Tii - iTem 0232 - China Finally is getting the iPad
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is the Frequency App.
In June: 65 percent of mobile web traffic from iOS, 20 percent from Android
Making voice calls drops to fifth most frequent use for smartphone
iOS Hacker Unlocks In-App Purchases
New iPad Arrives in China on Friday, July 20
Charlie Wolf has second thoughts about Apple's iPad
How many iPads did Apple sell last quarter?
Wintek's sales plunge
Smarter Stand for iPad — Kickstarter
Spike — Kickstarter
GameDock — Kickstarter
TouchFire - Shipping
TouchFire Photos
Hotel replaces obsolete guestroom phones with the iPhone
NBC Olympics Live Extras App
MapQuest gives iPhone users free navigation
UDID: Second-Hand Users Data
App Store problem - makes updated apps crash
VIDS the iBook
Octopus Keyboard Jailbreak Tweak
Dev-Team Blog - Baseband Freedom
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
MakeMyPopUp - Cydia
HD Wallpaper
Nanomon Blaster
Hype HTML 5 - Mac App Store
Just Gobble
NBC Olympics App
Mapquest App