Sep 30, 2016
Tii - iTem 0408 - iOS 10.0.2
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Apple: Bring back "Slide to Unlock"
Sep 22, 2016
Tii - iTem 0407 - iOS 10.1 Beta 1
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Apple Seeds First Beta of iOS 10.1
T-Mobile warns customers not to install iOS 10
Sep 15, 2016
Tii - iTem 0406 - iOS 10.0.1 and another brick in the wall
Give us a call - 1-206-666-6364
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Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor - Boll & Branch - Promo Code = tii
Apple's iOS 10 update is causing major headaches for some users
Sep 7, 2016
Tii - item 0405 - iPhone 7, iPhone 7+ and Apple Watch series 2
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Samsung issues global recall of Galaxy Note 7
Sep 6, 2016
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As always - I would like to point out - not everything on the bing card are items I think will be announced. However these are the top rumors out there leading into the September 7th 2016 keynote event.
Remember the event will be live streamed September 7th at 1:00 PM ET / 10:00...