quote
Apple® and SAP today announced a partnership to revolutionize the mobile work experience for enterprise customers of all sizes, combining powerful native apps for iPhone® and iPad® with the cutting-edge capabilities of the SAP HANA platform. This joint effort will also deliver a new iOS software development kit (SDK) and training academy so that developers, partners and customers can easily build native iOS apps tailored to their business needs. unquote
Tim Cooke had the first quote in the PR - which says something of Apples thoughts on this - most of Apple's PR’s don’t have a quote from Tim. Actually I went and looked at all the PR’s released by Apple since Jan 1st - that were not quarterly report related - and of those other 10 PR’s Tim Cook only was quoted one time. That was the one about Apple Opening Europe’s first iOS App Dev center in italy announced back in late Jan. So yes for Tim to have a quote in the PR and the CEO of SAP - it shows both companies care about this partner ship.
Now that I have teased about Tim’s quote - here it is Tim said quote This partnership will transform how iPhone and iPad are used in enterprise by bringing together the innovation and security of iOS with SAP’s deep expertise in business software, As the leader in enterprise software and with 76% of business transactions touching an SAP system, SAP is the ideal partner to help us truly transform how businesses around the world are run on iPhone and iPad. Through the new SDK, we’re empowering SAP’s more than 2.5 million developers to build powerful native apps that fully leverage SAP HANA Cloud Platform and tap into the incredible capabilities that only iOS devices can deliver. unquote
So yeah - not surprising to see the security card played - I think that is the one area where iOS completely outshines Android - and Apple will continue to beat on that drum louder and louder as time goes on.
Even the CEO from SAP worked it into his quote - where Bill McDermott SAP CEO said quote Yada Yada - Yada Yada - together with iOS, the leading and most secure mobile platform for enterprise, Yada Yada. Yada Yada unquote
Later on in this episode I will talk about what may come up at WWDC and I think security and Privacy is going to rule the day.
One thing a bunch of people have been reporting on for WWDC has to do with Apple Music and what improvements Apple will bring. Most of these articles link back to an article from Bloomberg where they believed Apple was going to reveal the following with regards to Apple Music App.
1. A new and more intuitive user interface.
2. Better integration between streaming and download services
3. Expansion of its online radio service
It is believed that apple now has over 1,000 employees working specifically on the Music offerings.
The bloomberg article also noted something interesting - even though Apple music subscriptions are up and continue to grow - over 13 Million subscribers. Sales of music on iTunes has not dropped - and remains steady at roughly $3.5 Billion a Year. Or to put that in perspective - from the fortune 500 list from 2013 for US companies - the iTunes revenue alone would make it in the top 500 above companies like - Reebok and Boston Scientific and Gateway - ok well that last one is not a great example but point is the revenue from iTunes music sales is a fortune 500 company on its own.
One of the improvements to Apple music some are asking for is where Apple music no longer deletes your music that you ripped onto your computer.
There was a blog post that made the rounds this past week about how Apple Music deleted 122 GB of music off the persons hard drive and then replaced some of that music in the cloud with different versions of the songs.
According the article the person said they confirmed the following with Apple quote through the Apple Music subscription, which I had, Apple now deletes files from its users’ computers. When I signed up for Apple Music, iTunes evaluated my massive collection of Mp3s and WAV files, scanned Apple’s database for what it considered matches, then removed the original files from my internal hard drive. REMOVED them. Deleted. If Apple Music saw a file it didn’t recognize—which came up often, since I’m a freelance composer and have many music files that I created myself—it would then download it to Apple’s database, delete it from my hard drive, and serve it back to me when I wanted to listen, just like it would with my other music files it had deleted. unquote
Except well that is not how Apple music works - it does not actually delete original music from your computer that you had prior to signing up - Kirk McElhearn from Mac World has a nice article going over this in detail - but long of the short - Apple Music will pull copies into the could and will convert them to AAC in the cloud - but it will not repeat not delete them from your computer. Not your originally ripped files. Yes it will remove what it puts on from the Apple Music subscription - but that is not your original non-DRM music.
Yes the person who wrote that blog had his files somehow deleted - but it was almost certainly not Apple Music that did the deleting.
In any case a cleaner - easier to use interface for Apple Music - yeah I think we could use that.
