Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and you are listening to the Today in iOS podcast - First up I want to thank NEAL for sending in the music you hear in the background - This is the same Neal that sent in the Artwork for Ep 420. NEAL wrote:
Hi Rob,
here is some music for your show ,not saying its good music, i had fun making it using songifi app ,DM1 app and adobi sound booth.
ThanksNEAL for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode. I also want to thank JIM for sending in the Artwork for today's show. JIM wrote the following:
Hello Rob
I took this picture with my iPhone 7 plus at the Denver Art Museum Star War costume exhibit. I edited it with Adobe Photoshop Fix and Photoshop Mix on my iPad ( there was another robot in the picture I needed to get rid of). I then used Snapseed to add the text.
Jim from Morrison Colorado
Thanks JIM, for sending in this artwork which and folks you can see JIM'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 421 - or at and also as a stand alone post in the VIP section and at
If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your iOS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in iOS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music.
One thing I would love to do this year - is if you can get a picture of yourself in front of your local Apple store - Take that picture - put the Tii or Today in iOS branding on it - and also the City and state or Country on the artwork saying which apple store it is. I would like to kick that off starting in April with the 10 year anniversary of the show. Make sure to get all of the Apple store in there and again to add in the store location using an app like over - and also put Tii or Today in iOS on the artwork.
I am completely out of Music - so if you have some music you created on an iOS device - please send it in.
In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote -- quote
“Amazon’s pricing ambition is the clearest indication of its phone playbook: undercut rivals and grab meaningful market share. It is also shows that Apple’s worst nightmare may be coming true: prices could fall not just for cheap phones in developing markets but higher-end ones too.” unquote
Amir Efrati and Jessica E. Lessin,,
6 September 2013
This is the same refrain we hear over and over - Cheaper rivals will drive down pricing and profits. Except - well that is not the case with Apple products - People shockingly are willing to pay a fair price for a quality product. Yes some will want to pay next to nothing to get next to nothing in quality - they are called Android users. But many others still believe in the you get what you pay for mantra - and that has fueled and will continue to fuel the Apple Ecosystem.
For Promo codes - On Ep 420 we offered up chances to win promo codes for the Apps Defense Zone 3 Ultra HD and CueMusic If want more info on these apps go back and listen to the beginning of Ep 420.
No promo codes this week - If you are a dev or iBook author - shame on you for not sending in your promo codes.
A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an iBook Author or an iMessage Sticker Creator email me if you want your app or iBook or stickers featured in the promo give away segment FOR FREE We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away. simply email me at today in ios @ and please include a 60 sec or less audio review of your app or iBook or stickers - indicating you are the dev or author or creator. Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire.
If you are a dev clear June 5th to the 9th on your calendar. That is when WWDC will be this year. Expect June 5th at 10:00 AM PT to be when the WWDC Keynote will take place with the introduction to iOS 11, Watch OS 4, Apple TV 11 - plus the next gen MacOS. Do NOT expect ANY hardware announcements. Apple will have its hands full with - those 4 major OS’s - plus Home Kit and Health Kit and Car Play. Yeah - so very very unlikely for any hardware announcements this year - that of course will not stop Digitimes, BGR and other fake news sites from reporting such rumors starting in 3, 2, ...
If you are planning / hoping to go to WWDC - this year it will be in San Jose - not San Francisco - as in past years.
WWDC 2017 will be at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose - which is just minutes from Apples Headquarters. Apple said a key reason for this - was to allow Engineers to go over for one session and not have to give up an entire day to do so. This will allow Apple to have even more engineers involved in sessions then before.
Apple did say they still expect there to be 5,000 Devs at WWDC - same as last year.
I think the move makes a lot of sense - if you are going to travel - it is no big deal to get a ticket to San Jose vs San Fran. But if you are an Apple engineer - it is a big issue to get to San Fran which is a whole day commit - vs San Jose. Apple will have many many many time more people register then will be awarded tickets.
If you do not get tickets - There will be live streaming through out the entire week from Apple Developer Website - developer dot apple dot com slash wwdc and of course on the WWDC App for iOS and Apple TV.
