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Aug 13, 2009

This is Episode 91 of the Today in iPhone Podcast, please visit

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Mac Rumors - Apple Enables Promo Codes for iPhone Apps Rated 17+
Gadgetvenue - iPhone Document Scanner
ABC News - New Application brings iPhone into the Bedroom
Apple - Jailbreaking is source of instability and disruptions of service
TextPlus powered by Gogil
Mac News - If Apple's Tablet is a train wreck we will never see it
PC World - iPhone 3.0.1 update Patches SMS Flaw - Apple AT&T questioned about Google Voice rejection
iPhone Club - How to make your iPhone look like a Palm Pre - Why the FCC wants to smash open the iPhone
Fast Company - Seven more reasons to ditch your iPhone
Apple - About the security content of iPhone OS 3.0.1
USPTO - Apple Trademark of the name Tabletmac
DailyTech - Apple tries to silence owner of fiery iPod
Exploding iPod - Apple denies sending gagging order
Business Insisder - Why a Netflix streaming iPhone App could happen
Endgadget - Apple phasing out iPhone 3G 
Boy Genius Report - Apple iTunes 9 details app organization
Crunchgear - Rogers confirms inexplicable 8GB iPhone 3GS - Not - Planet Calacanis
Youtube - App Management in iTunes Concept Video
Computerworld Blogs - Tablet is 10 inch iPhone 
Podcasting News - Five Reasons the Apple Tablet will Rock - Dear Tablet Naysayers - iPhone OS 3.1 update points to iProd
Fortune - Apples $1.2 Billion Tablet Computer
eweek - Apple Tablet could shake up netbook market
My App Store Frustation - Today in iPhone

Apps and Software Mentioned in this Episode:

Tii Podcast App Bonus Tip:
Playing Audio in the Background