Another story making the rounds with a little mis-reporting going on is the story about the LA murder trial of Actor Micahel Jace from the shield - who is accused of killing his wife.
His wife had an iPhone 5S when she was killed in May of 2014.
The articles talk about how the phone was hacked by an expert and is not as secure as people are making it out to be - some will even go as far as saying quote It was unclear which OS was installed on Jace's iPhone. unquote And most do not point out that real encryption did not start until iOS 8 - which was launched in Sept 2014. So we know for sure it was iOS 7. the iPhone 5S came out in Sept 2013 with iOS 7. 2014 was iOS 8 and iPhone 6 and 2015 was iOS 9 and iPhone 6S. The murder was in May 2014 - it could ONLY have been iOS 7 - the pre-encryption version of iOS.
But not one article I read said that it was a version of iOS 7 for sure. And many compared this case to the San Bernadino case.
This is completely different than the San Bernadino case where iOS 9 was on the device.
And one article from the LA times says a search warrant was served to Apple to help right after the murder and Apple at that time did help unlock it - and the reason for the expert helping now - is when they turned the phone back on in December will it did not actually come back on.
In any case - lots of mis-info on this one
And now for something completely different.
I saw this post Titled - Forward select messages or whole conversation on the iPhone.
And recently I had to help my wife and one of her friends do this for a PTA thing. And I don’t think I ever mentioned this tip on the show.
It is actually pretty easy to forward multiple messages from a message string in the messages app.
First open to the string of messages you want to forward.
Then tap and long hold on any of the bubbles.
You should then see the pop up options of copy, speak and more - tap more.
Bingo - on the left side you will see little radial buttons pop up next to every message - with a check mark for the one you long tap / held on. then just tap any other radial buttons for messages you want to forward - then in the lower right tap on the arrow - and then you can forward those messages on to someone else.
So there you go.
I want to Thank Boll and Branch for sponsoring this episode.
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Hi Rob,
i'm writing to help the listener who keeps getting Apple Music search results instead of results from her own music library. If she goes into Settings, chooses Music, and turns off Show Apple Music, this behavior will stop.
Hi Rob,
I was listening to an episode in March and someone wrote it about a having to re-enter passwords for wifi.
What I did, was store my wifi settings password in safari, passwords. Now when you reset network settings, the password won't come up, but you just open up passwords and copy and paste the password. That is the next best thing to storing passwords.
Thanks for the show,
Roy Sabo
hey Rob
I received my new i-Pad pro, the little one and I am really pleased.
One of the most interesting aspects of set-up for me was that voice over was on by default which meant I could set it up by myself right out of the box.
I am not sure why so much of the Apple press, at least the people I follow, I-More and Viticci, are not thrilled by it.
I am totally blind and do not need much screen realestate to write with and do everything I do with an i-Pad.
I am most pleased by the improved audio and find just listening to the i-Pad in the kitchen, for instance, is just fine without having to connect a bluetooth speaker.
I will really enjoy using the smart keyboard when it arrives but until then, I will just continue using IOS braille to write. The i-Pad in landscape mode may be big enough for me to actually type using the home row and putting my small hands in position as if the on-screen keyboard was a physical keyboard. Others do it all the time and I believe just carrying the i-Pad around caseless would be a treat.
For me, it is the best i-Pad ever and I am a fan of the pad.
I also purchased a hard drive which is not made by apple but will allow me to store files and folders from the phone and i-Pad. I hope it works.
My intention is to be a completely ios person. I even took i-Tunes off of my windows 7 conputer.
I bought the 128 gig cellular version of the Baby Pro.
Thanks for the great show and everything you do.
I'm writing this email in contracted ios braille.
Jan Brown
We are now over 3,000 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode came from EDGAR PEREZ who posted the following
Started using apple podcast app recently. Really like being able to tell Siri to fast forward while driving. All of a sudden my device backups have gotten huge though. Are the episodes I have downloaded getting on to my iCloud backup? I supposed I can delete them all and see but figured I'd ask first.
To which Alberto Jurabe replied
Try deleting downloaded podcasts in the podcast setting within the app. It won't backup what's not downloaded.
And Ronald Leckfor replied
I have had a serious problem in the past with the podcast app hanging on to old data, affecting my system to the point where it crashed the ios. So once I restored my iPod Touch 5th gen, I loaded the podcast addict app and have been using it instead. IMHO the podcast app has been a real mess since the latest ios came out last fall!