Per getting tickets to the event.
quote Registration opens Monday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. PDT. The opportunity to buy tickets to WWDC17 will be offered by random selection. To register, you must be a member of the Apple Developer Program or Apple Developer Enterprise Program.
We will mention this again as we get closer to that date - but best if you add that day / time into your calendar if you want to try and get tickets.
Tickets look to be the same price as last year $1,599 - Again you must be an official member of the Apple Developer program or Developer Enterprise program to register and you must have been registered in those programs before February 16 at 5:30 a.m. Pacific Time. So if you are not an official member of the dev programs already - No Soup for you.
Apple did say there would be scholarships given again - but to stay tuned for that info.
They also stuck with tradition and did not invite me out. But hey at least Microsoft will have me out again to their Developer conference in May. just Sayin Apple. I did send an email to Apple PR asking for some love in covering the event. And Lisa replied back saying they have not issued media invites at this time and appreciates me reaching out. I appreciate the reply - but per getting one of those coveted media invites - you know the type Microsoft gets me - yeah from Apple - breath - hold - I - Will - Not
That said each year we get a few listeners that wind up making it out to WWDC - and if you do win the lottery where you then get to spend $1,600 plus travel expenses - let me know.
Apple releases artwork and each year we try to find the hidden meaning in the artwork per what will be announced. And this year we can say the hidden meaning is recycling. As the artwork design seems to be recycled from artwork done for a 2010 Spanish Film Festival.
Both feature the top down look of color people flocking about.
So there is the hidden message - recycling stuff from the past.
In any case this time - no need to look at the artwork for any other or significant hidden messages.
Like clock work - Apple is back on their 2 week release of Betas - this time iOS 10.3 beta 3 - released 2 weeks after beta 2.
So what is new - one thing is App Compatibility - go to Settings - General - About - Applications - and it gives a list of Apps that may have issues.
It says for that section:
These apps may slow down your iPhone and will not work with future versions of iOS if they are not updated. If no update is available, contact the app developer for more information
If this sounds like Apple calling out apps that have not been updated by devs recently - yes - yes it is. But it is also calling you out for not updating apps that can be updated.
Once you see you list of apps that might cause issues tap on them and it takes you to them to update if any update is available.
Right now iOS 10.3 Beta 3 is just available for devs - for those on the beta testing program you should likely see it mid this week.
Apple also released Watch OS 3.2 beta 3 to devs also 2 weeks after the last update.
And finally Apple released tvOS 10.2 Beta 3 to devs today as well.
So far no word on any new features for the latest betas for Watch OS and tvOS - just the typical bug fixes / optimization generic wording from Apple on what is new.
One of the new features in iOS 10.3 with regards to CarPlay that is getting good press is it now makes it easier and quicker - which means safer for users to switch between apps.
Previously to switch between apps - users had to tap twice to get to another app in CarPlay - one tap to go home and one tap on the other app icon.
Now - in carplay on the left side there is a dock with 3 recently used apps. Now to go to one of those three - just tap on one of them on that side dock. So just one tap.
So now switching between the Maps app and the Podcasts app - is even faster and quicker - and hopefully that means safer.
Almost 10 years ago - when I launched Tii - the big dog on the block for smartphones was blackberry. I even switched from a blackberry to an iPhone.
Early on - they were the comp along with for a lesser part Windows Phone.
Well Gartner just released numbers for last quarter smartphone unit sales and market share. This is for global numbers.
Android of course number 1 at 81.7%, iOS 2nd at 17.9%, Windows third with 0.3%, and Blackberry 4th rounding to 0.0% - as in ZIP - NADDA - No soup for you market share.
That news is kinda sad in some ways - I was a long time blackberry user - 2000 to 2007. It took some time to get over the phantom hip vibrations.
But now just like Blackberry's market share - they both are gone.
I found this next bit of news rather surprising.
Apple Pay surpassed PayPal to become the most popular Mobile payment solution in the US.
36% of more than 500 top US retailers surveyed now support Apple Pay vs just 16% a year ago - with another 22% planing to accept Apple Pay within the next year.
