Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Comparison Chart: Motorola XOOM vs. iPad - Droid Life
XOOM vs. iPad vs. iPad 2 | ZDNet
YouTube - Today in iOS VoiceActivator Tutorial
GoToMyPC Hits iPad |
Random House Embraces Apple's E-Book Pricing
Verizon Wireless Will End Unlimited Data Plans for IPhone - Businessweek
Transfer iPod to iTunes, copy iPod to PC and iPod to computer
Live from Apple's iPad 2 event -- Engadget
Original iPad reduced to $399/$349 refurb
Hands-On With The iPad 2 [Update: Now With Video!]
Apple’s New HDMI Adapter Also Works With iPods and iPhones | Cult of Mac
Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.)
AppleInsider | Apple delays iOS 4.3 for CDMA Verizon iPhone
More than 50 Android apps found infected with rootkit malware
Google yanks over 50 infected apps from Android Market - Computerworld
You Can Stream March Madness on Your iPhone or iPad for Free
Refurbished iPad - Apple Store (U.S.)
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
Tii App
PB Lite
Gentle Reminder
Ball Catcher
Event Bookings
Voice Activator - Cydia