I even tried unsubscribing from all podcasts, and it still hung on to its garbage data!
Timmy T replied
iCloud doesn't backup music, podcasts or any media that can be downloaded from the cloud
And finally Edgar Perez replied to all
Think i found part of the problem but not all. My Photo Stream had about 650 MB. I deleted that. I also deleted the Facebook app which had ballooned to 600 MB. Then i deleted the the 2.1 GB backup and backed up again. Now the backup is 450 MB. The math does not quite work still. The Facebook app i get. The Photo stream I do not get. I had photos back up turned off and i don't think it should be backing up anything in the photo stream any way especially since if it is it must be doing it on my iPad and iPhone.. Hate that i had to spend time figuring this stuff out and still the math does not add up so I still cannot be sure what it does or does not do :(
Since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts and comments in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android fan bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 3,000+ of you already in the community and contributing.
Also from the Google Plus community were these comments per the last episode - which I always pin the last episode at the top.
From Fernando De Leon
Love the podcast however can we please drop the android bashing is just too childish. Most users use both android and ios. Plus is not about who makes it.. Is about the ecosystem.. ✌
To which I replied:
Reporting on androids short comings is not bashing it is well Reporting. Just need to make sure the iOS folks know what to expect on the other side of the fence.
And then John Poyser replied
I agree with Rob on this. I like & use many things that Google make. But after having to try and deal with an Android tablet gifted to my daughter and trying to help my friend who "upgraded" to a Blackberry Priv (using Android) I cannot believe there are people who try to poke holes at iOS and who claim they prefer the "freedom" of Android. Freedom to be frustrated by a horribly complicated and inconsistent, unnecessarily complex experience in trying to do simple things. We talk alot about fixing iOS issues on the podcast - but it's REALLY bad over there in Android-land.
Or as Karthik M said
This is an iOS fan zone. This is the way things will be
Folks if you are holding your breath hoping I am going to stop reporting on Android shortcomings or Android bashing or whatever you want to call it - remember this little segment at the beginning of the show.
That sound clip is in there for a reason. This is not a podcast that started after the iPhone was popular from some neutral party just looking to capitalize on the iPhones success caugh iOS today caugh No - This is Today in iOS formerly Today in iPhone which was the First Podcast started ever about the iPhone and was started in April 2007 before the iPhone launched - If you had not noticed - Little Bit Fan boy am I. And part of the fun of doing this show is pointing out the issues with the nightmare that is known as the fragmented Multiverse know as Android. And if you though the DC or Marvel Multiverses were confusing - that is nothing compared to what devs face in the Android Multiverse. Just Sayin
There is a post for all of us iPad Pro users - titled - the best iPad Pro apps - make the most of bigger size and better tech.
They run through 14 different apps they think work better because of the better processor and / or ram and or larger screen.
One of the apps they mentioned that I agree with - Evernote - which is great on the iPad pro - I am a big time evernote user. Especially when you go split screen with evernote and safari - it makes it easier for me to do show notes on the iPad pro then on my laptop.
They have 13 other apps they recommend include Adobe Photoshop Mix, Procreate and liquid text - all fine apps. Plus 10 others if you are interested in seeing some of the ones they recommended - look for the link in the show notes titled The Best iPad Pro apps
And speaking of the iPad pro - I learned something new - ever since I received my smart cover when I covered the iPad pro it was not actually turn off the screen like it should - And well I found out there is a setting in the settings app under general - and the Auto lock section - labeled as lock / unlock - and it was by default turned off - which meant the screen cover did not lock it down. toggle it on and all is as expected. How did I learn this - well I made a genius appointment and then was publicly shamed when the genius toggled that on. Well after he first tried a different smart keyboard cover first. On the plus side while I was there I purchased the Wife an new iPhone SE Gold 64 GB for mothers day - so I will talk about that on upcoming episodes.
Hi Rob
Just wondering what is on your iOS 10 wish list?
Security Security Security - EDIT CLIP TIM COOKE
Well first for all iPhone 4S owners I expect to hear you will not be moving on up to iOS 10 - just those with the iPhone 5 and later iPhones will get that honor. iPad 2 - yup you will be sitting on the dock with the iPhone 4S when the iOS 10 ship sales.
