Links Mentioned on Today's show
MockDock - User SignupAddPhone - Iphone Applications - Search - Cheesy Lighter Flame for iPhoneWiredBlogs - Dead Spots on iPhone ScreenIphone Hacks - iPhone Tricks for getting audio to your Bluetooth HeadsetHack The iPhone - Custom RingtonesSoftware:
iFuntastic - Software for Mac for Hacking the iPhoneProduct Review and New Contest
JawBone Bluetooth HeadsetLast Contest - Winner Announced
V-Moda Headphones
Detailed Show Notes for Episode 31 - From Stacey in Youngstown (Thanks Stacey)
Mon, 13 August 2007
Today In iPhone: Episode 31- I am feeling Blue -- tooth that is
Soundbyte from Ben and Joe (not to be confused with the ice cream hippies) from Eugene, OR on iPhone Day
FACT or FICTION? Follow up to the web rumors that man had his thumbs surgically altered for iPhone- prove to be false (whew- I (stacey) was worried it would become a trend)
iPhone Tips:
*Alan (Newport) tells us how to lighten our wallets without spending a dime by scanning membership cards into iPhone
*Ken (Maine) gives activation tips for rural listeners just out of Edge netwark range
*Chris warns that the screen dot issue is random and not specific to a verision 5 or 7.
Q and A:
*Alan (Newport) disappointed in Bluetooth headset- can't listen to music / audiobooks through his headset. Jonathan (CO) Uses cassette adapter in car for audio listening and Bluetooth for calls.. Is there a better way? Rob found a hack for streaming audio to your Bluetooth Headset
*When will next patch be released? Why Rob is holding out for stereo blue tooth headset, and his guess as to firmware release dates.
*David (Birmingham) questions hands free streaming. Rob notes the Prius already streams (wants listener feedback) and Scoscehe has a universal Bluetooth receiver for stereo. Will iPhone recognize these devices?
*Are iPhone purchases through Safari safe? Rob breaks it down by kilometers and gives a warning
*Is there danger in using non iPhone specific accessories in a car? Rob answers – danger, what danger? And dishes about Griffin FM transmitter and his Bose dock.
*Chris in CANADA is dying for release date info. Rumor is Q4, but you could blindfold yourself, spin around and throw a dart at the calendar and come up with a better guess. Rob doesn't buy Q4.
* Ray in Philly heard about a 16 G iPhone ? Rob believes it's possible for the European crowd as early as November!
*Listener wants ringtones through iTunes. Rob directs to Hack The iPhone for Custom Ringtones
*Jody (Atlanta) wants to buy second gen iPhone- when's it coming out? Rob wagers a vasectomy on release date. Warns, stop chasing the white rabbit.
* – wins award for most useless app
*AddPhone - Iphone Application Search Engine up to 447 apps and counting!
*MockDock – fake iPhone doc controls for your favorite apps
Listener Feedback:
*Listeners call using Jawbone
*Alan rips apart two earphones (literally)
*More Jawbone soundbytes from various listeners –
*Joe (Eugene, OR) thrilled to be first to get iPhone at his local store
*Ed (CA) gets lucky, his touch sensors malfunctioned and AT&T game him new phone. Moral: Apple backs it's products.
*Listeners report screen issues, dead spots
*Mark (NJ) corrects Rob, lithium ion vs lithium ion polymer battery
*Guy gets crapy job to buy a Mac (take another drink from the well my friend). Rob shares his crapy job story, wants yours too (no vulgarity please).
*youngest known lister, Mitch (13), saving for an iPhone gets pat on the back from Rob
Product Review & new contest:
*Rob dishes about the Jawbone's audio quality, background noise levels, comfort and even packaging.
*Speaking of contests… xxx xxxxx is the vModa headset winner and has one week to claim his coveted prize!
Don't forget to Phone different!