PayPal fell to second place with 34% support rate.
Then was MasterCard papas at 25%
Android pay at 24%
Visa Checkout at 20%
and Samsung Pay at 18%
In any case - I do find myself using Apple Pay more and more - but I may be an outlier - as my wife almost never uses it - but she might be an outlier on the other side.
Thanks again to Boll and Branch for sponsoring our show.
With boll and branch you will get the best sheets which are made from 100% organic cotton - because organic cotton is incredibly soft. And the sheets get softer each time you wash them.
We have had ours for over a year now and they are incredible and really soft. You’ll get the nicest sheets you’ve ever owned for about half the price of what stores and boutiques would be charging for sheets of far lower quality. I really could not believe how excited my wife was to get these new sheets. And the box they came in and the individual pouches for the sheets and pillow cases - well the presentation was incredible.
get $50 OFF YOUR FIRST SET OF SHEETS at Boll at Branch dot com, promo code TII.
Again that is B O L L and Branch Dot Com. Promo code TII.
These sheets are only sold online at boll and branch dot com - you can’t buy them in any stores. That is how they keep the pricing low and free of markups.
But here is the best part - don’t take my word for it - try them out yourself for 30 days risk free. Boll and Branch is so sure your going to fall in love with their sheets that they give you 30 nights to try them out. If you don’t love them for ANY reason - they will take them back and refund you without any hassle at all.
They also have towels - and the ones I purchased for my Wife are by far the best towels in the house - plus they have other cotton products - including Infinity scarves, baby blankets, beach towels and of course once again the best sheets anywhere.
Once More - Go to Boll and Branch Dot Com today for $50 OFF YOUR FIRST SET OF SHEETS. That's B-O-L-L and Branch dot com, and use promo code TII.
VOICEMAIL - Scott_DC_Apple_Beats_X_audio
From Shannon Holden
Love love LOVE my AirPods....that is all.
Hi Rob,
Experience to share. Went into ocean for less than 5 minutes with AirPods in my pocket. Realized my mistake, took them out of case, they didn't seem that wet. Air dried for a little while, plugged the case in and it seemed fine, but couldn't get green light, and case would not charge itself, but would charge AirPods, which sounded fine. Then case stopped charging AirPods. Went to Apple Store. They told me case was dead. Apple listed new case at $69, but store didn't have any. Furthermore, they told me AirPods would eventually become muffled and then die as well, so advised not to buy a separate case. Conclusion: total loss.
A quick little tip for using the iPhone as a magnifier. As my eyes and the rest of me get older - I find it harder and harder to read small print on labels of products. If you go to Settings — General - Accessibility - then turn on Magnifier - Then open up the camera app - and triple tap the home button and select Magnifier - that will then give you a special magnifier mode with a slider for zooming in.
Again that is found under - Settings - General - Accessiblity - then turn on Magnifier.
VOICEMAIL - SOL_Airpods_fdbk_apple_watch
We are now over 3,500 members in our Google+ community and growing.
Thanks to everyone that has joined and thanks for the great posts.
One new post in the G+ community that went up since the last episode was from Chris Carlson who asked the following:
Looking for suggestions on what AirPrint compatible printer to buy. Also wondering how the heck I can download a PDF to my IPad Pro to try and print it out though the app for my Epson printer. I could pull a PDF from cloud storage with the app to print it on my current Epson printer but I can't download and store a PDF from this tablet? Trying to do my taxes and cant figure out how do this! I only have a print option but no compatible printer and no option to save as PDF?
Chris then replied to his own post
Okay, I figured out how to save as a PDF from Safari. It saves it to iBooks though. No help because I still cant access that from the Epson app to send it to print.
Barbara E replied
My HP printer, when I select Print, gives me an option to save as PDF. And it's not a specific app, it's anything printable.
And here are my thoughts - I recently purchased the Epson WF-3640 series printer. Here was what I required for an AirPrint Wireless printer. First it needs TWO different paper treys - one for standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper and one for photo paper.