But the 3rd gen iPads and later including all iPad mini’s should be fine.
One rumor is anything that does not have a lightening port will not be supported - which would also mean the iPad 3rd gen would get to sit on the dock as well.
A no brainer on what to expect is improvements to Siri.
One of the rumors is Siri would be able to transcribe voicemail messages for you.
I really really really am hoping to see some customization allowed for Control center.
I guess I will ask for it again - password or passcode protecting specific apps and folders or better - touch ID protect specific apps and folders.
Multi-user support for the masses - at least for the iPads.
Those are some of my key iOS 10 wish list items.
What are some of yours - give us a call at the restored 206-666-6364 number or email in your wish list or predictions for iOS 10.
I should mention one of the rumors picking up steam is being able to delete stock apps.
And the other popular rumor is a new rootless security system that will make it much harder if not impossible to jailbreak and for the FBI to get in.
Here are some suggestion from the G+ Tii Community.
Stephen William wants Control Center Customization as well.
Barry Smitherman said quote That would be nice. I'd like control over which apps are default apps. Most of the time, I like the Apple stock apps, but I'd like to be able to choose different ones as default sometimes. unquote
Apple Dystopia said quote
I'd love to add an LTE switch to Control Center, or just about any setting. Auto lock is another one I change all the time. I'd love to add that to Control Center. I never use Air Drop, so I wouldn't mind getting rid of it. I couldn't agree more, and it is something I have wanted for a long time. unquote
Again give us a call or shoot us an email about what your wants / hopes / desires and predictions for iOS 10 and Watch OS 3 and TV OS 2 for that matter.
Hi Rob,
I'm sure you've seen this already:
It was just a matter of time. Optical zoom will change the game. Who wants to blow up pixels when you can get closer optically?
And the article Mike is talking about is titled - The Patent shows how Apple could add optical zoom to the iPhone 7 - over at PetaPixel dot com.
Essentially the patent shows a folding telephoto lens design. Where Apple could do an optical zoom but with out a protruding camera - which is great news because right now they have a protruding camera and no optical zoom. Just sayin
I don’t think it is much of a stretch to say the key upgrade with the iPhone 7 is most likely going to be centered around the camera.
Apple Purchased Lynx some time ago and it is time for that technology to make its way into the iPhone 7.
On the Apple Watch 2 rumor front - is that the Apple Watch 2 - which likely would launch in the fall will have a sim card for stand alone - truly alone functionality.
Along with the cellular capability is Apple is adding a faster processor and making the Apple Watch 2 thinner.
It will also have prongs that puncture skin and tap into a vein and use the circulating blood to spin a little turbine that powers the watch.
Because adding Cellular and a faster processor and then making it thinner - means you will be lucky to get half a day with it. And you will need the blood turbine to power it.
One of the iOS 10 rumors per what will be included that is picking up some buzz is that there may be a separate Smart Home App.
Essentially this app would be your one stop app for all your connected devices that are compatible with HomeKit.
So where did this rumor originate - well in a Review on Amazon for the Echo.
The review said quote
As I work in marketing for Apple, we test many Smart Home
devices, especially for iOS HomeKit integration. […]
Some advice, there are many third party applications, most free, that offer
more control and customization(s) with many Smart Home devices. “Yonomi” is a free app that I often use, “Home” is another which cost $14.99. Both offer support for many devices with more added daily (including Amazon “Echo”). The next version of iOS due this fall will have a standalone “HomeKit” app as well.
Well there it is in black and white right on - I mean how could that be anything as legit. Right - because All apple employees are encouraged to go on - state they are Apple employees and then give out info on unannounced Apple products.
I love the title of this next one and of course by Love I mean it is so dumb I love it for show material reasons. The title is Quote iPhone 7 leak reveals significant feature removed unquote
Yes - because it is big news when a rumored leak reveals a feature missing from some other rumored leaks.
In this case they are talking about the rumored addition of the smart connector on the side of the iPhone 7 - which is now not there. But possibly it will only be on the 7S if even that - but new rumor blowing up is that Apple is already removing features. Yeah so they were rumored features and this is only a rumored leak as well - I mean this non-story is worth 50 blog posts at least - right.
