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Aug 31, 2009

This is Episode 95 of the Today in iPhone Podcast, please visit

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
The Register - Apple blogger legally unlocks iPhone
Awaiting Inspiration - Record iPhone Calls
InformationWeek - AT&T Mandates Data Plans for smartphones
WSJ - Jobs back at Apple focuses on new tablet
Techcrunch - Apple will approve Rhapsody's iPhone App
Poyner Online - AI's Morning Meeting
GigaOhm - How big is the Apple iPhone App Economy?
Mac Rumors - iPod Touch, Nano and Classic to get 3.2 MPix Camera
Reuters - French official to talk iPhone troubles with Apple
FreeAppAlert - Free iPhone apps that were paid iPhone Apps
Cheating the App Store - PR firm posts fake reviews
CNN - China Unicom to Launch 2 Versions of 3G iPhone in China
Business Insider - Apple's China iPhone deal not exclusive
Gizmodo - Apple may be working on XL Tablets running full Mac OS X
iLounge News - Apple Forcing removal of "free memory" app feature
London Bus Gives you a third eye
InformationWeek - Speech to Text coming to iPhone?
The iPhone FAQ - Apple Media Touch Tablet
GigaOhm - The iPhone App Market Size Debate
Gizmodo - Are iPhone really exploding all over the world?
CNET - Apple says its not to blame for "exploding" iPhones
CNET - Apple AT&T face yet another iPhone MMS lawsuit
Bjango - iStat Help
Victim uses GPS to track down robbers
Engadget - Maybe that iPod Touch with a camera is real after all

Apps and Software Mentioned in this Episode:
Navigon USA
Tom Tom US and Canada
Motion X GPS
London Bus

Tii Podcast App Bonus Tip:
How to easily move up to 4 apps at a time from screen to screen