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As always - I would like to point out - not everything on the bing card are items I think will be announced. However these are the top rumors out there leading into the September 12th 2017 keynote event.
Remember the event will be live streamed September 12th at 1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT - Live streaming requires an iOS device, Safari on a Mac, An Apple TV or PC with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.
Please leave comments about the live event in the post that is pinned to the top of the Tii Google+ community - go there to add in your comments live as the keynote unfolds.
Per the Rumor Bingo card above for those sight impaired and using Voiceover. Below is the actual layout of the bingo card going left to right in plain text. Reference to iPhone 8XP - means the next gen OLED iPhone rumored to be called either the iPhone 8 or iPhone X or iPhone Pro - hence - 8XP.
Top Row:
iPhone 8XP with OLED screen
iPhone 6S and 6S+ killed off
iPhone 8XP 5.8”screen but smaller than 7+ case
7S & 7S+
Apple Watch3 with LTE data
Second Row:
iPhone 8XP pre-order 9/15
A11 Processor w/ M11 Motion CoProcessor
Copper is the new Color for iPhones
Apple Watch3 introduced
Apple Watch3 same size as original
Third Row:
iPhone 8XP w/rear touch ID
iPhone 8XP ships late Oct.
Free Box
iPhone 8XP will shoot front & rear 4K video
iPhone 8XP with Facial Recognition for unlock
Fourth Row:
iPhone 8XP w/powerbutton touch ID
new 4K Apple TV
iPhone 8XP ships 9/22
iPhone 8XP will come in 64, 256 & 512 GB versions
iPhone 8XP top end to cost $1,200
Fifth Row:
iPhone 8XP w/no touch ID
iPhone 8 will be name
iPhone X will be name
iPhone Pro will be name
iPhone 8XP with wireless charging