Hi Rob
Since iOS 9 I was having difficulty getting iOS apps to update in iTunes on my MBP, then sync the updated apps to my iPhone 5S, 6+ and iPad Air 2. I'd read in various forums that this facility was no longer being provided by Apple due to there now being numerous versions of the same app depending on iOS device.
However, I now seem able to update the apps on my MBP then sync them to my iPhones (or should that be iPhone devices?!), but still no joy with the iPad.
Ordinarily I'd update them OTA to each individual device but, particularly at peak times, wifi and cellular data are both woefully slow.
So is there a way of going back to the good ol' days of booting iTunes on my MBP, all the apps get updated, then simply plug each iOS device into the MBP and all updated apps are synced? Or am I missing something?
Great show as always, the piece on how an iOS device can help someone with impaired vision and other issues was particularly poignant, and shows that big companies can be successful and care at the same time.
Many thanks,
Alf Crofts
Hi Alf,
What version of OS X are you running?
And what version of iTunes do you have?
Sync’g of apps how you want to do it - should still work fine. It is for me.
Check your setting in iTunes and make sure you have app sync’g turned on for the iPad.
Alf replied saying quote
Thanks for getting back. I'm running OS X 10.11.3, iTunes 12.3.3.
The iPad is set to sync. I'd previously had this issue with my iPhones (or iPhone devices - must get it right!) but they started syncing properly without my changing anything. Basically when syncing the iPad, it just seems to ignore apps. Everything else is fine.
Check the list of Apps when the iPad is tethered to your laptop - go to iTunes - click on the iPad and go to the list of Apps - and see if the apps are installed or have “install” showing - which means you need to click - install to installs them. They should change to say “Will Install” - then click - apply in the lower right.
At which point the ipad should start backing up and copying over the apps you just selected.
I tried it with a few iPads and a few apps tonight and all worked as expected.
Also at the bottom in iTunes is an option to automatically sync over all apps added going forward.
This week for a kickstarter project we have XVIDA Smartphone Mounting system with QI wireless Charging.
This one had a goal of $35,000 and has raised over $45k to date and you have until May 25th at 12:07 PM CT to fund this one.
Per the description
XVIDA brings seamless wireless power and effortless magnetic mounting to iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 6/6S Plus
they do this by providing a case that has a lightning dock - and the case has the magnetic plate for securing the device to the dock and also for getting the inductive charge.
Pricing on this now starts at $60 for the iPhone 6/6S and $70 for the 6+ and 6S+.
For that price you get 1 wall charger and the case.
Add $5 and you get the Car kit with vent mount.
or the car kit with suction mount.
The Office Kit goes up another $15 to $80 and $90 for the two sizes - and gets you desk stand charger.
If you want everything - that will set you back $135 and $145.
That gets you the desk stand, the wall mount and either the Vent or suction mount for the call.
They are shipping in June.
XVIDA is spelled X V I D A - and you can find out more about the mounting and inductive charging combo at kickstarter dot com.
One additional comment - is they claim to charge much faster than other Inductive chargers as they focus their inductive charge to a much smaller space.
Hi Rob,
I recently got a iPad Pro, the 9.7" flavor.
The Apple Pencil is definitely the secret sauce!
I teach a lot of online classes and have never found a good workflow when grading papers. I have to actually write on the paper rather than using the mark-up feature on Word.
I tried nearly every stylus out there, but using them felt like tying your shoes with oven mitts on your hands, not accurate at all.
The Apple Pencil, however, lets me write directly on the screen (I use Notability) without any problem. It has at least tripled the speed of my grading.
And the keyboard/cover is surprisingly easy to use. It is also very accurate.
The only negatives: The price; it's way too much (I had to get the 32gig because of price and I will be doing a lot of space-budgeting). Also, I really wish it had force-touch like my iPhone 6s+.
Anyway, I love the show! Keep up the good work.
John McAfee is claiming that Professional hackers did not unlock the San bernadino iPhone 5C - but rather the FBI had a company called Cellebrite from Israel and their UFED touch solution to unlock it - and that the FBI knew all along of the product and that they could get it unlocked - they just were looking for a Precedent to be set.
The Senate Intelligence Committee - now there is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Well the Senate Intelligence committee released a draft of the Compliance with court orders act of 2016 or the back door 2016 bill.
