Tii - iTem 0234 - Apple Spends a Little Cash
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is Audible - audiblepodcast.com/todayiniphone
How many iPhones did Apple sell last quarter?
How many iPads did Apple sell last quarter
Apple Financial Results - Q3 2012
Apple's F3Q12 Results - Transcript
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Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
Here is a very quick summary of the latest quarterly numbers from Apple:
Rev = $35 Billion (up from $28.6 Billion in the year ago quarter)
Total Cash = $117.2 Billion (up $7 Billion for the quarter)
Last Quarter Sales
iPhones Sold = 26 Mil (vs 20.34 Mil year ago quarter and 35.1 Mil last quarter)
iPads Sold = 17 Mil (vs 9.25 Mil year ago quarter and 11.8 Mil last quarter)
iPod Touches Sold = Not given as usual but over half of the 6.8 Mil iPods sold
All iPod's Sold = 6.8 Mil (vs 7.5 Mil in the year ago quarter)
Misc Notes
Over 410 Mil iOS device sold to date.
Over 650,000 iOS Apps available in the App store.
Over 225,000 iPad Apps available in the App store.
iPhone is available at over 250 carriers world wide.
iPads for sale in 97 countries around the world.
Paid out over $5.5 Billion to Developers to date.
1.3 Mil Apple TV's sold last quarter and over 4 Mil combined the last 3 quarters.
Tii - iTem 0233 - iOS 6 Beta 3
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is the app - Can't Say That
Verizon drops a hint on a possible Q4 iPhone 5 launch
Apple releases iOS 6 beta 3 with new settings for Maps
Apple gives iPhone 3GS owners some love
iOS 6 Beta 3 Now Available For Download
AT&T Could Charge Apple iPhone Users for FaceTime
AT&T to Charge For FaceTime Over Cellular Network?
Will AT&T Charge for FaceTime on the iPhone? - NYTimes.com
Earliest known photos of an iPad
Cell Phone Case For iPhone 2012
A 7-inch iPad? Not So Fast - Forbes
Does Apple's Seven-Inch iPad Really Exist? - Forbes
Google Nexus 7 tablet teardown confirms loss leader status
Can I Use the Same Power Adapter for iPhone and iPad?
Straight Talk: Chopping Your Cellphone Bill in Half
Apple ordered by court to issue 'ad' saying Samsung didn’t copy
Explaining AT&T and Verizons’ complex shared-data plans
AT&T announces Mobile Share plans
iPad makes quiet debut in China
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
Verizon CFO Fran Shammo hinted at a major smartphone launch in Q4 of this year - IE the iPhone 2012. That was the highlight most posts started off with from the conference call - but really that is not news just a confirmation of what was expected by almost all.
What was news is this past quarter Verizon sold 2.7 million iPhones - vs 2.9 Million Android smartphones combined. So yes once again the iPhone was the best selling smartphone on Verizon. That the iPhone and ALL Android phones combined were so close in sales is amazing when you consider Verizon sales staff has been pushing new customers to 4G / LTE Android phones the entire quarter.
According to CNET overall Verizon sold 5.9 Mil smartphones. So that you don't need to go to your calc app - that means RIM sold 300k smartphones at Verizon last quarter - Yikes!! Ouch !!! oh my and simply Wow - but not in a good way wow. I should note - That looking at the transcript at Seeking Alpha - I could not confirm that 5.9 Mil number.
To put the 2.7 Mil iPhones into perspective Verizon sold 2.3 Mil in the year ago quarter - but sold 3.2 Mil in Q1 of 2012.
Tii - iTem 0232 - China Finally is getting the iPad
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is the Frequency App.
In June: 65 percent of mobile web traffic from iOS, 20 percent from Android
Making voice calls drops to fifth most frequent use for smartphone
iOS Hacker Unlocks In-App Purchases
New iPad Arrives in China on Friday, July 20
Charlie Wolf has second thoughts about Apple's iPad
How many iPads did Apple sell last quarter?
Smarter Stand for iPad — Kickstarter
Hotel replaces obsolete guestroom phones with the iPhone
MapQuest gives iPhone users free navigation
App Store problem - makes updated apps crash
Octopus Keyboard Jailbreak Tweak
Dev-Team Blog - Baseband Freedom
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
MakeMyPopUp - Cydia
Hype HTML 5 - Mac App Store
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is Audible - audiblepodcast.com/todayiniphone
Podcasts on the iTunes App Store
Apple settles iPad trademark dispute in China for $60M
Origami Slate case — Kickstarter
ModMyi - Revert Back your Keyboard
Navigon adds features and lowers prices
iTunes - Books - Vids by Tim Street
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
Fireworks Photography Field Guide
ChromeURL - Cydia
Move2Unlock - Cydia