Finding an AirPrint printer with that specific feature is tough - I had an older HP printer - that had that feature - but HP stopped making that one. To me the two paper treys are a must have nothing is more annoying then trying to print a picture and it goes on to an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet because you forgot to switch paper - or you go to print a document and it prints on photo paper. With my wife always printing picture from her phone - it has to have this feature and of course be AirPrint compatible.
I looked around and around and around and the Epson one which I purchased at Target looked to be the best option for my needs. And it has worked really well. Knock on wood. I have had it for about 5 months now.
Since the last episode there were also dozens and dozens of other new posts and comments in the Tii Google+ community - which is an Android fan bois free zone and spammer free zone. Yup it is the most civil Google+ community covering iOS.
Folks Go to today in iOS dot com slash community to join in.
And thanks to all 3,500+ of you already in the community and contributing.
I would call this next one almost a rumor.
Sony introduced new camera optics module capable of 1000 fps full 1080p HD slow motion video.
To put that in perspective - the iPhone 7’s camera can do 120 fps at 1080p and 240 fps at 720p. So at 1080p - that is about 8 times faster. No word on what it can do at 720p.
Apple has traditionally used Sony for their camera modules - but Sony has not confirmed if this module is in production yet. So this likely will not be in a 2017 iPhone - with 2018 or 2019 more likely. Which ever phone it makes it in - I will say this - DO NOT get the lowest storage capacity - as this video will be huge in file size.
If you are a long time listener - you have heard me say - do not use Apple patents to predict future product launches. Patents from Apple almost always fall into two categories - when they are made public that is - those for product that already exists - and those for product that will never exist.
There is a reason for this at Apple, Cisco, MS, Google, Qualcom and others - They put a big carrot out there for employees to get patents. Things some of us would think of in the shower - and later realize is completely worthless - to Employees of these tech companies - that means a bonus - and status bump for getting a patent - and in these companies they have teams of lawyers that do nothing but process patents - so their jobs are reliant on processing lots of patents. There is no sanity check on practicality - the only requirement for applying for a patent is can they likely get a patent for that idea - again no matter how impractical it seems.
And that leads us to this one that was just making the rounds - It is for Patent Application - 20160047767 from Feb 16 2017 - titled - Connector free magnetic charger winder
Which is actually an extension to Patent 9,450,446 - published in Sep 2016.
Both the Patent and Patent application had the following Abstract
A method and apparatus for charging an electronic device include rotating a magnetically attractable element, or element, within the electronic device. Rotating a magnet external to the electronic device simultaneously rotates the element. Rotating the element causes an electrically generating device, such as a generator, to create an electric charge in the electronic device. The electric charge may be used to power the electrically generating device, or the electric charge may be transmitted to an internal power supply in order to charge another component or components.
So people are saying - Apple will include a generator in your apple watch - so you can spin the digital crown to generate power for your watch. Because you know - winding up a watch - is what we used to do - so people clearly would love being able to spin their digital crown to generate the electricity to power their apple watch. Of ALL the patents and patent applications I have seen - this is the most ridiculous and impractical one - PERIOD. Think about using your two fingers to spin and spin and spin and spin the digital crown - and how much energy you would expend doing that - and the amount of space in the watch it would require - and the small very very small amount of charge you could actually generate.
When you see a rumor of an unannounced product or feature and it is tied back to a patent or patent application from Apple that is public - just remember this one - and enough said.\
One of the rumors about the iPhone 8 - has to do with the internal design - and apple going to stacked pc board design to allow for more room for an L shaped battery - so as to get more batter life.
One thing to note - if they go to OLED displays - they are more energy efficient.
So bigger battery and more energy efficient displays in theory combine for better / longer battery life. Not that anyone ever asked for that feature.
One thing you will not see however is a more dense battery design - I think Samsung has shown the world that there is a real hard fast limit on battery density - and if you push close to that limit - well things could explode in your face - literally.
So that brings us back to this rumor - which means to get more battery capacity you need more space for the battery.