So who are the senators that want to mandate back door action - that would be Senators Richard Burr Republican NC and Dianne Feinstein Democrat California.
Now their bill does not actually say back door penetration is required when a court order is issued - but what it does say is that when a company or person gets a court order asking for encrypted emails or files to be handed over and decrypted, then compliance is the law.
How said compliance is supposed to actually happen - well that is not something for Senate to concern itself with.
You know kind of a don’t ask don’t tell policy on how the tech companies handle this - but really the back door method is the only method possible if you have any security in place.
And putting in a back door just well kills any security anyway.
Part of the bill also requires companies to provide decrypted communications if encryption is provided by a third party. Hugghhhh?
Some people are saying the bill is so bad it is good because it could never pass - or should never pass. And Senator Ron Wyden Democrat Oregon has threatened to filibuster if it reaches the Senate Floor. High fives for Seator Wyden.
Here is the real issue of this bill - if passed and companies complied with it - that would be the same as them all waiving a red flag saying Back doors are installed - now come and find them.
Right now it does look like the bill is getting very little support.
Congressman Darrell Issa Chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee responsible for the nation’s Internet policy. said the following quote
The legislation leaked today is about as flawed and technically-naive as a piece of legislation can get. Mandating that companies weaken our security to give government secret backdoor access into our devices would be a massive blow to American’s right to privacy and frankly would also be downright dangerous,
“As Americans are living more and more of their lives not only online but also in-concert with more connected devices than ever before, Americans deserve to know that the information retained on these devices will remain secure. This legislation would effectively prohibit any company who wants to improve the security of its products from doing so because government’s ability to access our personal and private information is more important than innovation.”
“I have worked with and respect Senator Burr and Senator Feinstein a great deal. I look forward to working with Members of Congress, cybersecurity experts, and more to educate and help show lawmakers why encryption makes us all safer — and not the other way around. unquote
I wonder what Tim Cooke thinks of all this.
Zach had some questions - he asks the following
How do I jailbreak iPad first gen?
How can I get pass the lock on an iPod nano second gen?
Is there a way to get the weather app calculator app and clock app on an iPad first gen?
Do you know of a store that sells old apple products?
And is there a free VPN app for ios 6.1.6 or under or is there something on Cydia that would do the same thing a VPN would?
Well per getting the stock apps on the original iPad - see your first question per jailbreaking.
Per jaibreaking the 1st gen iPad. The latest or last version of iOS officially support for the 1st gen iPad is 5.1.1 and then you want to use Redsn0w 0.9.15
If you google how to jailbreak iPad on iOS 5.1.1 you should see an article from iPhone hacks to help out.
Per your question on the iPod Nano I have no idea
Per a store selling old Apple products - check ebay.
Per a VPN - you will need to check in the cydia store once you jailbreak.
Back to the email bag.
Hi Rob,
The Sound quality on the interview was horrid. Between the accent, the room noise, and the highway outside my car I gave up. Usually my wife is OK listening to your show. Not so much then.
Well Randy that was kinda on purpose to show the raw quality of the iRig Lav mics in a very very noisy environment.
up next is the second of four interviews I did at MS Build.
This interview was done on floor at MS build so there is SOME background noise - I used the iRig Mic Dual Lav and the bossjock app on my iPhone to record this. This interview was cleaned up with soundsoap - you can hear how the iRig Mic Dual lav works from a very noisy environment with cleanup vs last weeks interview which was raw - however the next two interviews after this I used a different slash Professional setup to give you some comparison.
This interview is with Thomas from the HockeyApp Team at Microsoft and runs about 16 minutes. Thanks again goes out to MS for flying me out to cover the MS Build event. With out further ado - here we go.
Thanks again to Thomas for coming on the show and once more the recording was done with the iRig Mic Dual Lav and the Bossjock app on my iPhone and cleaned up with Soundsoap.
For more info on the Hockey App go to HockeyApp dot net
Ep 391 - Ask siri - Will you marry me
Thanks again to Boll & Branch for sponsoring this episode - Folks go right now to Boll and branch dot com with boll spelled b o l l - and use promo code t i i - to save 20% off the nicest sheets and cotton products you have ever owned with free shipping to boot.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired.
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And that folks is going to do it for us today - until the next time I am your host Rob reminding you to phone different