One of the rumors from Ming Chi Kou about the OLED iPhone 8 is the usable area. He is saying it would be an edge to edge design that is 5.8” display of which only 5.15” will be main display area - with a bottom row - reserved for a virtual home button and other functions - thing the Mac book pro function bar - but at the bottom of the iPhone where currently there is the home button and open space.
Essentially the fingerprint scanner and the home button would be built into the screen.
This might mean you could select where on the bottom section to scan your finger print - left / right /middle - and then icons for your current doc - could go down at the bottom - leaving open a space for where you prefer to touch for the home button / finger print scan.
Lots of mock ups out there on possible uses of this space.
A quick recap on where we are on the iPhone 8 rumor front.
OLED Display
A11 Processor
All glass body
Edge to edge display
Touch ID integrated into the display
No more actual home button.
Wireless charging
Multiple models - but only the top end with OLED displays.
Rear Camera - 16 Mega Pixels
3000 mAh battery with stack PC Board design.
And this all leads to pricing that on the high end will be over $1000 - and likely over $1,100
Rumors about Apple going to OLED displays for future iPhones - are now so strongly believed - they have spun off secondary rumors about where those OLED displays will come from.
Initial rumors has Sammsung as the primary OLED supplier in 2017 - but now the new rumors has Chinas BOE technology group as being a key supplier of OLED displays starting in 2018.
Part of this rumor about BOE being added - is that another rumor says Sammy, LG and Japan Display would not be able to meet demand for OLED displays for the new 2017 iPhone.
And that because of this shortage - only the newest / latest / greatest iPhone 8 or iPhone 2017 would have an OLED display.
Mac Otakara is guessing that Apple will have a March event to roll out new iPads.
Here is where it gets fun - at this event - Apple will introduce 4 count them 4 new iPad Pro models - 12.9 Inch and 9.7 Inch updated - which would be joined by new 10.5 and 7.9 Inch versions as well. Because why the heck not.
The 10.5 Inch version we previously mentioned from other rumors as having an edge to edge screen and the same overall footprint as the 9.7 Inch version.
The 12.9 Inch version would get a 12 Mega pixel rear camera - because nothing says dorky like holding up a 12.9 inch iPad to take a photo.
The 12.9 Inch version would also get the true tone display like that in the 9.7 Inch iPad pro
The 7.9 Inch iPad pro - would get a smart connector feature and key board I would imagine. plus 4 speakers and a 12 mega pixel back side camera.
This is the first time we have seen 4 new iPad Pro’s rumored. And all in a march event.
Color me skeptical - very skeptical on this one. But make sure you color me on an iPad with a true tone display so that I look the best possible.
One of the rumors going around is around the updating of the iPhone SE.
It would either be announced in March at a special event or in April.
No real specifics beyond update storage levels and quote - other unrevealed improvements unquote.
If this sounds a lot like someone looked at the calendar and said - you know a year ago Apple introduced the iPhone SE - maybe they will update it a year from release and maybe we should write an article where un-named sources say un-named spec improvements are coming for a new iPhone SE. And then we can get clicks to our ads on our site - yes - yes that is exactly what it sounds like.
Folks - not all fake news sites are political in nature.
From the Google+ community Myron Uecker wrote the following:
I have looked at lots of rumors regarding iPhone 8 (or X depending on who posted it) and the one thing I don't hear about is Apple replacing Lightning with USB-C, which is a shame. Apple continues to stand alone in forcing people into their own proprietary connectors for whatever reason. Maybe it is because they can enforce standards such as MFi, or maybe they just spent too much money developing it to switch now.
I just bought a new Windows 10 laptop and the one thing I'm realizing is the industry is quickly shifting to USB-C, at least with Ultrabooks. My laptop only has three ports, one USB 3 port and two USB-C. One USB-C port allows power in, the other allows output to a monitor. Apple was just the first to switch their computers to USB-C but, now the other computer manufacturers are following, at least on their super thin laptops. Most cell phone manufacturers other than Apple are also switching from MicroUSB to USB-C. It may become the one port to rule them all once the accessory manufacturers catch up.
It will take a while for TVs, vehicles, etc. to switch from USB to USB-C and I'm sure there will be adapters or hybrid cables, but I suspect soon those of us with iPhones will be the only ones without a USB-C connector on our phones and tablets.
Here are my thoughts on this. I have devices with lightening connectors and those with USB-C - to me the Lightening connectors seem more robust.
From a tech capabilities point of view switching from Lightening to USB-C does not buy Apple anything. Lightening is pretty much ubiquitous at this point. So no real reason to change for compatibility reasons.
And lets not forget the revenue generation Apple gets from the Lightening ports. You don’t get 246 Billion in Cash if you don’t you know like Cash.
So Technology - it is a wash if not a little advantage for Lightening connectors. For availability at this point there are a lot more Lightening chargers out there. And from cash flow point of view - There is a dis-incentive for apple to switch.
So all those things add up to Lightening ports for a long time to come.
Some think Apple is going completely wireless. I don’t see that - I think we still want a way to plug in when we don’t have a charging matt or disc available. So for the next few years min - I don’t see the lightening port going away. Plus There is still the need to connect devices to computers to reboot - DFU mode.
When the Google Pixel came out people were calling it the first iPhone killer from Google - and I said quote
it is really the 9th and 10th First real iPhone killer from Google. Or put another way - YAWN. unquote
I totally dismissed it and said it would have no impact on the iPhone.
Well you want to know who else Yawned and dismissed it - Consumers - thats who.
Since Google did not break out or hint at actual numbers - see previous comments about - Yawn. Analysts had to do their thing and take a guess at numbers - and BMO Capitals’ Daniel Salmon estimated 900,000 units sold in Q4 of the pixel. Or you know about what apple did in any 27 hour window during the quarter.
Ouch!!! or Yawn.
VOICEMAIL - Don_Carrier_change_Verizon
Hi Rob,
Why do you think Apple has never embraced the ability to "draw your words" (i.e., swipe, Swype) on the Apple iPhone keyboard? It is my preferred method of keyboard entry. To do it, I have to switch to the Swype keyboard and then I have to switch back to the native keyboard if I want to use voice recognition (not available with Swype).
You would think Apple would see "draw-to-type/keyboard swipe" as an Accessibility functionality, if not for the simple reason that it's an easier way to enter words. It can't be because of patents, since there are many different keyboards that have this capability.
Any input from you or other podcast listeners would be appreciated. Keep up the great work with the podcast. I never miss it...
Hi Ray - I am hoping this is one of the features added with iOS 11. Apple has draw to text for the Apple watch. And it just makes sense for them to add it to iOS as well.
Speech to text is great - when it is practical to use. But there are many times when you simply would not want people to hear what you want to enter.
Lets keep fingers crossed that iOS 11 adds this needed feature.
Hi Rob,
I was just going through my purchased music on my iPhone, which is songs that I purchased and have had since my iPhone 3G and I made sure I had them downloaded to my device once the whole Apple Music fiasco happened. Low and behold, about half of my music isn't there! I go to the album which tells me it is downloaded, but certain songs I have that I touch to play takes me to "subscription plans" for Apple Music?!?! You have a G rated show, but I'm sure you know what I want to say! How do I correct this issue because I purchased my 6 plus outright to go on a prepay plan to save money and I'm at less than 500 MB on my data for another week. I love Apple, but this infuriates me so much, and there's nothing I feel I can do because I'm not going to switch to android 😞 any insight you or your listeners have would be greatly welcomed!
Jason H
Hi Rob,
Not sure if you ever listen to This Week in Tech, but on the most recent episode ( Robert Scoble and Leo Laporte get really in depth about predictions for Apple releases this year. Scoble is literally betting his career that Apple will announce AND release AR hardware in 2017 and he claims he has multiple sources to back this up.
Who knows for sure, but he does put up some pretty strong arguments. And whether you believe it or not, I think you'd enjoy listening to their banter about Apple and its products. FYI it all pretty much happens within the first 30 minutes. And just a heads up, I can already see you shaking your head every time Scoble refers to Apple's "patents" as support for his arguments ;-)
Aric Boyles
VOICEMAIL - Brent_OKC_got_money_back_kickstarter
You know what they say about drones - the best drone is the one you have with you. What good is it to have $600 drone if it sitting back at the house when you really need a drone now.
Well that is where this next Kickstarter project comes in - It is called SELFLY - S E L F L Y - It is a A smart flying Phone case Camera. Or quote an autonomous flying phone case camera which is only 9MM thin and easily fits in your pocket. unquote
It is a drone in your iPhone case that has a camera - NOTE - the case does NOT fly your iPhone - it is a drone that pops out of the case and the drone flies - and has a camera for taking pictures from above.
It had a goal of $125k - and blew that away with $450k so far and you have until March 10th at 7:44 AM CT to fund this.
Which will set you back $99 for a single case and drone.
But really look at the $119 version which is the SELFLY camera kit + 1 SELFLY PowerBank
These are available for all iPhone 6’s and 6+’s and 7 and 7+
They are available in any color you want - as long as they are not a color - Which means either black or white
Please folks - don’t use these at your kids basketball games.
To learn more about this project search for SELFLY - S E L F L Y at kick starter dot com or in the show notes for ep 421
Thanks Kevin for the heads up on this.
Hi Rob
I wanted to let you know that my application IWGuide version 2.0 is now available on the App Store.
The name IWGuide (eye double-u guide) came back from the early days of Netflix streaming where it was called “Instant Watch” => I W
The app is a free universal app which let you find quickly:
- what are the titles Netflix added to their catalog in the last 14 days
- what are the titles Netflix are going to remove from their catalog in the next few weeks
- what are the best titles as rated by Netflix users in the past 5 years
In addition, tapping on a movie poster will provide more details about the corresponding title, and if available you can play various trailers directly from within the app. Of course you can open the Netflix app directly on the title currently viewed by using the “Open in Netflix” action from the share button.
The application is now supporting 23 different countries whereas the previous version 1 was only supporting the US market, and the app can display information about movie/tv show in 8 different languages.
Your listeners can learn more at:
Thanks for your great show!
Hi Rob,
On show 419 George called about using headphones with an Apple TV or other device.
Though I have not had any experience setting up an iOS device as sort of a Bluetooth receiver. One method I have used many times while setting up distributed home audio out of an Apple TV is using a digital to analog converter. This was required because the distributed home audio device did not have a digital audio input, it only had analog. So the Apple TV was hooked up to the television set using the HDMI cable then an optical cable was plugged into the converter box which fed the audio through the distributed home audio system.
George could use this same method to feed analog audio into a set of wireless headphones. Below is a link to the device I am referencing.
EAKAI Digital Optical Coax to Analog RCA Audio Converter with 3.5 mm Jack, 192 KHz 24-bit DAC with DC 5V Power Supply Adapter [USA UL Licensed]
Hope this helps. Love the show!
Dave T
Ep 421 - Ask Siri - Tell me a poem
Thanks again to Boll & Branch for sponsoring this episode - Folks go right now to Boll and Branch dot com, and use promo code TII. to get $50 OFF the nicest sheets and cotton products you have ever owned with free shipping to boot.
And Before we go today I want to remind you to send in your feedback to the show - 206-666-6364 - that 206-moon-dog - or record your feedback and email it to the show at today in iOS at gmail dot com - The feedback can be a question or comment per something someone said on this episode or it can be a question or rant you have about something else. An App or product review - good or bad - as long as it is iOS related - it is welcomed. I am always looking for new Artwork to feature that you created on an iOS device - just put some Tii branding on it and send it in. And of course we are always looking for more music created on an iOS device to play on the show. This is your show and your feedback is greatly desired.
Also don't forget to check out our Moderated Google Plus community by going to todayinios dot com slash community.
Finally check out the newly updated Tii App which is Free to you. We now have Apple Watch App included.
Search for Tii in the iTunes App Store - it is the best way to consume the show and to get push notifications each time a new episode of Tii is released. It is fully Voiceover friendly of course. Please go right now and download the Tii App.
Until the next time - I am your host Rob - Reminding you to phone Different.